sqadm acl(1)


sqadm acl - Grant or revoke roles to a user


sqadm acl [--grant | --revoke] [--jdbc-url url] [--jdbc-user user] login [role…​]


This command allows to grant or revoke roles to a Squore user. Roles inherited by groups are left untouched.

A typical use case is to grant administrative privilege to a Squore user when nobody can connect to the application. For other purpose, you should use the Squore API or the GUI.

The sqadm acl command shall be executed on a running database.



Add roles to the user, instead of setting roles.


Revoke roles to the user, instead of setting roles.

--jdbc-url url

Use alternate database connection, with url of the form jdbc:subprotocol:subname.

--jdbc-user user

Use alternate database username.


The Squore user login.


A role to assign to the user.