

install - installation script


install [options …​] <SQUORE_DATA>

install -C [options …​] <SQUORE_DATA>

install -U <SQUORE_HOME> [options …​]


Installs and configures Squore.

The most common options when installing Squore are :

  • -b, to open Squore to the network (specify to open the server to connections from all clients on the network).

  • -k, to deploy a license file.

Alternatively, when upgrading an existing installation, use :

  • -U, to specify the directory to upgrade.

  • Existing installation settings can be overridden by providing options after the -U switch.

Squore data is stored in the <SQUORE_DATA> directory.



Configure files only, does not create any database schema. This option may be used to reconfigure Squore after installation.


Upgrade the installation pointed to by the <SQUORE_HOME> folder.


Stop Squore after installation or upgrade.


Increase verbosity level.


Use remote database server. This option may be used to point on an existing server (no local cluster is created).

-P pg_dir

Location of PostgreSQL executables.

-D cluster_dir

PostgreSQL cluster directory to create (default <SQUORE_DATA>/cluster).

-r dbms

Supported DBMS vendor (default: postgresql). Valid values: postgresql, oracle.

-h db_host

Database server’s host name (default: localhost).

-p db_port

Database server’s port number (default: DMBS dependent, 4561 for postgresql).

-A db_admin

Database administrator name (default: DMBS dependent, postgres for postgresql).

-d db_name

Squore database name (default: squore).

-u db_user

Squore database user (default: squore).

-w db_passwd

Squore database user password.

-J java_home

Specify the Java home to use. Defaults to JAVA_HOME, and, if this variable is not set, to an OS specific value.


Allow access from remote computers. This is equivalent to -b option.

-b bind_address

WildFly bind address (default: localhost). If you plan to use Squore from your local network, use for the bind address. Otherwise, access is restricted to connections from localhost only.

-o binding_offset

Ports binding offset (default: 100). This number is added to the default ports (8080 for http, 4561 for postgresql, etc.). An offset of 100 means that Squore is accessible via http://localhost:8180

-g port

PhantomJS port. The port to use for the embedded installation of PhantomJS. (default: 3003)

-z size

Total Memory (RAM) available l this Squore instance, in MB. (default: all)

-t number

Number of CPUs available to this Squore instance. (default: all)

-T tmp_dir

Squore temporary directory (default: /tmp/squore)

-k file.p7s

Squore licensing key.



The Squore data directory, where Squore data is stored. That is, the database cluster (when managed by Squore), projects related files, and backups.