Ticket Management

Importing tickets related to your project activates the Ticket Completion Rate and Innovation Rate indicators in your project (new in 18.0).

The Ticket Completion Rate helps you track the ratio of open and closed tickets in your project, while the Innovation Rate is an indicator of the ratio of enhancements versus defects being worked on. Both indicators are enabled when importing tickets using a Data Provider like Mantis or Jira.

Ticket artefacts in Mars, grouped by component

The dashboard for each ticket provides details about the ticket's activity and status history, as well as a direct link to open the ticket in your ticket management tool.

Ticket Dashboard

The dashboard for the Tickets node (or any ticket container artefact like each component in the Mars project) shows a summary of ticket by status and reporter, as well as a scrumboard so you can keep track of task completion progress.

Overall Dashboard for all tickets in the project

The ticket Data Provider are based on a common framework for importing tickets from various sources and in various file formats. To try it out in your project, you can start with a JSON or CSV file containing ticket data and define regular patterns to isolate data for the supported ticket metrics:

As an example, the following is the definition used to extract data from issues exported from Jira in JSON format:

Parameters for a Jira JSON file


The Jira Data Provider automatically retrieves the file from your Jira instance and uses these parameters by default so you do not have to configure them for each project.