

This Data Provider extracts tickets and their attributes from a Jira instance to create ticket artefacts in your project.

For more details, refer to https://www.atlassian.com/software/jira.


This Data Provider is new in Squore 18.0

The extracted JSON from Jira is then passed to the Ticket Data Import Data Provider (described in the section called “Ticket Data Import”). Finer configuration of the data passed from this Data Provider to Ticket Data Import is available by editing (or overriding) <SQUORE_HOME>/addons/tools/jira/jira_config.xml.


Jira has the following options:

  • Jira REST API URL ( url , mandatory) The URL used to connect to yout Jira instance's REST API URL (e.g: https://jira.domain.com/rest/api/2)​

  • Jira User login ( login , mandatory) Specyfy your Jira User login.​

  • Jira User password ( pwd , mandatory) Specify your Jira User password.​

  • Number of queried tickets ( max_results , mandatory, default: -1) Maximum number of queried tickets returned by the query (default is -1, meaning 'retrieve all tickets').​

  • Grouping Structure ( artefact_groups , default: fields/components[0]/name) Specify the headers for Grouping Structure, separated by ";". For example: "column_name_1=regex1;column_name_2=regex2;​

  • Creation Date Field ( creation_date , default: fields/created) Enter the name of the column containing the creation date of the ticket. For example: column_name{format="dd/mm/yyyy"}). If format is not specified, the following is used by default: dd/mm/yyyy.​

  • Closure Date Field ( closure_date , default: fields/resolutiondate) Enter the name of the column containing the closure date of the ticket. For example: column_name{format="dd/mm/yyyy"}). If format is not specified, the following is used by default: dd/mm/yyyy.​

  • Due Date Field ( due_date , default: fields/duedate) Enter the name of the column containing the due date of the ticket. For example: column_name{format="dd/mm/yyyy"}). If format is not specified, the following is used by default: dd/mm/yyyy. ​

  • Last Updated Date Field ( last_updated_date , default: fields/updated) Enter the name of the column containing the last updated date of the ticket. For example: column_name{format="dd/mm/yyyy"}). If format is not specified, the following is used by default: dd/mm/yyyy.​

  • JQL Request ( jql_request ) Specify a JQL request (see JIRA documentation) in order to limit the number of elements sent by the JIRA server. For example: project=MonProjet.This parameter is optional.​

  • Filtering ( artefact_filters , default: fields/issuetype/name=(Task|Bug|Improvement|New Feature)) Specify the list of Header for filtering For example: "column_name_1=regex1;column_name_2=regex2;​

  • Open Ticket Pattern ( definition_open , default: fields/status/name=[To Do|Open|Reopened]) Specify the pattern applied to define tickets as open. This field accepts a regular expression to match one or more column headers with a list of possible values. Example: Status=[Open|New]​

  • In Development Ticket Pattern ( definition_rd_progress , default: fields/status/name=[In Progress|In Review]) Specify the pattern applied to define tickets as in development. This field accepts a regular expression to match one or more column headers with a list of possible values. Example: Status=Implementing​

  • Fixed Ticket Pattern ( definition_vv_progress , default: fields/status/name=[Verified]) Specify the pattern applied to define tickets as fixed. This field accepts a regular expression to match one or more column headers with a list of possible values. Example: Status=Verifying;Resolution=[fixed;removed]​

  • Closed Ticket Pattern ( definition_close , default: fields/status/name=[Resolved|Closed|Done]) Specify the pattern applied to define tickets as closed. This field accepts a regular expression to match one or more column headers with a list of possible values. Example: Status=Closed​

  • Defect Pattern ( definition_defect , default: fields/issuetype/name=[Bug]) Specify the pattern applied to define tickets as defects. This field accepts a regular expression to match one or more column headers with a list of possible values. Example: Type=Bug​

  • Enhancement Pattern ( definition_enhancement , default: fields/issuetype/name=[Improvement|New Feature]) Specify the pattern applied to define tickets as enhancements. This field accepts a regular expression to match one or more column headers with a list of possible values. Example: Type=Enhancement​

  • ( in_todo_list , default: fields/status/name=.*)

  • Information Fields ( informations , default: fields/environment;fields/votes/votes) Specify the list of extra textual information to import from the CSV file. This parameter expects a list of headers separated by ";" characters. For example: Company;Country;Resolution​

The full command line syntax for Jira is:

-d "type=jira,url=[text],login=[text],pwd=[password],max_results=[text],artefact_groups=[text],creation_date=[text],closure_date=[text],due_date=[text],last_updated_date=[text],jql_request=[text],artefact_filters=[text],definition_open=[text],definition_rd_progress=[text],definition_vv_progress=[text],definition_close=[text],definition_defect=[text],definition_enhancement=[text],in_todo_list=[text],informations=[text]"