Creating your own Data Providers and Repository Connectors

All Data Providers are utilities that run during an analysis. They usually take an input file to parse or parameters specified by the user to generate output files containing violations or metrics to add to your project. Here is a non-exhaustive list of what some of them do:

Repository Connectors are based on the same model and are used to specifically retrieve source code and other data from source code management systems.

Read on to learn about how to configure your Data Provider and make it available in the web interface, and then understand how to implement the scripted part of a Data Provider that is executed during an analysis.

The last part fo this section also introduces two frameworks that you can base your Data Providers on depending on whether you prefer to produce CSV or XML files for Squore.

Data Provider Parameters

A Data Provider's parameters are defined in a file called form.xml. The following is an example of form.xml for a Data Provider extending the GenericPerl framework:

CustomDP parameters
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tags baseName="GenericPerl" needSources="true" image="CustomDP.png" projectStatusOnFailure="ERROR">
	<tag type="multipleChoice" displayType="checkbox" optionTitle=" " key="tests">
		<value key="ux" option="usability" />
		<value key="it" option="integration" />
		<value key="ut" option="unit" />
	<tag type="booleanChoice" key="ignore_missing_sources" defaultValue="false" />
	<tag type="text" key="input_file" defaultValue="myFile.xml" changeable="false" />
	<tag type="multipleChoice" key="old_results" style="margin-left:10px" displayType="radioButton" defaultValue="Exclude">
		<value key="Exclude" />
		<value key="Include" />
	<tag type="text" key="java_path" defaultValue="/usr/bin/java" hide="true" />
	<tag type="password" required="true" key="password" />


You can find the XML schema for form.xml in form.xsd.

The tags element accepts the following attributes:

  • baseName (mandatory if you are not using an exec-phase ) indicates on which framework you are basing this Data Provider. The value of this attribute must match a folder from the addons folder of your installation.

  • needSources (optional, default: false) allows specifying whether the Data Provider requires sources or not. When set to true, an error will be displayed if you try to select this Data Provider without adding any Repository Connector location to your project.

  • image (optional, default: none) allows displaying a logo in the web UI for the Data Provider

  • projectStatusOnFailure (optional, default: ERROR) defines what status the project ends in when this Data Provider produces an error. The following values are allowed:

    • IGNORE


    • ERROR

  • projectStatusOnWarning (optional, default: WARNING) defines what status the project ends in when this Data Provider produces a warning. The following values are allowed:

    • IGNORE


    • ERROR

Each tag element is a Data Provider option and allows the following attributes:

  • key (mandatory) is the option's key that will be passed to the perl script, or can be used to specify the parameter's value from the command line

  • type (mandatory) defines the type of the parameter. The following values are accepted:

    • text for free text entry

    • password for password fields

    • booleanChoice for a boolean

    • multipleChoice for offering a selection of predefined values


      Predefined values are specified with a value element with a mandatory key attribute and an optional option attribute that allows modifying the value of the option from the UI. The input field for each option attribute is only displayed if the parent tag contains an optionTitle attribute.

  • displayType (optional) allows specifying how to display a multipleChoice parameter by using one of:

    • comboBox

    • radioButton

    • checkbox

  • defaultValue (optional, default: empty) is the value used for the parameter when not specified

  • hide (optional, default: false) allows hiding a parameter from the web UI, which is useful when combining it with a default value

  • changeable (optional, default: true) allows making a parameter configurable only when creating the project but read-only for following analyses when set to true

  • style (optional, default: empty) allows setting basic css for the attribute in the web UI

  • required (optional, default: false) allows showing a red asterisk next to the field in the web UI to make it visibly required.


    You can use a required tag of type booleanchoice to ensure that users must check a box in the web UI or set its value to true when building from the command line in order to proceed with the analysis (new in 18.0).

    <tag type="booleanChoice" required="true" key="accept_privacy_policy" /> 
    Clicking the Next button without checking a required checkbox displays an error

Localising your Data Provider

In order to display your Data Provider parameters in different languages in the web UI, yout Data Provider's form.xml does not contain any hard-coded strings. Instead, Squore uses each parameter's key attribute to dynamically retrieve a translation from a file located next to form.xml.

When you create a Data Provider, it is mandatory to include at least an English version of the strings in a file called You are free to add other languages as needed. Here is a sample .properties for for the CustomDP you created in the previous section:

FORM.GENERAL.DESCR = CustomDP imports test results for my project

TAG.tests.NAME  = Test Types
TAG.tests.DESCR = Check the boxes next to the types of test results contained in the results

TAG.ignore_missing_sources.NAME = Ignore Missing Sources

TAG.input_file.NAME = Test Results
TAG.input_file.DESCR = Specify the absolute path to the file containing the test results

TAG.old_results.NAME = Old Test Results
TAG.old_results.DESCR = If the previous analysis contained results that are not in this results file, what do you want to do with the old results?
OPT.Exclude.NAME = discard
OPT.Include.NAME = keep

TAG.password.NAME = File Password
TAG.password.DESCR = Specify the password to decrypt the test results file

The syntax for the .properties file is as follows:

  • FORM.GENERAL.NAME is the display name of the Data Provider in the project wizard

  • FORM.DASHBOARD.NAME is the display name of the Data Provider in the Explorer

  • FORM.GENERAL.DESCR is the description displayed in the Data Provider's tooltip in the web UI

  • FORM.GENERAL.URL is a reference URL for the Data Provider. Note that it is not displayed in ther web UI yet.

  • TAG.tag_name.NAME allows setting the display name of a parameter

  • TAG.tag_name.DESCR is a help text displayed in a tooltip next to the Data Provider option in the web UI

  • OPT.option_name.NAME allows setting the display name of an option

Using the above for CustomDP results in the following being displayed in the web UI when launching an analysis:

CustomDP pulling translations from a .properties file


Not all wizards display all Data Providers by default. If your Data Provider does not appear after refreshing your configuration, make sure that your wizard bundle allows displaying all Data Providers by reviewing the tools element of Bundle.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<Wizard ... >
		<tools all="true">

For more information about the wizard bundle, consult the the chapter called "Project Wizards" in the Configuration Guide.

If you have made this change and your Data Provider still does not appear in your wizard, consult the Validator to find out if it was disabled because of an error in its configuration.

The General section of the Validator shows errors in your Data Providers

Running your Data Provider

Now that you have a new Data Provider available in the web interface (and the command line), this section will show you how to use these parameters and pass them to one or more scripts or executables in order to eventually write data in the format that Squore expects to import during the analysis.

At the end of a Data Provider execution, Squore expects a file named input-data.xml to be written in a specific location. The syntax of the XML file to generate is as follows:

<!-- input-data.xml syntax -->
<bundle version="2.0">
	<artifact [local-key=""] [local-parent=""|parent=""] >
        <artifact [id="<guid-stable-in-time-also-used-as-a-key>"] name="Component" type="REQ" [location=""] >
			<info name|n="DESCR" value="The description of the object"/>
			<key value="3452-e89b-ff82"/>
			<metric name="TEST_KO" value="2"/>
			<finding name="AR120" loc="xxx" p0="The message" />
			<link name="TEST" local-src=""|src=""|local-dst=""|dst="" />
				<artifact id="" name="SubComponent" type="REQ">

	<artifact id="" local-key="" name="" type="" local-parent=""|parent="" [location=""] />

	<link name="" local-src=""|src="" local-dst=""|dst="" />

	<info local-ref=""|ref="" name="" value=""/>

	<metric local-ref=""|ref="" name="" value=""/>

	<finding local-ref=""|ref="" [location=""] p0="" />
	<finding local-ref=""|ref="" [location=""] p0="">
		<location local-ref=""|ref="" [location=""] />


You can find the XML schema for input-data.xml in input-data-2.xsd.

Your Data Provider is configured by adding an exec-phase element with a mandatory id="add-data" attribute in form.xml.

The basic syntax of an exec-phase can be seen below:

<exec-phase id="add-data">
	<exec name="tcl|perl|java|javascript or nashorn" | executable="/path/to/bin" | executable="executable_name"failOnError="true|false" failOnStdErr="true|false" warn="[WARN]" error="[ERROR|ERR]" fatal="[FATAL]"> 
		<arg value="${<function>(<args>)}"/>
		<arg value="-freeText" />
		<arg value="${<predefinedVars>}" />
		<arg value="versions" />
		<arg value="-myTag"/>
		<arg tag="myTag"/>
		<env key="MY_VAR" value="SOME_VALUE"/>
	<exec ... />
	<exec-tool name="another_data_provider">
		<param key="<tagName>" value="<value>" />
		<param key="<tagName>" tag="<tag>" />
		<param ... />
	<exec-tool ... >


The exec-phase element accepts one or more launches of scripts or executables specified in an exec child element, that can receive arguments and environment variables specified via arg and env elements.

There are four built-in languages for executables:

  • tcl

  • perl

  • java

  • javascript or nashorn

The scripts are launched using the tcl, perl, or java runtimes defined in your Squore installation. This is also the case for javascript, which is handled by Java's Nashorn engine.

The following attributes of the exec element allow you to control error handling:

  • failOnError (optional, default: true) marks the Data Provider execution as failed if the executable returns an error code

  • failOnStdErr (optional, default: true) marks the Data Provider execution as failed if the executable prints something to stdErr during the execution

  • warn , error and fatal (optional, default: see code block above) allow you to define patterns to look for in the executable's standard output to fine-tune the result of the execution.

Other executables can be called, as long as they are available on the system's PATH, or configured in config.xml

Given the following config.xml:

<!-- config.xml (server or cli) -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<squore type="server" version="1.3">
     <path name="python" path="C:\Python\python.exe" />
     <path name="git" path="C:\Git\bin\git.exe" />    

git and python can be called in your Data Provider as follows:

<exec-phase id="add-data">
	<exec executable="git">
	<exec executable="python">


Argument values can be:

  1. Free text passed in a value tag, useful to specify a parameter for your script

    <exec executable="perl">
    	<arg value="-V" />
  2. A tag key declared in form.xml passed as a tag attribute to retrieve the input specified by the user. If no input was specified, you can define a defaultValue :

    <arg tag="maxValue" defaultValue="50" />
    <arg tag="configFile" defaultValue="${getToolConfigDir(default.xml)}" />
  3. One of the predefined functions

    • ${getOutputFile(<relative/path/to/file>,<abortIfMissing>)} returns the absolute path of an input-data.xml file output by an exec-phase . failIfMissing is an optional boolean which aborts the execution when set to true if the file is missing.

    • ${getTemporaryFile(<relative/path/to/file>)} returns the absolute path of a temporary file created by an exec (only for add-data and repo-add-data phases)

    • ${getToolAddonsDir(<relative/path/to/file>)} returns the absolute path of a file in the Data Provider's addons folder

    • ${getToolConfigDir(<relative/path/to/file>)} returns the absolute path of a file in the Data Provider's configuration folder

    • ${path(<executable_name>)} returns the absolute path of an executable configured in config.xml, or just the executable name if the executable is available from the system's PATH.

      <exec executable="...">
      	<arg value="-git_path" />
      	<arg value="${path(git)}" />
  4. One of the predefined variables

    • ${tmpDirectory} to get an absolute path to a temp folder to create files

    • ${sourcesList} to get a list of the aliases and locations containing the data extracted by the repository connectors used in the analysis

    • ${outputDirectory} to get the absolute path of folder where the Data Provider needs to write the final input-data.xml

Calling Other Data Providers

You can call and pass parameters to other Data Providers after your exec-phase using an exec-tool element. The exec-tool element uses a mandatory name which is the name of the folder containing the other Data Provider to launch in your configuration folder and supports passing the parameters expected by the other Data Provider via one or more param elements where:

  • key is the name of the parameter expected by the other Data Provider (as defined in its form.xml)

  • value allows passing free text

  • tag allows passing the value of your own Data Provider's tag value to the other Data Provider and can be combined with a defaultValue attribute in case no value was specified by the user for the tag

As an example, the following Data Provider generates a CSV file that is then passed to the pep8 Data Provider:

<exec-phase id="add-data">
	<exec executable="python">
		<arg value="" />
		<arg value="-folders" />
		<arg tag="root_folder" />
		<arg value="-outputFile" />
		<arg value="output.csv" />
	<exec-tool name="pep8">
		<param key="csv" value="${getOutputFile(output.csv)}" />
		<param key="separator" tag="separator" defaultValue=";" />

In this other example, a perl script is launched to retrieves issues from a ticketing system and the export data is passed to the import_ticket Data Provider:

<exec-phase id="add-data">
	<exec name="perl"> 
		<arg value="${getToolConfigDir(}" />
		<arg value="-url" />
		<arg tag="url" />
		<arg value="-login" />
		<arg tag="login" />
		<arg value="-pwd" />
		<arg tag="pwd" />
		<arg value="-outputFile" />
		<arg value="${getOutputFile(exportdata.csv,false)}" />
	<exec-tool name="import_ticket">
		<param key="input_file" value="${getOutputFile(exportdata.csv)}" />
		<param key="csv_separator" value=";" />


If your Data Provider uses a perl script, Squore provides a small library that makes it easy to retrieve script arguments called SQuORE::Args. Using it as part of your script, you can retrieve arguments using the get_tag_value() function, as shown below:

# name:
# description: exports issues to a CSV file
use SQuORE::Args;
# ...
# ...
my $url = get_tag_value("url");
my $login = get_tag_value("login");
my $pwd = get_tag_value("pwd");
my $outputFile = get_tag_value("outputFile");
# ...
exit 0;

Finding More Examples

If you want to find more examples of working Data Providers that use this syntax, check the following Data Providers in Squore's default configuration folder:

  • conf-checker calls a jar file to write an XML file in Squore's exchange format

  • import_ticket parses a file to translate it into a format that can then be passed to csv_import to import the tickets into Squore

  • jira retrieves data from Jira and passes it to import_ticket

Creating Repository Connectors

The same syntax used to create Data Providers can be used to create Repository Connectors, and therefore instruct Squore to get source code from SCMs. Instead of using an exec-phase with the id="add-data" , your Repository Connector should define the following phases:

  • id="import" defines how you extract source code and make it available to Squan Sources so it can be analysed. This phase is expected to return a path to a folder containing the sources to analyse or a file listing the path to the folder containing source and various other properties to be used in other executions:


    This phase is executed once per source code node in the project and allows you to use the following additional variables:

    • ${outputSourceDirectory} is the folder containing the sources to analyse

    • ${alias} is the alias used for the source code node (empty if there is only one source code node)

  • id="repo-add-data" is similar to the add-data phase described for Data Providers in the section called “Running your Data Provider” and is expected to produce an input-data.xml. The only difference in the case of a Repository Connector is that this phase is executed once per source code node in the analysis.

  • id="display" is the phase that is called when users request to view the source code for an artefact from the web UI. This phase is expected to return a file with the following keys:

    displayPath=<Artefact Display Path (optional)>

    The contents of filePath will be loaded in the source code viewer, while the value of displayPath will be used as the file path displayed in the header of the source code viewer.

    This phase allows you to use the following additional variables:

    • ${scaInfo} is text to display in the title bar of the source code viewer in the web interface

    • ${artefactName} is the name of the file to display

    • ${artefactPath} is the path (without the alias) of the file to display

    During the display phase, you can retrieve any data set during the import phase for the repository using the ${getImportData(<key1>)} function


Consult SVN's form.xml in <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/repositoryConnectors/SVN for a working example of a Repository Connector that uses all the phases described above.

Using the Squore toolkit

If you want your Data Provider to use the Squore toolkit to retrieve references to artefacts, the following variables are available (in the add-data and repo-add-data phases only):

  • ${tclToolkitDirectory}: the directory of the toolkit tcl code to execute
  • ${squanOutputDirectory}: the directory of containing the results of the execution of Squan Sources

In order to use the toolkit, your exec must use the tcl language. As an example, here is a sample exec-phase and associated tcl file to get you started:

 <!-- form.xml -->
<exec-phase id="repo-add-data">
	<exec name="tcl">
		<arg value="${getToolAddonsDir(repo-add-data.tcl)}" />
		<arg value="${tclToolkitFile}" />
		<arg value="${squanOutputDirectory}" />
		<arg value="${outputDirectory}" />
		<arg tag="xxx" />
set toolkitFile [lindex $argv 0]
set sqOutputDir [lindex $argv 1]
set outputDir [lindex $argv 2]
set xxx [lindex $argv 3]

# Initialise the toolkit
puts "Initializing toolkit"
source $toolkitFile
toolkit::initialize $sqOutputDir $outputDir
# Execute your code
puts "Main execution"
# yout code here
# ...

# Generate xml files (artefacts)
puts "Generating xml files"
toolkit::generate $outputDir {artefacts}

Built-in Data Provider Frameworks

In order to help you import data into Squore, the following Data Provider frameworks are provided and can write a valid input-data.xml file for you:

  1. csv_import (new in 18.0)

    The csv_import framework allows you to write Data Providers that produce CSV files and then pass them on to the framework to be converted to an XML format that Squore understands. This framework allows you to import metrics, findings, textual information and links as well as generate your own artefacts. It is fully linked to the source code parser and therefore allows to locate existing source code artefacts generated by the source code parser (new in 18.0). Refer to the full csv_import Reference for more information.

  2. xml (new in 18.0)

    The xml framework is a sample implementation of a Data Provider that allows you to directly import an XML file or run it through an XSL transformation to that it matches the input format expected by Squore (input-data.xml). This framework therefore allows you to import metrics, findings, textual information and links as well as generate your own artefacts. Refer to the full xml Reference for more information.


If you are looking for the legacy Data Provider frameworks from previous versions of Squore, consult the section called “Legacy Frameworks”.

The legacy Data Provider frameworks are still supported, however using the new frameworks is recommended for developping new Data Providers, as they are more flexible and provide more functionality to interact with source code artefacts.