= csv_import =

The csv_import framework allows you to create Data Providers that produce CSV files that the framework will translate into XML files that can be imported in your analysts results. This framework is useful if writing XML files directly from your script is not practical.

Using csv_import, you can import metrics, findings (including relaxed findings), textual information, and links between artefacts (including to and from source code artefacts).
This framework replaces all the legacy frameworks that wrote CSV files in previous versions.

Note that this framework can be called by your Data Provider simply by creating an exec-tool phase that calls the part of the framework located in the configuration folder:
<exec-tool name="csv_import">
	<param key="csv" value="${getOutputFile(output.csv)}" />
	<param key="separator" value=";" />
	<param key="delimiter" value="&quot;" />

For a full description of all the parameters that can be used, consult the section called "CSV Import" in the "Data Providers" chapter of this manual.

= CSV format expected by the data provider =

- Line to define an artefact (like a parent artefact for instance):

- Line to add n metrics to an artefact:

- Line to add n infos to an artefact:

- Line to add a key to an artefact:

- Line to add a finding to an artefact:

- Line to add a relaxed finding to an artefact:

- Line to add a link between artefacts:

- MetricId is the id of the metric as declared in the Analysis Model
- InfoId is the id of the information to import
- Value is the value of the metric or the information or the key to import (a key is a UUID used to reference an artefact)
- RuleId is the id of the rule violated as declared in the Analysis Model
- Message is the message of the finding, which is displayed after the rule description
- Location is the location of the finding (a line number for findings attached source code artefacts, a url for findings attached to any other kind of artefact)
- RelaxStatus is one of DEROGATION, FALSE_POSITIVE or LEGACY and defines the relaxation stat of the imported finding
- RelaxMessage is the justification message for the relaxation state of the finding 
- LinkId is the id of the link to create between artefacts, as declared in the Analysis Model

= Manipulating Artefacts =

The following functions are available to locate and manipulate source code artefacts in the project:
- ${artefact(type,path)} ==> Identify an artefact by its type and full path
- ${artefact(type,path,uid)} ==> Identify an artefact by its type and full path and assign it the unique identifier uid
- ${uid(value)} ==> Identify an artefact by its unique identifier (value)
- ${file(path)} ==> Tries to find a source code file matching the "path" in the project
- ${function(fpath,line)} ==> Tries to find a source code function at line "line" in file matching the "fpath" in the project
- ${function(fpath,name)} ==> Tries to find a source code function whose name matches "name" in the file matching the "fpath" in the project
- ${class(fpath,line)} ==> Tries to find a source code class at line "line" in the file matching the "fpath" in the project
- ${class(fpath,name)} ==> Tries to find a source code class whose name matches "name" in the file matching the "fpath" in the project

= Input Files =

The data provider accepts the following files:
Metrics file accepts:
    Artefact definition line
    Metrics line
Findings file accepts:
    Artefact definition line
	Findings line 
Keys file accepts:
	Artefact definition line
	Keys line
Information file accepts:
	Artefact definition line
	Information line

Links file accepts:
	Artefact definition line
	Links line
It is also possible to mix every kind of line in a single csv file, as long as each line is prefixed with the kind of data it contains.
In this case, the first column must contain one of:
DEFINE (or D): when the line is used to define an artefact
METRIC (or M): to add a metric
INFO (or I): to add an information
KEY (or K): to add a key
FINDING (or F): to add a finding, relaxed or not
LINK (or L): to add link between artefacts

The following is an example of a csv file containing mixed lines:
I;${uid(1010)};NBI;Bad weather
I;${artefact(CR,/CRsCl/cr2727,2727)};NBI;Nice Weather
I;${uid(2727)};NBI_EXT;Another Info
F;${uid(2727)};BAD_EXT1;Badlyformed1;;FALSE_POSITIVE;Everything is in the title]]>
F;${function(machine.c,41)};R_GOTO;"No goto; neither togo;";41
F;${function(machine.c,42)};R_GOTO;No Goto;42;LEGACY;Was done a long time ago