Using Markers

Charts that include axes also allow the use of markers. Markers are coloured regions of the chart area that help put the displayed value into context. For example, you could display a line chart of the evolution of the main indicator for your project and use markers to visually associate the value of the indicator with its level, as shown below:

The evolution of an indicator within the levels of its associated scale, using markers to represent the different scale levels

<chart type="TemporalEvolutionLine" 
    <measure color="123,10,12" label="Technical Debt">ROOT</measure>
        <marker fromScale="SCALE_TEST" isVertical="false" />

Simpler markers can be drawn as vertical or horizontal lines, as shown below:

The evolution of an indicator within the levels of its associated scale, using markers to represent the different scale levels

<chart type="TE" 
    <measure color="0,81,0" label="Line of Code" shape="NONE">LC</measure>
    <measure color="255,0,0" label="Mixed Line Of Code">MLOC</measure>
    <measure color="123,10,12" label="Source Line Of Code" stroke="NONE">SLOC</measure>
        <marker value="3000" color="80,255,0" isVertical="false" 
            label="Average from last project" 
            isInterval="false" labelAnchor="TOP_LEFT" labelTextAnchor="BOTTOM_LEFT"
            labelColor="#666666" />
        <marker value="DATE(2014,03,15)" color="#ff0000" isVertical="true" 
        label="March 15th" isInterval="false" labelAnchor="TOP_RIGHT" labelTextAnchor="TOP_LEFT"
        labelColor="#ff0000" stroke="DOTTED" labelFontSize="12" labelFontStyle="ITALIC" />

There are three ways to include markers on a chart:

The marker element has the following attributes: