Special Charts

Text Values

The Text Values chart (new in 17.0) is used to display one or more metrics as a large clickable element in your dashboard. The chart also optionally displays the trend for the displayed metrics.

Text Values

<chart type="TEXTVALUES" 
	<measure color="#006893">A_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#00a38a">B_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#79c142">C_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#fec422">D_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#f6a01b">E_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#f48026">F_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#f25b21">G_FILE</measure>

The chart accepts the following attributes:

  • layout (optional, default: 1x1) defines how to display the metrics on the chart in terms of rows and columns.

  • titleColor (optional, default: #707070) is the color of the label for chart's title.

  • displayEvolution (optional, default: false) allows displaying trends next to the metric's value on the chart.

Control Flow Chart

The Control Flow Chart is a graphical representation of the logical structure of a function using different-coloured shapes reflecting the type of logical break (if, while, switch...) in the code.

Control Flow Chart


The chart for a Control Flow Chart does not have any specific attributes.

Source Code Viewer

The Source Code Viewer is a special chart-like placeholder on a dashboard that allows users to click it to view the source code of the current artefact.

Source Code Viewer

<chart type="SOURCECODE" id="SOURCE_CODE_EXAMPLE"</chart>

The chart for the Source Code Viewer does not have any specific attributes.



A more flexible version of this chart exists to display scrumboards of child artefacts. For more information, consult Artefact Scrumboard.

The Scrumboard offers a graphical representation of the completion of your tasks for project monitoring. Each task is represented as a sticky note that displays the task ID and provides a link to the issue tracker to review the task.


<chart type="ScrumBoard" postitByColumn="3" 
  prefixTaskLink="http://support.example.com/view.php?taskId=" >
	<rule color="255,0,0">EVO_TODO</rule>

The chart tag accepts the following attributes:

  • postitByColumn specifies the number of task notes to display per column.

  • header is the text used for the header of the Scrumboard.

  • prefixTaskLink is the URL pre-pended to each task Id to create a hyperlink to the issue tracker system.

The Scrumboard requires the following elements:

  • rule defines the rule that is used to create a task. An optional color attribute can be specified to indicate what colour is used to display notes for this rule.

Artefact Scrumboard

The Artefact Scrumboard offers a graphical representation of child artefacts organised into categories (levels on a scale). Each artefact is represented as a sticky note and is clickable so you can reach the artefact's dashboard directly from the scrumboard.

Artefact Scrumboard

	<indicator excludeLevels="UNKNOWN;LEVELG">ROOT</indicator>

The chart tag accepts the following attributes:

  • targetArtefactTypes allows to filter descendants according to their type. You can use one or more types. Concrete and abstract types are supported, so it is possible to use an alias, as described in the section called “Artefact Types”.


    For Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Temporal Evolution Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Pie, Simple Bar and Distribution Table, the measure and scale associated to the indicator must be the same for all types


    You can refine the target artefact types further by adding the excludingTypes attribute, which takes a list of artefact types to exclude (new in 17.0). For example, if you want to display all artefacts for C code except for headers, you can use:

    targetArtefactTypes="CTYPES" excludingTypes="C_HEADER"
  • onlyDirectChildren (optional, default: true) includes artefacts that are direct children of the current artefact in the chart when set to true, or all descendants of the current artefact when set to false.

  • colorFromIndicator (optional, default: none) uses the specified indicator's colour scale to assign a colour to each item drawn on the chart.

  • invertedLevels (optional, default: false) reverses the order of the scale levels on the board when set to true.

  • postitByColumn (optional, default: 3) specifies the minimum number of sticky notes to display per line in each category.

  • maxPostitWidth (optional, default: dynamic) specifies the maximum width to draw sticky notes. This setting may override the value of postitByColumn in some cases.

  • displayEmptyData (optional, default: false) forces the dislay of categories with no sticky notes on the board when set to true.

  • orderByMeasure (optional) allows ordering sticky notes in a category according to a specific measure.

  • inverted (optional, default: false) reverses the order of sticky notes in each category when set to true (still using the measure defined by orderByMeasure ).

The Artefact Scrumboard requires exactly one indicator elements to use its scale levels as scrumboard categories.