Backing-Up the Squore Installation

The contents of the Squore Database and file system can be saved using the backup script located in the <INSTALLDIR>/bin folder of the Squore installation directory.

Executing this script creates a folder containing a database dump and a backup of the file system in the location configured in <INSTALLDIR>/config.xml. This backup folder can later be used by a script that restores database and file system snapshots, which we will cover in the next section.

On Windows

  • Launch Start > Squoring > Squore > Admin > Backup Data


You can also run backup.bat from <INSTALLDIR>/bin followed by a path to backup directly to this folder.

On Linux

  • Run the Squore backup script in a command shell: <INSTALLDIR>/bin/backup


The script accepts an optional path argument to backup directly to the specified folder instead of using the default one specified at installation time.