Adding and Removing Artefacts Manually

While you review results and comments, you can add artefacts manually to your project as needed. To add an artefact, click the node to which you want to add a child artefact. If this node supports adding artefacts, the Add an Artefact option will be available in the menu:

The artefact context menu with the Add an Artefact option highlighted

After you click the menu, you will have to select an artefact type and a name to add the artefact to the tree.


The type of artefact you can add depends on the model you are using. The model also defines where in the tree the new artefacts can be added.

Here is what the Artefact Tree looks like after manually building a test plan tree:

The artefact tree with manual artefacts not yet rated

When you run a new analysis of the project, the new artefacts will get rated according to what is defined in your model.


Artefacts that were added manually can also be deleted from the tree. Note that artefact edition is tied to a permission in a user's role within a project. To learn more about roles, refer to the section called “User Roles”