How can I Understand and Enhance My Model?

Squore provides tools to understand, verify and enhance your model under the Models menu.

Users whose profile grants the "View Models" permission have access to the first two tools.

Users whose profile grants the "Modify Models" permission have access to the last two tools.


To use the Viewer:

  1. Click Models > Viewer in the toolbar.

  2. Select the analysis model you want to browse.

  3. Select the artefact level you want to browse.

  4. Choose your preferred graphical representation between Space-Tree and Multi-level pie.

  5. Select whether measures are displayed using their full name or their mnemonic.

Upon selecting the parameters above, the page is refreshed with the top-level indicators in the model, and you can click each indicator to unveil sub-indicators and their characteristics. You can drag the tree left and right to reveal all sub-levels if necessary. For each indicator selected, Squore displays the following information:

  • Target is the target artefact type for the selected item

  • Type is the type of the selected item

  • Mnemonic is the short code for the selected item

  • description is the description of the selected item

  • Data Provider is the Data Provider responsible for computing the selected item

  • MeasureId is the measure ID of the selected item

  • Computation is the formula used to compute the value of the selected item

  • ScaleId is ID of the scale associated with the selected item

  • Levels is the list of levels available for the selected item and their ranges

The software_analytics model presented as a multi-level pie in the Viewer


If your work involves adjusting the model's metrics or dashboard, you can use the Validator to verify its integrity during as you make changes. Click Models > Validator to display the diagnostics organised by category, as shown below:

The software_analytics model in the Validator

The Summary tab displays a summary of all the diagnostics run for each category. By clicking any of the other tabs, more details are shown about potential problems found in your model. You can also show the complete XML of the model to understand the errors reported. The XML can be searched by using the Ctrl+F key combination to bring up the search dialogue, and then Ctrl+G to search for the next occurrence of the search term:

The Validator reporting errors

Your Squore administrator can help you get more information model development. You can also refer to the Squore Configuration Guide for a complete reference.

Dashboard Editor

The Dashboard Editor is a graphical editor for the dashboards of a particular model. Dashboards consist of a key performance indicator, a list of tables and one or more columns of predefined charts. With the Dashboard Editor, you can rearrange the information shown on the dashboard for all users, or create a completely new dashboard for a new role in your project.

In order to use the Dashboard Editor:

  1. Click Models > Dashboard Editor

  2. Select a model and load an existing dashboard

The current dashboard skeleton is loaded in the editor, as shown below:

The Software Analytics model in the Dashboard Editor

The right panel displays your current dashboard, where every chart can be resized or edited, while the left panel allows you to add new charts or tables by dragging them to your current dashboard. When you are satisfied with your changes, you can save your modifications. You can also create a new dashboard, using an existing one as a basis for the new one, or start from a blank canvas.

Your changes are saved in Squore's workspace folder on the server and are made available to all other Squore users when you click Save.


You can edit a dashboard directly from the Explorer by clicking the Edit Dashboard... entry in the Explorer Settings.

The Edit Dashboard... menu loads the current dashboard in the editor so you can change it.

More detailed explanations about the Dashboard Editor can be found in Squore's Online Help.

Analysis Model Editor

The Analysis Model Editor is a graphical ruleset editor where you can turn rules on and off, or adjust the categories associated to each rule in your model.

It also allows you to save ruleset templates so that you can use a different set of rules for each project you create

In order to use the Analysis Model Editor:

  1. Click Models > Analysis Model Editor

  2. Select a model to load its ruleset

The entire ruleset for the current model is displayed in table form, as shown below:

The Analysis Model Editor displaying the ruleset of the Software Analytics model

Use the filter pane and the table headers to find the rule you want to modify. You can activate or deactivate a rule by clicking the on/off switch in the table. If you want to make more modifications, cick the Edit icon for this rule.

You can edit multiple rules at once by checking several rules and using the actions list at the bottom of the page. When you save your changes, the configuration is reloaded and every new analysis for this model will use the new settings.


Changes made in the web interface are saved in a workspace folder on the server.

Using Ruleset Templates

Using the Analysis Model Editor, you can set up various ruleset templates to modify or ignore rules that do not apply for certain departments or project teams within your organisation.

Users with model edition privileges (see the Modify Models permission in the section called “User Profiles”) can define templates right from the Analysis Model Editor. Project managers can decide to modify existing templates or create new ones from the project wizard. In order to ensure that projects are analysed using company-wide standards, templates can be marked as approved, which prevents them from being modified by other users.

In order to create a ruleset template:

  1. Click on Models > Analysis Model Editor

  2. Select an analysis model and locate the Template selection list above the filter tools. For a model where no templates exist yet, only the Duplicate As button is available so can can create a new template from the default one.

    The ruleset template tools for a model with no custom templates yet

  3. Click Duplicate As to create a new template and enter edit mode. In this example, we are creating a ruleset that contains only rules that apply to the Python programming language. By checking the Approved box, we are defining this ruleset template as read-only for project managers.

    Creating a new python-rules ruleset template

  4. Activate, deactivate or modify any rule you want for the template. In this example, we use the filter tools to select all Data Providers, turn off all the rules, and then select the Python-related Data Providers to activate all their rules

    The python ruleset template includes the Pylint, pep8 and Squan Sources rulesets

  5. When you are satisfied with your rule selection, click Save to save the template. It now appears in the template selection list. You can still modify it as needed, or click Duplicate As to start creating a new template based on your first template.

    The saved python ruleset

Project managers can start using your template immediately by selecting it in the Ruleset Edition page of the project wizard, which is displayed after the Data Provider selection screen:

The template selection in the project wizard


Templates can also be applied to projects from the command line using the --rulesetTemplate parameter:


Managing Ruleset Templates

Export and Import

Aside from creating and deleting ruleset templates, the Analysis Model Editor also allows you to export them to XML and import them again. This is useful if you want to copy your templates to another Squore Server or back them up before resetting your server.

The Export / Import tools in the Analysis Model Editor

The exported XML file contains the entire ruleset.

Editing the XML template file manually before importing it as a new template is not recommended, however it can be useful so you can modify it to determine what happens to the rules not contained in the XML, using the disableOtherRules attribute.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<UpdateRules disableOtherRules="false">
  <!--This file is auto-generated, please don't modify.-->

Setting disableOtherRules to true deactivates all the other rules in the model that are not specified in the template. By default, or if the attribute is not specified, its value is set to false.

Handling Model Upgrades

Your existing templates will be retained when you upgrade your model to add new rules or upgrade to a new version of Squore:

  • Existing templates will have all the new rules as disabled (off) by default

  • The default template will have all the new rules as enabled (on) by default

  • Projects analysed using project-specific templates (i.e. not using a saved template in the Analysis Model Editor) will have all the new rules as enabled (on) by default