Default Models and the Shared Folder

Models define how Squore computes metrics (analysis model), how action items are created (decision model), and how data is displayed (dashboards and reports).

All models are located in the <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/models directory.

Each folder in <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/models is a separate model. Each model has a wizard, i.e. a series of screens where users configure the options available for the model before launching an analysis, as described in Chapter 8, Understanding Project Wizards.

The Shared folder is different, since it is not a self-contained model, but rather a collection of components that are meant to be imported by other models in the configuration. This avoids creating redundancy, and redefining the same metrics or indicators every time.

The Shared Model is located in the same directory as other models: <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/models. Its structure is similar to other models, but it does not appear in the user interface. To understand some of the common measures and rules used across Squore you can take a look at the common definitions available in <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/models/Shared/Analysis/product_quality/code, especially: