Filtering Artefacts in Distributed Charts

All distributed charts allow the use of one or more filterMeasure elements, which allow refining which artefacts are included on the chart. When drawing a chart, Squore checks if the metric specified is within the defined bounds for the artefact, in order to know if it should be included in or excluded from the chart.


Distributed charts are charts that show metrics for the descendents of the current artefacts. Note that distributed, temporal charts and charts in Model/Group Dashboards do not support filterMeasure at this time.

You can use the filterMeasure (with a mandatory dataBounds attribute) as follows:

<chart id="CHART_ID" type="CHART_TYPE">
<filterMeasure dataBounds="[50;100]">METRIC_C</filterMeasure>

In the example above, the chart will include the artefact only if METRIC_C is between 50 and 100.