Running The Sample Scripts

The <SQUORE_HOME>/bin folder contains scripts that use the source code in the folder <SQUORE_HOME>/samples to create demo projects. You can also copy the command lines in these scripts to start creating your own projects.

A sample job instruction is a call to squore-engine.jar with some arguments and parameters to specify the Data Providers, Repository Connectors and attribute values you want to use, for example:

java -Dsquore.home.dir="<SQUORE_HOME>" -jar squore-engine.jar
  --url="<server_url>" --login="<LOGIN>" --password="<password> 
  --name="myProject" --wizardId="ANALYTICS" 
  -r "type=FROMPATH,path=/path/to/java/sources" 
  --commands "DELEGATE_CREATION"

To learn more about command line parameters, refer to Chapter 3, Command Line Reference