Squore in a Continuous Integration Environment

Squore can be used in a continuous integration environment using the commands detailed in Chapter 3, Command Line Reference

Below is an example of a native call to the client using the ant exec task:

<project name="CIproject" default="build" basedir=".">
	<property name="server.url" value="http://localhost:8180/SQuORE_Server>
	<property name="cli.home" value="D:\CLI"/>
	<target name="build">
		<exec executable="java">
			<arg value="-Dsquore.home.dir=${cli.home}"/>
			<arg value="-jar"/>
			<arg value="${cli.home}\lib\squore-engine.jar"/>
			<arg value="--url=${server.url}" />
			<arg value="--version=${label}" />
			<arg value="--repository type=FROMPATH,path=${source.dir}" />
			<arg value="--color=rgb(255,0,0)" />
			<arg value="--name=${project.name}" />
			<arg value="--login=demo" />
			<arg value="--password=demo" />
			<arg value="--wizardId=Software Analytics" />
			<arg value="--tag APPLY_TO_BE_TESTED=0" />
			<arg value="--tag VOCF_THRESHOLD=10" />
			<arg value="--commands=PROCESS_CREATION" />

You can use also java calls to squore-engine.jar in any automation server software.