Squore CLI Commands

This section details the list of commands you can use with Squore CLI and their meaning.

You will generally use a combination of these commands rather than a single command at a time.


Using the SYNCHRONISE command is optional but ensures that the client and the server are using the same model to produce analysis results.


Retrieves the full up-to-date package of the Engine and its libraries from the server.


Retrieves the up-to-date configuration from the server.


Generates the command line options associated to all parameters found in the specified configuration file. It requires the 'projectConfFile' option to be defined.


Checks the validity of a model's configuration. It requires the 'outputCheckModelsFile' option.


Process project creation on client-side, it is shortcut for PROCESS_TOOLS;GENERATE_TOOLS_DATA_ZIP;SEND_TOOLS_DATA.


Generates data for the Data Providers specified in a project. It should always be called before any other generation command is called.


Creates a zip archive of the data generated by the PROCESS_TOOLS command. It should be called after the PROCESS_TOOLS command.


Sends the zip archive generated by the GENERATE_TOOLS_DATA_ZIP command and the project settings to the server, to request a project creation (analysis model computation and database update). It should be called after the GENERATE_TOOLS_DATA_ZIP command.


Sends the project settings to the server to request a project creation


Performs the analysis model and the decision model computation on the data generated by the PROCESS_TOOLS command. It should be called after the PROCESS_TOOLS command.


Generates output data and statistics of the project's creation. It should always be called after all other commands.

DELETE_PROJECT --name="project_name"

Deletes the project project_name. This operation cannot be undone and must be called separately from any other command.

DELETE_VERSIONS --name="project_name" --version="version_to_delete_from"

Deletes the versions project_name from version_to_delete_from until the latest version. This operation cannot be undone and must be called separately from any other command.