= CsvPerl =

The CsvPerl framework offers the same functionality as Csv, but instead of dealing with the raw input files directly, it allows you to run a perl script to modify them and produce a CSV file with the expected input format for the Csv framework.

= form.xml =

In your form.xml, specify the input parameters you need for your Data Provider.
Our example will use two parameters: a path to a CSV file and another text parameter:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tags baseName="CsvPerl" needSources="true">
	<tag type="text" key="csv" defaultValue="/path/to/csv" />
	<tag type="text" key="param" defaultValue="MyValue" />

- Since Csv-based data providers commonly rely on artefacts created by Squan Sources, you can set the needSources attribute to force users to specify at least one repository connector when creating a project.

= config.tcl =

Refer to the description of config.tcl for the Csv framework.

For CsvPerl one more option is possible:

# The variable NeedSources is used to request the perl script to be executed once for each
# repository node of the project. In that case an additional parameter is sent to the
# perl script (see below for its position)
#set ::NeedSources 1

= Sample CSV Input Files =

Refer to the examples for the Csv framework.

= Perl Script =

The perl scipt will receive as arguments:
 - all parameters defined in form.xml (as -${key} $value)
 - the input directory to process (only if ::NeedSources is set to 1 in the config.tcl file)
 - the location of the output directory where temporary files can be generated
 - the full path of the csv file to be generated

For the form.xml we created earlier in this document, the command line will be:
 perl <configuration_folder>/tools/CustomDP/CustomDP.pl -csv /path/to/csv -param MyValue <output_folder> <output_folder>/CustomDP.csv

Example of perl script:
use strict;
use warnings;
$|=1 ;

($csvKey, $csvValue, $paramKey, $paramValue, $output_folder, $output_csv) = @ARGV;

	# Parse input CSV file
	# ...
	# Write results to CSV
	open(CSVFILE, ">" . ${output_csv}) || die "perl: can not write: $!\n";
	binmode(CSVFILE, ":utf8");
	print CSVFILE  "ChangeRequest;15";
	close CSVFILE;

exit 0;