= csv_findings =

The csv_findings data provider is used to import findings (rule violations) and attach them to artefacts of type Application, File or Function.
The format of the csv file given as parameter has to be:


FILE : is the full path of the file where the finding is located
FUNCTION : is the name of the function where the finding is located
RULE_ID : is the Squore ID of the rule which is violated
MESSAGE : is the specific message of the violation
LINE: is the line number where the violation occurs
COL: (optional, leave empty if not provided) is the column number where the violation occurs
STATUS: (optional, leave empty if not provided) is the staus of the relaxation if the violation has to be relaxed (DEROGATION, FALSE_POSITIVE, LEGACY)
STATUS_MSG: (optional, leave empty if not provided) is the message for the relaxation when relaxed
TOOL: is the tool providing the violation

The header line is read and ignored (it has to be there)
The separator (semicolon by default) can be changed in the config.tcl file (see below)
The delimiter (no delimiter by default) can be changed in the config.tcl (see below)

= config.tcl =

Sample config.tcl file:
# The separator used in the input CSV file
# Usually ; or \t
set Separator \;

# The delimiter used in the CSV input file
# This is normally left empty, except when you know that some of the values in the CSV file
# contain the separator itself, for example:
# "A text containing ; the separator";no problem;end
# In this case, you need to set the delimiter to \" in order for the data provider to find 3 values instead of 4.
# To include the delimiter itself in a value, you need to escape it by duplicating it, for example:
# "A text containing "" the delimiter";no problemo;end
# Default: none
set Delimiter \"