Using Textual Information From Artefacts

Some charts (Simple Pie and Simple Bar) support dynamically grouping target artefacts according to textual information in a measure. In order to use this information, you do not use an indicator or measure element but an info element with the measure holding the text information.

Here is a sample definition for a Simple Bar chart where each bar is labelled according to the textual information held in the ASSIGNEE metric.

A Simple Bar chart using the CODE_TYPE textual information from CODE artefacts.

<chart type="SimpleBar" id="INFO_EXAMPLE" targetArtefactTypes="CODE">

You can also display textual information in tables, using the following syntax for example:

	<line indicatorId="CODE_TYPE" displayType="TEXT" />

For more information about tables, consult the section called “Scorecard Tables” or the section called “Analysis Model Dashboards”.