

Rational Synergy is a software tool that provides software configuration management (SCM) capabilities for all artifacts related to software development including source code, documents and images as well as the final built software executable and libraries.

For more details, refer to


The Synergy repository connector assumes that a project already exists and that the Synergy user defined has the right to access it. The host where the analysis takes place must have Synergy installed and fully functional. Note that, as stated in IBM's documentation on, using credentials is only supported on Windows, so use the NO_CREDENTIALS option when Synergy runs on a Linux host.


Synergy has the following options:

  • Server URL (server) Specify the Synergy server URL, if using a distant server. If specified, the value is used by the Synergy client via the -s parameter.

  • Database (db, mandatory) Specify the database path to analyse the sources it contains.

  • Project Specification (projectSpec, mandatory) Specify the project specification for the analysis. Source code contained in this project specification will be analysed recursively.

  • Subfolder (subFolder) Specify a subfolder name if you want to restrict the scope of the analysis to a particular folder.

  • Authentication: (useAccountCredentials, default: NO_CREDENTIALS) Note that, as stated in IBM's documentation, using credentials is only supported on Windows. The "No Credentials" must be used option when Synergy runs on a Linux host. For more information, consult

  • (name)

  • Password (password)

The full command line syntax for Synergy is:

-r "type=Synergy,server=[text],db=[text],projectSpec=[text],subFolder=[text],useAccountCredentials=[multipleChoice],name=[text],password=[password]"