Reviewing Multiple Projects

Project Managers may be interested in monitoring several projects as a whole. Squore provides a special dashboard view which compounds information about several projects into an analysis model dashboard, which can help you prioritise projects according to their current status.

In order to view the analysis model dashboard:

  1. Log into Squore with the demo user.

  2. Click the model name "iso9126" in the Project Portfolios.

The dashboard refreshes to show the compounded information for all projects analysed with this model using Quadrant charts and tables:

The analysis model dashboard for iso9126 projects

In the quadrants, each project is represented as a bubble. Two indicators define the horizontal and vertical position of the bubble along the axes, while a third indicator defines the bubble size. Let's see how you should prioritise work on the sample projects based on their current status. Click on the Maintainability Level vs. Business Value quadrant to view the full version:

Maintainability Level vs. Business Value for current iso9126 projects

In this chart, projects with a high business value appear higher, while more maintainable projects appear more to the right. The bigger a bubble, the bigger the number of functions of methods implemented. Therefore, a project with a high business value like Earth (blue) is in a difficult situation because it does not have a high maintainability index. Saturn (yellow), which is comparatively bigger and more complex, is more maintainable but may require a comparable level of attention. As a project manager, you can worry less about Mars (red) and Pluto (green), which despite having very different maintainability indexes, are not critical for the company.

Below the quadrants, Squore displays tables with the values used in the graphs so you can refine the information read in the charts. All the information shown in the analysis model dashboard can be configured by a Squore administrator. Refer to the Squore Configuration Guide for more information.