
Scales define grades and boundaries for measures, in order to translate them into more understandable information. The ScaleLevel sub-element defines the ranges in the scale.

<Scale scaleId="SCALE_EC">
    <ScaleLevel levelId="UNKNOWN" bounds="];0["  rank="-1" />
    <ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELA" bounds="[0;0]"  rank="0" />
    <ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELB" bounds="]0;1]" rank="1" />
    <ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELC" bounds="]1;2]" rank="2" />
    <ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELD" bounds="]2;3]" rank="3" />
    <ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELE" bounds="]3;4]" rank="4" />
    <ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELF" bounds="]4;5]" rank="5" />
    <ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELG" bounds="]5;]"  rank="6" />

In this example, the scale SCALE_EC associates different levels to a measured value:

You can also use a union of values to set the bounds of a scale level, as shown in the following example:

<Scale scaleId="SCALE_EC2">
   <ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELA" bounds=" ]0;10[|]10;100[" rank="0"/>
   <ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELB" bounds="[10;10]" rank="1"/>

In this case, values between 0 and 10 or between 10 and 100 (all excluded) will rank A and a value of exactly 10 will score B.

Scales can be overridden for a specific artefact type, as shown below:

<Indicator indicatorId="VG" measureId="VG" scaleId="VG" targetArtefactTypes="CODE" />
<Scale scaleId="VG">
    <ScaleLevel levelId="UNKNOWN"	bounds="];0[" rank="-1" />
    <ScaleLevel levelId="GREEN"	bounds="[0;6]" rank="0" />
    <ScaleLevel levelId="YELLOW"	bounds="]6;10]" rank="1" />
    <ScaleLevel levelId="RED" bounds="]10;[" rank="2" />

<Scale scaleId="VG" targetArtefactTypes="COBOL_PROGRAM">
    <ScaleLevel levelId="UNKNOWN"	bounds="];0[" rank="-1" />
    <ScaleLevel levelId="GREEN"	bounds="[0;10]" rank="0" />
    <ScaleLevel levelId="YELLOW"	bounds="]10;20]" rank="1" />
    <ScaleLevel levelId="RED" bounds="]20;[" rank="2" />

The scale VG applies to all artefacts of type CODE, however, for artefacts of type COBOL_PROGRAM, the scale levels have different bounds than for other types (as specified via the targetArtefactTypes attribute).

You can use scale macros in order to avoid duplicating a scale and use parameters ({0}, {1}...) to define the scale level thresholds:

<ScaleMacro id="RGB">
    <ScaleLevel levelId="UNKNOWN"	bounds="];0[" rank="-1" />
    <ScaleLevel levelId="GREEN"	bounds="[0;{0}]" rank="0" />
    <ScaleLevel levelId="YELLOW"	bounds="]{0};{1}]" rank="1" />
    <ScaleLevel levelId="RED" bounds="]{1};[" rank="2" />

Scales defined by a macro and its parameters are then specified as shown below:

<Scale scaleId="VG" macro="RGB" vars="6;10" />
<Scale scaleId="VG_REVERSED" macro="RGB" vars="10;6" />


The UNKNOWN level receives special treatment when it comes to showing a trend:

  • When the rank goes from the UNKNOWN level to any other level, the trend is shown as:

  • When the rank goes from any level to UNKNOWN, the trend is shown as:

The Scale element accepts the following attributes:

Scale levels are defined using one or more ScaleLevel sub-elements, with the following attributes:

The levelIds are then mapped to their language-specific attributes in a properties file. For the previous example, the file gives the following mapping:


The trend icons (new, improved, deteriorated and stable) that appear in the artefact tree and the dashboard tables can also be customised in a properties file as shown below:

