
© 2019 Vector Informatik GmbH - All rights reserved - - This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or distributed without the express prior written permission of the copyright holder. Squore is protected by an Interdeposit Certification registered with Agence pour la Protection des Programmes under the Inter Deposit Digital Number IDDN.FR.001.390035.001.S.P.2013.000.10600.


This edition of the Configuration Guide was released by Vector Informatik GmbH.

It is part of the user documentation of the Squore software product edited and distributed by Vector Informatik GmbH.

If you are already familiar with Squore, you can navigate this manual by looking for what has changed since the previous version. New functionality is tagged with (new in 19.0) throughout this manual. A summary of the new features described in this manual is available in the entry * What’s New in Squore 19.0? of this manual’s Index.

For information on how to use and configure Squore, the full suite of manuals includes:

User Manual

Target Audience

Squore Installation Checklist

New users before their first installation

Squore Installation and Administration Guide

IT personnel and Squore administrators

Squore Getting Started Guide

End users, new users wanting to discover Squore features

Squore Command Line Interface

Continuous Integration Managers

Squore Configuration Guide

Squore configuration maintainers, Quality Assurance personnel

Squore Eclipse Plugin Guide

Eclipse IDE users

Squore Reference Manual

End Users, Squore configuration maintainers

Squore API Guide

End Users, Continuous Integration Managers

Squore Software Analytics Handbook

End Users, Quality Assurance personnel

You can also use the online help from any page when using the Squore web interface by clicking ? > Help.


No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, nor translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, Vector Informatik GmbH. Vector Informatik GmbH reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time without obligation to notify authorised users of such changes. Consult Vector Informatik GmbH to determine whether any such changes have been made. The terms and conditions governing the licensing of Vector Informatik GmbH software consist solely of those set forth in the written contracts between Vector Informatik GmbH and its customers. All third-party products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.


Vector Informatik GmbH makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Vector Informatik GmbH shall not be liable for errors contained herein nor for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material.

This edition of the Configuration Guide applies to Squore 19.0.17 and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.


Approval of this version of the document and any further updates are the responsibility of Vector Informatik GmbH.

Contacting Vector Informatik GmbH Product Support

If the information provided in this manual is erroneous or inaccurate, or if you encounter problems during your installation, contact Vector Informatik GmbH Product Support:

You will need a valid customer account to submit a support request. You can create an account on the support website if you do not have one already.

For any communication:


  • Vector Informatik GmbH Product Support

    Squoring Technologies - 76, allées Jean Jaurès / 31000 Toulouse - FRANCE

Getting the Latest Version of this Manual

The version of this manual included in your Squore installation may have been updated. If you would like to check for updated user guides, consult the Vector Informatik GmbH documentation site to consult or download the latest Squore manuals at Manuals are constantly updated and published as soon as they are available.

1. Introduction

The Configuration Guide provides a complete reference for the configuration and administration of Squore 19.0.17, with step-by-step instructions to customise the different models that define Squore behaviour.

This manual is intended for Squore administrators. It allows to fine-tune the Squore configuration to fit specific needs or contexts. Note however, that the default parameters work in most cases for most users, and that only experienced and technical-savvy users should try to modify those settings.

2. The Squore Configuration

This chapter describes how to work with the default configuration and how to build on it to extend Squore.

Understanding the Squore Configuration

CFG processOverview
Squore process overview

The picture above shows the different components involved in the Squore process.

The main building blocks of the Squore configuration are:

  • SQuORE parser and other Data Providers are the inputs for the process, providing base measures for the analysis model.

  • Analysis Models define the transformation between base measures , which are retrieved from Data Providers and derived measures .

  • Decision models define how to process raw data (i.e. base measures) and analysis data (i.e. derived measures) to raise action items .

  • Dashboards present the overall results in a convenient way. They are deeply customisable and can show all the information needed in day-to-day usage of Squore.

  • Reports extract information and present it in a document (PDF, Powerpoint or spreadsheet). They can be used for external reporting, e.g. when there is no access to the Squore interface.

Default Models and the Shared Folder

Models define how Squore computes metrics (analysis model), how action items are created (decision model), and how data is displayed (dashboards and reports).

All models are located in the <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/models directory.

Each folder in <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/models is a separate model. Each model has a wizard, i.e. a series of screens where users configure the options available for the model before launching an analysis, as described in Understanding Project Wizards.

The Shared folder is different, since it is not a self-contained model, but rather a collection of components that are meant to be imported by other models in the configuration. This avoids creating redundancy, and redefining the same metrics or indicators every time.

The Shared Model is located in the same directory as other models: <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/models. Its structure is similar to other models, but it does not appear in the user interface. To understand some of the common measures and rules used across Squore you can take a look at the common definitions available in <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/models/Shared/Analysis/product_quality/code, especially:

  • artefact_rating

  • call_relation

  • cloning

  • complexity

  • control_flow_analysis

  • line_counting

  • rule_checking

  • stability

Customising the Squore Configuration

Squore is fully customisable and allows you to override the default models and add your own ones. Your modifications to the default configuration should never be made directly in <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration, but in your own configuration folder which you will make Squore aware of by editing <SQUORE_HOME>/config.xml. This allows you to create only the files that are needed for your modifications and minimise the amout of files to add to version control.

In order to add a configuration folder for your modifications:

  1. Create a folder called MyConfiguration

  2. Create two subfolders folder called configuration and addons

  3. Edit Squore Server’s <SQUORE_HOME>/config.xml to add MyConfiguration/configuration and MyConfiguration/addons as registered configuration and addons paths, as described in the Installation and Administration Guide in the section called Adding a Configuration Folder

  4. As a Squore administrator, log in and click Administration > Reload Configuration

Squore now knows that it needs to load the models that exist in your custom configuration as well as the ones in the default configuration folder. If you want to override a file in the default configuration folder, recreate the folder structure in your custom configuration folder, copy the file from the default configuration folder and make the necessary modifications. Because the custom configuration folder is listed first in <SQUORE_HOME>/config.xml, the file in the custom configuration folder will be used instead of the file in the default configuration folder.

Creating a New Model

Creating a new model is as simple as creating a folder in your custom configuration folder and creating the various definition files needed for the Analysis Model, the Decision Model, the dashboard and reports you want to enable:

  1. Create a new directory MyModel in the MyConfiguration/configuration/models directory.

  2. In the MyModel folder, create the following sub-folders:

    • Analysis

    • Dashboards

    • Decision

    • Description

    • Exports

    • Highlights

    • Properties

    • Reports

    • Wizards

  3. Log into Squore as administrator, reload the configuration and click Models > Validator. Your new model should be visible in the list of available models.

The following section of this manual will cover how to use existing packages from the Shared folder and how to display text in the web infterface.

Building your Model

Bundle Files

A model is a collection of several Bundle.xml files where your entire model is described. A model folder normally contains the following bundles:

  • MyModel/Analysis/Bundle.xml, where artefact types, metrics, indicators and rules are defined

  • MyModel/Dashboard/Bundle.xml, where the charts displayed in the web interface are defined

  • MyModel/Decision/Bundle.xml, where you define the action items for your model

  • MyModel/Description/Bundle.xml, where you translate all the elements of your model into several languages

  • MyModel/Exports/Bundle.xml, where you define the type of information that users can export from the web UI

  • MyModel/Highlights/Bundle.xml, where the different types of highlight categories are defined

  • MyModel/Properties/Bundle.xml, where optional properties about your model are defined

  • MyModel/Reports/Bundle.xml, where you define the type of reports that can be created from the web UI

  • MyModel/Wizards/Bundle.xml, where you define the parameters to be used when creatign a project with your model

More information about each type of bundle is available in this manual. Note that a Bundle.xml file normally includes external files located elsewhere in the standard Squore configuration. This allows reusing modules between models.

The following is an (incomplete) example of a Bundle.xml file for an analysis model. It includes other files from the Squore configuration. Note that the xmlns:xi declaration in the Bundle element is mandatory if you want to include external files.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Bundle xmlns:xi="" >
	<!-- Additional Artefact types and aliases Aliases -->

	<!-- Local definitions to override other files or not defined in other files -->
	<RootIndicator indicatorId="ANALYTICS" artefactTypes="MY_ARTEFACT_TYPE" />
	<Measure measureId="ANALYTICS">
		<Computation targetArtefactTypes="MY_ARTEFACT_TYPE" result="..." />

	<!-- Import of base metrics + Ruleset from Shared folder -->
	<xi:include href="../../Shared/data_provider/squan_sources/all_17.xml" /> <!-- mandatory if you are using source code in your model -->
	<xi:include href="../../Shared/data_provider/pylint/ruleset.xml" />

	<!-- Basic Scales -->
	<xi:include href="../../Shared/Analysis/basic_scale_macros.xml" />
	<xi:include href="../../Shared/Analysis/basic_scales.xml" />

	<!-- Some Classical Base and Derived Measures -->
	<xi:include href="../../Shared/Analysis/product_quality/code/cloning/all_7levels_17.xml" />
	<xi:include href="../../Shared/Analysis/product_quality/code/self_descriptiveness/main_17.xml" />

	<!-- Rule Checking -->
	<xi:include href="issues_counting.xml" />
	<xi:include href="issues_weighted_kpi.xml" />
	<xi:include href="../../Shared/Analysis/product_quality/square25010/counting_by_severity.xml" />

	<!-- Tickets from my model folder -->
	<xi:include href="ticket/metrics.xml" />

All paths in a Bundle.xml are relative to Bundle.xml.

The bundle file is an xml file, which means that you must respect the XML syntax, otherwise Squore will not be able to read it. This means for example that the following characters are forbidden, and must be replaced by their corresponding entity reference:

  • & needs to be replaced by &amp;

  • < needs to be replaced by &lt;

  • > is preferably replaced by &gt;, but this is not mandatory

  • " needs to be replaced by &quot; (only when used inside an attribute value)

  • ' needs to be replaced by &apos; (only when used inside an attribute value)


In order to provide a simple way to display dashboards in multiple languages in the Squore web interface, all strings have been externalised to .properties files . A .properties file contains translations for all the metrics, rules, action items, charts and other objects described in your model. A model contains a Bundle.xml that lists all the .properties files that need to be loaded for this model.

In your description bundle, include a .properties file by adding a Properties element. Squore will select the appropriate display language for this model according to the language options defined in the available and default attributes, as shown below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Bundle available="fr,en" default="en">
	<Properties src="../../Shared/data_provider/squan_sources/descriptions" />

In the example above, it is assumed that two files exist with the names Shared/data_provider/squan_sources/ and Shared/data_provider/squan_sources/, since you declared both languages in the available attribute. Users are free to switch between the English and French languages using the flag icons in the Squore web interface. By default, Squore will display the descriptions from, since you set the default language to "en" using the default attribute.

Properties files are simple text files containing key-value pairs to associate text to a property of an element of your model.

For example, the metric SLOC is translated using this line in a .properties file:

SLOC.DESCR=The number of source line of codes

If we need the description of SLOC to be different for artefact of type CPP_FUNCTION and APPLICATION, we can use a more advanced definition:

M.SLOC.DESCR.APPLICATION=The number of source line of codes in the application
M.SLOC.DESCR.CPP_FUNCTION=The number of source line of codes in the function

The convention for this syntax is as follows:



  • PREFIX is a prefix used to indicate which type of object the localised text applies to. If no prefix is specified, then the localised text is used for all objects in the model with this identifier. The supported values for PREFIX are:

    • M for measures

    • I for indicators

    • C for charts

    • EVO for trend icons

    • EX for exports

    • FA for families

    • FI for findings

    • G for groups

    • HI for highlights

    • LOP for scale levels (levels of performance)

    • MO for models

    • PERM for permissions

    • PRO for profiles

    • RO for roles

    • RE for reports

    • SC for scales

    • ST for action item statuses

    • T for artefact types

    • TA for tables (with optional #IN and #OUT suffixes to localise inbound and outbound links tables independently: TA.MY_TABLE#IN / TA_MYTABLE#OUT)

    • TAG for project attributes in forms and wizards

    • TAG_GROUP for groups of project attributes in forms and wizards

    • TST for action item tests

    • TUTO for tutorial descriptions

    • WI for wizards

    • MIL for milestones

  • IDENTIFIER is the ID of the object as described in the model.

  • PROPERTY is the property being set. It is one of:

    • MNEMO to specify a mnemonic, i.e. a short representation of the object that is used where space needs to be preserved. Note that if no mnemonic is specified, the raw identifier will be used instead in the UI.

    • NAME to specify a name, i.e. the common, human-understandable representation of an object.

    • DESCR to specify a description for the object.

    • JUSTIF to specify a justification for a rule. This is displayed in the Findings pane and allows you to provide more details about why a rule is used.

    • URL to specify a URL associated with the object. This URL is displayed below the description of a rule on the Findings tab, or in any popup that shows the full description of a measure or indicator on the Dashboard. This URL is clickable and opens in a new browser window. This is usually useful if you want to link to the definition of a coding standard ourside of Squore.

    • ICON to specify an icon for a scale level (LOP), a trend icon in the artefact tree (EVO) or a group icon (G) in the project portfolios.

    • IMAGE to specify an image for a scale level (LOP) when displayed as a KPI on the dashboard.

    • COLOR to specify the colour to represent a metric (M, I), a scale level (LOP) or a milestone (MIL) on a chart or a popup describing a scale. For more information about the supported colour formats, consult Working With Colours.

    • NODATA to specify a text to be displayed in a chart © on the dashboard when no data can be displayed on the chart.

    • TREE_NAME to specify a name for a chart © that is used in the Dashboard Editor’s tree of charts.

  • ARTEFACT_TYPE is used to restrict the scope of the property to the specified type of artefact. If no ARTEFACT_TYPE is specified, then the property applies for all artefact types.


  1. Usual set of properties for a measure or an indicator:

    STATUS.NAME=Requirement Status
    STATUS.DESCR=Status (draft or final)
  2. Usual set of properties for a rule to display in the Findings tab:

    R_NOGOTO.DESCR=A unconditional GOTO shall not be used to jump outside the paragraph.
    R_NOGOTO.JUSTIF=GOTO statements should be avoided because they complicated the task of analyzing and verifying the correctness of programs (particularly those involving loops).
  3. Usual set of properties for a scale:

    SC.STATUS.NAME=Requirement Readiness Assessment

    The path to an image or icon file is relative to the root of the folder containing the model.

  4. Using a different description for a metric when using it on the Action Items tab with the TST prefix:

    OVERPERFORMANCE.DESCR=You are over-performing at this time.
    TST.OVERPERFORMANCE.DESCR=Your current progress of {2}% is exceeding your objective for the next milestone by over 20% ({0}% in {1} days). /Either you are pretty good, or you underestimated yourself when setting your goals. Consider revising your objectives.

    In the example above, / is used to indicate a new line in the description.

    {0}, {1} and {2} are parameters that are dynamically filled in when viewing the action item. For more information, consult Trigger-Based Action Plans.

  5. Overriding a name and description for a specific type of artefact:


    Squore resolves properties from the more specific to the more abstract, as shown below:





    Note that aliases are not supported, only real artefact types. If you want to specify a description for functions in all languages, you have to add a line for each of the function types: CPP_FUNCTION, C_FUNCTION, ADA_FUNCTION…​

  6. Setting a chart’s name and description

    C.PERFORMANCE_TREND.DESCR=<h1>Reading the Performance Trend Chart</h1><p>This chart shows a history of the performance trend for our application, as recorded nightly by our performance tests.</p><p>If you see any variation, you should perform the following three checks</p><ol><li>Is it a false positive, See if an error was reported in Jenkins</li><li>Check the machine logs for an explanation</li><li>Has someone already reported a bug? If not, <b>please do!</b></li></ol>

    You can use the following HTML tags in descriptions for charts, measures and indicators h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, span, div, br, i, b, u, a, pre, hr, ul, ol, li

  7. Setting help text for tutorials. Note that only .DESCR is supported:

    TUTO.WELCOME_TUTORIAL_RISK.DESCR=Understanding the Risk Index Model
    TUTO.WELCOME_TUTORIAL_RISK_DESCRIPTION.DESCR=This tutorial takes you around the dashboard of the Squore Risk Index model to explain the concepts behind the ranking and help you understand how to improve your project based on the specific action plan generated by this model.
    TUTO.EXPLAIN_TRENDS.DESCR=<b>Warning!</b><br/>Pay attention to this trend icon: <img src="dashboard_tour/tree_up.png" />

    HTML is supported in help text, but not in the main description of the tutorial that appears in the tutorial selection popup. You can insert images in the help text, using the relative path to the image file from Bundle.xml.

Overriding Default Descriptions

Here are the locations of the default types, permissions, roles and profiles, and statuses:

  • Types: <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/models/Shared/Analysis/Code/Types/

  • Permissions: <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/models/Shared/Description/

  • Roles and profiles: <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/models/Shared/Description/

  • Statuses: <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/models/Shared/Description/

You are free to override or extend these defaults in your own .properties file in your model.

In order to set an icon for a type, create an image called identifier.png or identifier.svg (the identifier must be lowercase) in your configuration under models/Shared/Images/icons/types.

Creating a form.xml for your own Data Providers, Repository Connectors and Export Definitions

All Data Providers are utilities that run during an analysis. They usually take an input file to parse or parameters specified by the user to generate output files containing violations or metrics to add to your project. Here is a non-exhaustive list of what some of them do:

  • Use XSLT files to transform XML files

  • Read information from Microsoft Excel files

  • Parse HTML test results

  • Query web services

  • Export data from OSLC systems

  • Launch external processes

Repository Connectors are based on the same model and are used to specifically retrieve source code and other data from source code management systems.

Export Definitions use the same form.xml specification to offer custom export formats to users from the web interface, dumping data from highlight definitions into a specified, custom format.

Read on to learn about how to configure your Data Provider, make it available in the web interface, and then understand how to implement the scripted part of a Data Provider that is executed during an analysis.

After you understand how to build a a Data Provider using a form.xml file, you can apply this knowledge to building Repository Connectors and Export Definitions, as described in Creating Repository Connectors and Creating Export Definitions.

You can find the XML schema for form.xml in form.xsd.

Defining Data Provider Parameters

A Data Provider’s parameters are defined in a file called form.xml. The following is an example of form.xml for a Data Provider extending the GenericPerl framework:

CFG CustomDP
CustomDP parameters
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tags baseName="GenericPerl" needSources="true" image="CustomDP.png" projectStatusOnFailure="ERROR">
	<tag type="multipleChoice" displayType="checkbox" optionTitle=" " key="tests">
		<value key="ux" />
		<value key="it" />
		<value key="ut" />
	<tag type="booleanChoice" key="ignore_missing_sources" defaultValue="false" />
	<tag type="text" key="input_file" defaultValue="myFile.xml" changeable="false" />
	<tag type="multipleChoice" key="old_results" style="margin-left:10px" displayType="radioButton" defaultValue="Exclude">
		<value key="Exclude" />
		<value key="Include" />
	<tag type="text" key="java_path" defaultValue="/usr/bin/java" hide="true" />
	<tag type="password" required="true" key="password" />

The tags element accepts the following attributes:

  • baseName (mandatory if you are not using an exec-phase) indicates on which framework you are basing this Data Provider. The value of this attribute must match a folder from the addons folder of your installation.

  • needSources (optional, default: false) allows specifying whether the Data Provider requires sources or not. When set to true, an error will be displayed if you try to select this Data Provider without adding any Repository Connector location to your project.

  • image (optional, default: none) allows displaying a logo in the web UI for the Data Provider

  • projectStatusOnFailure (optional, default: ERROR) defines what status the project ends in when this Data Provider produces an error. The following values are allowed:

    • IGNORE


    • ERROR

  • projectStatusOnWarning (optional, default: WARNING) defines what status the project ends in when this Data Provider produces a warning. The following values are allowed:

    • IGNORE


    • ERROR

Each tag element is a Data Provider option and allows the following attributes:

  • key (mandatory) is the option’s key that will be passed to the perl script, or can be used to specify the parameter’s value from the command line

  • type (mandatory) defines the type of the parameter. The following values are accepted:

    • text for free text entry

    • password for password fields

    • booleanChoice for a boolean

    • multipleChoice for offering a selection of predefined values

      Predefined values are specified with a value element with a mandatory key attribute and an optional option attribute that allows modifying the value of the option from the UI. The input field for each option attribute is only displayed if the parent tag contains an optionTitle attribute.

  • displayType (optional) allows specifying how to display a multipleChoice parameter by using one of:

    • comboBox

    • radioButton

    • checkbox

  • defaultValue (optional, default: empty) is the value used for the parameter when not specified

  • hide (optional, default: false) allows hiding a parameter from the web UI, which is useful when combining it with a default value

  • changeable (optional, default: true) allows making a parameter configurable only when creating the project but read-only for following analyses when set to true

  • style (optional, default: empty) allows setting basic css for the attribute in the web UI

  • required (optional, default: false) allows showing a red asterisk next to the field in the web UI to make it visibly required

    You can use a required tag of type booleanchoice to ensure that users must check a box in the web UI or set its value to true when building from the command line in order to proceed with the analysis.

    <tag type="booleanChoice" required="true" key="accept_privacy_policy" />
    CFG CustomDPError
    Clicking the Next button without checking a required checkbox displays an error

Hiding your Data Provider elements in the web UI

You can associate to your tag element the displayIf element:

The displayIf (optional)* This element allows the user to define conditions on the tagged field to make it visible in the web UI.

The displayIf element accepts logical conditions. These conditions are designed as containers that can contains the following elements:

  • and (optional, applied by default) all conditions defined in the "and" container must be true in order to display tagged items of the data-provider

  • or (optional) one condition defined in the "or" container must be true in order to hide tagged items of the data-provider

The displayIf elements and conditionnal containers can accepts the following elements:

  • equals (optional) this element is associated to a tag element defined in the "key" and "value" attributes. The tagged element must contains the value specified in the value attribute in order to be displayed in the web UI

  • notEmpty (optional) the tag element defined in the "key" attribute has to be filed in order to display the data-provider element in the web UI

You can use the displayIf condition in a tag element in order to display the tagged field following conditions you have defined.

Syntax example:

	<tag type="text" key="config_file" hide="true"/>
	<tag type="text" key="url" required="true" >

			<notEmpty key="max_results" />

	<tag type="text" key="api_token" required="true" >
			<or> <!-- Conditionnal containers can be stacked  -->
				<equals key="max_results" value="100"/>
				<notEmpty key="url" />
	<tag type="text" key="max_results" required="true" defaultValue="50" />

Localising your Data Provider

In order to display your Data Provider parameters in different languages in the web UI, yout Data Provider’s form.xml does not contain any hard-coded strings. Instead, Squore uses each parameter’s key attribute to dynamically retrieve a translation from a file located next to form.xml.

When you create a Data Provider, it is mandatory to include at least an English version of the strings in a file called You are free to add other languages as needed. Here is a sample .properties for for the CustomDP you created in the previous section:

FORM.GENERAL.DESCR = CustomDP imports test results for my project

TAG.tests.NAME = Test Types
TAG.tests.DESCR = Check the boxes next to the types of test results contained in the results

TAG.ignore_missing_sources.NAME = Ignore Missing Sources

TAG.input_file.NAME = Test Results
TAG.input_file.DESCR = Specify the absolute path to the file containing the test results

TAG.old_results.NAME = Old Test Results
TAG.old_results.DESCR = If the previous analysis contained results that are not in this results file, what do you want to do with the old results?
OPT.Exclude.NAME = discard
OPT.Include.NAME = keep

TAG.password.NAME = File Password
TAG.password.DESCR = Specify the password to decrypt the test results file

The syntax for the .properties file is as follows:

  • FORM.GENERAL.NAME is the display name of the Data Provider in the project wizard

  • FORM.DASHBOARD.NAME is the display name of the Data Provider in the Explorer

  • FORM.GENERAL.DESCR is the description displayed in the Data Provider’s tooltip in the web UI

  • FORM.GENERAL.URL is a reference URL for the Data Provider. Note that it is not displayed in ther web UI yet.

  • TAG.tag_name.NAME allows setting the display name of a parameter

  • TAG.tag_name.DESCR is a help text displayed in a tooltip next to the Data Provider option in the web UI

  • OPT.option_name.NAME allows setting the display name of an option

Using the above for CustomDP results in the following being displayed in the web UI when launching an analysis:

CFG CustomDPLocalised
CustomDP pulling translations from a .properties file

Not all wizards display all Data Providers by default. If your Data Provider does not appear after refreshing your configuration, make sure that your wizard bundle allows displaying all Data Providers by reviewing the tools element of Bundle.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<Wizard ... >
		<tools all="true">

For more information about the wizard bundle, consult the the chapter called "Project Wizards" in the Configuration Guide.

If you have made this change and your Data Provider still does not appear in your wizard, consult the Validator to find out if it was disabled because of an error in its configuration.

ALL ValidateDPs
The General section of the Validator shows errors in your Data Providers

Running your Data Provider

Now that you have a new Data Provider available in the web interface (and the command line), this section will show you how to use these parameters and pass them to one or more scripts or executables in order to eventually write data in the format that Squore expects to import during the analysis.

At the end of a Data Provider execution, Squore expects a file named input-data.xml to be written in a specific location. The syntax of the XML file to generate is as follows:

<!-- input-data.xml syntax -->
<bundle version="2.0">
	<artifact [local-key=""] [local-parent=""|parent=""] >
        <artifact [id="<guid-stable-in-time-also-used-as-a-key>"] name="Component" type="REQ" [location=""] >
			<info name|n="DESCR" value="The description of the object"/>
			<key value="3452-e89b-ff82"/>
			<metric name="TEST_KO" value="2"/>
			<finding name="AR120" loc="xxx" p0="The message" />
			<link name="TEST" local-src=""|src=""|local-dst=""|dst="" />
				<artifact id="" name="SubComponent" type="REQ">

	<artifact id="" local-key="" name="" type="" local-parent=""|parent="" [location=""] />

	<link name="" local-src=""|src="" local-dst=""|dst="" />

	<info local-ref=""|ref="" name="" value=""/>

	<metric local-ref=""|ref="" name="" value=""/>

	<finding local-ref=""|ref="" [location=""] p0="" />
	<finding local-ref=""|ref="" [location=""] p0="">
		<location local-ref=""|ref="" [location=""] />

You can find the XML schema for input-data.xml in input-data-2.xsd.

Your Data Provider is configured by adding an exec-phase element with a mandatory id="add-data" attribute in form.xml.

The basic syntax of an exec-phase can be seen below:

<exec-phase id="add-data">
	<exec name="tcl|perl|java" | executable="/path/to/bin" | executable="executable_name" failOnError="true|false" failOnStdErr="true|false" warn="[WARN]" error="[ERROR|ERR]" fatal="[FATAL]">
		<arg value="${<function>(<args>)}"/>
		<arg value="-freeText" />
		<arg value="${<predefinedVars>}" />
		<arg value="versions" />
		<arg value="-myTag"/>
		<arg tag="myTag"/>
		<env key="MY_VAR" value="SOME_VALUE"/>
	<exec ... />
	<exec-tool name="another_data_provider">
		<param key="<tagName>" value="<value>" />
		<param key="<tagName>" tag="<tag>" />
		<param ... />
	<exec-tool ... >

You can also use Groovy in order to configure your Data Provider.

The basic syntax of a Groovy exec name is indicated below:

<exec name="java">
            <arg value="${javaClasspath(poi,groovy,jackson)}"/>
            <arg value="groovy.lang.GroovyShell" />
            <arg value="${getConfigFile(to_excel.groovy)}"/>
            <arg value="${getSharedAddonsFile(GroovyScriptUtils.groovy)}"/>

Only the exec name section is different. The syntax of the others sections of your Data Provider is still the same.


The exec-phase element accepts one or more launches of scripts or executables specified in an exec child element, that can receive arguments and environment variables specified via arg and env elements.

There are four built-in languages for executables:

  • tcl

  • perl

  • java

  • Groovy

The scripts are launched using the tcl, perl, or java runtimes defined in your Squore installation. This is also the case for Groovy, which is handled by Java engine.

The following attributes of the exec element allow you to control error handling:

  • failOnError (optional, default: true) marks the Data Provider execution as failed if the executable returns an error code

  • failOnStdErr (optional, default: true) marks the Data Provider execution as failed if the executable prints something to stdErr during the execution

  • warn , error and fatal (optional, default: see code block above) allow you to define patterns to look for in the executable’s standard output to fine-tune the result of the execution.

Other executables can be called, as long as they are available on the system’s PATH, or configured in config.xml

Given the following config.xml:

<!-- config.xml (server or cli) -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<squore type="server" version="1.3">
		<path name="python" path="C:\Python\python.exe" />
		<path name="git" path="C:\Git\bin\git.exe" />

git and python can be called in your Data Provider as follows:

<exec-phase id="add-data">
	<exec name="git">
	<exec name="python">

Argument values can be:

  1. Free text passed in a value tag, useful to specify a parameter for your script

    <exec name="perl">
    	<arg value="-V" />
  2. A tag key declared in form.xml passed as a `tag ` attribute to retrieve the input specified by the user. If no input was specified, you can define a defaultValue:

    <arg tag="maxValue" defaultValue="50" />
    <arg tag="configFile" defaultValue="${getConfigFile(default.xml)}" />
  3. One of the predefined functions

    • ${getOutputFile(<relative/path/to/file>,<abortIfMissing>)} returns the absolute path of an input-data.xml file output by an exec-phase . failIfMissing is an optional boolean which aborts the execution when set to true if the file is missing.

    • ${getTemporaryFile(<relative/path/to/file>)} returns the absolute path of a temporary file created by an exec (only for add-data and repo-add-data phases)

    • ${getAddonsFile(<relative/path/to/file>)} returns the absolute path of a file in the Data Provider’s addons folder

    • ${getConfigFile(<relative/path/to/file>)} returns the absolute path of a file in the Data Provider’s configuration folder

    • *${getSharedAddonsFile(<relative/path/to/file>)} returns the absolute path of a file in Data Provider’s addons/shared folder, if not returns the absolute path of a file in addons/shared folder

    • ${path(<executable_name>)} returns the absolute path of an executable configured in config.xml, or just the executable name if the executable is available from the system’s PATH.

      <exec name="...">
      	<arg value="-git_path" />
      	<arg value="${path(git)}" />
    • ${javaClasspath(poi,groovy,jackson,abc.jar,xyz.jar)} adds the specified list of jars to the classpath for java execution.

      Squore will look for the jars in the addons/lib folder of your configuration and return a classpath parameter for the desired runtime environment (-cp="…​" for java)

      poi is a shortcut for poi-ooxml-3.17.jar,poi-3.17.jar,poi-ooxml-schemas-3.17.jar,xmlbeans-2.6.0.jar,commons-collections4-4.1.jar and configures the environment necessary to use Apache POI when creating custom Export Definitions, as described in Creating Export Definitions.

      groovy is a shortcut for groovy-2.5.6.jar, groovy-json-2.5.6.jar and groovy-xml-2.5.6.jar libraries needed to run Groovy scripts

      jackson is a shortcut for jackson-core-2.6.3.jar, jackson-databind-2.6.3.jar and jackson-annotations-2.6.0.jar libraries needed to parse Json file

  4. One of the predefined variables

    • ${tmpDirectory} to get an absolute path to a temp folder to create files

    • ${sourcesList} to get a list of the aliases and locations containing the data extracted by the repository connectors used in the analysis

    • ${outputDirectory} to get the absolute path of folder where the Data Provider needs to write the final input-data.xml

Calling Other Data Providers

You can call and pass parameters to other Data Providers after your exec-phase using an exec-tool element. The exec-tool element uses a mandatory name which is the name of the folder containing the other Data Provider to launch in your configuration folder and supports passing the parameters expected by the other Data Provider via one or more param elements where:

  • key is the name of the parameter expected by the other Data Provider (as defined in its form.xml)

  • value allows passing free text

  • tag allows passing the value of your own Data Provider’s tag value to the other Data Provider and can be combined with a defaultValue attribute in case no value was specified by the user for the tag

As an example, the following Data Provider generates a CSV file that is then passed to the pep8 Data Provider:

<exec-phase id="add-data">
	<exec name="python">
		<arg value="" />
		<arg value="-folders" />
		<arg tag="root_folder" />
		<arg value="-outputFile" />
		<arg value="output.csv" />
	<exec-tool name="pep8">
		<param key="csv" value="${getOutputFile(output.csv)}" />
		<param key="separator" tag="separator" defaultValue=";" />

In this other example, a perl script is launched to retrieves issues from a ticketing system and the export data is passed to the import_ticket Data Provider:

<exec-phase id="add-data">
	<exec name="perl">
		<arg value="${getConfigFile(}" />
		<arg value="-url" />
		<arg tag="url" />
		<arg value="-login" />
		<arg tag="login" />
		<arg value="-pwd" />
		<arg tag="pwd" />
		<arg value="-outputFile" />
		<arg value="${getOutputFile(exportdata.csv,false)}" />
	<exec-tool name="import_ticket">
		<param key="input_file" value="${getOutputFile(exportdata.csv)}" />
		<param key="csv_separator" value=";" />

If your Data Provider uses a perl script, Squore provides a small library that makes it easy to retrieve script arguments called SQuORE::Args. Using it as part of your script, you can retrieve arguments using the get_tag_value() function, as shown below:

# name:
# description: exports issues to a CSV file
use SQuORE::Args;
# ...
# ...
my $url = get_tag_value("url");
my $login = get_tag_value("login");
my $pwd = get_tag_value("pwd");
my $outputFile = get_tag_value("outputFile");
# ...
exit 0;
Using the Squore toolkit

If you want your Data Provider to use the Squore toolkit to retrieve references to artefacts, the following variables are available (in the add-data and repo-add-data phases only):

  • ${tclToolkitDirectory}: the directory of the toolkit tcl code to execute

  • ${squanOutputDirectory}: the directory of containing the results of the execution of Squan Sources

In order to use the toolkit, your exec must use the tcl language. As an example, here is a sample exec-phase and associated tcl file to get you started:

 <!-- form.xml -->
<exec-phase id="repo-add-data">
	<exec name="tcl">
		<arg value="${getAddonsFile(repo-add-data.tcl)}" />
		<arg value="${tclToolkitFile}" />
		<arg value="${squanOutputDirectory}" />
		<arg value="${outputDirectory}" />
		<arg tag="xxx" />
set toolkitFile [lindex $argv 0]
set sqOutputDir [lindex $argv 1]
set outputDir [lindex $argv 2]
set xxx [lindex $argv 3]

# Initialise the toolkit
puts "Initializing toolkit"
source $toolkitFile
toolkit::initialize $sqOutputDir $outputDir

# Execute your code
puts "Main execution"
# yout code here
# ...

# Generate xml files (artefacts)
puts "Generating xml files"
toolkit::generate $outputDir {artefacts}
Finding More Examples

If you want to find more examples of working Data Providers that use this syntax, check the following Data Providers in Squore’s default configuration folder:

  • conf-checker calls a jar file to write an XML file in Squore’s exchange format

  • import_ticket parses a file to translate it into a format that can then be passed to csv_import to import the tickets into Squore

  • jira retrieves data from Jira and passes it to import_ticket

Built-in Data Provider Frameworks

In order to help you import data into Squore, the following Data Provider frameworks are provided and can write a valid input-data.xml file for you:

  1. csv_import

    The csv_import framework allows you to write Data Providers that produce CSV files and then pass them on to the framework to be converted to an XML format that Squore understands. This framework allows you to import metrics, findings, textual information and links as well as generate your own artefacts. It is fully linked to the source code parser and therefore allows to locate existing source code artefacts generated by the source code parser. Refer to the full csv_import Reference for more information.

  2. xml

    The xml framework is a sample implementation of a Data Provider that allows you to directly import an XML file or run it through an XSL transformation to that it matches the input format expected by Squore (input-data.xml). This framework therefore allows you to import metrics, findings, textual information and links as well as generate your own artefacts. Refer to the full xml Reference for more information.

If you are looking for the legacy Data Provider frameworks from previous versions of Squore, consult Legacy Frameworks.

The legacy Data Provider frameworks are still supported, however using the new frameworks is recommended for developping new Data Providers, as they are more flexible and provide more functionality to interact with source code artefacts.

Creating Repository Connectors

The same syntax used to create Data Providers can be used to create Repository Connectors, and therefore instruct Squore to get source code from SCMs. Instead of using an exec-phase with the id="add-data", your Repository Connector should define the following phases:

  • id="import" defines how you extract source code and make it available to Squan Sources so it can be analysed. This phase is expected to return a path to a folder containing the sources to analyse or a file listing the path to the folder containing source and various other properties to be used in other executions:


    This phase is executed once per source code node in the project and allows you to use the following additional variables: ${outputsourcedirectory} is the folder containing the sources to analyse ${alias} is the alias used for the source code node (empty if there is only one source code node)

  • id="repo-add-data" is similar to the add-data phase described for Data Providers in Running your Data Provider and is expected to produce an input-data.xml. The only difference in the case of a Repository Connector is that this phase is executed once per source code node in the analysis.

  • id="display" is the phase that is called when users request to view the source code for an artefact from the web UI. This phase is expected to return a file with the following keys:

    displayPath=<Artefact Display Path (optional)>

    The contents of filePath will be loaded in the source code viewer, while the value of displayPath will be used as the file path displayed in the header of the source code viewer.

    This phase allows you to use the following additional variables:

  • ${scainfo} is text to display in the title bar of the source code viewer in the web interface

  • ${artefactname} is the name of the file to display

  • ${artefactpath} is the path (without the alias) of the file to display

    During the display phase, you can retrieve any data set during the import phase for the repository using the ${getImportData(<key1>)} function

Additional attributes are available for the tags element of a Repository Connector:

  • deleteTmpSrc (optional, default: false) indicates whether or not the content of sources folder coming from this Repository Connector will be deleted upon Squore Server restart.

  • useCredentialsForSCA (optional, default: true) allows specifying whether credentials dialog will be prompted in View Source Code or not.

Consult SVN’s form.xml in <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/repositoryConnectors/SVN for a working example of a Repository Connector that uses all the phases described above.

Please note, as data-provider, you can use the <exec-tool> parameter in order to call other elements while processing, like Data Provider or Scripts. For more informations about <exec-tool> parameter, please refer to Running your Data Provider.

Creating Export Definitions

The form.xml specification can also be used to create Export Definitions that allow users to export data based on one or more highlight categories from the web interface.

CFG exportDefs
The Highlights to Excel Export Definition

The Highlights to Excel Export Definition uses the following form.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <tag type="multipleChoice" displayType="multi-autocomplete" required="true" key="highlights">
        <values type="highlights" />

    <exec-phase id="export">
        <exec name="java">
            <arg value="${javaClasspath(poi,groovy,jackson)}"/>
            <arg value="groovy.lang.GroovyShell" />
            <arg value="${getConfigFile(to_excel.groovy)}"/>
            <arg value="${getSharedAddonsFile(GroovyScriptUtils.groovy)}"/>

            <arg value="-importScript"/>
            <arg value="${getSharedAddonsFile(exports_utils.groovy)}" />

            <arg value="-squoreApiUtils"/>
            <arg value="${getSharedAddonsFile(SquoreApiUtils.groovy)}" />

            <arg value="-excelUtilsScript"/>
            <arg value="${getSharedAddonsFile(ExcelUtils.groovy)}" />

            <arg value="-highlights"/>
            <arg tag="highlights" />

            <arg value="-outputDirectory" />
            <arg value="${outputDirectory}" />

            <arg value="-idArtefact" />
            <arg value="${idArtefact}"/>

            <arg value="-idVersion"/>
            <arg value="${idVersion}"/>

            <arg value="-idModel"/>
            <arg value="${idModel}"/>

            <arg value="-group"/>
            <arg value="${group}"/>

            <arg value="-serverUrl"/>
            <arg value="${localUrl}"/>

            <arg value="-token"/>
            <arg value="${token}"/>

            <arg value="-template"/>
            <arg value="${getConfigFile(template.xlsx)}" />

Data is exported from the server as a JSON file, which your Export Definition can modify as needed before sending it to the end-user who launched the export. You can consult the format of the JSON file in the Data Exchange Formats appendix for more information.

In order to create an Export Definition, the syntax described in Defining Data Provider Parameters and Running your Data Provider is augmented to include the extra additional capabilities:

  1. A multi-autocompletedisplayType for multipleChoice tag elements.

    The tag element accepts a values sub-element with a mandatory type attributes. When set to highlights, the widget automatically displays all the available highlight definitions for the currently selected artefact.

  2. A mandatory exec-phase with id="export" that contains one or more execs.

    This exec-phase is expected to return a file with the following keys:

  3. Variables that can be used in the exec-phase to pass the context of the currently selected artefact to the Export Definition:

    • ${iduser} is the ID of the user generating the export

    • ${token} is the auto-generated token for on the fly authentification to the API REST

    • ${idartefact} is the ID of the currently selected artefact

    • ${idversion} is the ID of the version of the project that is currently selected

    • ${idapplication} is the ID of the project that currently selected

    • ${idmodel} is the ID of the analysis model used for the project that is currently selected

    • ${group} is the path of the current selected group portfolio

    • ${serverurl} is the Squore Server URL, as defined in Administration > System

    • ${localUrl} is the Squore Local URL

You can add your own Export Definition by following these steps:

  1. Create a folder in configuration/exports called my_export_definition.

  2. Create a form.xml and in my_export_definition

  3. Define the exec-phase that your Export Definition will run

  4. Add your Export Definition to your model’s Export Bundle for the desired role and artefact type, using the folder name (my_export_definition) as the ExportDef's name attribute:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Role name="DEFAULT">
    	<Export type="...">
    		<ExportDef name="my_export_definition" />
  5. Reload the Squore configuration and your Export Definition should appear in the Reports tab of the Explorer.

For more examples of custom Export Definitions, consult the configuration/exports and addons/exports folders of the default Squore configuration.

Please note, as data-provider, you can use the <exec-tool> parameter in order to call other elements while processing, like Data Provider or Scripts. For more informations about <exec-tool> parameter, please refer to Running your Data Provider.

3. Analysis Models

Understanding Analysis Models

Analysis Models define how metrics data is computed and aggregated. You can browse and analyse models through the Models > Viewer menu in the Squore web interface.

Analysis Models define building blocks organised in a hierarchical structure. The following blocks can be used:

  • Artefact Types define the types of artefacts that can be created in the Artefact Tree.

  • Measure elements define the metrics, both base and derived, that are used and computed in the analysis model.

  • Rule elements are similar to measures, except they represent a trigger: the rule is either respected or violated. They are associated to practices, and the number of violations for a single rule shows how the practice is applied in the development process.

  • Scale and ScaleLevel elements define how the measures are expressed (units, ranges).

  • Indicator elements associate a measure with a scale. They provide a human-readable format for the measures expressed.

  • Constant elements define fixed values used in computations.

Blocks can refer to each others, for example computations use measures and rules. The syntax used for computations is documented in Expression Syntax.

Artefact Types

In order to rate your project, you can define artefact types and aliases in Squore. The artefact types used in the default configuration for source code are all defined in <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/models/Shared/data_provider/squan_sources/artefact_types.xml so you can include them easily in your model. Here is a selection of the most common ones:

<ArtefactType id="FILES" heirs="FILE;HEADER" />
<ArtefactType id="MODULES" heirs="FUNCTION" />

The root node of a project is always of type APPLICATION. The SUB_APPLICATION type is used as the type for the root node of a project that is a component of a meta-project only.

You can define any artefact type in your model by declaring them in the artefactTypes attribute of your analysis model’s RootIndicator, as shown below. The following definition of the ROOT main indicator declares the types APPLICATION, FILE, CLASS, FUNCTION, REQUIREMENT, TEST_PLAN, TEST_SUITE and TEST:


In addition, you can define aliases to group types of artefacts together to use later when defining metrics in your analysis model. The ArtefactType definition below groups the artefacts defined above into CODE and DOCUMENT aliases:


This means that the long artefact declaration above can be rewritten as follows:

<RootIndicator artefactTypes="CODE;DOCUMENT" indicatorId="ROOT" />

You can use aliases everywhere in your configuration, except in properties files.

You can also use the ArtefactType element with a manual attribute to declare that some artefacts can be added manually by the user, as shown below:

<ArtefactType id="TEST_SUITE" parents="APPLICATION;TEST_SUITE;TEST_PLAN" manual="true" />
<ArtefactType id="TEST" parents="TEST_SUITE" manual="true" />
<ArtefactType id="TEST_PLAN" parents="APPLICATION" manual="true" />
<ArtefactType id="REQUIREMENT" parents="APPLICATION" manual="true" />

Manual artefacts can be added by users with the required permissions via a context menu in the Artefact Tree.


The Measure element defines the semantics of a single measure. From a technical standpoint, a measure is merely a mapping between the information provided by the Data Provider and known Squore elements.

Base Measures only define the measure name and identifier, whereas Derived Measures define how they are computed from other measures. A Measure without computation is a base measure. The following two examples show how the SLOC (Source Lines Of Code) base measure and the COMR (Comment Rate) derived measure are defined:

<Measure measureId="SLOC" targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION;FILE" defaultValue="1" />
<Measure measureId="COMR" defaultValue="0">
	<Computation stored="true" targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION;FOLDER;FILE;FUNCTION;CLASS;PROGRAM" result="(CLOC+MLOC)*100/(SLOC+CLOC)" />

The attributes allowed for the Measure element are as follows:

  • measureId (mandatory) is the unique identifier of the measure, as used in the properties files[1]. Any alphanumerical value is accepted for this attribute as long as it is at least two characters and starts with a letter.

  • targetArtefactTypes is the type of artefact targeted by the measure. For more information about artefact types, consult Artefact Types.

  • excludingTypes allows refining targetArtefactTypes to exclude certain types that may have been included via an alias. You can for example specify that a metric exists for all JAVA types except for JAVA_INTERFACE with the following syntax:

    <Measure measureId="TEST_COVERAGE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="PACKAGES;JAVA" excludingTypes="JAVA_INTERFACE" result="IF(IS_DP_OK(JACOCO),TST_COV,-1)" />
  • defaultValue (optional, default: not set) sets the default value to be used if no value is found for this metric.

* usedForRelaxation (optional, default: false) indicates that the measure is used in this model to indicate whether an artefact is relaxed of excluded. Note that only one measure per artefact type in your model can use this attribute. * stored (optional, default: true) defines whether a base measure’s value is stored in the database (true) or discarded (false) after an analysis.

  • suffix (optional, default: empty) is the label displayed after the value of the metric in the UI

  • dataBounds (optional, default: none) allows specifying which range of values should be considered valid for this measure (currently this applies to the Indicator Tree and the Measures tab only).

  • invalidValue (optional, default: -) is the text that should be displayed when an invalid value is set for the measure (currently this applies to the Indicator Tree and the Measures tab only).

  • noValue (optional, default: ?) is the text displayed when no value exists for this metric in the database (currently this applies to the Indicator Tree and the Measures tab only).

  • format (optional, default: NUMBER) is the format used to display the value of the measure in the UI. Each supported format has additional parameters, as described below:

    * format="NUMBER": (default)
       + pattern="Java Number Pattern"
       + decimals=""
       + roundingMode=""
    * format="PERCENT":
       + decimals=""
       + roundingMode=""
    * format="MAN_DAYS"
    * format="MAN_HOURS"
    * format="MAN_MINUTES"
    * format="MAN_SECONDS"
    * format="MAN_MILLISECONDS"
    * format="DAYS"
    * format="HOURS"
    * format="MINUTES"
    * format="SECONDS"
    * format="MILLISECONDS"
    * format="INTEGER":
       + roundingMode=""
    * format="DATE|TIME|DATETIME":
       + pattern="Java Date Pattern"
       + dateStyle="" (only for DATE and DATETIME)
       + timeStyle="" (only for TIME and DATETIME)
  • decimals (optional, default: 0) is the number of decimals places to be used for displaying values.

  • roundingMode (optional, default: HALF_EVEN) defines the behaviour used for rounding the numerical values displayed. The supported values are:

    • CEILING to round towards positive infinity.

    • DOWN to round towards zero.

    • FLOOR to round towards negative infinity.

    • HALF_DOWN to round towards "nearest neighbour" unless both neighbours are equidistant, in which case round down.

    • HALF_EVEN to round towards the "nearest neighbour" unless both neighbours are equidistant, in which case, round towards the even neighbour.

    • HALF_UP to round towards "nearest neighbour" unless both neighbours are equidistant, in which case round up.

    • UP to round away from zero.

For more examples of rounding mode, consult

  • dateStyle (optional, default: DEFAULT) : the date formatting style, used when the displayType is one of DATE or DATETIME.

    • SHORT is completely numeric, such as 12.13.52 or 3:30pm.

    • MEDIUM is longer, such as Jan 12, 1952.


    • LONG is longer, such as January 12, 1952 or 3:30:32pm.

    • FULL is pretty completely specified, such as Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD or 3:30:42pm PST.

  • timeStyle (optional, default: DEFAULT): the time formatting style, used when the displayType is one of DATETIME or TIME. See above for available styles.

The attributes allowed for the Computation element are as follows:

  • targetArtefactTypes is the type of artefact targeted by this definition. For more information about artefact types, consult Artefact Types.

* stored (optional, default: true) defines whether a derived measure’s value is stored in the database (true) or discarded (false) after an analysis. * result specifies how the measure is computed from other metrics values. Identifiers used in the result are measureIds, and the syntax is described in Expression Syntax.

The measure defined is then used with its identifier, prefixed with B. for base measures, or prefixed with D. for derived measures. The following example shows the use of a derived measure for a computation:

<Computation targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION;FOLDER;FILE;CLASS;FUNCTION" result="(D.MET_OKR+D.RULE_OKR)/2" />


Analysis models support inheritance and overriding of metrics according to the following rules:

  • If a metric is defined twice for a type, the first definition takes priority for this artefact type. An INFO message is displayed in the Validator to inform you that a definition is overriden by another one.

  • A metric definition for a specific type overrides a metric definition for a more generic type (typically an alias).

As a result, the following definitions are allowed in your Bundle.xml:

  • Specifying a different computation for one sub-type

    <ArtefactType id="MODULES" heirs="FUNCTION" />
    <Measure measureId="VG" defaultValue="1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="MODULES" result="CCN+TERN+OREL+ANTH+CABL-(CASE+DEF)" />
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="PHP_MODULES" result="CCN+TERN+OREL+ANTH" />
  • Overriding a computation imported from another file by specifying it before the file import

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Bundle xmlns:xi="">
    	<Measure measureId="COMR" defaultValue="0">
    		<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="IF(ELOC+CLOC=0,-1,(CLOC+MLOC)/(ELOC+CLOC))" />
    	<xi:include href="../../Shared/basic_definitions/comr.xml" />


Rules are a specific type of measure. They do not return a numeric value like other measures, but the location within the source code where the rule was broken. Squore does not define any rule by itself, but requires a mapping between the rules defined in the external tools[2] that provide the compliance measure and internal concepts (and properties files).

An example of rule definition is provided below:


The attributes allowed for the Measure element of type rule are as follows:

  • measureId is the unique identifier of the rule, as used in the properties files.

  • type is always set to RULE for rule measures.

  • toolName (optional, default: empty) is the name of the tool, e.g. FindBugs, SQuORE, CPPTEST that submitted this metric, to be displayed in the Findings tab. It is generally only specified when you are defining a metric as a rule that will trigger a finding.

  • toolVersion (optional, default: empty) is the tool version displayed together with the toolName in the Findings tab.

  • categories defines the scale level returned by Squore when the rule is violated.

  • families puts tags on the measure. A common tag is TAB, which displays the rule in the user interface.

  • targetArtefactTypes is the type of artefact targeted by this definition. For more information about artefact types, consult Artefact Types.

  • manual (optional, default: false) is used when you want to define a rule that can be added manually to an artefact in the artefact tree. Manual findings can be added by users with the required permissions via a context menu in the Artefact Tree.

Overriding Default Rules

A simple way to override a rule that is defined somewhere in your model is to use an UpdateRules section in your Analysis bundle:

	<UpdateRule measureId="R_NOGOTO" disabled="true" categories="SCALE_SEVERITY.CRITICAL"/>

This syntax allows you to import a ruleset from the Shared folder and modify some of the rules if they do not fit your target model.

The UpdateRules element takes one or more UpdateRule elements where you need to define:

  • measureId (mandatory) is the ID of the rule you are overriding

  • disabled (optional, default: false) lets you specify that the rule should be turned off in your model when set to true

  • categories (optional, default: no override) allows adding new categories or adjusting existing categories for a rule

Building Rulesets

A common use case when building a model for Squore is to define metrics that compute the rule compliance of your project. The rule compliance metric is generally a ratio of rules checked versus rules violated in a project.

Squore only takes into account the rules that are provided by Data Providers used in the current analysis to compute the rule compliance metrics.

This feature requires that you organise your rules into packages that declare which Data Provider checks them. This can be achieved with the use of a Package element with a providedBy attribute in your model. The following example is taken from the FindBugs ruleset:

<Package providedBy="Findbugs;Findbugs_auto">
	<Measure measureId="AT_OPERATION_SEQUENCE_ON_CONCURRENT_ABSTRACTION" type="RULE" targetArtefactTypes="JAVA" .../>
	<Measure measureId="BC_BAD_CAST_TO_ABSTRACT_COLLECTION" targetArtefactTypes="JAVA" .../>

By specifying providedBy="Findbugs;Findbugs_auto", you instruct Squore to count this rule as a coding standard only if the analysis used Findbugs or Findbugs_auto. All rules in this package are ignored when this is not the case. The value of the providedBy attribute is the name of the folder in configuration/tools that contains the Data Provider’s form.xml.

Internally, this means that all queries reporting a rule count (COUNT RULE(<scope>) FROM …​ WHERE …​) in your model ignore rules inside a package provided by a data provider that was not part of the analysis.

The UI is also impacted and displays only the subset of matching rules in the following locations:

  • The list of rules in the Rules Edition step of the project wizard

  • The All Rules list of findings in the Explorer

This behaviour is applied by default, unless you disable it for your entire installation by adding the following line to your main properties.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Bundle version="1.2">
    <!-- Configuration options -->
    <option name="configuration.models.useProvidedBy" value="false"/>


Scales define grades and boundaries for measures, in order to translate them into more understandable information. The ScaleLevel sub-element defines the ranges in the scale.

<Scale scaleId="SCALE_EC">
	<ScaleLevel levelId="UNKNOWN" bounds="];0[" rank="-1" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELA" bounds="[0;0]" rank="0" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELB" bounds="]0;1]" rank="1" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELC" bounds="]1;2]" rank="2" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELD" bounds="]2;3]" rank="3" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELE" bounds="]3;4]" rank="4" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELF" bounds="]4;5]" rank="5" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELG" bounds="]5;]" rank="6" />

In this example, the scale SCALE_EC associates different levels to a measured value:

  • If the measured value is less than 0, the levelId is UNKNOWN with ranking -1.

  • If the measured value is exactly 0, the levelId is A with ranking 0.

  • If the measured value is between 0 (excluded) and 1 (included), the levelId is B with ranking 1.

  • If the measured value is between 1 (excluded) and 2 (included), the levelId is C with ranking 2.

  • If the measured value is between 2 (excluded) and 3 (included), the levelId is D with ranking 3.

  • If the measured value is between 3 (excluded) and 4 (included), the levelId is E with ranking 4.

  • If the measured value is between 4 (excluded) and 5 (included), the levelId is F with ranking 5.

  • If the measured value is more than 5 (excluded), the levelId is G with ranking 6.

The use of unions in scale bounds has been deprecated since Squore 16.0. You now need to use two distinct scale levels, as shown in the following example:

Old syntax:

<Scale scaleId="SCALE_EC2">
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVEL_IN" bounds=" ]0;10[|]10;100[" rank="0"/>
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVEL_OUT" bounds="[10;10]" rank="1"/>

Current syntax:

<Scale scaleId="SCALE_EC2">
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVEL_IN_LOW" bounds=" ]0;10[" rank="0"/>
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVEL_OUT" bounds="[10;10]" rank="1"/>
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVEL_IN_HIGH" bounds=" ]10;100[" rank="0"/>

Scales can be overridden for a specific artefact type, as shown below:

<Indicator indicatorId="VG" measureId="VG" scaleId="VG" targetArtefactTypes="CODE" />
<Scale scaleId="VG">
	<ScaleLevel levelId="UNKNOWN"	bounds="];0[" rank="-1" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="GREEN"	bounds="[0;6]" rank="0" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="YELLOW"	bounds="]6;10]" rank="1" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="RED" bounds="]10;[" rank="2" />

<Scale scaleId="VG" targetArtefactTypes="COBOL_PROGRAM">
	<ScaleLevel levelId="UNKNOWN"	bounds="];0[" rank="-1" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="GREEN"	bounds="[0;10]" rank="0" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="YELLOW"	bounds="]10;20]" rank="1" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="RED" bounds="]20;[" rank="2" />

The scale VG applies to all artefacts of type CODE, however, for artefacts of type COBOL_PROGRAM, the scale levels have different bounds than for other types (as specified via the targetArtefactTypes attribute).

You can use scale macros in order to avoid duplicating a scale and use parameters ({0}, {1}…​) to define the scale level thresholds:

<ScaleMacro id="RGB">
	<ScaleLevel levelId="UNKNOWN"	bounds="];0[" rank="-1" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="GREEN"	bounds="[0;{0}]" rank="0" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="YELLOW"	bounds="]{0};{1}]" rank="1" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="RED" bounds="]{1};[" rank="2" />

Scales defined by a macro and its parameters are then specified as shown below:

<Scale scaleId="VG" macro="RGB" vars="6;10" />
<Scale scaleId="VG_REVERSED" macro="RGB" vars="10;6" />

The UNKNOWN level receives special treatment when it comes to showing a trend:

  • When the rank goes from the UNKNOWN level to any other level, the trend is shown as: CFG tree new

  • When the rank goes from any level to UNKNOWN, the trend is shown as: CFG tree down

The Scale element accepts the following attributes:

  • scaleId (mandatory) the unique identifier of the scale

  • targetArtefactTypes (optional) the specific artefacts that this scale applies to. If this attribute is omitted, then the value of targetArtefactTypes specified for the indicator using this scale is used.

  • macro (optional) specifies the id of the ScaleMacro used to define this scale

  • vars (optional) is a semicolon-separated list of parameters to pass to the ScaleMacro to define this scale

  • isDynamic (optional, default: false) whether the scale levels are dynamic or not. Read more about the concept of dynamic scales in Dynamic Scales.

Scale levels are defined using one or more ScaleLevel sub-elements, with the following attributes:

  • levelId (mandatory) the unique identifier of the scale level.

  • bounds (mandatory) the value limits for this scale level. Infinite bounds can be specified by omitting the number, e.g.: [0;[ or [0;] for any null or positive number.

  • rank (mandatory) the weight of the scale which is used when aggregating values.

The levelIds are then mapped to their language-specific attributes in a properties file. For the previous example, the file gives the following mapping:


The trend icons (new, improved, deteriorated and stable) that appear in the artefact tree and the dashboard tables can also be customised in a properties file as shown below:




Indicators associate a measure with a scale.

<Indicator indicatorId="ROKR_REQ" measureId="ROKR_REQ" scaleId="SCALE_DECILE" families="TAB" displayTypes="VALUE;LEVEL" />

The attributes allowed in the Indicator tag are the following:

  • indicatorId (mandatory) the unique identifier of the indicator being defined.

  • measureId (optional) the unique identifier of the measure to map.

  • scaleId (optional) the unique identifier of the scale to be used for the measure.

  • targetArtefactTypes (optional) is the type of artefact targeted by this indicator. For more information about artefact types, consult Artefact Types. If you do not define a target artefact type for an indicator, then the types specifed for the measure or the scale associated with the indicator are used.

  • families (optional) the families associated with the indicator.

  • displayTypes (optional, default: empty) specifies which details relative to the indicator should be displayed in the Indicator tree on the left of the dashboard. The accepted values are

    • LEVEL to display the level name of the indicator after its name

    • VALUE to display the actual value of the metric associated to the indicator after its name

  • displayedScale (optional) allows displaying an alternate scale in the indicator details popup in the Explorer instead of the real scale associated with the indicator. This is generally useful when you are using a complicated scale internally but you want to show something simpler to your users instead (when using dynamic scales for example). This attribute accepts any valid scale ID from your model.

  • displayedValue (optional) allows displaying an alternate measure in the indicator details popup in the Explorer instead of the real measure associated with the indicator. This is generally useful when you are using a measure internally that would not make sense to end users but you want to show something simpler instead (when using dynamic scales for example). This attribute accepts any valid measure ID from your model.

In order to quickly define an indicator using the same value for indicatorId, measureId and scaleId you can use this quick notation syntax:

<Indicator indicatorId="TEST_COVERAGE" />

Squore will automatically assume that measureId and scaleId for this indicator are also TEST_COVERAGE.

Advanced Examples

  1. Defining a single indicator that uses different measures depending on the type of artefact:

    <Indicator indicatorId="WEIGHTED_NCC" measureId="WEIGHTED_NCC" targetArtefactTypes="CLASSES;MODULES;CODE_SPECIFICATIONS" />
    <Indicator indicatorId="WEIGHTED_NCC" measureId="WEIGHTED_NCC_DENSITY" targetArtefactTypes="PACKAGES;FILES" />
  2. Defining a single indicator that uses different scales depending on the artefact type:

    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CLASSES;MODULES;CODE_SPECIFICATIONS" result="..." />
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION;SOURCE_CODE;FOLDER;FILES" result="..." />
    <Scale scaleId="COMPLEXITY" macro="TRAFFIC_LIGHT" vars="5;30" targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION;SOURCE_CODE;FOLDER;FILES" />
    <Scale scaleId="COMPLEXITY" macro="TRAFFIC_LIGHT" vars="20;200" targetArtefactTypes="CLASSES;MODULES;CODE_SPECIFICATIONS" />

Root Indicators

An indicator must be specified as the root indicator for a each artefact type. The root indicator is the top-level mark displayed next to an artefact in the artefact tree.

<RootIndicator indicatorId="MAINTAINABILITY" artefactTypes="APPLICATION;FILE;FUNCTION" />
  • indicatorId the unique identifier of the indicator chosen as root.

  • artefactTypes is the type of artefact for which this indicator is the root indicator. It is one or more of APPLICATION, SOURCE_CODE, FOLDER, FILE, CLASS, PROGRAM, FUNCTION, or any other type defined for your project. Note that the indicator must exist for all the types of artefacts specified.

A root indicator must be based on a derived measure, not a base measure. If the measure you want to use as an indicator is a base, add a dummy derived measure as shown below.


<Measure id="ROOT" targetArtefactTypes="TYPE" defaultValue="0" />


<Measure id="ROOT" targetArtefactTypes="TYPE" defaultValue="0">
	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="SOME_OTHER_TYPE" result="B.ROOT" />

Configuring Artefact Relaxation

In order to allow users to relax or exclude artefacts from the project Artefact Tree, you need to reserve one measure that uses a special attribute used for relaxation and specify to which artefact types it applies.

The following is a basic example of how to allow users to relax folders and files in your model:

<!-- myModel/Analysis/Bundle.xml -->
<ArtefactType id="RELAXABLE" heirs="FOLDER;FILES" />
<Measure measureId="RELAX" targetArtefactTypes="RELAXABLE" defaultValue="0" usedForRelaxation="true" />

Only one measure in your model may use the usedForRelaxation attribute.

By adding these two lines in your model, you allow users whose role grant the View Drafts of Projects and Modify Artefacts privileges to use the relaxation mechanism. For more information about using artefact relaxation from the web UI, consult the Getting Started Guide or the online help.

Impact on computations

When an artefact is relaxed, its metrics are ignored when computing metrics for other artefacts. This makes sense for example when relaxing a folder full of third-party code, because you may not want the total number of software lines of code to include third-party code.

In other situations, it does not make sense to exclude all metrics from relaxed artefacts: If you are analysing components of a system and aggregate memory usage information up to the application level for example, third-party components for which you relax source code issues should still be part of the total memory usage for the system. In the latter case, you can use the continueOnRelaxed attribute to indicate that some or all measures should be included in computations even if the artefact has been relaxed. This is explained in the two examples below.

In the following code continueOnRelaxed is set to true for the metric used to mark artefacts as relaxed (usedForRelaxation). As a result, all measures of the relaxed artefact are included in computations for other artefacts:

<ArtefactType id="RELAXABLE" heirs="FOLDER;FILES" />
<Measure measureId="RELAX" targetArtefactTypes="RELAXABLE" usedForRelaxation="true" continueOnRelaxed="true" defaultValue="0" />

In the following code, continueOnRelaxed is set to true at computation-level. As a result, the measure MEMORY is included in computations even when the artefact is relaxed. No other measures are included in computations for relaxed artefacts, since continueOnRelaxed is omitted from the definition of RELAX:

<ArtefactType id="RELAXABLE" heirs="FOLDER;FILES" />
<Measure measureId="RELAX" targetArtefactTypes="RELAXABLE" usedForRelaxation="true" defaultValue="0" />
<Measure measureId="MEMORY" defaultValue="0">
	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION;FODLER" result="SUM FILE.MEMORY FROM DESCENDANTS" continueOnRelaxed="true"/>

Only artefacts of type FOLDER and FILES should be relaxable. If you need to find out if an artefact is relaxed in your model, you can use the IS_RELAXED_ARTEFACT() function described in Conditional and Level-Related Functions.

Squore allows you to define links between artefacts. The links are generally created by Data Providers in your model (see Creating a form.xml for your own Data Providers, Repository Connectors and Export Definitions), and are displayed automatically in tables on the dashboard, as shown below:

CFG links intro
Links to related requirements and tests in the scorecard of a requirement

Links in the scorecard can be clicked to navigate to the target artefact directly.

For more information about advanced display options for links, consult Scorecard Tables.

Basic links are declared in the analysis model using a Links element, which accepts the following attributes:

  • id (mandatory) is the unique identifier for the link type in your model

  • srcArtefactTypes (optional, default: any) is a list of possible artefact types that can generate inbound links for this type of link.

  • dstArtefactTypes (optional, default: any) is a list of possible artefact types that this type of link can link create outbound links to.

The links shown in the picture above can be defined as follows:

<Link id="TEST" srcArtefactTypes="REQUIREMENT" dstArtefactTypes="TEST_CASE" />
<Link id="RELATED_REQ" srcArtefactTypes="REQUIREMENT" dstArtefactTypes="REQUIREMENT" />

It is not strictly necessary to declare all your basic link types in the analysis model, but doing so allows you to use a condition in the LINKS() function, which you can read about in Conditional and Level-Related Functions.

You can also create advanced links in your analysis model by declaring computed links,. Computed links allow you to add conditions to the source and destination artefacts and create links that follow artefacts recursively, which are a great way to implement traceability between artefacts. Here are a few examples of computed links:

  1. Provide links to all complex functions at application level:

    <ComputedLink id="COMPLEX_FUNCTIONS">
    	<StartPath srcArtefactTypes="APPLICATION" scope="DESCENDANTS" dstArtefactTypes="MODULES" dstCondition="VG > 10" />

    You can then use this link to display a treemap of all complex functions at application level in your dashboard:

    <chart type="TREEMAP" id="TREEMAP_LINK_EXAMPLE" linkType="COMPLEX_FUNCTIONS" colorFromIndicator="ROOT">
  2. Provide links at application level to all complex functions in files with over 100 lines of code:

    	<StartPath srcArtefactTypes="APPLICATION" scope="DESCENDANTS" dstArtefactTypes="FILE" dstCondition="SLOC > 100" />
    	<NextPath scope="DESCENDANTS" dstArtefactTypes="MODULES" dstCondition="VG > 10" />
  3. Provide links from high level requirements to tests linked to lower level requirements: A data provider provides a basic link between requirements and tests, and a basic link between related requirements. The model recursively traverses the hierarchy of requirements to link the highest-level requirement artefact to the test artefact attached lower-level requirements.

    <!-- Define basic link between requirement artefacts (REQUIREMENT) -->
    <Link id="REQ" srcArtefactTypes="REQUIREMENT" dstArtefactTypes="REQUIREMENT" />
    <!-- Define basic links between a requirement artefact (REQUIREMENT) and a test artefact (TEST) -->
    <Link id="TESTED_BY" srcArtefactTypes="REQUIREMENT" dstArtefactTypes="TEST" />
    <!-- Compute link from requirement to test recursively:
    	1. Follow REQ links recursively
    	2. Follow link from requirement to test
    	- A link is created from the top requirement to the test
    	- Intermediate links are kept between all traversed artefacts -->
    <ComputedLink id="REQ_TO_TEST">
    	<StartPath link="REQ" recurse="TRUE" keepIntermediateLinks="TRUE" />
    	<NextPath link="TESTED_BY" />
  4. Provide links at application level to requirements with failing tests in highly complex modules: A data provider provides a basic link between requirements and tests and a basic link between a test and the tested code. The model dynamically computes the requirements with failing tests and provides links at application level to the unsatisfied requirements involving functions with a cyclomatic complexity greater than 10.

    <!-- Define basic links between code/test and test/requirement -->
    <Link id="TESTED_BY" srcArtefactTypes="MODULES" dstArtefactTypes="TEST" />
    <Link id="SATISFIES" srcArtefactTypes="TEST" dstArtefactTypes="REQUIREMENT" />
    <!-- Compute link between complex code failing tests and associated requirement:
    	1. Find all complex modules under application
    	2. Follow the link to the associated test if the test is failing
    	3. Follow the link to the associated requirement -->
    <ComputedLink id="FAILING_REQ_RISK">
    	<StartPath srcArtefactTypes="APPLICATION" scope="DESCENDANTS" dstArtefactTypes="MODULES" dstCondition="VG > 10" />
    	<NextPath link="TESTED_BY" dstCondition="IF(FAILED)" />
    	<NextPath link="SATISFIES" />
  5. Provide links at application level to all change requests artefacts addressed in the git commit used for the analysis: A data provider parses git logs to create a basic link between a commit ID and the CR it fixes and another basic link between the commit ID and the code it impacts. The model then dynamically computes a changelog of CRs fixed in the commit ID specified for this analysis, with links to individual CR artefacts clickable at application level.

    <!-- Available artefact types:
    * a GIT_COMMIT is an artefact with textual information for COMMIT_ID
    * APPLICATION was provided GIT_COMMIT as textual information
    * each change request was imported in the project as a CR artefact
    <!-- Define basic links based on git commit information -->
    <Link id="FIXES" srcArtefactTypes="GIT_COMMIT" dstArtefactTypes="CR" />
    <Link id="CHANGED_FILE" srcArtefactTypes="FILES" dstArtefactTypes="GIT_COMMIT" />
    <!-- Compute links between source code files and CRs:
    	1. If a commit ID was specified at application level, find all file descendants
    	2. If the commit ID matches the one at application level, follow the link to the commit
    	3. Reach the CR and use it as the endpoint for the link from the application level -->
    <ComputedLink id="CHANGELOG">
    	<StartPath srcArtefactTypes="APPLICATION" srcCondition="NOT(EQUALS(COMMIT_ID, ''))" scope="DESCENDANTS" dstArtefactTypes="FILES" />
    	<NextPath link="CHANGED_FILE" dstCondition="EQUALS(APP(COMMIT_ID), COMMIT_ID)" />
    	<NextPath link="FIXES" />

A ComputedLink always has a starting point defined with a StartPath element and one or more optional NextPath elements designed to keep following links as needed.

The full syntax for ComputedLink is as follows:

  • id (mandatory) is the identifier for the type of link you are declaring

The full syntax for StartPath and NextPath is as follows:

  • link or scope (mandatory) define the type of relationship between the artefacts to follow:

    • Use link="BASIC_LINK_ID" to follow a relationship already defined by a basic link (using a computed link inside the definition of another computed link is not supported)

    • Use scope="CHILDREN|DESCENDANTS" to follow a relationship between an artefact and its children only or all its descendants

  • srcArtefactTypes and dstArtefactTypes (optional for link, mandatory for scope in StartPath) define the source and destination artefact types that should be used as endpoints for the computed link. When using link="BASIC_LINK_ID", the source and target artefact types are taken from the definition of BASIC_LINK_ID. Note that these attributes are not necessary in a NextPath definition.

  • srcCondition and dstCondition (optional, default: no condition) allow setting a condition for the source or destination artefact. You can use any computation that will be evaluated for each potential endpoint of the computed link to filter it out and skip creating a link when the condition is not met.

  • recurse (optional, default: false) allows to keep looking for destination artefacts recursively to create more links. This attribute can only be used with link relationships.

  • keepIntermediateLinks (optional, default: false) saves all links created between artefacts by following this path when set to true. By default or when set to false, only one link is created between the source and destination artefacts. This attribute is only taken into account when recurse is set to true.

  • dstToSrc (optional, default: false) allows reversing the link direction. It is assumed by default that the link goes from the source artefact towards the target artefact. Set this attribute to true to define that the link should go from the target artefact towards source one.


Constants are used to resolve a symbol to a number. They are defined with the Constant XML tag.

<Constant id="HIS_MET" value="12" />

Two attributes are required to define a constant:

  • id the unique identifier of the constant.

  • value the value of the constant.

A constant can then be used in a computation by prefixing it with C., e.g.:

<Computation targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION;FOLDER;FILE;CLASS;FUNCTION" result="100*(1-(MET_KO/C.HIS_MET))" />

A constant can also be used in a scale level. Note that in this kind of usage, the constant ID does note require a prefix, as shown below:

<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELG" bounds="]5;]" rank="HIS_MET" />

Dynamic Scales

Dynamic scales are scales whose levels use measures instead of absolute bounds. They are useful when one metric has a different meaning according to the context in which it is read. In software development for example, you may accept a certain amount of specification changes at one stage of the process, but completely want to prohibit it at another stage. This section takes you through an example that can be implemented easily in your model with the use of dynamic scales.

What we want to guarantee with our dynamic scale, is that during three different phases of development, our requirements stability indicator is evaluated differently, as represented below:

CFG dynamic scale explained
Requirement Stability by Development Phase

The following is an example of a dynamic scale definition for a KPI that evaluates the stability of requirements as excellent, fine, worrying, critical or unknown:

<Scale scaleId="DYN_SCALE_REQ_STABILITY" isDynamic="true">
	<ScaleLevel levelId="DYN_EXCELLENT" bounds="[APP(EXCELLENT_THRESHOLD);[" rank="0" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="DYN_FINE" bounds="[APP(FINE_THRESHOLD);APP(EXCELLENT_THRESHOLD)[" rank="1" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="DYN_WORRYING" bounds="[APP(WORRYING_THRESHOLD);APP(FINE_THRESHOLD)[" rank="2" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="DYN_UNKNOWN" bounds="];APP(CRITICAL_THRESHOLD)[" rank="4" />

Only measureId or APP(measureId) are allowed in the bounds attribute.

Compared with the examples of scales shown in Scales, note the use of the isDynamic attribute and how the bounds are expressed with measures instead of actual values.

The threshold measures can vary for each analysis and/or for each artefact type, and the scale may therefore be different as time goes by. There are two ways they could be set:

  1. By using attributes at application levels so that users define the values of the thresholds manually.

  2. By computing the thresholds during the analysis with IF(), CASE() or other available functions described in Functions

Here is an example setting the thresholds according to a PHASE attribute set by the user before running an analysis (more information about attributes is available in Attributes:

<!-- Attribute Definition in Wizard -->
<tag type="multipleChoice" name="Development Phase: " measureId="PHASE" defaultValue="SPECIFICATION" displayType="radioButton" targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION">
	<value key="SPECIFICATION" value="1" />
	<value key="PROTOTYPING" value="2" />
	<value key="IMPLEMENTATION" value="3" />

<!-- Metrics Definition in Analysis Model -->
<Measure measureId="PHASE" targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION" defaultValue="0" />
<Constant id="PHASE_SPECIFICATION" value="1" />
<Constant id="PHASE_PROTOTYPING" value="2" />
<Constant id="PHASE_IMPLEMENTATION" value="3" />

<!-- Thresholds Computation in Analysis Model -->
<Measure measureId="EXCELLENT_THRESHOLD">
	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION"
<Measure measureId="FINE_THRESHOLD">
	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION"
<Measure measureId="WORRYING_THRESHOLD">
	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION"
<Measure measureId="CRITICAL_THRESHOLD">
	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION"

The final REQUIREMENTS_STABILITY indicator is associated with a static scale that uses the same ranks as the dynamic one, and its value is assigned by retrieving the desired rank from the dynamic scale using the FIND_RANK() function:

<!-- Static scale to base the KPI on -->
	<ScaleLevel levelId="EXCELLENT" bounds="[0;0]" rank="0" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="FINE" bounds="[1;1]" rank="1" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="WORRYING" bounds="[2;2]" rank="2" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="CRITICAL" bounds="[3;3]" rank="3" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="UNKNOWN" bounds="[4;4]" rank="4" />

<!-- Indicator definition -->

<!-- The base measure that holds the actual raw value of Requirement Stability -->
<Measure measureId="REQUIREMENTS_STABILITY_METRIC" targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION;FOLDER;FILE" defaultValue="0" />

<!-- A temporary measure to compute the rank of the metric on the dynamic scale -->
<Measure measureId="REQ_STABILITY_RANK">

For more information about the FIND_RANK() function, refer to Functions.

When using dynamic scales, the scale and measure computed for an indicator may not make sense for the end user. In this case, you may want to change what the user sees via the use of the displayedScale and displayedValue attributes in your indicator definition. For more information about this syntax, consult Indicators.

4. Decision Models

This chapter details the concept of the decision model, and the methods available for building an action plan in Squore.

Understanding Decision Models

A Decision Model defines how to build an Action Plan in Squore. The list of action items triggered during an analysis defines the to-do list that can be followed to improve the quality of a project.

There are two types of decision models available in Squore:

  • If you have a precise idea of which actions items should be part of your action plan for your model, you can define a list of tests to run against the metrics generated when running an analysis to build an action plan. This type of action plan is described in Trigger-Based Action Plans.

  • If you prefer to build an action plan automatically based on the findings found during the analysis, you can let Squore build a prioritised action plan according to the categories of findings which are most important to you. This type of action plan is described in Dynamic Action Plans.

It is currently not possible to configure a decition model that uses both manually-set triggers and dynamic findings prioritisation.

Dynamic Action Plans

The easiest way to instruct Squore to build a dynamic action plan for your model based on the findings generated during an analysis is to ensure that your model folder contains no Decision/Bundle.xml file. A list of the Top 40 valuable actions will be created for the project. This list is shown to all users in the Action Items tab of the Explorer.

CFG top40AI
Part of the Top 40 valuable actions dynamically generated for a source code project

By default, action items are created based on findings in the project using these criteria:

  • Findings with the lowest remediation cost

  • Findings with the highest severity

  • Findings with the lowest number of occurrences

This can be specified in your configuration/MyModelFolder/Decision/Bundle.xml as follows:

	<FindingsActionPlan limit="40">
		<CategoryCriterion type="COST" scaleId="SCALE_REMEDIATION" preferenceLevel="MEDIUM" excludeLevels="UNKNOWN;NONE" />
		<CategoryCriterion type="BENEFIT" scaleId="SCALE_SEVERITY" preferenceLevel="MEDIUM" excludeLevels="UNKNOWN;INFORMATION" />
		<OccurrencesCriterion type="COST" preferenceLevel="MEDIUM" />

Dynamic Action Plan Syntax

The FindingsActionPlan element accepts the following attributes:

  • limit (optional, default: 40) defines how many action items to generate

  • priorityScaleId (optional, default: SC_DEFAULT_PLANNER_PRIORITY) defines the priority scale used in the Action Items tab to distribute the action items. The default scale uses 20 levels to spread all the possible combinations of remediation costs, severities and number of occurrences evenly. You can define your own scale with more or less levels and even or uneven levels to distribute the combinations of possible action items.

There are three types of criteria that you can use to prioritise findings:

  • A CategoryCriterion to generate action items for findings of a certain category

  • An OccurrencesCriterion to prioritise generated action items according to the number of occurrences of corresponding findings

  • A VariableCriterion to prioritise action items according to a specific indicator

Each type of criterion accepts the following attributes:

  • scaleId (mandatory, not supported for VariableCriterion) is the scale to look up to build the criterion on.

  • indicatorId (mandatory, only supported in VariableCriterion) is the indicator to specify a VariableCriterion

  • type (optional, default: COST) defines which end of the scale to pull findings from in priority. Supported values are:

    • COST to get findings with the lowest rank on the scale turned into action items first. This makes sense on a remediation cost scale, where you want to fix findings with the lowest remediation cost first.

    • BENEFIT to get findings with the highest rank on the scale turned into action items first. This makes sense on a severity scale, where you want to fix findings with the highest severity first.

  • excludeLevels (optional, default: none) allows excluding scale levels from the criterion. This attribute allows a list of scale levels, as shown in the example above.

  • preferenceLevel (optional, default: MEDIUM) is used to weigh the criterion against the other criteria in the overall calculation of the action item’s priority. Supported values are:

    • VERY_LOW

    • LOW

    • MEDIUM

    • HIGH


Here is an example that expands on the default shown earlier to take into account the test coverage of artefacts and make sure that action items are generated mostly for artefacts with a high test coverage ratio. The scale used as well only contains five levels from P1 to P5 and will single out very high and very log priority items (the relevancy of an action item is a number between 0 and 100 that is measured against this scale to define the priority):

	<FindingsActionPlan limit="40" priorityScaleId="SCALE_LEVEL_FIVE">
		<CategoryCriterion type="COST" scaleId="SCALE_REMEDIATION" preferenceLevel="MEDIUM" excludeLevels="UNKNOWN;NONE" />
		<CategoryCriterion type="BENEFIT" scaleId="SCALE_SEVERITY" preferenceLevel="MEDIUM" excludeLevels="UNKNOWN;INFORMATION" />
		<OccurrencesCriterion type="COST" preferenceLevel="MEDIUM" />
		<VariableCriterion type="BENEFIT" preferenceLevel="VERY_HIGH" indicatorId="TEST_COVERAGE" />

Where SCALE_LEVEL_FIVE is defined as follows in your analysis model:

<Scale scaleId="SCALE_LEVEL_FIVE">
	<ScaleLevel levelId="P0" bounds="[0;0.05]" rank="0" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="P1" bounds="]0.05;0.15]" rank="1" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="P2" bounds="]0.15;0.65]" rank="2" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="P3" bounds="]0.65;0.85]" rank="3" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="P4" bounds="]0.85;0.95]" rank="4" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="P5" bounds="]0.95;1]" rank="5" />

Trigger-Based Action Plans

If you want to use a combination of metrics to trigger action plans instead of relying on prioritising findings, Squore allows building your own specification of triggers for action items. The following is an example of a Decision Bundle where an action item is based on specific triggers:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
		<DecisionCriterion dcId="DR_FU_UNTESTABLE" categories="SCALE_PRIORITY.MEDIUM" roles="DEVELOPER;PROJECT_MANAGER" targetArtefactTypes="FUNCTION">
					<Test expr="IS_CRITICAL_COMPONENT" />
					<Test expr="VG" bounds="[20;[" descrId="UNTESTABLE_VG" p0="#{MEASURE.VG}" />
					<Test expr="NEST" bounds="[4;[" descrId="UNTESTABLE_NEST" p0="#{MEASURE.NEST}" />
					<Test expr="NPAT" bounds="[800;[" descrId="UNTESTABLE_NPAT" p0="#{MEASURE.NPAT}" />
					<Test expr="VG" bounds="[50;[" descrId="UNTESTABLE_VG" p0="#{MEASURE.VG}" />

A DecisionCriterion is an action item definition. At least one Trigger must be true to trigger the automatic generation of an action item on an artefact whose type is defined in the targetArtefactTypes attribute of a DecisionCriterion. A trigger is true when all its tests evaluate to true.

When using the role attribute for a DecisionCriterion, you limit the visibility of the Action Items defined to the roles listed only. If the attribute is not present, then the action item is visible to all users who can view the project.

Remember that a decision criterion will evaluate its Triggers using OR, whereas a trigger will evaluate its Tests using AND.

Writing a Test

Writing a test, requires using the mandatory expr attribute, which is the expression being tested for, in the form of a computation. See Expression Syntax for more details about the syntax to use.

The following optional attributes may also be used:

  • bounds (optional, default: "[1;[") is the interval within which the computation result evaluates to true. If omitted, it defaults to [1;[, meaning that your test evaluates to true if it returns any positive value and false if it returns 0 or a negative value. The syntax is the same as the one used for defining scaleLevel bounds (see Scales), but you can also use some computations via the following syntax:

    1. For constants: C.<constantId>

    2. For measures: <measureId>

    3. For application-level measures: APP(<measureId>)

      As an example, the following bound definition is valid to trigger an action item:

  • descrId is description identifier used to set the description of this test.

  • p{x} defines parameters of the description, use for example:


    and the description:

    TST.{descrid}.name=The complexity is too high (value={0})

5. Expression Syntax

This chapter details the syntax used to express how measures, indicators, rules and action items are computed. There are two types of expression syntaxes that can be used:

  1. Computations

    Computations use metrics and functions to compute a value

  2. Queries

    Queries retrieve results from a defined scope, with an optional condition


Read on to find out more about expression syntax and start building your model.

In all examples in this chapter, spaces were added between operands and operators for clarity, but they are not required.

Computation Syntax


An operand is any element defined in the model, called with its unique identifier (ID).

  • Measures

    Measure IDs may be prefixed with B. to distinguish between the base measure and the derived measure.

    Adding and dividing measures values:
    <Computation targetArtefactTypes="FUNCTION" result="(TOPD+TOPT)/(DOPD+DOPT)" />
    Using both base and derived measures (B.SLOC and SLOC respectively) in the same calculation:
    <Measure measureId="COMR" defaultValue="-1">
    <Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="LC - B.SLOC + (-04 - SLOC)" />
  • Indicators

    Indicators are prefixed with I.. Computations with indicators use the rank of the indicator, as defined in the indicator’s associated scale.

    Sum the values of the ranks of several indicators:
    <Computation targetArtefactTypes="FUNCTION" result="I.SDOC+I.DFCX+I.CFCX" />
    Using the rank of the root indicator for the artefact with the RANK keyword:
    <Measure measureId="COMR" defaultValue="-1">
    <Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="RANK + LC" />
    Using the rank of the root indicator for the artefact with the LEVEL keyword:
    <Measure measureId="COMR" defaultValue="-1">
    <Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="LEVEL + LC" />
  • Rules

    Rules are prefixed with R. The following example shows a computation which retrieves the number of times the rule R_COMPOUNDIF was violated for the current artefact:

    <Computation targetArtefactTypes="PACKAGE" result="R.R_COMPOUNDIF" />

    Using R.RULE_ID is the same as writing the following query:


    Query syntax is introduced later in this chapter, in Queries.


  • +

Add operands

Take the value of LC and add 10:
<Measure measureId="COMR" defaultValue="-1">
	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="LC + 10" />
  • -

Subtract operands / use the opposite of an operand

Take the value of LC, subtract SLOC:
<Measure measureId="COMR" defaultValue="-1">
	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="LC - SLOC" />
Using the opposite value of an operand:
<Measure measureId="COMR" defaultValue="-1">
	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="0.1 * -LC + 2 * -SLOC * 3" />
  • *

Multiply operands

Multiplying metrics:
<Measure measureId="COMR" defaultValue="-1">
	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="LC * SLOC * 6.0" />
  • /

Divide operands

Divide metrics:
<Measure measureId="COMR" defaultValue="-1">
	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="LC + 2 / 2" />
  • OR or ||

Allows evaluating operands as boolean conditions. An operand evaluates to true if its value is > 0. OR returns true if at least one operand evaluates to true

  • AND or &&

Allows evaluating operands as boolean conditions. An operand evaluates to true if its value is > 0. AND returns true if both operands evaluate to true

The operator precedence in computation is as follows:


- (as opposite or operand)


/, *


+, - (as subtraction)


<=, >=, !=, =, >, <


OR, ||


AND, &&

You can use parentheses to override operator precedence, if needed.

When a computation gives an error, the measure will be assigned the default value (-1 in the example below) instead of the result of the computation:

<Measure measureId="COMR" defaultValue="-1">
	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="LC / 0" />

When a measure is assigned its default value because of an error, the Measures tab of the Explorer will display the measure status as Error. When this happens for an indicator, the indicator is displayed in red in the Indicator Tree.


The icon indicates functions that can be used inside charts that support computations. Computations that can be used in a chart have a limited scope: they only apply to the current node in its current version.

Mathematical Functions

  • MIN(value[,value,value…​])

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Determines the minimum in a set of values

    Use the lower of three indicators:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="MIN(I.TESTABILITY, I.CHANGEABILITY, I.ANALISABILITY)" />
    Using nested MIN and MAX functions:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="MIN(MAX(SLOC+(BLANK/2),1000),MAX(LC,1000))+2" />

  • FMIN(<Computation> min, <Computation> max, <Computation> value [, <Computation> value, <Computation> value…​])

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Calculate the filtered minimum of comma-separated values. When using the FMIN() function, only the values within min and max are used to calculate a MIN(). To specify infinity as a bound, leave the value of min or max empty. If no values match the filter, the default value is returned.

    Example 1:
    is equivalent to: FMIN(-Infinity,+Infinity,-2,4,11)
    is equivalent to: MIN(-2,4,11)
    Example 2:
    is equivalent to: MIN(4,11)
    Example 3:
    is equivalent to: MIN(), which evaluates to null
    and leads to using the default value of the measure and marking
    it in the indicator tree with the status ERROR.
    Example 4:
    is equivalent to: FMIN(2,+Infinity,1,I.lC)
    is equivalent to: MIN(I.LC)
    resolves to: I.LC if LC >= 2, else default value

  • MAX(value[,value,value…​])

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Determines the maximum in a set of values

    Use a measure if it is above a threshold, else use the threshold itself:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="MAX(10,VG)" />
    Use the value of the higher of two measures:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="MAX(LC,SLOC)" />
    Prevent a division by 0:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="LC / MAX(STAT, 1)" />

  • FMAX(<Computation> min, <Computation> max, <Computation> value [, <Computation> value, <Computation> value…​])

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Calculates the filtered maximum of comma-separated values. When using the FMAX() function, only the values within min and max are used to calculate a MAX(). To specify infinity as a bound, leave the value of min or max empty. If no values match the filter, the default value is returned.

  • ABS(operand)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Determines the absolute value for an operand

    Retrieve the variation of a measure:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="ABS(DELTA_VALUE(LC))" />

  • AVR(value[,value,value…​])

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Computes the average for a set of values

    Calculate the average of three indicators:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="AVR(I.TESTABILITY, I.CHANGEABILITY, I.ANALISABILITY)" />

  • EXP(<Computation>)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Calculates the exponential of a value

  • LN(<Computation> value)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Calculates the natural logarithm of a value

  • LOG(<Computation> value, <Computation> base)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Calculates the logarithm of a value

  • POW(<Computation> value, <Computation> power)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Calculates a power

  • SQRT(<Computation> value)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Calculates a square root

  • ROUND(<Computation> value)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Rounds a number up or down to the nearest integer

  • FLOOR(<Computation> value)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Rounds a number down to the nearest integer

  • CEIL(<Computation> value)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Rounds a number up to the nearest integer

  • CENTROID(<Computation> value [| <computation> weight], …​)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Calculates the centroid of comma-separated pairs of value|weight. If no weight is specified, it is set to 1.

    Calculate the centroid of 3 with weight 3 and 2 with weight 100 (=2.03) (this translates to (3x3 + 2x100) / (100+3)):
    <Measure measureId="MATH_CENTROID_3_3_2_100" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION" result="CENTROID(3|3,2|100)"/>

  • FCENTROID(<Computation> min, <Computation> max, <Computation> value [| <computation> weight], …​)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Calculates the filtered centroid of comma-separated pairs of value|weight. When using the FCENTROID() function, only the values within min and max are used to calculate a CENTROID(). To specify infinity as a bound, leave the value of min or max empty. If no values match the filter, the default value is returned.

    Calculate the filtered centroid of TESTABILITY/STABILITY/MAINTAINABILITY:
    Given the scale:
    level: UNKNOWN, rank: -1
    level: LEVELA, rank: 0
    level: LEVELB, rank: 1
    level: LEVELC, rank: 2
    <Measure measureId="MATH_FCENTROID" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION" result="FCENTROID(0,,I.TESTABILITY|3,I.STABILITY|2,I.MAINTAINABILITY)"/>
    I.TESTABILITY is filtered out as it is not between the specified minimum and maximum.
    The value is then computed as CENTROID(I.STABILITY|2,I.MAINTAINABILITY), which is (1x2 + 2) / (2+1).

  • FSUM(<Computation> min, <Computation> max, <Computation> value [, <Computation> value, <Computation> value…​])

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Calculate the filtered sum of comma-separated values. When using the FSUM() function, only the values within min and max are used to calculate a sum. To specify infinity as a bound, leave the value of min or max empty. If no values match the filter, the default value is returned.
    is evaluated as: 1 + 2.5 + 1 + 3
    is evaluated as: 2.5 + 3
    resolves to: I.LC if >= 6 or LC if >= 6
Conditional and Level-Related Functions

  • IF(cond,val_yes,val_no)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Assigns different values based on the result of a condition. Note that nested IF constructions are allowed, and an IF block can contain OR or AND operators. A condition is simply a computation that returns 1 if true and 0 if false. For example, result="SLOC>50" returns 1 if the artefact’s SLOC is greater than 50, or 0 otherwise.

    Set a measure to 6 if SLOC is above a threshold, else set it to 4:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="2+IF(SLOC>50,4,2)" />
    Fall into the ELSE part of the IF statement to avoid using the default value:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="IF(2/0, 5, 10)" />
    => will return 10 instead of -1
    Set a measure to 6 if SLOC is above a value and below another one, else set it to 4:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="2+IF(SLOC>50 AND SLOC<100,4,2)" />
    A nested IF construction:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="2+IF(I.LC>IF(SLOC>300,SLOC,MAX(250,300)),98,8)" />

  • CASE(measureId,case1:value1,case2:value2[,…​][,DEFAULT:value])

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Assigns different values to a measure based on the value of another measure. A fallback can be specified by using the DEFAULT case.

    Assign a value for EASE_OF_USE based on the value of FEEDBACK:
    <Measure measureId="EASE_OF_USE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION" result="CASE(FEEDBACK,C.BAD:0,C.GOOD:50,C.EXCELLENT:80,DEFAULT:-1)" />

  • NOT(computation)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Returns 0 if the result of the computation is greater than or equal to 1, or 1 otherwise.

    Set OLD_LARGE_FILE to 1 if the file is neither new nor under 500 lines
    <Measure measureId="OLD_LARGE_FILE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="FILE" result="NOT(IS_NEW_ARTEFACT() AND LC<500)" />

  • RANK(scale_id,level_id)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Provides a way to retrieve rank values from your model.

    Retrieve rank values, given the following scale:
    <Scale scaleId="SCALE_LINE">
    	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELA" bounds="];10]"  rank="0" />
    	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELB" bounds="]10;30]" rank="1" />
    	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELC" bounds="]30;60]" rank="2" />
    	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELD" bounds="]60;100]" rank="4" />
    	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELE" bounds="]100;[" rank="8" />

    You can use the RANK function as follows to find the rank of LEVELD. The example below returns 4:

    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="RANK(SCALE_LINE,LEVELD)" />

    Using RANK is useful when combined with conditions. The examples below are equivalent:

    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="IF(I.LC>4,1,0)" />
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="IF(I.LC>RANK(SCALE_LINE,LEVELD),1,0)" />
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="IF(I.LC>LEVELD,1,0)" />

    In the last example, we use the short syntax for the RANK function: >LEVELD is only valid when used after an indicator. The rank retrieved is the rank of level LEVELD for the scale of the current artefact type for the indicator LC.

  • FIND_RANK(scale_id,measure_id)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Provides a way to retrieve a rank from your model by passing a measure and a scale. The FIND_RANK() function is mostly useful when using dynamic scales (see Dynamic Scales).

    The example below assigns to TEST_COVERAGE_RANK the value of the rank for the value of COVERAGE on the scale DYN_SCALE_OK_KO:
    <Measure measureId="OBJECTIVE" targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION;FODLER;FILE;CLASS" defaultValue="-1" />
    <Measure measureId="COVERAGE" targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION;FODLER;FILE;CLASS" defaultValue="-1" />
    <Scale scaleId="DYN_SCALE_OK_KO">
    	<ScaleLevel levelId="DYN_OK" bounds="[;APP(OBJECTIVE)]"  rank="0" />
    	<ScaleLevel levelId="DYN_KO" bounds="[APP(OBJECTIVE);]" rank="1" />
    <Scale scaleId="SCALE_OK_KO">
    	<ScaleLevel levelId="OK" bounds="[1;1]"  rank="0" />
    	<ScaleLevel levelId="KO" bounds="[0;0]" rank="1" />
    <Measure measureId="TEST_COVERAGE_RANK">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION" result="FIND_RANK(DYN_SCALE_OK_KO,COVERAGE)" />
    <Indicator indicatorId="TEST_COVERAGE" measureId="TEST_COVERAGE_RANK" scaleId="SCALE_OK_KO" />

  • APP(measure_id)

    Retrieves the value of a measure at application level

    Compute the percentage of lines of code present in the current artefact using the entire application as the reference, with APP():
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="(LC*100)/APP(LC)" />

  • PARENT(measure_id, [type]) and ANCESTOR(measure_id, [type])

    Retrieves the value of a measure for an artefact’s parent or ancestor containing this measure. The concept is similar to that of the APP() function, but PARENT() only checks the artefact’s direct parent and ANCESTOR() goes up the tree until finding an artefact (of the optionally specified type) that has the requested measure ID.

    Mark a method as risky if the parent class has changed, using PARENT():
    <Measure measureId="RISKY" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="FUNCTION" result="PARENT(CHANGED,CLASS)" />
    Set an artefact as critical if one of its containing folder is critical:
    <Measure measureId="IS_CRITICAL" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="FOLDER;CLASS;FUNCTION" result="ANCESTOR(IS_CRITICAL,FOLDER)" />

  • FPARENT(min,max,measure_id, [type]) and * FANCESTOR(min,max,measure_id, [type])

    Provides the same function as PARENT and ANCESTOR but allows filtering for values to take into account. Note that if min or max are omitted, they are automatically replaced by -Infinity and +Infinity respectively.

    Filtering with FPARENT():
    => resolves as: IF(PARENT(I.LC)=RANK(SCALE_LINE,LEVELG),1,2)
    => return 1 if PARENT(I.LC) = LEVELG, otherwise 2
    Filtering with FANCESTOR():
    => returns LC for the first folder ancestor where LC >= 500

  • IS_DP_OK(data_provider_name)

    Provides a way to find out if a Data Provider was executed successfully or not during the analysis. If the Data Provider was not executed or failed, the function returns 0. If the Data Provider was executed successfully, then the function returns 1.

    Find out if the Checkstyle Data Provider was executed successfully with IS_DP_OK:
    <Measure measureId="RAN_CHECKSTYLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION" result="IS_DP_OK(Checkstyle)" />

  • DP_STATUS(data_provider_name)

    Provides finer information about the execution status of a Data Provider than IS_DP_OK():

    • returns -1 if the DP was not run

    • returns 0 if the DP was successful

    • returns 1 if the DP returned some warnings

    • returns 2 if the DP reported errors

    • returns 3 if the DP stopped with a fatal error

Find out the status of the execution of Checkstyle during the analysis:
<Measure measureId="CHECKSTYLE_STATUS" defaultValue="-1">
	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION" result="DP_STATUS(Checkstyle)" />


    Allows determining if the project is a meta-project, i.e. an aggregation of results from other Squore projects, and allows you to compute results differently if needed. The function returns 0 for regular projects and 1 for meta-projects. For more information about meta-projects, consult Wizard Concept.


    Returns 1 when the project uses an approved ruleset template, or 0 when it does not. Approved ruleset templates can be created by model managers using the Analysis Model Editor. Refer to the Getting Started Guide for more information about ruleset edition.

  • IS_ARTEFACT_TYPE(artefact_type)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Provides a way to check if an artefact is of a specific type. If the artefact is of the specified type, the function returns 1, else it returns 0.

    Check if the artefact is a CHANGE_REQUEST:
    <Measure measureId="IS_CR" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="ISSUE" result="IS_ARTEFACT_TYPE(CHANGE_REQUEST)" />


    Tests whether the artefact is new in the current version of the project. It returns 1 if true, 0 if false.

    Define a measure whose value is set to 1 when the artefact is new, else 0:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="IS_NEW_ARTEFACT()" />
    Use IS_NEW_ARTEFACT as a condition operator:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="IF(IS_NEW_ARTEFACT(),3,4)" />

    IF(IS_NEW_ARTEFACT(),val_yes,val_no) is equivalent to IF(IS_NEW_ARTEFACT()>0,val_yes,val_no)


    Provides a way to find out an artefact’s relaxation status. It returns 1 if the artefact is relaxed and 0 if it is not.

  • LINKS(<linkTypeId> [, OUT|IN|IN_OUT] [, CONDITION])

    Returns the number of links for an artefact. It requires defining the type of link to consider (linkTypeId) and optionally allows to specify an extra parameter to refine which link directions to consider:

    • OUT considers only outbound links (links from this artefact to other artefacts)

    • IN considers only inbound links (links from other artefacts to this artefact)

    • IN_OUT considers all links for this artefact and is the default value if none is specified

      The function also allows defining a condition to filter out unwanted links when counting. The condition is verified against the target artefacts according to the specified link direction. In order for the condition to be taken into account, the link type and its supported IN and OUT artefacts must be declared in the analysis model, see <<sect_artefact_links>/> for more details.

      Find the number of failing tests (link type: BLOCKS) for each requirement and requirement folder:
      <Measure measureId="NUM_FAILING_TESTS" defaultValue="-1">
      	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="REQUIREMENT" result="LINKS(BLOCKS,IN)" />
      	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="REQUIREMENT_FOLDER" result="SUM REQUIREMENT.NUM_FAILING_TESTS FROM TREE" />
      Find the number of failing tests for each requirement, excluding failing tests on relaxed code:
      <Link id="BLOCKS" srcArtefactTypes="CODE" dstArtefactTypes="REQUIREMENT" />
      	<Measure measureId="NUM_FAILING_TESTS_COND" defaultValue="-1">
      	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="REQUIREMENT" result="LINKS(BLOCKS,IN, NOT(IS_RELAXED_ARTEFACT()))" />

  • LINKS_AGGREGATE(<aggregationType>, <computation>, <linkTypeId> [, OUT|IN|IN_OUT] [, CONDITION] [, default computation])

    Allows aggregating metrics from linked artefacts. The function’s parameters are:

    • aggregationType (mandatory) defines how the values for the metrics are aggregated. The supported values are:

      • MIN

      • MAX

      • OCC

      • AVG

      • DEV

      • SUM

      • MED

      • MOD

  • computation (mandatory) is the computation to perform when encountering the desired type of link.

  • linkTypeId (mandatory) is desired type of link to aggregate data from. The link type and its supported IN and OUT artefacts must be declared in the analysis model, see Artefact Links for more details. The link direction, which is one of:

    • OUT considers only outbound links (links from this artefact to other artefacts)

    • IN considers only inbound links (links from other artefacts to this artefact)

    • IN_OUT considers all links for this artefact and is the default value if none is specified

  • A computation used as a condition to filter out unwanted artefacts

  • A default computation that is used to return a value in case no link exists

    Find out the average code coverage for code implementing requirements where tests are failing. Only consider code artefacts where there is test coverage. If there are no failing tests, set the metric to 0:
    <Link id="BLOCKS" srcArtefactTypes="CODE" dstArtefactTypes="REQUIREMENT" />
    <Measure measureId="TCOV_FAILING_TESTS" defaultValue="-1" type="PERCENT">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="REQUIREMENT" result="LINKS_AGGREGATE(AVG, TCOV, BLOCKS,IN, TCOV != -1, 0)" />
Temporal Functions

  • PREVIOUS_VALUE(measureId)

    Retrieves the previous value of a measure or indicator (measureId). This function returns 0 when no previous value can be found.

    Use the value of LC from the previous analysis:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="PREVIOUS_VALUE(LC)" />

  • DELTA_VALUE(measureId)

    Computes the difference between the current value of a measure or indicator (measureId) and its previous value. This function returns 0 if no delta can be calculated.

    Obtaining the difference in ranking between two analyses for an artefact:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="DELTA_VALUE(RANK)" />
    Compute a delta of opened/closed bugs since the previous analysis:
    <Measure measureId="SPRINT_PROGRESS" defaultValue="-1">
    <Computation targetArtefactTypes="SPRINT" result="DELTA_VALUE(NB_OPEN_CR)" />


    Retrieves the value of some artefact information (infoId) in the previous version so it can be compared with the current artefact information (This is useful when combined with the EQUALS() or MATCHES() functions, as described in String Matching Functions).

  • FIRST_VALUE(measureId [, <computation> min[, <computation> max]])

    Returns the first value ever assigned to a metric (measureId) in the current project, optionally within specific bounds (min, max).

    Compute a delta of opened/closed bugs since the beginning of a sprint:
    <Measure measureId="SPRINT_PROGRESS" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="SPRINT" result="FIRST_VALUE(NB_OPEN_CR)-NB_OPEN_CR" />

  • AGGREGATE(aggregationType, measureId, [, <computation> minNb] [, <computation> maxNb] [, <computation> min] [, <computation> max])

    Returns the aggregated value of the previous values of a metric (measureId). You can optionally configure the minimun and maximum (minNb, maxNb) number of valid data points to be aggregated, and specify bounds (min, max) for the values to consider for aggregation. The aggregation type (aggregationType) is a mandatory parameter, and must be one of MIN, MAX, OCC, AVG, DEV, SUM, MED or MOD.

    Count the number of new issues reported based on the number of new issues opened daily:
    <Measure measureId="NEW_ISSUES_TALLY" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="SPRINT" result="AGGREGATE(SUM, NEW_CR)" />
    Compute the average number of issues opened daily:
    <Measure measureId="ISSUE_DISCOVERY_RATE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="SPRINT" result="AGGREGATE(AVG, NEW_CR)" />

  • LEAST_SQUARE_FIT(<computation> degree, measureId, <computation> date, [, <computation> minNb] [, <computation> maxNb] [, <computation> min] [, <computation> max])

    Returns the interpolated or extrapolated value from the previous values of a metric (measureId) at a specific date (date). You can optionally configure the minimum and maximum (minNb, maxNb) number of valid data points to be taken into account, and specify bounds (min, max) for the values to consider for extrapolation. The date (date) and degree (degree) of the polynomial extrapolation are mandatory parameters.

    Compute the value of WP_PCT at the next milestone using exactly 3 data points
    <Measure measureId="WP_PCT_NEXT_1" defaultValue="-1"  >
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="WORK_PRODUCT" result="LEAST_SQUARE_FIT(1, WP_PCT, DATE_MILESTONE(NEXT), 3, 3)" />
Date Functions

Squore computes and stores dates internally as the number of milliseconds since January 1st 1970 in UTC. For version dates and project attributes, users can set a date using the following levels of precision:

  • Date "1979-07-28" is saved as July 28th 1979 at midnight UTC

  • Date/Time "1979-07-28T13:58:25" is saved as July 28th 1979 at 13:58:25 UTC

  • Date/Time in a specific timezone "1979-07-28T13:58:25+0800" is saved as July 28th 1979 at 13:58:25 UTC+8 There are various ways to display dates in the web interface. See the description of the format attribute in Measures for more information.

  • DATE(<year_param>, <month_param>, <day_param>)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Converts year/month/day numbers to a date in milliseconds.

    Convert to the date 28th July 1979:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="DATE(1979,07,28)" />
    Convert to a date using measure IDs:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="DATE(YEAR_START+2,MONTH_START+MONTHS_SPENT,TARGET_DAY)" />

  • DAYS(<param>)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Allows passing a number as a number of days in milliseconds

    Add 4 days to May 19th 2012 to obtain May 23rd 2012:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="DATE(2012,05,19)+DAYS(4)" />

  • TO_DAYS(<duration>)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Returns the number of days between two dates, given a duration in milliseconds

    Calculate the age of a change request:
    <Measure measureId="AGE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CR" result="TO_DAYS(APP(PRESENT_DAY)-CREATE_TIME)" />
    Find the number of days since the start of the project (the project attribute PROJECT_START_DATE) until today:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="TO_DAYS(TODAY()-PROJECT_START_DATE)" />
    Find the number of working days since the start of the project (the project attribute PROJECT_START_DATE) until today:
    <Measure measureId="EXAMPLE" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="CODE" result="TO_DAYS(DURATION_WITHOUT_WEEKEND(PROJECT_START_DATE, TODAY()))" />

  • TODAY()

    Retrieves today’s date at midnight UTC

  • NOW()

    Retrieve today’s exact date and time (at the time of the analysis)

Functions NOW() and TODAY() should be used with caution in the analysis model. Be sure to understand fully their behaviors and implications before using them. For example, in case of an apply model, using NOW() would result in the loss of the origin version date.

In most cases we recommend the use of VERSION_DATE() function instead.

  • VERSION_DATE([, keyword])

    Retrieves the version’s date and time.

    When creating a project, version date is set by default to the time of the analysis (NOW()), but users are allowed to specify a different date different from the current one.

    Calculate whether an issue expires within a week of the analysis:
    <Measure measureId="EXPIRES_THIS_WEEK" defaultValue="-1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="BUG;CR" result="IF(EXPIRY_DATE - DAYS(7) < VERSION_DATE(),1,0)" />

    Accepted keywords are FIRST, PREVIOUS and CURRENT. Which allows the user to retrieve the date of the first or previous version, default is the current one.

  • TRUNCATE_DATE(<date>, <unit>)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Returns a date truncated to the specified precision unit and is useful when calculating date differences. The supported units are:

    • YEAR


    • MONTH


    • WEEK_SUNDAY (use when the first day of the week is Sunday)

    • WEEK_MONDAY (use when the first day of the week is Monday)

    • DAY

    • AM_PM

    • HOUR

    • MINUTE

    • SECOND


      Truncate a date down to year precision:
      <!-- Sat, 28 Jul 1979 11:14:04 GMT -->
      <Constant id="EXACT_DATE" value="302008444000" />
      <!-- Returns 283996800000 (aka: Mon, 01 Jan 1979 00:00:00 GMT) -->
      <Measure measureId="TRUNCATE_TO_YEAR" defaultValue="-1">
      	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="ISSUE" result="TRUNCATE_DATE(EXACT_DATE, YEAR)" />
      Find out how much time it took to solve an issue. This example highlights how using TRUNCATE_DATE() can bring more precision depending on how you want to handle periods under 24 hours as one day or two days.
      <!-- Date opened: Sat, 28 Jul 1979 07:47:47 GMT -->
      <Constant id="TIME_OPENED" value="301996067000" />
      <!-- Date closed 1: Sat, 28 Jul 1979 12:02:25 GMT -->
      <Constant id="TIME_CLOSED_1" value="302011345000" />
      <!-- Date closed 2: Sun, 29 Jul 1979 04:56:04 GMT -->
      <Constant id="TIME_CLOSED_2" value="302072164000" />
      <Measure measureId="TRUNCATE_TO_RETURN_ZERO" defaultValue="-1">
      	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="ISSUE" result="TRUNCATE_DATE(TIME_CLOSED_1, DAY) - TRUNCATE_DATE(TIME_OPENED, DAY)" />
      <Measure measureId="TRUNCATE_TO_RETURN_ONE" defaultValue="-1">
      	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="ISSUE" result="TRUNCATE_DATE(TIME_CLOSED_2, DAY) - TRUNCATE_DATE(TIME_OPENED, DAY)" />
      <Measure measureId="TO_DAYS_RETURNS_ONE" defaultValue="-1">
      	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="ISSUE" result="DAYS(TIME_CLOSED_1 - TIME_OPENED)" />
      <Measure measureId="TO_DAYS_RETURNS_ONE_ALSO" defaultValue="-1">
      	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="ISSUE" result="DAYS(TIME_CLOSED_2 - TIME_OPENED)" />

  • DURATION_WITHOUT_WEEKEND(<computation> startDateTime, <computation> endDateTime)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Returns the difference between startDateTime and endDateTime with Saturdays and Sundays removed. The function uses the GMT timezone and returns a result in milliseconds.

Milestone Functions

  • HAS_MILESTONE([milestoneId or keyword] [, date])

    Checks if a milestone with the specified milestoneId exists in the project. The function returns 0 if no milestone is found, 1 if a milestone is found.

    Find if we are at the last milestone of the project:

  • DATE_MILESTONE([milestoneId or keyword] [, date])

    Returns the date associated to a milestone.

    Find if the date for the milestone BETA_RELEASE has been modified between June 2015 and now:
    Compute the date difference between the previous and next milestones:
    Find the date slip for the next milestone between now and the previous anlaysis:
    Find the amount of time left until the next milestone:

  • GOAL(measureId [, milestoneId or keyword] [, date])

    Returns the goal for a metric at the specified milestone.

    Find the goal for requirement stability set for the milestone PROTOTYPE as of June 2016:
    Find the delta between the goal for TEST between the previous and next milestones:
    Find the delta between the goal for TEST for the next milestone set for the previous analysis and now:
    Find the delta between the current value of TEST and the goal for TEST at the next milestone:

You can use keywords instead of using a milestone ID. You can retrieve information about the next, previous, first or last milestones in the project by using:

  • NEXT

  • NEXT+STEP where STEP is a number indicating how many milestones to jump ahead


  • PREVIOUS-STEP where STEP is a number indicating how many milestones to jump backward


  • LAST

In all milestone functions, if no milestone ID and no keyword is specified, then NEXT is used by default. All milestone functions accept a date parameter. The date is used to execute the function in that date context. If no date is specified, then the context used to execute the function is the analysis date.

String Matching Functions

The examples in this section are based on an artefact with the following data:

<I n="LANGUAGES" v="Java, C#, C++, C"/>
<I n="AUTHOR" v="gabriel"/>
<I n="URL" v=""/> [^]
<I n="ONE_LANGUAGE" v="JaVa"/>

  • INFO(info_tag)

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Retrieves the textual information info_tag for an artefact.


    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Retrieves an artefact’s name

  • EQUALS('haystack','needle'[, forceIgnoreCase])

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Checks if two strings are equal and returns 1 if they are.

    Case-insensitive search:
    EQUALS(INFO(AUTHOR), 'gabriel')
    => 1
    Case-sensitive search:
    EQUALS(INFO(LANGUAGES), 'Java, C#, C++, C', 0)
    => 1

  • CONTAINS('haystack','needle'[, forceIgnoreCase])

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Checks if a string contains another string and returns 1 if it does.

    Case-insensitive search:
    => 1
    Case-sensitive search:
    => 0
    Use two infos as search parameters:
    => 1

  • STARTS_WITH('haystack','needle'[, forceIgnoreCase])

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Checks if a string starts with another string and returns 1 if it does.

    Check if the URL starts with HTTP:
    => 1
    Check if the URL starts with HTTPS:
    => 0

  • ENDS_WITH('haystack','needle'[, forceIgnoreCase])

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Checks if a string ends with another string and returns 1 if it does.

    Check if the URL ends with COM (case-sensitive):
    => 0

  • MATCHES('string','regexp'[, forceIgnoreCase])

    This function can be used in charts that support computations

    Checks if a string matches a pattern and returns 1 if it does.

    Check various regular expressions for the language field:
    => 1
    MATCHES(INFO(LANGUAGES), '.*(, C\+\+).*', 0)
    => 1
    MATCHES(INFO(LANGUAGES), '.*(, C\+\+\+).*', 0)
    => 0

    forceIgnoreCase is an optional boolean set to 1 by default. If you want to perform a case-sensitive search, use 0, instead.

You can also retrieve the previous value of textual information for an artefact using the PREVIOUS_INFO() function, as described in Temporal Functions.


Queries allow performing calculations on a set of values, optionally applying some conditions. You can think of a query as an structured statement similar to:


where [SCOPE] is one of:

  • NODE: The current artefact

  • CHILDREN: All artefacts that are direct children of the current artefact

  • DESCENDANTS: All children of the current artefact, and their descendants

  • TREE: The full tree of artefacts, starting from the current node. This is equivalent to NODE and DESCENDANT

  • RAKE: The current artefact and all its children. This is equivalent to NODE and CHILDREN

Note that XML does not allow using < directly in an attribute, therefore you will need to insert it using an entity: &lt;.

In this section, you will learn how to compute values, define a scope and write conditions for your queries following the syntax supported in Squore to:

  1. count artefacts

  2. compute mathematical results on metrics using SUM, MAX, MIN, MUL or AVR

  3. count rules and rule occurrences

Counting Artefacts


    Returns the number of artefacts of a certain type. ARTEFACT_TYPE is one of FOLDER, APPLICATION, C_FILE, or other type (or alias) defined in your model. ALL can be used as a shortcut for all artefact types for which the measure exists.


    Counting artefacts supports specifying a condition in the form of a computation, following the syntax described in Computation Syntax, as demonstrated by the examples below.

    Find the number of programs with a rating of LEVELG, starting from the children of the considered artefact:
    Find the number of artefacts not rated C or UNKNOWN that have more than 10 lines of code:
    Find the number of artefacts where LC is greater than -1:
    => is shorthand for
    Find the number of issues with the status "FIXED" created in the last 60 days:

Mathematical Queries

Perform mathematical operations on artefact hierarchies using the following syntax:

SUM|MAX|MIN|MUL|AVR <ArtefactType|ALL>.<MeasureId>

When using this syntax, the [CONDITION] is a regular computation, as detailed in Computation Syntax.

  • SUM

    Returns the sum of values returned for a set. The SUM of values [1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 6] is 21.

    Compute VG for a folder as the sum for VG for all functions in the folder:
    <Measure measureId="VG" defaultValue="1">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="FOLDER" result="SUM FUNCTION.VG FROM DESCENDANTS" />

  • MAX, MIN

    Return the maximum or minimum value of a set. The MAX and MIN of values [1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 6] are 6 and 1 respectively.

    Assign the maximum value for VG from all functions in a folder as VG_MAX for the folder:
    <Measure measureId="VG_MAX" defaultValue="0">
    	<Computation targetArtefactTypes="FOLDER" result="MAX FUNCTION.VG FROM DESCENDANTS" />

  • AVR

    Returns the mean of all the values returned for a set. The AVR of values [1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 6] is 3.5.

  • MUL

    Returns the product of all the values returned for a set. The MUL of values [1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 6] is 810.

Counting Rules and Rule Occurrences

  • COUNT RULE([<scope>])

    Returns the number of rules. You can specify the ruleset to take into account by specifying a scope:

    • ALL is the entire ruleset for the model, ignoring whether rules are enabled or not

    • STANDARD is the model ruleset minus the rules that are deactivated by default

    • CUSTOMER is the ruleset as configured in the web interface using the Analysis Model Editor

    • PROJECT (default) is the ruleset as configured by the user when going through the project wizard

      Count rules in the MISRA family in the project:
      Count rules in the MISRA family in the model, ignoring all changes made in the Analysis Model Editor:
  • COUNT RULE([<scope>]).OCCURRENCES([<status>])

    Returns the number of times a rule is violated (i.e. the number of findings). You can set a scope for the ruleset to take into account (see scope in COUNT RULE above) and also filter the desired status of the violations:

    • ALL returns all findings irrespective of their relaxation status

    • OPENED (default) returns only findings that are not relaxed

    • RELAXED returns only relaxed findings

      Count violations in the children of the selected artefact:
      Count relaxed violations in the children of the selected artefact:

      Counting rules or rule occurrences supports one or more conditions that use the syntax described below. Parentheses are not allowed in the body of a condition, but multiple conditions can be combined using AND and OR operators. In this case, OR takes priority over AND.

[CONDITION] can use the following operators (with some exceptions where specified):

  • =

  • !=

  • <

  • <=

  • >

  • >=

  • <measureId> <operand> <float>

    Allows filtering on the value of a measure

    Count all violations in artefacts where VG is more than 10):
  • LEVEL|<I.indicatorId> =|!= <levelId>

    Allows filtering on an indicator level

    Count all violations in artefacts with low self-descriptiveness:
    Count all violations in artefacts not rated UNKNOWN (LEVEL is a keyword representing the root indicator for an artefact):
  • HAS_OCCURRENCE([<findingStatus>], [<relaxedInSourceCode>], [<isSuspicious>])

    Allows finding if there are any violations of the specified rules in the specified scope. You can refine the results by specifying the status of the violations you are looking for:

    • OPEN (default) to find all violations except the ones that were relaxed

    • ALL to find all violations irrespective of their relaxation status

    • RELAXED to find all relaxed violations

    • RELAXED_DEROGATION to find violations with the Derogation relaxation status

    • RELAXED_LEGACY to find violations with the Legacy Code relaxation status

    • RELAXED_FALSE_POSITIVE to find violations with the False Positive relaxation status

      Additionally, you can specify restrict the search scope according to whether a violation was relaxed in the source code by passing TRUE or via the web interface by passing FALSE (default) as the second parameter.

      Finally, you can specify restrict the search scope according to whether a violation flagged as suspicious by passing TRUE or FALSE (default) as the third parameter. A relaxed finding can automatically get the suspicious flag if the source code around the finding’s location has changed. You can find out more information about suspicious findings in the Getting Started Guide.

      HAS_OCCURRENCE() replaces the now deprecated NBOCCURRENCES.

      Count the number of rules in the "required" family that were violated in the selected artefact and all its descendants:
      Count MISRA rules violated with the Open status:
      Count rules where violations were relaxed because they appear in legacy code:
      Count rules where violations were relaxed directly in the source code:
  • CATEGORY (=, !=)

    Allows filtering on the category of a rule

    Count violations not in the REQUIRED category:
  • FAMILY (=, !=)

    Allows working with the families set in your model for a rule.

    Count rules with the REQUIRED family in the selected artefact and all its descendants:
    Count rules in the MISRA family in the model:
    Count rules in the REQUIRED family that were violated in the selected artefact and all its descendants:
  • MEASUREID (=, !=)

    Allows working with the a measure from your analysis model your analysis model

    Count rules that aren’t R_NOGOTO
    Count violations of R_COMPOUNDELSE in the children of the selected artefact:
    Count relaxed violations of R_COMPOUNDELSE in the children of the selected artefact:
  • IS_STATUS_FINDING(<findingStatus>, [<RelaxedInSourceCode>], [<isSuspicious>])

    Allows specifying the status of the findings that should be taken into account in your query. The following statuses are supported:

    • OPEN (default) to find all violations except the ones that were relaxed

    • ALL to find all violations irrespective of their relaxation status

    • RELAXED to find all relaxed violations

    • RELAXED_DEROGATION to find violations with the Derogation relaxation status

    • RELAXED_LEGACY to find violations with the Legacy Code relaxation status

    • RELAXED_FALSE_POSITIVE to find violations with the False Positive relaxation status

      Additionally, you can specify restrict the search scope according to whether a violation was relaxed in the source code by passing TRUE or via the web interface by passing FALSE (default) as the second parameter.

      Finally, you can specify restrict the search scope according to whether a violation flagged as suspicious by passing TRUE or FALSE (default) as the third parameter. A relaxed finding can automatically get the suspicious flag if the source code around the finding’s location has changed. You can find out more information about suspicious findings in the Getting Started Guide.

      Find the number of legacy-code-relaxed violations of the R_COMPOUNDELSE rule in the children of the selected artefact:

    Allows determining if a finding is new in the latest analysis or not

    Count the number of new violations in the analysis:

6. Configuring Dashboards

Understanding Dashboards

All dashboards available in Squore can be easily configured. Dashboards are specific to a model, and depend on the role or the group of the user in the current project.

Each model defined in the Squore Configuration defines its own set of dashboards in the model’s bundle file, located in configuration/models/MyModel/Dashboards/Bundle.xml. The bundle uses a lot of XML inclusion for convenience, but some elements can be easily recognised:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bundle xmlns:xi="">
	<dashboard onArtefactTypes="MODEL" nbColumns="2" factor="3">
			<xi:include href="rule_compliance_vs_complexity__size_quadrant.xml" />
			<xi:include href="CodeCloning/size_vs_code_cloning_quadrant.xml" />
		<xi:include href="SQuORE_RiskIndex/project_summary_table.xml" />
	<dashboard onArtefactTypes="APPLICATION" nbColumns="3" minSizeForLegend="2x1" template="1:3x1;2:2x2;3:1x2">
			<xi:include href="../../Shared/Analysis/key_performance_indicator.xml" />
				<xi:include href="MaintenancePerformance/maintenance_performance_table.xml" />
				<xi:include href="ArtefactRating/artefact_table_oo.xml" />
				<xi:include href="TechnicalDebt/exploded_technical_debt_table.xml" />
			<xi:include href="ControlFlowAnalysis/CyclomaticComplexity/complexity_trend.xml" />
			<xi:include href="StabilityIndex/StabilityCChart.xml" />
			<xi:include href="ArtefactRating/StatementStackedBar.xml" />
			<xi:include href="LineCounting/LineCountHisto.xml" />

There are two types of dashboards:

  1. The Model/Group Dashboard: a view that is activated when clicking the name of a model or a sub group in the Project Portfolios. This dashboard contains one or more charts and a table that displays information about all the projects in the Explorer for this model. This is described in Model/Group Dashboards.

  2. The Artefact Dashboard: a view that is displayed when clicking an artefact in the Artefact Tree. This dashboard contains two sections: a score card and a charts area. This dashboard is described in Artefact Type Dashboards.

Model/Group Dashboards

This specific dashboard displays information relative to all projects analysed with the current analysis model or group of project. It consists of a list of charts and a table with all the projects using this analysis model in this group and some chosen values (columns) to ease comparison between them.

CFG modelDashboard
Analysis Model Dashboard

Its structure is as follows:

<dashboard type="MODEL" nbColumns="2" defaultWidthValue="500" defaultHeightValue="500">
	<table id="PROJECT_SUMMARY" hideLastVersion="false" hideCreator="true" hideLevel="false">

The dashboard element supports the following attributes:

  • id (mandatory) is the id of the highlight definition.

  • onArtefactTypes (optional, default: any) is a semicolon-separated list of artefact types that this dashboard definition applies to.

  • roles (optional, default: any) is a semicolon-separated list of roles that are allowed to view and use this dashboard definition

  • groups (optional, default: any) is a semicolon-separated list of user groups that are allowed to view and use this dashboard definition

  • nbColumns (optional, default: 3) sets the number of columns used to display the charts on the dashboard.

  • defaultWidthValue (optional, default: 400) sets the default width of a maximised chart if not specified within the chart itself.

  • defaultHeightValue (optional, default: 400) sets the default height of a maximised chart if not specified within the chart itself.

  • rowMaxHeight (optional, default: 250) define the maximum height in pixels of a row of charts on the dashboard.

  • template (optional, default: 1x1 for all charts) allows changing the aspect ratio of charts in the dashboard, using the syntax "position:width x height;". Note that the use of this attribute requires defining a value for the nbColumns attribute. For more details about dashboard templates, refer to Dashboard Templates.

  • minSizeForLegend (optional, default: no legends on thumbnails) allows displaying chart legends on the thumbnails for charts whose ratio is above the specified minimum. By default, no chart legends are displayed on thumbnails. If you want to force the legend to be displayed on thumbnails, specify for what chart ratio the thumbnail will be generated. Charts have a ratio of 1x1 by default, so specify minSizeForLegend="1x1" to force legends for all charts. If you want to display legends for all charts that have a width that is twice their height, specify minSizeForLegend="2x1".

  • name (deprecated) is unused.

    If a chart has an attribute legend="false", then its legend will not be included on the thumbnail even if its ratio matches the one specified in minSizeForLegend.

The charts area allows displaying a series charts.

The table area shows information about the projects analysed with the current model. Projects that do not belong to the portfolio are not shown.

The first column allows to check or uncheck the projects whose information should be used to compute data on the charts. The information can be aggregated in the charts in several ways using the aggregationType attribute of a measure or indicator element. In Model/Group Dashboards, aggregating has the effect of showing one line per project for each metric defined in the chart. You can find out more about this attribute in Common Attributes for measure and indicator.

A series of build-in columns show the project owner, the name of the last version and the project’s rating. They can be shown or hidden using the following attributes of the table element:

  • hideCreator (default: false) hides the Owner column when set to true

  • hideLastVersion (default: false) hides the Version column when set to true

  • hideLevel (default: false) hides the Rating column when set to true

Other columns, showing specific information about the project, are defined manually as follows:

<table id="PROJECT_SUMMARY" hideLastVersion="false" hideCreator="true" hideLevel="false">
	<column indicatorId="BUSINESS_VALUE" headerDisplayType="NAME" displayType="VALUE" "decimals="0" />
	<column indicatorId="QUALITY" headerDisplayType="NAME" displayType="VALUE" decimals="2" suffix="%"/>
	<column indicatorId="TECH_DEBT" headerDisplayType="NAME" displayType="VALUE" decimals="0" />
	<column indicatorId="TECH_DEBT_IDX" headerDisplayType="NAME" displayType="VALUE" decimals="2" suffix="/FUNC"/>
	<column indicatorId="SUMSLOC" headerDisplayType="NAME" displayType="VALUE" decimals="0" />

The column sub-element has the following attributes:

  • indicatorId is the unique identifier of the measure, indicator or textual information to be displayed.

    In order to display textual information, set the displayType attribute to TEXT, as explained below.

  • headerDisplayType (in Model/Group Dashboards) ordisplayType (in Artefact Dashboards) (optional, default: MNEMONIC) defines how the indicator is shown in the interface. The supported values are:

    • NAME



  • displayOnlyIf (optional) allows specifying a computation to evaluate whether or not to show the chart in the dashboard. If the result of the computation is more than 0, then the chart is displayed. Consult Expression Syntax for more information about the supported computation syntax, and the functions supported in chart computations.

    The deprecated onlyFor can be replaced by displayOnlyIf.

  • displayedValue (optional) allows overriding the indicator to display another measure instead. The attribute takes a measure Id (displayedValue="SLOC").

  • displayType (optional, default: NAME) defines how the indicator is shown in the interface. It may be one of:

    • NAME the indicator’s name

    • MNEMONIC the indicator’s mnemonic

    • DESCRIPTION the indicator’s description

  • displayValueType (optional, default: VALUE) defines how the indicator’s value is shown in the interface. It may be one of:

    • NAME the level’s name

    • MNEMONIC the level’s mnemonic

    • RANK the level’s rank

    • VALUE the measure’s value

    • PERCENT to automatically convert a value between 0 and 1 into a percentage (also appending '%' as a suffix)

    • ICON the level’s icon

    • DATE the measure value converted to date format

    • DATETIME the measure value converted to datetime format

    • TIME the measure value converted to time format

    • TEXT when the metric you are trying to display is textual information, as described in Common Attributes for info

      For DATE,DATETIME and TIME, you can specify the required format using the dateStyle, timeStyle and datePattern attributes described below.

  • unknownValue (optional, default: "?") defines what text to display if the level of the indicator is UNKNOWN or outside the specified dataBounds. Set this to OFF to use the old behaviour (which display the rank -1).

  • emptyValue (optional, default: "-") defines what text to display if there is no value in the database for the specified metric, or if a date is not specified. This is usually useful if a date has not been set yet manually in a form (and is therefore equal to 0), or if you have just added a new metric to your model you want to display specific text for the versions of your project where this metric did not exist yet.

  • dataBounds (optional, default:[;[) allows overriding the normal range of values that would trigger the display of the unknownValue text. This allows you to display the unknown value if the metric associated with the indicator is not within the defined bounds.

  • dateStyle (optional, default: DEFAULT) : the date formatting style, used when the displayType is one of DATE or DATETIME.

    • SHORT is completely numeric, such as 12.13.52 or 3:30pm.

    • MEDIUM is longer, such as Jan 12, 1952.


    • LONG is longer, such as January 12, 1952 or 3:30:32pm.

    • FULL is pretty completely specified, such as Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD or 3:30:42pm PST.

  • timeStyle (optional, default: DEFAULT): the time formatting style, used when the displayType is one of DATETIME or TIME. See above for available styles.

  • datePattern (formerly dateFormat) (optional, default: empty) : the date pattern, used when the displayType is one of DATE, DATETIME or TIME.

    • "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss z" is "2001.07.04 AD at 12:08:56 PDT".

    • "EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z" is "Wed, 4 Jul 2001 12:08:56 -0700".

      If this attribute is set, both dateStyle and timeStyle attributes are ignored. The date is formatted using the supplied pattern. Any format compatible with the Java Simple Date Format can be used. Refer to <> for more information.

  • suffix (optional, default: empty) is the label displayed after the value of the metric in the UI

  • decimals (optional, default: 0) is the number of decimals places to be used for displaying values.

  • roundingMode (optional, default: HALF_EVEN) defines the behaviour used for rounding the numerical values displayed. The supported values are:

    • CEILING to round towards positive infinity.

    • DOWN to round towards zero.

    • FLOOR to round towards negative infinity.

    • HALF_DOWN to round towards "nearest neighbour" unless both neighbours are equidistant, in which case round down.

    • HALF_EVEN to round towards the "nearest neighbour" unless both neighbours are equidistant, in which case, round towards the even neighbour.

    • HALF_UP to round towards "nearest neighbour" unless both neighbours are equidistant, in which case round up.

    • UP to round away from zero.

For more examples of rounding mode, consult

Artefact Type Dashboards

Dashboards for artefacts consist of two areas: the scorecard area and the charts area. When clicking the name of an analysis model instead of an artefact, then a special dashboard is used: the Model/Group Dashboard.

CFG dashboardAreas
The Squore Artefact Dashboard Areas

The type of the artefact targeted is specified in the definition of the dashboard. The number of columns used in the graphics area and the default width and height of graphics can optionally be set.

<dashboard type="APPLICATION" nbColumns="4" defaultWidthValue="500" defaultHeightValue="500" >
	<scorecard> ... </scorecard>
	<charts> ... </charts>

The dashboardelement supports the following sub-elements:

  1. scorecard specifies the scorecard part to be displayed to the left part of the dashboard.

  2. charts defines the charts to be displayed on the right of the dashboard.

The dashboard element supports the following attributes:

  • id (mandatory) is the id of the highlight definition.

  • onArtefactTypes (optional, default: any) is a semicolon-separated list of artefact types that this dashboard definition applies to.

  • roles (optional, default: any) is a semicolon-separated list of roles that are allowed to view and use this dashboard definition

  • groups (optional, default: any) is a semicolon-separated list of user groups that are allowed to view and use this dashboard definition

  • nbColumns (optional, default: 3) sets the number of columns used to display the charts on the dashboard.

  • defaultWidthValue (optional, default: 400) sets the default width of a maximised chart if not specified within the chart itself.

  • defaultHeightValue (optional, default: 400) sets the default height of a maximised chart if not specified within the chart itself.

  • rowMaxHeight (optional, default: 250) define the maximum height in pixels of a row of charts on the dashboard.

  • template (optional, default: 1x1 for all charts) allows changing the aspect ratio of charts in the dashboard, using the syntax "position:width x height;". Note that the use of this attribute requires defining a value for the nbColumns attribute. For more details about dashboard templates, refer to Dashboard Templates.

  • minSizeForLegend (optional, default: no legends on thumbnails) allows displaying chart legends on the thumbnails for charts whose ratio is above the specified minimum. By default, no chart legends are displayed on thumbnails. If you want to force the legend to be displayed on thumbnails, specify for what chart ratio the thumbnail will be generated. Charts have a ratio of 1x1 by default, so specify minSizeForLegend="1x1" to force legends for all charts. If you want to display legends for all charts that have a width that is twice their height, specify minSizeForLegend="2x1".

  • name (deprecated) is unused.

    If a chart has an attribute legend="false", then its legend will not be included on the thumbnail even if its ratio matches the one specified in minSizeForLegend.

The Scorecard Area

The scorecard shows a picture representing a chart (usually the artefact KPI) and a set of tables with further information. Each table has its own set of lines with various information. The structure used to define the scorecard is shown below:

	<chart ... />
		<table id="DECISION_MAKING" opened="true">
			<line indicatorId="BUSINESS_VALUE" displayType="NAME" decimals="0" suffix="FP" />
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

CFG kpi
Key Performance Indicator

For more information about how to insert a KPI into the scorecard, refer to Key Performance Indicator .

Scorecard Tables

There may be any number of tables below the KPI chart, and there may be any number of lines in each table.

CFG scorecardTables
A scorecard information table using 3 tables with respectively 10, 7, and 4 lines

A scorecard table is defined using the following syntax:

<tables displayContext="false" hideLinks="ALL">
	<table name="My Table Name" id="TABLE_ID" opened="true">
		<line indicatorId="BUSINESS_VALUE" displayType="NAME" decimals="0" suffix="FP" emptyValue="-" exclude="TESTER" />
		<line indicatorId="QUALITY" displayType="NAME" decimals="1" suffix="%" />
		<line indicatorId="SI" displayType="NAME" decimals="1" suffix="%" />
	<table id="TABLE_ID">

The tables element accepts the following attributes:

  • displayContext (optional, default: false) allows to automatically insert an Artefact context table containing the current artefact’s project, version and name, as shown below:

    CFG displayContext
    The artefact context table

    The table name is not configurable.

  • hideLinks allows managing the display of the links tables in the scorecard. All links tables are shown by default. You can hide a table by setting the value of the attribute to <LinkType>#<direction>, where LinkType is the type of link between artefacts, and direction is a choice of OUT or IN, for example:


    If you want to hide all links tables in the scorecard, use hideLinks="ALL".

    The name of the table can be configured using properties files, as explained in Descriptions. If you need more control over where links tables are displayed in the scorecard, you can manually insert a links table using the linksTable element, described later in this section.

The table element accepts the following attributes:

  • id (mandatory) is used to find the localised version of the table name in a .properties file.

  • name (optional, default: empty) allows bypassing the search for a localised string

  • backgroundColor (optional, default: WHITE for charts, GREY for tables) allows specifying a background colour for a chart or a table. Working With Colours

  • opened (optional, default: false) defines whether a table is opened or collapsed by default

  • displayType (optional, default: no default) defines the displayType to be used by all lines in this table. It can be overridden for each line if necessary.

  • displayOnlyIf (optional) allows specifying a computation to evaluate whether or not to show the chart in the dashboard. If the result of the computation is more than 0, then the chart is displayed. Consult Expression Syntax for more information about the supported computation syntax, and the functions supported in chart computations.

    The deprecated onlyFor can be replaced by displayOnlyIf.

The line element accepts the following attributes:

  • indicatorId is the unique identifier of the measure, indicator or textual information to be displayed.

    In order to display textual information, set the displayType attribute to TEXT, as explained below.

  • headerDisplayType (in Model/Group Dashboards) ordisplayType (in Artefact Dashboards) (optional, default: MNEMONIC) defines how the indicator is shown in the interface. The supported values are:

    • NAME



  • displayOnlyIf (optional) allows specifying a computation to evaluate whether or not to show the chart in the dashboard. If the result of the computation is more than 0, then the chart is displayed. Consult Expression Syntax for more information about the supported computation syntax, and the functions supported in chart computations.

    The deprecated onlyFor can be replaced by displayOnlyIf.

  • displayedValue (optional) allows overriding the indicator to display another measure instead. The attribute takes a measure Id (displayedValue="SLOC").

  • displayType (optional, default: NAME) defines how the indicator is shown in the interface. It may be one of:

    • NAME the indicator’s name

    • MNEMONIC the indicator’s mnemonic

    • DESCRIPTION the indicator’s description

  • displayValueType (optional, default: VALUE) defines how the indicator’s value is shown in the interface. It may be one of:

    • NAME the level’s name

    • MNEMONIC the level’s mnemonic

    • RANK the level’s rank

    • VALUE the measure’s value

    • PERCENT to automatically convert a value between 0 and 1 into a percentage (also appending '%' as a suffix)

    • ICON the level’s icon

    • DATE the measure value converted to date format

    • DATETIME the measure value converted to datetime format

    • TIME the measure value converted to time format

    • TEXT when the metric you are trying to display is textual information, as described in Common Attributes for info

      For DATE,DATETIME and TIME, you can specify the required format using the dateStyle, timeStyle and datePattern attributes described below.

  • unknownValue (optional, default: "?") defines what text to display if the level of the indicator is UNKNOWN or outside the specified dataBounds. Set this to OFF to use the old behaviour (which display the rank -1).

  • emptyValue (optional, default: "-") defines what text to display if there is no value in the database for the specified metric, or if a date is not specified. This is usually useful if a date has not been set yet manually in a form (and is therefore equal to 0), or if you have just added a new metric to your model you want to display specific text for the versions of your project where this metric did not exist yet.

  • dataBounds (optional, default:[;[) allows overriding the normal range of values that would trigger the display of the unknownValue text. This allows you to display the unknown value if the metric associated with the indicator is not within the defined bounds.

  • dateStyle (optional, default: DEFAULT) : the date formatting style, used when the displayType is one of DATE or DATETIME.

    • SHORT is completely numeric, such as 12.13.52 or 3:30pm.

    • MEDIUM is longer, such as Jan 12, 1952.


    • LONG is longer, such as January 12, 1952 or 3:30:32pm.

    • FULL is pretty completely specified, such as Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD or 3:30:42pm PST.

  • timeStyle (optional, default: DEFAULT): the time formatting style, used when the displayType is one of DATETIME or TIME. See above for available styles.

  • datePattern (formerly dateFormat) (optional, default: empty) : the date pattern, used when the displayType is one of DATE, DATETIME or TIME.

    • "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss z" is "2001.07.04 AD at 12:08:56 PDT".

    • "EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z" is "Wed, 4 Jul 2001 12:08:56 -0700".

      If this attribute is set, both dateStyle and timeStyle attributes are ignored. The date is formatted using the supplied pattern. Any format compatible with the Java Simple Date Format can be used. Refer to <> for more information.

  • suffix (optional, default: empty) is the label displayed after the value of the metric in the UI

  • decimals (optional, default: 0) is the number of decimals places to be used for displaying values.

  • roundingMode (optional, default: HALF_EVEN) defines the behaviour used for rounding the numerical values displayed. The supported values are:

    • CEILING to round towards positive infinity.

    • DOWN to round towards zero.

    • FLOOR to round towards negative infinity.

    • HALF_DOWN to round towards "nearest neighbour" unless both neighbours are equidistant, in which case round down.

    • HALF_EVEN to round towards the "nearest neighbour" unless both neighbours are equidistant, in which case, round towards the even neighbour.

    • HALF_UP to round towards "nearest neighbour" unless both neighbours are equidistant, in which case round up.

    • UP to round away from zero.

For more examples of rounding mode, consult

The external links in the lines of the score card tables are generated automatically according to the metric that the line displays. They will generally link to the list of findings that are used to compute the metric. You can however override the URL and set your own external URL. In order to do this, ensure that the metric MY_METRIC displayed in a table line has a MY_METRIC.URL property defined in a properties file in your model. For more information about properties files, consult Descriptions.

The linksTable element is used instead of table to insert a links table, and accepts the following attributes:

  • id (mandatory) is used to find the localised version of the table name in a .properties file.

  • type (mandatory) is the id of the type of links the table displays.

  • direction (optional, default: OUT) defines the direction of the links to display. Set it to OUT to show outbound links or IN to display inbound links.

For more information about artefact links, consult Artefact Links.

Dashboard Templates

You can use dashboard templates to highlight some of the charts on your dashboard by changing their size in terms of grid slots they occupy. The following is an example template that uses 4 columns of charts with custom aspect ratios applied to the first three charts:

CFG dashboardTemplate
A Custom Dashboard Template
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<roles xmlns:xi="">
	<role name="DEFAULT">
		<dashboard nbColumns="4" type="APPLICATION" template="1:4x2;2:2x2;3:2x2">
				<xi:include href="chart1.xml" />
				<xi:include href="chart2.xml" />
				<xi:include href="chart3.xml" />
				<xi:include href="chart4.xml" />
				<xi:include href="chart5.xml" />
				<xi:include href="chart6.xml" />
				<xi:include href="chart7.xml" />

Note that you only need to specify custom dimensions for non-standard charts sizes using the syntax "position:width x height;", other charts will use a 1x1 grid slot by default.

The Charts Area

Charts are displayed on the right hand side of the dashboard. They are defined via chart elements as follows:

	<chart id="CHART_ID" type="CHART_TYPE">
	<chart id="CHART_ID">

You can read more about the available charts in Charts Reference.

7. Charts Reference

In this chapter, you can find all the the different types of charts offered by Squore, and the options available for each of them.

Choosing a Chart

There are many types of charts. The best approach to finding the chart you want to use on your dashboard can be found by answering the following questions:

  • Should my chart display a trend or reflect the data for a single version of my project?

  • Is the information I want to display abut the current artefact or about its descendants?

  • Will my chart display one bit of information or combine several?

  • Is the information displayed by my chart quantitative or qualitative?

Answering these questions will lead you toward the type of chart you want to use. The table below shows the type of answer offered by each of the charts available in Squore:

Charts for Single-Version Data Visualisation
Current Artefact Data Descendants of the Current Artefact

Quantitative Information

Qualitative Information

Quantitative Information

Qualitative Information

Single Dataset

Multiple Datasets

Single Dataset

Multiple Datasets

Single Dataset

Multiple Datasets

Single Dataset

Multiple Datasets


CFG optimizedPie thumb
Figure 1. Optimised Pie
CFG optimizedBar thumb
Figure 2. Optimised Bar
CFG textValues thumb
Figure 3. Text Values
CFG indicator chart thumb
Figure 4. Indicator
CFG dial thumb
Figure 6. Dial
CFG kiviat thumb
Figure 7. Kiviat
CFG sqalePyramid thumb
Figure 8. SQALE Pyramid
CFG histogram thumb
Figure 9. Histogram
CFG y cloud thumb
Figure 10. Y-Cloud
CFG treemap thumb
Figure 11. Treemap
CFG artefact pie thumb
Figure 12. Artefact Pie
CFG artefact series thumb
Figure 13. Artefact Series
CFG xycloud thumb
Figure 15. X/Y-Cloud
CFG quadrantChart thumb
Figure 16. Quadrant
CFG artefact series thumb
Figure 17. Artefact Series
CFG artefact scrumboard thumb
CFG artefactTable thumb
Figure 19. Artefact Table
CFG distributionTable thumb
CFG pivot table thumb
Figure 22. Pivot Table
CFG simplePie thumb
Figure 23. Simple Pie
CFG simpleBar thumb
Figure 24. Simple Bar
CFG stackedBar thumb
Charts for Trend-Based Visualisation
Current Artefact Data Descendants of the Current Artefact

Quantitative Information

Qualitative Information

Quantitative Information

Qualitative Information

Single Dataset

Multiple Datasets

Single Dataset

Multiple Datasets

Single Dataset

Multiple Datasets

Single Dataset

Multiple Datasets

CFG temporalEvo thumb






Special Charts
CFG sourceCodeViewer thumb

Common Attributes for chart

Although attributes may be different depending on the type of chart, some are common to all charts:

  • type (mandatory) defines the type of chart, as listed below.

  • id (mandatory) is an unique identifier for the chart that can be used to add a localisable description in properties files.

  • name (optional) is the display name of the chart on the dashboard. Note that the value of this attribute is used as a fallback in case no translation is found for the chart’s ID. You should use C.CHART_ID.NAME=My Chart Name in a properties file to define a chart’s name for CHART_ID instead of using this attribute.

  • orientation (optional, default: VERTICAL) allows defining the orientation of the chart. The allowed values are VERTICAL and HORIZONTAL.

  • width (optional) sets the desired width of the chart.

  • height (optional) sets the desired height of the chart.

  • backgroundColor (optional, default: WHITE for charts, GREY for tables) allows specifying a background colour for a chart or a table. Working With Colours

  • plotBackgroundColor (optional, default: same value as backgroundColor) sets the background of the plotting area of the chart to the specified colour.Working With Colours

  • xMin, xMax (optional, defaults to automatic values) allow defining the desired boundaries for the x-axis. This attribute can be specified as a value or as a computation.

  • yMin, yMax (optional, defaults to automatic values) allow defining the desired boundaries for the y-axis. This attribute can be specified as a value or as a computation.

  • displayOnlyIf (optional) allows specifying a computation to evaluate whether or not to show the chart in the dashboard. If the result of the computation is more than 0, then the chart is displayed. Consult Expression Syntax for more information about the supported computation syntax, and the functions supported in chart computations.

    The deprecated onlyFor can be replaced by displayOnlyIf.

  • exclude (optional) allows specifying a list of roles that will not see the chart.

  • xLabel (optional) overrides the default name given to the x axis for charts that use axes.

  • yLabel (optional) overrides the default name given to the x axis for charts that use axes.

  • aggregate (optional, only valid in Model/Group Dashboards, default: false) specifies that the metrics shown on the chart are aggregated. The aggregation type is defined for each measure with the aggregationType, as described in Common Attributes for measure and indicator.

  • legend (optional, default: false for quadrants, true for other types of charts) allows specifying if the chart’s legend is shown (true) or hidden (false).

Common Attributes for measure and indicator

Most charts use the measure and indicator elements to define the metrics used in the chart. The attributes allowed for these element are:

  • label (optional, default: the measure’s name) defines or overrides the label used for the measure. Note that the chart thumbnail will always show the mnemonic no matter what the value of label is.

  • color (optional, default: the project’s color, or a random color based on the artefact’s name) defines the colour used to represent the measure in the chart.Working With Colours

  • visible (optional, default: true) allows including a measure on a chart as hidden. It will not be displayed by default, but can be added to the chart by clicking its name in the legend.

  • dataBounds (optional, default: "];[") defines the range of values allowed to be displayed on the chart. You can use this attribute to exclude drawing an erroneous or non-representative value on a chart. This attribute is currently supported for the following charts: All Temporal Evolution charts, Quadrant, X/Y-Cloud, Histogram, Y-Cloud, Dial, Simple Pie and Optimised Pie.

    [ and ] allow you to specify that a boundary value is included.

    ] and [ specify that the boundary value itself is excluded.

  • shape (optional, default: CIRCLE) defines the shape used to represent a point on a chart. The allowed values are:

    • NONE

    • SQUARE

    • CIRCLE










  • stroke (optional, default: SOLID) defines the type of line used join points. The allowed values are NONE, SOLID and DOTTED.

  • aggregationType (optional, default: AVG in most charts, SUM in table charts) defines how the values for the metrics on the chart are aggregated. The supported values are:

    • MIN

    • MAX

    • OCC

    • AVG

    • DEV

    • SUM

    • MED

    • MOD

  • weightMeasure (optional, default: none) allows specifying how to weigh artefacts against each other in some charts (Simple Bar, Simple Pie and Simple Temporal Evolution Stacked Bar Chart). This is useful when you want to represent a percentage of artefacts in a chart but want the ratios to be based on a metric instead using the number of artefacts. Consider the example below where a chart shows child file artefacts and their rating the standard way (left), or weighted by lines of code per artefact (right, with weightMeasure="LC"):

CFG weight
Child file artefacts and their rating the standard way (left), or weighted by lines of code per artefact (right)

Attributes that are specific to certain charts only are documented in each chart’s section.

Common Attributes for info

Some charts support dynamically grouping target artefacts according to textual information in a measure. In order to use this information, you do not use an indicator or measure element but an info element with the measure holding the text information.

You can hide or exclude unwanted textual information from charts with:

  • excludeInfos (optional, default: empty) to completely ignore information. The specified strings will not be shown on the chart and will not be included in any calculations on the chart.

  • hideInfos (optional, default: empty) to hide information on the chart but make it appear in the legend so users can manually click to activate it.

Here is a sample definition for a Simple Bar chart where each bar is labelled according to the textual information held in the ASSIGNEE metric.

CFG artefactinfo
A Simple Bar chart using the CODE_TYPE textual information from CODE artefacts
<chart type="SimpleBar" id="INFO_EXAMPLE" targetArtefactTypes="CODE">
<info hideInfos="UNKNOWN;UNSURE;N/A" excludeInfos="INVALID_DATA">CODE_TYPE</info>

You can also display textual information in tables, using the following syntax for example:

<line indicatorId="CODE_TYPE" displayValueType="TEXT" />

For more information about tables, consult Scorecard Tables or Model/Group Dashboards.

Filtering Artefacts in Distributed Charts using a where clause

All distributed charts (i.e. charts that show metrics for the descendants of the current artefacts) allow the use of a where clause to filter out artefacts based on a measure, indicator or textual information. When drawing a chart, Squore checks if the metric specified is within the defined bounds for the artefact, in order to know if it should be included in or excluded from the chart.

Similar behaviour was previously partly achieved via the use of one or more filterMeasure elements in the chart. The filterMeasure tag is now deprecated, and Squore will migrate your configuration to use a where clause automatically whenever you use the Dashboard Editor to modify your dashboard.

You can use the where clause as follows in your chart:

<chart id="CHART_ID" type="CHART_TYPE">
		<measure id="METRIC_C" bounds="[50;100]" />
		<indicator id="ROOT" levels="UNKNOWN" invert="true" />

In the example above, the chart will include the artefact only if METRIC_C is between 50 and 100 and the level of the indicator ROOT is not UNKNOWN.

The full syntax of the where clause is as follows:

	<measure id="" values|bounds="" [invert="false"] />
	<indicator id="" levels="" [invert="false"] />
	<info id="" values|patterns="" [invert="false"]>

For measure, indicator or info:

  • id (mandatory) is the identifier of a metric in the analysis model

  • invert (optional, default: false) allows checking for the invert of a condition when set to true

For indicator:

  • levels (mandatory) is a semicolon-separated list of scale levels to test for the specified metric

For measure:

  • values is a semicolon-separated list of values to test for the specified metric

  • bounds is an interval to test for the specified metric

For info:

  • values is a semicolon-separated list of values to test for the specified metric

  • patterns is a semicolon-separated list of wildcard patterns to test for the specified metric

Distributed charts support clicking on a portion of the chart to display the corresponding artefacts in the Chart Viewer:

CFG dataTab
Clicking a Simple Bar chart to see the artefacts in the corresponding pie slice in the Data tab

In order to get more information about the artefacts in the Data tab, users can add them to the review set, or create a new highlight definition to display extra information about the artefacts.

Data Binning in Distributed Charts

Distributed charts support data binning (or bucketing) to group values in intervals. This allows you for example to build a chart showing tickets created by quarter, based on each ticket’s creation date:

CFG binningTickets
A Simple Bar chart showing ticket creation dates grouped by quarter
<chart id="TICKET_BINNING_EXAMPLE" type="SimpleBar" targetArtefactTypes="TICKET">
	<measure binningType="DATE" stepDate="QUARTER">CREATION_DATE</measure>

This is achieved by defining a binning type and a step to build intervals for a measure element with the binningType attribute, which supports the following values:

  • STEP_VALUE for metrics representing numerical values

    This binning type requires a stepValue attribute that defines the range of each interval to create. You can use this binning type to turn Simple Bar chart into a histogram with custom intervals:

    CFG binningValue
    A Simple Bar chart showing files grouped by line count in intervals of 50
    <chart id="LC_BINNING" type="SimpleBar" targetArtefactTypes="FILES">
      <measure dataBounds="[200;500]" binningType="STEP_VALUE" stepValue="50">LC</measure>
  • DATE for metrics representing dates

    This binning type accepts a stepDate attribute that defines the period covered by each data bin. The supported values are:

    • SECOND

    • MINUTE

    • HOUR

    • DAY

    • WEEK

    • MONTH


    • YEAR

  • DURATION for metrics representing durations

    This binning type accepts a stepDuration attribute that defines the time covered by each data bin. The supported values are:



    • HOURS

    • DAYS

    • WEEKS

    • DAYS_30

    • DAYS_90

    • DAYS_365

Working With Colours

All the chart attributes that allow specifying a colour (for a background, a series, markers and text) support the following syntax:

  • Using the colour’s RGB value: Green is color="0,128,0" or color="rgb(0,128,0)"

  • Using the colour’s integer value: Green is color="32768"

  • Using the colour’s HTML code: Green is color="#008800"

Some colours can also be used directly by name:



  • GRAY



  • RED

  • PINK





  • CYAN

  • BLUE

When you do not explicitely specify a colour for an element, Squore automatically generates a set of consistent random colours used on the dashboard.

Scales levels also have associated colours so that they can be represented in the charts. The colour of each level of performance is defined in a .properties file (see Descriptions, and the same syntax as the one explained above is supported.

Datasets and Renderers

Datasets are used to apply different rendering settings to different sets of measures in a chart. Each dataset can use its own axis configuration.

CFG datasets
Two metrics styled with two different datasets in the same chart
<chart type="TE" id="DATASETS_EXAMPLE">
<dataset renderer="LINE" rangeAxisId="AXIS_RAW">
	<measure color="BLUE" alpha="200" label="Source Line of Code">SLOC
			<version value="7777" timeValue="DATE(2014,08,01)" label="V3" />

<dataset renderer="BAR" rangeAxisId="AXIS_KLOC">
	<measure color="ORANGE" alpha="200" label="Line of Code">LC
			<version value="9999" timeValue="DATE(2014,08,01)" label="V3" />

<rangeAxis id="AXIS_RAW" label="LC" color="BLUE" />
<rangeAxis id="AXIS_KLOC" label="SLOC (KLOC)" color="ORANGE" />

There are 7 basic types of renderers. Each one has can be prefixed with the STACKED_ modifier to stack data series on top of each other, and suffixed with the _100 modifier that displays data series as percentages:


CFG renderer bar
Figure 32. BAR
CFG renderer stacked bar
Figure 33. STACKED_BAR
CFG renderer stacked bar 100
Figure 34. STACKED_BAR_100


CFG renderer line
Figure 35. LINE
CFG renderer stacked line
CFG renderer stacked line 100
Figure 37. STACKED_LINE_100


CFG renderer step
Figure 38. STEP
CFG renderer stacked step
CFG renderer stacked step 100
Figure 40. STACKED_STEP_100


CFG renderer spline
Figure 41. SPLINE
CFG renderer stacked spline
CFG renderer stacked spline 100
Figure 43. STACKED_SPLINE_100


CFG renderer area
Figure 44. AREA
CFG renderer stacked area
CFG renderer stacked area 100
Figure 46. STACKED_AREA_100


CFG renderer area step
Figure 47. AREA_STEP
CFG renderer stacked area step
CFG renderer stacked area step 100
Figure 49. STACKED_AREA_STEP_100


CFG renderer area spline
Figure 50. AREA_SPLINE
CFG renderer stacked area spline
CFG renderer stacked area spline 100

The dataset element accepts the following attributes:

  • renderer (optional, default: differs according to the type of chart) allows specifying the type of rendering for the data series

  • rangeAxisId (optional) allows providing a reference to an axis configuration element

Chart axes can be defined using the rangeAxis element, which accepts the following attributes:

  • id (mandatory) The configuration identifier (referred to by a dataset element)

  • label (optional, default: the measure name) The label to be displayed on the axis

  • min (optional, defaults to an automatic value) is the minimum boundary for the axis. This attribute can be specified as a value or as a computation.

  • max (optional, defaults to an automatic value) is the maximum boundary for the axis. This attribute can be specified as a value or as a computation.

  • visible (optional, default: true) allows hiding a vertical axis when set to false

  • hideTickLabels (optional, default: false) allows hiding values on vertical axes when set to true

  • inverted (optional, default: false) reverses the order of values on the axis when set to true.

  • location (optional, default: left for vertical charts, bottom for horizontal charts) allows defining where around the chart the axis is drawn. Allowed values are: left, right, bottom and top.

  • color (optional, default: automatically assigned) sets the colour used to draw the scale.Working With Colours

  • type (optional, default: NUMBER) defines how the axis is represented. Accepted values are:

    • NUMBER to display numerical values

    • SCALE to plot the axis with the associated scale levels of an indicator (see scaleId below)

    If you are looking to display dates on your axes, simply add a milestoneHistory element to your chart, as described in Displaying Milestone Date Changes.

  • numberFormat (optional, default: usually number) allows customising the number format when using type="number". The accepted values are as follows:

    • NUMBER to display a number (formatted according to the browser’s locale)

    • PERCENT to display a percentage

    • INTEGER to display a number with no decimals

The rangeAxis element also accepts one or more marker child elements so you can insert markers, as described in Using Markers. This makes the following possible:

<rangeAxis id="AXIS_COMPLETION" label="Completed tasks (%)" >
<marker fromScale="SCALE_COMPLETION" isVertical="false" />

Using Markers

Charts that include axes also allow the use of markers. Markers are coloured regions of the chart area that help put the displayed value into context. For example, you could display a line chart of the evolution of the main indicator for your project and use markers to visually associate the value of the indicator with its level, as shown below:

CFG markers
File size distribution in a project, using markers to draw zones corresponding to a scale gauging files by size
<chart type="Histogram" id="MARKERS_EXAMPLE" targetArtefactTypes="FILE" nbBars="10">
<measure color="WHITE">LC</measure>
	<marker fromIndicator="LC" alpha="150" isVertical="true" />

Simpler markers can be drawn as vertical or horizontal lines, as shown below:

CFG markers2
The evolution of an indicator within the levels of its associated scale, using markers to represent the different scale levels
<chart type="OptimizedBar" id="MARKERS_VERTICAL_EXAMPLE" asPercentage="false">
<measure color="0,81,0">A_FILE</measure>
<measure color="3,127,3">B_FILE</measure>
<measure color="133,182,2">C_FILE</measure>
	<marker value="50" endValue="100" color="RED" alpha="150" isVertical="false" />

There are five ways to include markers on a chart:

  1. By using a scale ID to apply colouring to the entire background for all available scale levels. See the fromScale attribute below.

  2. By using an indicator ID to apply colouring to the entire background for all available scale levels associated to the indicator. See the fromIndicator attribute below.

  3. By specifying a metric to display its goal for each milestone in the project. See the fromMilestonesGoal attribute below.

  4. By requesting to display a marker for the dates of all milestones in the project. See the fromMilestones attribute below.

  5. By manually specifying the start and end values on the axes, and the colour of the marker you want. See the value, endValue and color attributes below.

The marker element has the following attributes:

  • fromScale (optional, not compatible with value/endValue) sets the scale to use to create a markers for each scale level using the colour defined in the scale’s properties.

  • fromIndicator (optional) sets the indicator to use to retrieve a scale and create a markers for each scale level using the colour defined in the scale’s properties.

  • fromMilestonesGoal (optional) draws markers for all of a metric’s goals in the project. You can find an example in Milestone-Based Markers.

  • fromMilestones (optional) draws markers for all milestone dates in the project. You can find an example in Milestone-Based Markers.

  • value (optional, default: -infinity, cannot be combined with fromIndicator, fromScale,fromMilestonesGoal, or fromMilestones) sets the position on the axis to start drawing the marker from. You can specify an exact value, a percentage, or a compuration for this parameter.

  • endValue (optional, default: infinity, cannot be combined with fromIndicator, fromScale,fromMilestonesGoal, or fromMilestones) sets the position on the axis to stop drawing the marker. You can specify an exact value, a percentage, or a compuration for this parameter.

  • isInterval (optional, default: true, cannot be combined with fromIndicator orfromScale) allows defining whether a marker covers an interval (true) or is simply a line on the chart (false). When set to false, endValue is ignored, and the following extra parameters are available:

  • stroke (optional, default: SOLID) defines the appearance of the line.The supported values are:

    • SOLID

    • DOTTED

  • strokeWidth (optional, default: 1.0) defines the width of the line.

  • color (optional, default: GREY, not compatible with fromIndicator or fromScale) is the colour code used to fill the marker region.Working With Colours

  • alpha (optional, default: 50) sets the opacity level (0 is transparent, 255 is fully opaque).

  • isVertical (optional, default: false) specifies if the marker should be vertical (true) or horizontal (false).

  • label (optional, default: none) allows specifying a label for the marker.

  • labelColor (optional, default: BLACK) allows specifying the color of the label text.Working With Colours

  • labelFontSize (optional, default: 9) defines the size of the label text.

  • labelFontStyle (optional, default: PLAIN) defines the style of the label text. Supported values are:

    • PLAIN

    • BOLD

    • ITALIC


  • labelAnchor (optional, default: TOP_RIGHT if vertical, TOP_LEFT if horizontal) defines the position of the label relative to the marker. The possible values are:

    • BOTTOM



    • CENTER

    • LEFT

    • RIGHT

    • TOP

    • TOP_LEFT


  • labelTextAnchor (optional, default: TOP_LEFT if vertical, BOTTOM_LEFT if horizontal) defines the position of the text relative to the label. The possible values are:







    • CENTER







    • TOP_LEFT


Parameters for Temporal Charts

Time Axis Configuration

When working with charts that support displaying a timeline (usually a Temporal Evolution with an attribute byTime set to true), the x-axis can be customised to display the level of details that suits you best. The following attributes can be used:

  • timeInterval (optional, default: MILLISECOND) displays only the last value available for the time period selected. This allows you to display a result trend for the past year where only the last of every month is drawn on the chart (onlyLast="12" timeInterval="MONTH"). The values allowed for this attribute are MILLISECOND, SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, AM_PM, DAY, WEEK, WEEK_SUNDAY, WEEK_MONDAY, SEMI_MONTH, MONTH, QUARTER and YEAR. Note that for Temporal Evolution with a BAR renderer, this setting defines the width of the bar.

  • timeIntervalAggregationType (optional, default: AVG) defines how the values obtained for all versions within an interval are aggregated. The allows aggregation types are:

    • MIN

    • MAX

    • OCC

    • AVG

    • DEV

    • SUM

    • MED

    • MOD

By default, the date used for each version is the actual date of when the analysis was run. However, you can override this date and specify the real date of an analysis in the UI using the Version Date field, or via the command line using the --versionDate parameter. Refer to the Command Line Interface and the Online Help for more details.

Displaying Planned Versions

You can display future or past versions on a chart using the forecast element on a measure, as shown below.

CFG forecast
Planned (future) versions on a Temporal Evolution
<chart type="TemporalEvolution" renderer="BAR" id="TE_BAR_FORECAST">
<measure color="GREEN" label="Lines of Code">LC
		<version value="SLOC" timeValue="DATE(2016,06,30)" label="V7 forecast" />
		<version value="600" timeValue="DATE(2016,07,31)" />
		<estimatedVersion timeValue="DATE(2016,08,31)" />
		<estimatedVersion timeValue="DATE(2016,09,30)" />

The forecast points on the chart can be:

  • Hard-coded values at a specific past or future date using version

  • Dynamically computed values at a specific date in the future using estimatedVersion

The forecast element accepts the following attributes:

  • degree (optional, default: 1) sets the degree of the polynomial extrapolation used to compute estimated values at a specific date. Supported values are:

    • 1 for linear

    • 2 for quadratic

    • 3 for cubic

  • minNb (optional, default: 2) sets the minimum number of past values to take into account to estimate future values

  • maxNb (optional, default: 5) sets the maximum number of past values to take into account to estimate future values

When using forecast with dynamically estimated future values, use the estimatedVersion element with the following attributes:

  • timeValue (mandatory) is a computation valid for the current artefact type that is used to position the version on a time axis. The result has to be a number of milliseconds since January 1st 1970.

  • label (optional, default: V(n+x)) is the label used to represent the version on the chart.

When using forecast with hard coded values for, use the version element with the following attributes:

  • value (mandatory) is a computation valid for the current artefact type (same limitation as for displayOnlyIf).

  • timeValue (mandatory) is a computation valid for the current artefact type that is used to position the version on a time axis. The result has to be a number of milliseconds since January 1st 1970.

  • label (optional, default: V(n+x)) is the label used to represent the version on the chart.

Displaying estimates for dynamically for the next 6 months is more efficient with chart where values are plotted according to when they were created on a time axis (see Time Axis Configuration) and can be done as shown in the following example:

CFG forecast rolling
A rolling 6-month projection chart
<chart type="TE" byTime="true" id="FORECAST_ROLLING_EXAMPLE">
<measure label="Lines of Code" color="GRAY">LC</measure>
<measure stroke="DOTTED" label="Lines of Code (forecast)" color="GRAY">LC
		<estimatedVersion timeValue="CURRENT_VERSION_DATE+DAYS(30)" />
		<estimatedVersion timeValue="CURRENT_VERSION_DATE+DAYS(60)" />
		<estimatedVersion timeValue="CURRENT_VERSION_DATE+DAYS(90)" />
		<estimatedVersion timeValue="CURRENT_VERSION_DATE+DAYS(120)" />
		<estimatedVersion timeValue="CURRENT_VERSION_DATE+DAYS(150)" />
		<estimatedVersion timeValue="CURRENT_VERSION_DATE+DAYS(180)" />

CURRENT_VERSION_DATE is a metric defined in the analysis model as follows:

<Measure measureId="CURRENT_VERSION_DATE" defaultValue="-1">
<Computation targetArtefactTypes="PACKAGES;FILE" result="VERSION_DATE()" />

Working with Goals

On a Temporal Evolution, you can render goals graphically by defining a starting point, an end date and a value you want to reach. This is done using the goal element on your chart, and replaces the deprecated Temporal Evolution Line With Goal and Temporal Evolution Bar With Goal charts.

CFG goals
A Temporal Evolution with an area that represents the goal for the metric LC
<chart type="TE" id="GOAL_EXAMPLE" byTime="true">
<dataset renderer="AREA">
	<goal color="CYAN" alpha="100" label="My Objective">
			<firstMeasureVersion id="LC" />
			<version value="8000" timeValue="DATE(2014,10,01)" />
<dataset renderer="LINE">
	<measure color="BLUE" label="Line of Code">LC
			<version value="SLOC" timeValue="DATE(2014,05,01)" label="V3" />
			<version value="6666" timeValue="DATE(2014,06,01)" />
			<version value="3333+4444" timeValue="DATE(2014,08,01)" />

In the example above, the first dataset (rendered as an AREA) is used for the goal, while the second (rendered as a LINE) is used for the display of the LC metric.

The goal element supports the color, label and alpha attributes as they are described in Common Attributes for measure and indicator. It accepts a child forecast element with one or more traditional version elements (as described in Displaying Planned Versions), as well as an optional firstMeasureVersion attribute that will define the starting point to draw the goal. In the example above, the goal is rendered the first time that the metric LC has a value and is drawn using the value of this metric at this point in time. The goal to reach is hard-coded to 8000 on October 1st 2014, but you could use any metrics from you model to generate dynamic values.

Using goals, you can easily draw burn down charts for you agile projects.

CFG burnDownChart
A burn down chart of remaining tasks in a sprint
<chart type="TE" id="BURN_DOWN_CHART" byTime="TRUE" timeInterval="DAY">
<dataset renderer="STEP">
	<measure color="RED" alpha="200" label="Remaining Tasks">NUM_TASKS</measure>
<dataset renderer="LINE">
	<goal color="GREEN" alpha="100" label="Objective">
			<firstMeasureVersion id="NUM_TASKS" />
			<version value="0" timeValue="SPRINT_START + DAYS(C.SPRINT_LENGTH)" />

In this example, we start drawing the diagonal when NUM_TASKS first has a value for the project, and set the objective to reach zero by dynamically computing the end of the sprint based on the sprint start date and a constant that defines the sprint length.

Displaying Data From Milestones

This section defines how you can integrate information about your project milestones into your charts. When you define milestones in your project (i.e. a series of goals for specific metrics at certain dates in the life of your project), you will be able to:

  • Display the goals defined for each milestone in your project

  • Display the changes made to the goals defined for each milestone

  • Display the date changes for your milestones

  • Show markers for milestone dates and goals

For more information about adding milestone management to your project, consult Project Milestones.

Displaying Goals

If your project uses milestones, you can use the goal element to display all the expected values for a metric for each milestone in the project. In this case, you simply use the name of the metric whose goals you want to display:

CFG goalMilestones
Temporal Evolution displaying the goals for the metric LC for all milestones of the project
<chart type="TemporalEvolution" id="DISPLAYING_GOALS_EXAMPLE" timeInterval="WEEK">
<dataset renderer="STACKED_BAR">
	<measure color="BLUE" alpha="200" label="Source Line of Code">SLOC</measure>
	<measure color="GREEN" alpha="200" label="Line of Code">LC</measure>
<dataset renderer="BAR">
	<goal color="PINK">LC</goal>

In the example above, compare the blue bars with the red bars to compare actual analyses (V1, V2) against the goals for each milestone in the project (M1, M2, M3, M4, M4b and M5) for the metric LC.

You can also request the goals as they were at a certain date with the versionDate attribute and assign a weight to the goal, allowing you to draw other lines based on a goal:

CFG goalAdvanced
Temporal Evolution displaying goals with various versionDate and weight
<chart type="TE" id="DISPLAYING_GOALS_ADVANCED_EXAMPLE" byTime="true">
<dataset renderer="LINE">
	<measure color="RED" label="Line of Code">LC</measure>
	<goal color="ORANGE" versionDate="DATE(2014,03,01)" label="Old">LC</goal>
	<goal color="BLUE" versionDate="DATE(2014,05,01)" label="Current">LC</goal>
	<goal color="GREEN" shape="NONE" stroke="DOTTED" alpha="50" weight="1.5" label="Current 150%">LC</goal>
	<goal color="GRAY" shape="NONE" stroke="DOTTED" alpha="50" weight="1.1" label="Current 110%">LC</goal>
	<goal color="BLUE" shape="NONE" stroke="DOTTED" alpha="50" weight=".9" label="Current 90%">LC</goal>
	<goal color="RED" shape="NONE" stroke="DOTTED" alpha="50" weight=".75" label="Current 75%">LC</goal>

In the chart above, you notice how the last 3 milestones have slipped and understand that the goals have been revised with higher expectations by observing the yellow and blue solid lines. The dotted lines can be used as guides to give you an idea of where 75%, 90%, 110% or 150% of your goal lies on the chart.

Displaying Goal History

You can use the goalHistory element in a chart if you want to track the changes made to your goals. This is useful in a post mortem when you review deviations from your original goals.

CFG goalHistory
Temporal Evolution displaying the evolution of goals for each milestone of the project
<chart type="TE" id="GOAL_HISTORY_EXAMPLE" byTime="true">
<measure color="PINK">LC</measure>

The chart in the example above follows the LC metric and also displays the goals for the metric for each milestone in the project. By the second analysis, you can see that the goals for M4 and M5 have been revised, and that a new milestone called M4b has been introduced.

An optional milestone attribute allows displaying information about one milestone instead of all milestones, as shown below:

CFG goalHistorySingle
Temporal Evolution displaying the evolution of the goal the M4 milestone
<chart type="TE" id="GOAL_HISTORY_SINGLE_EXAMPLE" byTime="true">
<goalHistory milestone="M4">LC</goalHistory>
<measure color="PINK">LC</measure>

You can use keywords instead of using a milestone ID. You can retrieve information about the next, previous, first or last milestones in the project by using:

  • NEXT

  • NEXT+STEP where STEP is a number indicating how many milestones to jump ahead


  • PREVIOUS-STEP where STEP is a number indicating how many milestones to jump backward


  • LAST

Displaying Milestone Date Changes

You can use the milestoneHistory element in a chart if you want to track the date changes made to your milestones.

CFG milestoneHistory
Temporal Evolution displaying changes in milestone dates for the project
<chart type="TE" id="MILESTONES_HISTORY_EXAMPLE" byTime="true">
<dataset renderer="LINE" rangeAxisId="HIDDEN">
	<milestoneHistory />
<rangeAxis id="HIDDEN" visible="false" />

The chart in the example above shows the addition of a new M4b milestone and date changes for milestones M4 and M5 in the project, by the time of the second analysis.

An optional milestone attribute allows displaying information about one milestone instead of all milestones, as shown below:

CFG milestoneHistorySingle
Temporal Evolution displaying the date slip for the M4 milestone
<chart type="TE" id="MILESTONES_HISTORY_SINGLE_EXAMPLE" byTime="true">
<milestoneHistory milestone="M4" />
<measure color="MAGENTA">LC</measure>

You can use keywords instead of using a milestone ID. You can retrieve information about the next, previous, first or last milestones in the project by using:

  • NEXT

  • NEXT+STEP where STEP is a number indicating how many milestones to jump ahead


  • PREVIOUS-STEP where STEP is a number indicating how many milestones to jump backward


  • LAST

Milestone-Based Markers

You can use markers based on your milestones in your charts. The type of information you can display is:

  • Horizontal markers based on the value of the current goal for a specific metric with fromMilestonesGoal

    CFG fromMilestonesGoal
    Temporal Evolution displaying markers for the goals for the metric LC for each milestone
    <chart type="TE" id="MILESTONES_MARKERS_EXAMPLE" byTime="true">
    <goal color="RED" stroke="DOTTED">LC</goal>
    <measure color="GREEN">LC</measure>
    	<marker fromMilestonesGoal="LC" alpha="150" isVertical="false" />
  • Vertical markers based on the dates of milestones in the project with fromMilestones

    CFG fromMilestones
    Temporal Evolution displaying markers for the dates of all milestones in the project
    <chart type="TE" id="MILESTONES_MARKERS_VERTICAL_EXAMPLE" byTime="true">
    <goal color="RED" stroke="DOTTED">LC</goal>
    <measure color="GREEN">LC</measure>
    	<marker fromMilestones="true" alpha="150" isVertical="true" />

For more information about markers, consult Using Markers. Note that in both cases, the marker labels are automatically set to the milestone names.

Charts for Single-Version Data Visualisation

Artefact Pie

This chart is supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards.

The Artefact Pie offers a graphical representation of the values of a specific measure for each child artefact in a pie chart. The Artefact Pie requires one measure to define the size of the pie slice and accepts a colorFromIndicator attribute to pick the colors of the pie slices based on a scale. Clicking a pie slice takes you to the dashboard of the corresponding artefact.

CFG artefact pie
Artefact Pie
<chart type="ARTEFACTPIE" id="ARTEFACT_PIE_EXAMPLE" colorFromIndicator="ROOT" onlyDirectChildren="false" targetArtefactTypes="FILE">

The chart tag accepts the following attributes:

  • targetArtefactTypes allows to filter descendants according to their type. You can use one or more types. Concrete and abstract types are supported, so it is possible to use an alias, as described in Artefact Types.

    For Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Temporal Evolution Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Pie, Simple Bar and Distribution Table, the measure and scale associated to the indicator must be the same for all types

    You can refine the target artefact types further by adding the excludingTypes attribute, which takes a list of artefact types to exclude. For example, if you want to display all artefacts for C code except for headers, you can use:

    targetArtefactTypes="CTYPES" excludingTypes="C_HEADER"
  • onlyDirectChildren (optional, default: true) includes artefacts that are direct children of the current artefact when set to true, or all descendants of the current artefact when set to false.

  • colorFromIndicator (optional, default: none) uses the specified indicator’s colour scale to assign a colour to each item drawn on the chart.

This chart can be used in Model/Group Dashboards. In this case, the only value allowed for targetArtefactTypes is APPLICATION. The chart displays the value of the specified metric for the last version of all projects in this model.

Artefact Series

This chart is supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards.

The Artefact Series chart displays one or more metrics from descendent artefacts. The measure representation is defined by a renderer attribute (as explained in Datasets and Renderers ). The chart also allows clicking on an artefact to display its dashboard.

CFG artefact series
Artefact Series showing test statistics for child requirements
<chart type="ARTEFACTSERIES" id="ARTEFACT_SERIES_EXAMPLE" targetArtefactTypes="FILE;REQUIREMENT" onlyDirectChildren="false" inverted="true" orderByMeasure="NUM_FAILING_TESTS" renderer="BAR" orientation="HORIZONTAL">
	<measure color="CYAN">NUM_TESTS_CODE</measure>
	<measure color="GREEN">NUM_PASSING_TESTS</measure>
	<measure color="RED">NUM_FAILING_TESTS</measure>

The Artefact Series can also be used to draw a stacked bar chart for child artefacts and include a line via the use of several datasets, as shown below:

CFG artefact series alternate
An alternate representation of the same data in an Artefact Series chart
<chart type="ARTEFACTSERIES" id="ARTEFACT_SERIES_STACKED_BAR_EXAMPLE" targetArtefactTypes="FILE;REQUIREMENT" onlyDirectChildren="false" inverted="true" orderByMeasure="NUM_FAILING_TESTS" orientation="VERTICAL">
	<dataset renderer="STACKED_BAR">
		<measure color="RED" >NUM_FAILING_TESTS</measure>
		<measure color="GREEN" >NUM_PASSING_TESTS</measure>
		<dataset renderer="LINE" rangeAxis="TOTAL">
		<measure color="CYAN">NUM_TESTS_CODE</measure>
	<rangeAxis id="TOTAL" color="CYAN" min="0" location="left" type="number" numberFormat="INTEGER" />

The chart element suports the following attributes:

  • targetArtefactTypes allows to filter descendants according to their type. You can use one or more types. Concrete and abstract types are supported, so it is possible to use an alias, as described in Artefact Types.

    For Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Temporal Evolution Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Pie, Simple Bar and Distribution Table, the measure and scale associated to the indicator must be the same for all types

    You can refine the target artefact types further by adding the excludingTypes attribute, which takes a list of artefact types to exclude. For example, if you want to display all artefacts for C code except for headers, you can use:

    targetArtefactTypes="CTYPES" excludingTypes="C_HEADER"

* linkType (alternative to *targetArtefactTypes)* allows specifying a link ID to display all artefacts linked to the current artefact on the chart. For more information about links, refer to Artefact Links. You can specify the direction of the link to follow with the linkDirection attribute: OUT (default) follows links to other artefacts IN follows links to this artefacts

  • onlyDirectChildren (optional, default: true) includes artefacts that are direct children of the current artefact when set to true, or all descendants of the current artefact when set to false.

  • asPercentage (optional, default: false) specifies whether the values are displayed as real values or percentages

  • displayEmptyData (optional, default: false) forces the display of artefacts for which there is no corresponding data.

  • renderer (optional, default: BAR) allows setting a common renderer for all measures in te chart. This can be omitted and overridden for individual datasets, as explained in Datasets and Renderers.

  • orderByMeasure (optional, default: the first measure in the chart definition) allows ordering the artefacts on the chart according to the specified measure.

  • inverted (optional, default: false) allows reversing the default order of artefacts

You can specify as many measure sub-elements as necessary for each artefact, using the syntax detailed in Common Attributes for measure and indicator.

Artefact Table

This chart is supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards.

The Artefact Table allows displaying a list of child artefacts and one or more of their characteristics in table format, as shown below:

CFG artefactTable
Artefact Table
<chart type="ARTEFACTTABLE" id="ARTEFACT_TABLE_MEASURE" xLabel="X axis"yLabel="Y axis" onlyDirectChildren="true" targetArtefactTypes="FILE">
	<indicator displayValueType="NAME">TESTABILITY</indicator>
	<indicator displayValueType="RANK">STABILITY</indicator>
	<indicator displayValueType="MNEMONIC">CHANGEABILITY</indicator>

In the example above, the indicators use different displayValueType to show all the supported values.

CFG artefactTableMeasure
Artefact Table displaying LC for each direct FILE child
<chart id="ARTEFACT_TABLE_ID" type="ArtefactTable" targetArtefactTypes="FILE;FILE" onlyDirectChildren="true" xLabel="X axis" yLabel="Y axis">

The Artefact Table chart element may have the following attributes:

  • targetArtefactTypes allows to filter descendants according to their type. You can use one or more types. Concrete and abstract types are supported, so it is possible to use an alias, as described in Artefact Types.

  • onlyDirectChildren (optional, default: false) includes artefacts that are direct children of the current artefact when set to true, or all descendants of the current artefact when set to false.

  • orderByMeasure (optional, alphabetical if omitted) allows sorting the list of artefacts according to the value of the specified measure ID.

  • inverted (optional, default: false) allows reversing the sort order defined by the orderByMeasure attribute.

  • displayEmptyData (optional, default: false) forces the display of artefacts for which there is no corresponding data.

The Artefact Table chart takes one or more indicator, measure or info sub-elements. Note that the table cells are automatically coloured according to the corresponding scale level colour when the metric displayed in the table is an indicator. This behaviour can be overridden by using the colorFromScale attribute, which takes a scale ID to apply colour from according to the rank of the value displayed.

In addition, you can add a row and column to aggregate the results found in each table row or column using the row or column element. Each of these elements accepts the following attributes:

  • aggregationType (optional, default: AVG in most charts, SUM in table charts) defines how the values for the metrics on the chart are aggregated. The supported values are:

    • MIN

    • MAX

    • OCC

    • AVG

    • DEV

    • SUM

    • MED

    • MOD

  • label (mandatory) is a string that is displayed as the legend of the row or column.

  • color (optional, default: GREY) is the fill colour for the row or column.Working With Colours

  • colorFromScale (optional, default: empty) allows filling cells with a colour taken from a specific scale.

Artefact Time Series

This chart is supported only in Artefact Dashboards.

The Artefact Time Series chart displays one or more metrics from descendent artefacts on a timeline. It offers the same features as the Artefact Series chart and also provides options to aggregate by time period.

CFG artefact time series
Artefact Time Series showing a daily timeline of files
<chart type="ArtefactTimeSeries" id="ARTEFACTTIMESERIES_EXAMPLE" targetArtefactTypes="FILE" onlyDirectChildren="false" timeMeasure="DATE_FILE" timeInterval="DAY" timeIntervalAggregationType="SUM" byTime="true" renderer="STACKED_BAR">
	<dataset renderer="STACKED_BAR">

	<dataset renderer="LINE">
		<measure color="ORANGE">LC</measure>

In the example above, files are sorted by creation date on a daily timeline, with bars representing daily aggregates of serveral line count metrics for each files.

The chart element suports the following attributes:

  • targetArtefactTypes allows to filter descendants according to their type. You can use one or more types. Concrete and abstract types are supported, so it is possible to use an alias, as described in Artefact Types.

    For Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Temporal Evolution Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Pie, Simple Bar and Distribution Table, the measure and scale associated to the indicator must be the same for all types

    You can refine the target artefact types further by adding the excludingTypes attribute, which takes a list of artefact types to exclude. For example, if you want to display all artefacts for C code except for headers, you can use:

    targetArtefactTypes="CTYPES" excludingTypes="C_HEADER"
  • onlyDirectChildren (optional, default: true) includes artefacts that are direct children of the current artefact when set to true, or all descendants of the current artefact when set to false.

  • timeMeasure (mandatory) is the measure ID (of type DATE) used to place an artefact on the timeline

  • byTime (optional, default: false) enforces the timeline display

For interval and aggregation settings, refer to Parameters for Temporal Charts.

You can specify as many measure sub-elements as necessary for each artefact, using the syntax detailed in Common Attributes for measure and indicator.

Cell Artefact Table

This chart is supported only in Artefact Dashboards.

The Cell Artefact Table offers a tabular representation of descendent artefacts of a certain type with added grouping and filtering possibilities compared to other table charts.

CFG cell artefact table
Cell Artefact Table
<chart	type="CellArtefactTable" id="CELLARTEFACTTABLE_EXAMPLE" targetArtefactTypes="SUITE" colorFromIndicator="ROOT" orderByMeasure="RUN_DATE" enabledAxisLabels="true" insideAxisLabels="false" artefactNameAsColumn="true">
		<group type="LINE" ancestorLevel="2" orderBy="NAME" />
CFG cell artefact table tree
The test tree represented in the example chart shows each test suite as a cell, grouped on the same line by ancestor level -2 (the type of testing activity)

The test tree represented in the example chart shows each test suite as a cell, grouped on the same line by ancestor level -2 (the type of testing activity).

The chart tag accepts the following attributes:

  • targetArtefactTypes allows to filter descendants according to their type. You can use one or more types. Concrete and abstract types are supported, so it is possible to use an alias, as described in Artefact Types.

    For Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Temporal Evolution Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Pie, Simple Bar and Distribution Table, the measure and scale associated to the indicator must be the same for all types

    You can refine the target artefact types further by adding the excludingTypes attribute, which takes a list of artefact types to exclude. For example, if you want to display all artefacts for C code except for headers, you can use:

    targetArtefactTypes="CTYPES" excludingTypes="C_HEADER"
  • colorFromIndicator (optional, default: none) uses the specified indicator’s colour scale to assign a colour to each item drawn on the chart.

  • orderByMeasure (optional, alphabetical if omitted) allows sorting the list of artefacts according to the value of the specified measure ID.

  • enabledAxisLabels (optional, default: true) allows showing (true) or hiding (false) axis labels

  • insideAxisLabels(optional, default: false) allows printing the axis labels to the right of the y-axis (true) instead of to the left (false)

  • artefactNameAsColumn (optional, default: false) allows printing the artefact names inside the cells (false) or at the top of each column (true)

Grouping can be achieved via a group element defining an ancestorLevel:

	<group type="COLUMNS" ancestorLevel="1" />
	<group type="LINE" ancestorLevel="2" orderBy="NAME" />
	<group type="LINES" ancestorLevel="1" orderBy="NAME" />

You can also filter which artefacts are to be displayed as cells checking a condition on their ancestors.

  • Include tests suites in the chart only if they are under a critical tested component:

    	<where artefactTypes="TEST_COMPONENT" measureId="IS_CRITICAL" value="1" />
  • Include test suites in the chart only if they are linked to a library of ASIL level 2 or more

    	<where artefactTypes="LIBRARY" measureId="ASIL_LEVEL" bounds="[2;[" />


This chart is supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards.

The Dial chart represents the value of the measure associated to an indicator against a backdrop of the scale associated to this indicator. The Dial chart requires one indicator as a sub-element.

CFG dial
Dial Chart
<chart type="DIAL" id="DIAL_EXAMPLE">

The Dial chart element may have the following attributes:

  • decimals (optional) is the number of decimal places used to display the data.

  • majorTickIncrement (optional) is the increment between two major ticks on the dial.

The majorTickIncrement and minorTickCount parameters only need to be used if you want to completely control the appearance of the chart. Generally, they can be omitted, as the defaults should be smart enough to show what you need.

You can control the bounds of the axis of this chart using the datBounds attributs on each metric, as explained in Common Attributes for measure and indicator.

The indicator element supports excluding certain levels from the chart by using the excludeLevels attribute. For example:

<indicator excludeLevels="LEVELA;LEVELB">LEVEL</indicator>

Distribution Table

This chart is supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards.

The Distribution Table is an matrix-like visualisation of two characteristics of an artefact’s descendants

CFG distributionTable
Distribution Table
<chart type="DISTRIBUTIONTABLE" id="DIST_TABLE_FIXED_COLOR_EXAMPLE" targetArtefactTypes="FILE" xLabel="Testability" yLabel="Number of Artefacts" topColor="ORANGE" bottomColor="BLUE">
	<row aggregationType="SUM" label="Total Col" color="GRAY" />
	<column aggregationType="SUM" label="Total Line" color="GRAY" />

The Distribution Table chart element may have the following attributes:

  • targetArtefactTypes allows to filter descendants according to their type. You can use one or more types. Concrete and abstract types are supported, so it is possible to use an alias, as described in Artefact Types.

  • color (optional, default: WHITE) is the colour used to fill all the cells in the table. An example Distribution Table using color is shown later in this section.Working With Colours.

    Instead of using a single colour for the entire table, you can use topColor, middleColor and bottomColor to colour the top, middle and bottom sections of the chart respectively in different colours, as in the main example above.Working With Colours

  • colorFromScale (optional, default: none) is the colour scale used to fill the cells in the table according to the rank of each cell. An example Distribution Table using colorFromScale is shown later in this section.

    Instead of using a single scale for the entire table, you can use topcolorFromScale, middlecolorFromScale and bottomcolorFromScale to colour the top, middle and bottom sections of the chart respectively using different colour scales.

If several colour attributes are found, they are applied in this order:

  1. top|middle|bottomColorFromScale

  2. top|middle|bottomColor

  3. colorFromScale

  4. color

The Distribution Table chart takes two indicator sub-element that will be used to build a matrix of scale levels.

In addition, you can add a row and column to aggregate the results found in each table row or column using the row or column element. Each of these elements accepts the following attributes:

  • aggregationType (optional, default: AVG in most charts, SUM in table charts) defines how the values for the metrics on the chart are aggregated. The supported values are:

    • MIN

    • MAX

    • OCC

    • AVG

    • DEV

    • SUM

    • MED

    • MOD

  • label (mandatory) is a string that is displayed as the legend of the row or column.

  • color (optional, default: GREY) is the fill colour for the row or column.Working With Colours

  • colorFromScale (optional, default: empty) allows filling cells with a colour taken from a specific scale.

Some simpler examples of Distribution Table charts can be found below:

CFG distributionTableSimple
Simple Distribution Table
<chart type="DISTRIBUTIONTABLE" id="DIST_TABLE_EXAMPLE" targetArtefactTypes="FILE" xLabel="Testability" yLabel="Number of Artefacts">
CFG distributionTableColorFromScale
Distribution Table with cells coloured according to a scale
<chart type="DISTRIBUTIONTABLE" id="DIST_TABLE_SCALE_COLOR_EXAMPLE" targetArtefactTypes="FILE" xLabel="Testability" yLabel="Number of Artefacts" colorFromScale="SCALE_TEST_BASIC">

<Scale scaleId="SCALE_TEST_BASIC">
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELA" bounds="];1]" rank="1" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELB" bounds="]1;2]" rank="2" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELC" bounds="]2;4]" rank="3" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELD" bounds="]4;8]" rank="4" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELE" bounds="]8;16]" rank="5" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELF" bounds="]16;32]" rank="6" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELG" bounds="]32;[" rank="7" />
CFG distributionTableRedGreen
Simple Distribution Table with red/green
<chart type="DISTRIBUTIONTABLE" id="DIST_TABLE_SCALE_COLOR_TWO_COLORS_EXAMPLE" targetArtefactTypes="FILE" xLabel="Testability" yLabel="Number of Artefacts" topColorFromScale="SCALE_GREEN" middleColorFromScale="SCALE_RED" bottomColorFromScale="SCALE_RED">


<Scale scaleId="SCALE_GREEN">
	<ScaleLevel levelId="BLANK" bounds="];1[" rank="-1" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELA" bounds="[1;[" rank="1" />

<Scale scaleId="SCALE_RED">
	<ScaleLevel levelId="BLANK" bounds="];1[" rank="-1" />
	<ScaleLevel levelId="LEVELG" bounds="[1;[" rank="1" />


This chart is supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards.

A typical Histogram that shows the repartition of a value for the children of the selected artefact It requires one measure element.

CFG histogram
<chart type="HISTOGRAM" id="HISTOGRAM_EXAMPLE" targetArtefactTypes="FILE" nbBars="10">
	<measure color="ORANGE">LC</measure>

The chart element may have the following attributes:

  • targetArtefactTypes allows to filter descendants according to their type. You can use one or more types. Concrete and abstract types are supported, so it is possible to use an alias, as described in Artefact Types.

    For Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Temporal Evolution Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Pie, Simple Bar and Distribution Table, the measure and scale associated to the indicator must be the same for all types

    You can refine the target artefact types further by adding the excludingTypes attribute, which takes a list of artefact types to exclude. For example, if you want to display all artefacts for C code except for headers, you can use:

    targetArtefactTypes="CTYPES" excludingTypes="C_HEADER"
  • nbBars sets the number of bars desired in the chart.

You can control the bounds of the axis of this chart using the datBounds attributs on each metric, as explained in Common Attributes for measure and indicator.

Key Performance Indicator

This chart is supported only in Artefact Dashboards.

The Key Performance Indicator chart is used to display the rating of the root indicator for artefact.

CFG kpi
Key Performance Indicator
<chart type="KPI" id="KPI_EXAMPLE" indicatorId="ROOT" />

The chart accepts the following attributes:

  • indicatorId is the reference to an Indicator. See Descriptions for more information about the indicatorId.

You can configure the image displayed by Key Performance Indicator chart by defining an image per scale level in your model:


For more information about properties files, consult Descriptions.

The Indicator now offers a more dynamic way to display a KPI without the need to create images for every level on a scale. You can find out more about this chart in Indicator .


This chart is supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards.

The Kiviat chart displays three or more indicators in a radar-type chart.

CFG kiviat

The Kiviat chart takes a set of at least three indicators as sub-elements.

<chart type="KIVIAT" id="KIVIAT_EXAMPLE" isInverted="true" currentLabel="Current" objectiveLabel="Objective">
	<indicator label="My testability" objective="LEVELC">TESTABILITY</indicator>
	<indicator objective="LEVELC">STABILITY</indicator>
	<indicator objective="LEVELC">CHANGEABILITY</indicator>
	<indicator objective="LEVELD">ANALYSABILITY</indicator>

The attributes allowed for the chart element are the following:

  • isInverted (optional, default: true) when set to true, places the highest rank (usually the worst mark) at the centre of the Kiviat instead of on the outside.

  • currentLabel (optional, default: "Current") to set a custom tooltip label for the current value.

  • objectiveLabel (optional, default: "Objective") to set a custom tooltip label for the objective’s value.

The indicator element accepts a specific, optional objective attribute that draws a dotted line at the specified level representing the objective line.

The objective attribute accepts:

  • A scale level (LEVELA)

  • An indicator ID (TESTABILITY). In this case, both indicators must use the same scale.

  • A computation (LC+100). The computed value is then used together with the scale of the indicator to define the level to display.

Note that only a scale level is accepted for Kiviat charts in Model/Group Dashboards.


This chart is supported only in Artefact Dashboards.

The Indicator displays the rating of the current artefact for a specific indicator.

CFG indicator chart
Indicator with tooltips showing information about the scale for the indicator (left) and the actual rating of the artefact (right)
<chart type="INDICATOR" id="INDICATOR_EXAMPLE" topText="More efficient" bottomText="Less efficient">
	<indicator excludeLevels="UNKNOWN">ROOT</indicator>

The chart takes exactly one indicator element and accepts the following attributes:

  • topText (optional, default Value: More efficient) is the text to display at the top of the scale on the chart.

  • bottomText (optional, default Value: Less efficient) is the text to display at the bottom of the scale of the chart.

The colours and level names displayed on the by Indicator are taken from the configuration of the scale levels for your indicator in your model:



For more information about properties files, consult Descriptions.

Optimised Bar

This chart is supported only in Artefact Dashboards.

The Optimised Bar chart is a bar chart that takes several measure as input. It simply displays a bar chart with the values previously computed.

CFG optimizedBar
Optimised Bar
<chart type="OPTIMIZEDBAR" id="OPTIMIZED_BAR_EXAMPLE" asPercentage="true">
	<measure color="#006893" label="A">A_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#67C8B9" label="B">B_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#79C142" label="C">C_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#FEC422" label="D">D_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#F6A01B" label="E">E_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#F48026" label="F">F_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#F25B21" label="G">G_FILE</measure>

The Optimised Bar requires a minimum of two measure elements and supports the following attributes:

  • decimals (optional, default: 0) is the number of decimals places to be used for displaying values.

  • displayEmptyValue (optional, default: false) — Deprecated, should be replaced with displayEmptyData specifies whether categories with no value or a value of 0 are included on the chart

  • asPercentage (optional, default: false) specifies whether the values are displayed as real values or percentages

  • displayGlobalPercentage (optional, default: false) allows showing the global percentage value for each bar in the tooltip next to the relative percentage value.

Optimised Pie

This chart is supported only in Artefact Dashboards.

The Optimised Pie chart is a pie chart that takes several measure as input. It simply displays a pie chart with the values previously computed.

CFG optimizedPie
Optimised Pie Chart
<chart type="OPTIMIZEDPIE" id="OPTIMIZED_PIE_EXAMPLE" decimals="2">
	<measure label="Source">SLOC_ONLY</measure>
	<measure label="Comment">CLOC_ONLY</measure>
	<measure label="Mixed">MLOC</measure>
	<measure color="YELLOW" label="Blank">BLAN</measure>

The Optimised Pie requires a minimum of two measure elements and supports the following attributes:

  • decimals (optional, default: 0) is the number of decimals places to be used for displaying values.

  • displayEmptyData (optional, default: false) forces the display of all levels in the scale when set to true, even if there are no artefacts for that level.

Pivot Table

This chart is supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards.

The Pivot Table displays, combines and summarises information from several metrics, grouping them by indicator level. The Pivot Table displays a column per included metric and additional columns showing the min, max, count or data aggregates for each line.

CFG pivot table
A Pivot Table crossing results of two indicators for all functions in a project
<chart id="PIVOT_TABLE_EXAMPLE" type="PIVOTTABLE" targetArtefactTypes="FUNCTION">
CFG pivot tableAdvanced
A Pivot Table displaying ticket counts and age information
<chart id="PIVOT_TABLE_ADVANCED" type="PivotTable" targetArtefactTypes="TICKET" inverted="true">
  <indicator excludeLevels="TICKET_CLOSED">STATUS</indicator>
    <column measureId="AGE" aggregationType="MIN" label="newest (MIN of Age)" />
    <column measureId="AGE" aggregationType="MAX" label="oldest (MAX of Age)" />

The chart takes one or more indicator, measure or info elements and accepts the following attributes:

  • colorFromScale (optional, default: empty, uses the scale from the first column of the chart) allows filling cells with a colour taken from a specific scale.

  • orderByCount (optional, default: false) allows ordering the table according to the count column when set to true instead of using the scale of the first column of the chart.

  • countBounds (optional, default: none) allows setting data bounds for the count column. If the value is outside the defined interval, then the line is excluded from the Pivot Table.

  • inverted (optional, default: false) allows reversing the sort order of lines in the chart.

  • displayEmptyData (optional, default: false) forces the display of artefacts for which there is no corresponding data.

Extra columns can be added to the columns block, where each column supports the following attributes:

  • measureId is the identifier of the measure to display in the colum

  • aggregationType (optional, default: AVG in most charts, SUM in table charts) defines how the values for the metrics on the chart are aggregated. The supported values are:

    • MIN

    • MAX

    • OCC

    • AVG

    • DEV

    • SUM

    • MED

    • MOD

  • valueType (optional, default: VALUE) allows changing the value that is displayed, using one of the following:

    • VALUE displays the measure’s value in the current version

    • REFERENCE displays the measure’s value in the selected reference version

    • DELTA displays the measure’s delta value based on the selected reference version

  • countBounds (optional, default: none) allows setting data bounds for the column. If the value is outside the defined interval, then the line is excluded from the Pivot Table.

Using columns that display aggregated MOD and MED values of metrics requires a version of PostgreSQL that supports the mode() and median() functions, which are only available from PostgreSQL 9.4 and up.


This chart is supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards.

The Quadrant chart displays information about the descendants of the current artefact. Three measures are required to construct the chart: one for the X-axis, one for the Y-axis one for the size of the bubbles. The chart also allows to set markers to define coloured areas.

CFG quadrantChart
Quadrant Chart
<chart type="QUADRANT" id="QUADRANT_EXAMPLE" targetArtefactTypes="FILE">
		<marker value="15" color="BLACK" alpha="50" isVertical="true" />
		<marker value="200" color="BLACK" alpha="50" isVertical="false" />

The chart element may have the following attributes:

  • targetArtefactTypes allows to filter descendants according to their type. You can use one or more types. Concrete and abstract types are supported, so it is possible to use an alias, as described in Artefact Types.

    For Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Temporal Evolution Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Pie, Simple Bar and Distribution Table, the measure and scale associated to the indicator must be the same for all types

    You can refine the target artefact types further by adding the excludingTypes attribute, which takes a list of artefact types to exclude. For example, if you want to display all artefacts for C code except for headers, you can use:

    targetArtefactTypes="CTYPES" excludingTypes="C_HEADER"

* linkType (alternative to *targetArtefactTypes)* allows specifying a link ID to display all artefacts linked to the current artefact on the chart. For more information about links, refer to Artefact Links. You can specify the direction of the link to follow with the linkDirection attribute: OUT (default) follows links to other artefacts IN follows links to this artefacts

  • onlyDirectChildren (optional, default: false) includes artefacts that are direct children of the current artefact when set to true, or all descendants of the current artefact when set to false.

  • colorFromIndicator (optional, default: none) uses the specified indicator’s colour scale to assign a colour to each item drawn on the chart.

The chart requires the following sub-elements:

  • xmeasure is the measure used on the X-axis.

  • ymeasure is the measure used on the y-axis.

  • zmeasure is the measure used to scale the bubbles respective to each other.

Artefact Scrumboard

This chart is supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards.

The Artefact Scrumboard offers a graphical representation of child artefacts organised into categories that can be either levels on a scale, or different values for textual information or a measure. Each artefact is represented as a sticky note and is clickable so you can reach the artefact’s dashboard directly from the scrumboard.

CFG artefact scrumboard
Artefact Scrumboard
<chart type="ARTEFACTSCRUMBOARD" id="ARTEFACT_SCRUMBOARD_EXAMPLE" targetArtefactTypes="FILE" postitByColumn="2" displayEmptyData="true" orderByMeasure="SLOC" invertedLevels="true">
	<indicator excludeLevels="UNKNOWN;LEVELG">ROOT</indicator>
CFG artefact scrumboardInfo
Artefact Scrumboard based on the PRIORITY textual information
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<chart id="SCRUMBOARD_ISSUES" type="ArtefactScrumBoard" targetArtefactTypes="TICKET" colorFromIndicator="STATUS" invertedLevels="true">

The Artefact Scrumboard requires one indicator, measure or info element to build the scrumboard categories.

The chart tag accepts the following attributes:

  • targetArtefactTypes allows to filter descendants according to their type. You can use one or more types. Concrete and abstract types are supported, so it is possible to use an alias, as described in Artefact Types.

    For Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Temporal Evolution Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Pie, Simple Bar and Distribution Table, the measure and scale associated to the indicator must be the same for all types

    You can refine the target artefact types further by adding the excludingTypes attribute, which takes a list of artefact types to exclude. For example, if you want to display all artefacts for C code except for headers, you can use:

    targetArtefactTypes="CTYPES" excludingTypes="C_HEADER"
  • onlyDirectChildren (optional, default: false) includes artefacts that are direct children of the current artefact when set to true, or all descendants of the current artefact when set to false.

  • colorFromIndicator (optional, default: none) uses the specified indicator’s colour scale to assign a colour to each item drawn on the chart.

  • invertedLevels (optional, default: false) reverses the order of the scale levels on the board when set to true.

  • postitByColumn (optional, default: 3) specifies the minimum number of sticky notes to display per line in each category.

  • maxPostitWidth (optional, default: dynamic) specifies the maximum width to draw sticky notes. This setting may override the value of postitByColumn in some cases.

  • displayEmptyData (optional, default: false) forces the display of all levels in the scale when set to true, even if there are no artefacts for that level.

  • orderByMeasure (optional) allows ordering sticky notes in a category according to a specific measure.

  • inverted (optional, default: false) reverses the order of sticky notes in each category when set to true (still using the measure defined by orderByMeasure).

Simple Bar

This chart is supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards.

The Simple Bar chart presents the aggregation of the different ratings found in all the children of the selected artefact as a histogram.

CFG simpleBar
Simple Bar
<chart type="SIMPLEBAR" id="SIMPLE_BAR_EXAMPLE" targetArtefactTypes="FILE">

The Simple Bar chart element may have the following attributes:

  • targetArtefactTypes allows to filter descendants according to their type. You can use one or more types. Concrete and abstract types are supported, so it is possible to use an alias, as described in Artefact Types.

    For Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Temporal Evolution Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Pie, Simple Bar and Distribution Table, the measure and scale associated to the indicator must be the same for all types

    You can refine the target artefact types further by adding the excludingTypes attribute, which takes a list of artefact types to exclude. For example, if you want to display all artefacts for C code except for headers, you can use:

    targetArtefactTypes="CTYPES" excludingTypes="C_HEADER"
  • decimals (optional, default: 0) is the number of decimals places to be used for displaying values.

  • displayEmptyValue (optional, default: false) — Deprecated, should be replaced with displayEmptyData specifies whether categories with no value or a value of 0 are included on the chart

  • asPercentage (optional, default: false) specifies whether the values are displayed as real values or percentages

The Simple Bar chart takes only one indicator or info as a sub-element.

For more details about how to use textual information, refer to Common Attributes for info

The indicator element supports hiding or excluding certain levels from the chart by using the hideLevels and excludeLevels` attributes. The difference between hiding and excluding a level is that hidden levels are taken into account when displaying percentages while excluded levels are not. For example:

<indicator excludeLevels="UNKNOWN">LEVEL</indicator>


<indicator hideLevels="LEVELA;LEVELB">LEVEL</indicator>

Simple Pie

This chart is supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards.

The Simple Pie chart presents the aggregation of the different ratings found in all the children of the selected artefact.

CFG simplePie
Simple Pie
<chart type="SIMPLEPIE" id="SIMPLE_PIE_EXAMPLE" targetArtefactTypes="FILE">

The chart also allows you to use multiple indicators or informations to build a donught chart, or a clickable chart to let users click pie sections to drill down data.

A maximum of 4 indicators is supported

CFG dataTab
Simple Pie with several categories displayed as a doughnut
<chart type="SIMPLEPIE" id="SIMPLE_PIE_DOUGHNUT" targetArtefactTypes="TICKET">
CFG simplePie Drilldown
The same Simple Pie with the drilldown option enabled makes it possible to click each pie section to get deeper into the data
<chart type="SIMPLEPIE" id="SIMPLE_PIE_DRILLDOWN" targetArtefactTypes="TICKET" drilldown="true">

The Simple Pie chart takes one or more indicator or info sub-elements.

The Simple Pie chart element may have the following attributes:

  • drilldown (optional, default: false) allows you to configure the Simple Pie as interactive chart where users can click pie slices to drill down deeper into the data.

  • targetArtefactTypes allows to filter descendants according to their type. You can use one or more types. Concrete and abstract types are supported, so it is possible to use an alias, as described in Artefact Types.

    For Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Temporal Evolution Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Pie, Simple Bar and Distribution Table, the measure and scale associated to the indicator must be the same for all types

    You can refine the target artefact types further by adding the excludingTypes attribute, which takes a list of artefact types to exclude. For example, if you want to display all artefacts for C code except for headers, you can use:

    targetArtefactTypes="CTYPES" excludingTypes="C_HEADER"
  • displayEmptyValue (optional, default: false) — Deprecated, should be replaced with displayEmptyData specifies whether categories with no value or a value of 0 are included on the chart

  • decimals (optional, default: 0) is the number of decimals places to be used for displaying values.

The indicator element supports excluding certain levels from the chart by using the excludeLevels attribute. For example:

<indicator excludeLevels="LEVELA;LEVELB">LEVEL</indicator>

Note: This chart is equivalent to using an Optimised Pie Chart with the definition shown below. The pie chart is optimised because the measures it uses have already been computed during the analysis and do not need to be calculated on the fly.

<chart type="OptimizedPie" decimals="2" >
	<measure color="0,81,0" label="A">A_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="3,127,3" label="B">B_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="133,182,2" label="C">C_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="255,255,0" label="D">D_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="255,150,0" label="E">E_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="255,80,0" label="F">F_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="255,0,0" label="G">G_FILE</measure>

SQALE Pyramid

This chart is supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards.

This chart represents the SQALE Pyramid, representing a minimum of two different measures or indicators as a matrix.

CFG sqalePyramid
SQALE Pyramid
	<measure label="My Testability">CLOC</measure>
	<measure label="Stability">LC</measure>
	<measure label="Changeability">BLAN</measure>
	<measure label="Analysability">SLOC</measure>

Stacked Bar Chart

This chart is supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards.

The Stacked Bar crosses the performance levels of two indicators, measures or textual infos for the children of the selected artefact along two axes.

CFG stackedBar
Stacked Bar Chart chart
<chart type="STACKEDBAR" id="STACKED_BAR_EXAMPLE" targetArtefactTypes="FILE">

The chart element may have the following attributes:

  • targetArtefactTypes allows to filter descendants according to their type. You can use one or more types. Concrete and abstract types are supported, so it is possible to use an alias, as described in Artefact Types.

    For Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Temporal Evolution Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Pie, Simple Bar and Distribution Table, the measure and scale associated to the indicator must be the same for all types

    You can refine the target artefact types further by adding the excludingTypes attribute, which takes a list of artefact types to exclude. For example, if you want to display all artefacts for C code except for headers, you can use:

    targetArtefactTypes="CTYPES" excludingTypes="C_HEADER"
  • displayEmptyData (optional, default: false) forces the display of artefacts for which there is no corresponding data.

  • inverted (optional, default: false) reverses the order of the bars on the chart when set to true.

  • asPercentage (default: false) displays the values as percentages when set to true.

The chart support two indicator, measure or info elements.

The indicator element supports hiding or excluding certain levels from the chart by using the hideLevels and excludeLevels` attributes. The difference between hiding and excluding a level is that hidden levels are taken into account when displaying percentages while excluded levels are not. For example:

<indicator excludeLevels="UNKNOWN">LEVEL</indicator>


<indicator hideLevels="LEVELA;LEVELB">LEVEL</indicator>

Text Values

This chart is supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards.

The Text Values chart is used to display one or more metrics as a large clickable element in your dashboard. The chart also optionally displays the trend for the displayed metrics.

CFG textValues
Text Values
<chart type="TEXTVALUES" id="TEXTVALUES_EXAMPLE" layout="4x3" displayEvolution="true">
	<measure color="#006893">A_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#00a38a">B_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#79c142">C_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#fec422">D_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#f6a01b">E_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#f48026">F_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#f25b21">G_FILE</measure>

The chart accepts the following attributes:

  • layout (optional, default: 1x1) defines how to display the metrics on the chart in terms of rows and columns.

  • titleColor (optional, default: #707070) is the color of the label for chart’s title.

  • displayEvolution (optional, default: false) allows displaying trends next to the metric’s value on the chart.


This chart is supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards.

The Treemap offers a graphical representation of child artefacts as a set of tiled rectangles. The Treemap requires one measure to define the size of the tiles and accepts a colorFromIndicator attribute to pick the colors of the tiles. Tiles are generated from largest to smallest, and from top left to bottom right. Clicking a tile takes you to the dashboard of the corresponding artefact.

CFG treemap
<chart type="TREEMAP" id="TREEMAP_EXAMPLE" colorFromIndicator="ROOT" onlyDirectChildren="false" targetArtefactTypes="FOLDER">

The chart tag accepts the following attributes:

  • targetArtefactTypes allows to filter descendants according to their type. You can use one or more types. Concrete and abstract types are supported, so it is possible to use an alias, as described in Artefact Types.

    For Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Temporal Evolution Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Pie, Simple Bar and Distribution Table, the measure and scale associated to the indicator must be the same for all types

    You can refine the target artefact types further by adding the excludingTypes attribute, which takes a list of artefact types to exclude. For example, if you want to display all artefacts for C code except for headers, you can use:

    targetArtefactTypes="CTYPES" excludingTypes="C_HEADER"

* linkType (alternative to *targetArtefactTypes)* allows specifying a link ID to display all artefacts linked to the current artefact on the chart. For more information about links, refer to Artefact Links. You can specify the direction of the link to follow with the linkDirection attribute: OUT (default) follows links to other artefacts IN follows links to this artefacts

  • onlyDirectChildren (optional, default: true) includes artefacts that are direct children of the current artefact when set to true, or all descendants of the current artefact when set to false.

  • colorFromIndicator (optional, default: none) uses the specified indicator’s colour scale to assign a colour to each item drawn on the chart.

  • defaultColor (optional, default: RANDOM colour based on artefact name) uses an indicator’s colour scale to assign a colour to each drawn tile. Working With Colours

  • artefactsLimit (optional, default: 2000) allows limiting the number of child artefacts to include.

  • maxDisplayableLabels (optional, default: 250) allows you to limit the number of tiles that get a label on a treemap. This is only useful if you have large treemaps that cause performance issues.

This chart can be used in Model/Group Dashboards. In this case, the only value allowed for targetArtefactTypes is APPLICATION. The chart displays the value of the specified metric for the last version of all projects in this model.


This chart is supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards.

The X/Y-Cloud chart is a visual representation of the values of two measures or indicators for the children of the selected artefact. For each child of the requested type, a dot is drawn with the value found for the selected measure.

CFG xycloud
X/Y-Cloud Chart
<chart type="CORRELATEDCLOUD" id="CORRELATED_CLOUD_EXAMPLE" targetArtefactTypes="FILE" coeff="1" colorFromIndicator="LEVEL">

The chart element may have the following attributes:

  • targetArtefactTypes allows to filter descendants according to their type. You can use one or more types. Concrete and abstract types are supported, so it is possible to use an alias, as described in Artefact Types.

    For Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Temporal Evolution Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Pie, Simple Bar and Distribution Table, the measure and scale associated to the indicator must be the same for all types

    You can refine the target artefact types further by adding the excludingTypes attribute, which takes a list of artefact types to exclude. For example, if you want to display all artefacts for C code except for headers, you can use:

    targetArtefactTypes="CTYPES" excludingTypes="C_HEADER"
  • showPolynomialRegression (optional, default: true) Whether the polynomial regression is drawn (true) or not drawn (false) on the chart.

  • coeff (optional, default: 1) the degree of the drawn polynomial. Supported values are:

    • 1 for linear

    • 2 for quadratic

    • 3 for cubic

  • colorFromIndicator (optional, default: none) uses the specified indicator’s colour scale to assign a colour to each item drawn on the chart.

  • shape (optional, default: SQUARE) defines the shape of the points on the chart. The supported values are:

    • SQUARE

    • CIRCLE










  • shapeWidth (optional, default: 4.0) defines the width of the point on the maximised chart.

  • miniShapeWidth (optional, default: 2.0) defines the width of the point on the chart thumbnail.

The chart takes one xmeasure element and one ymeasure with the following attributes.

  • label (optional) is the label used for the axis associated to the indicator. If omitted, the indicator’s name is used by default.


This chart is supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards.

The Y-Cloud chart is a visual representation of the values of a measure or indicator for the children of the selected artefact. For each child of the requested type, a dot is drawn with the value found for the selected measure. The chart requires one indicator element.

CFG y cloud
Y-Cloud Chart
<chart type="YCloud" id="YCLOUD_EXAMPLE" targetArtefactTypes="FILE">
	<indicator color="RED">LC</indicator>

The chart element may have the following attributes:

  • targetArtefactTypes allows to filter descendants according to their type. You can use one or more types. Concrete and abstract types are supported, so it is possible to use an alias, as described in Artefact Types.

    For Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Temporal Evolution Stacked Bar Chart, Simple Pie, Simple Bar and Distribution Table, the measure and scale associated to the indicator must be the same for all types

    You can refine the target artefact types further by adding the excludingTypes attribute, which takes a list of artefact types to exclude. For example, if you want to display all artefacts for C code except for headers, you can use:

    targetArtefactTypes="CTYPES" excludingTypes="C_HEADER"

Charts for Trend Visualisation

Temporal Evolution

This chart is supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards.

The Temporal Evolution shows the evolution of one or measures over time. The measure representation is defined by a renderer attribute (as explained in Datasets and Renderers for more details). It replaces the deprecated Temporal Evolution Bar and Temporal Evolution Line charts, and allows representing more than one data sets on the one chart.

CFG temporalEvo
Temporal Evolution using an AREA renderer
	<measure color="BLUE" alpha="75" label="Source Line of Code">SLOC
			<version value="4865" timeValue="DATE(2014,05,01)" label="V3" />
			<version value="5555" timeValue="DATE(2014,06,01)" />
			<version value="2222+4444" timeValue="DATE(2014,08,01)" />
	<measure color="ORANGE" alpha="75" label="Line of Code">LC
			<version value="SLOC" timeValue="DATE(2014,05,01)" label="V3" />
			<version value="6666" timeValue="DATE(2014,06,01)" />
			<version value="3333+4444" timeValue="DATE(2014,08,01)" />

The Temporal Evolution can also be used to draw a bar chart or a line chart, as shown below:

CFG temporalEvoBar
Temporal Evolution using a BAR renderer
<chart type="TEMPORALEVOLUTION" id="TEMPORAL_EVOLUTION_BAR" renderer="BAR" onlyLast="5" exclude="VIEWER">
	<measure color="MAGENTA" alpha="85" label="Line of Code">LC
			<version value="SLOC" timeValue="DATE(2014,05,01)" label="V3" />
			<version value="6666" timeValue="DATE(2014,06,01)" />
			<version value="3333+4444" timeValue="DATE(2014,08,01)" />
CFG temporalEvoLine
Temporal Evolution using a LINE renderer
	<dataset renderer="LINE">
		<measure color="BLUE" label="Source Line of Code">SLOC
				<version value="4865" timeValue="DATE(2014,05,01)" label="V3" />
				<version value="5555" timeValue="DATE(2014,06,01)" />
				<version value="2222+4444" timeValue="DATE(2014,08,01)" />
		<measure color="CYAN" label="Line of Code">LC
				<version value="SLOC" timeValue="DATE(2014,05,01)" label="V4" />
				<version value="6666" timeValue="DATE(2014,06,01)" />
				<version value="3333+4444" timeValue="DATE(2014,08,01)" />

The chart above is a normal Temporal Evolution where the x-axis uses a regular gap between all versions and uses the version name as the label.

Below is an example of the difference in representation when using the x-axis as a chronological marker.

Temporal Evolution with versions distributed evenly on the x-axis, using the version name as the label (left), or distributed on the x-axis according to the date at which the analysis was carried out. Labels on the x-axis do to not correspond to the version name this time. (right).
<chart type="TEMPORALEVOLUTIONBAR" id="TEMPORAL_EVOLUTION_LINE_EXAMPLE_2" onlyLast="5" dateFormat="MMM d" byTime="true|false" isCChart="true">
	<dataset renderer="LINE">
		<measure color="RED" label="Line of Code">LC
				<version value="SLOC" timeValue="DATE(2014,05,01)" label="V4" />
				<version value="SLOC" timeValue="DATE(2014,06,01)" />
				<version value="SLOC" timeValue="DATE(2014,07,01)" />
				<version value="3333+4444" timeValue="DATE(2014,14,01)" />

The chart element may have the following attributes:

  • isCChart (optional, default: false) transforms the chart in a C-Chart if set to true. This draws three extra lines to the chart at the following values on the y-axis:

    • mean

    • mean + (coefficient * standard deviation)

    • mean - (coefficient * standard deviation)

  • coeff (optional, default: 0) sets the value of the coefficient used to draw the control lines either side of the mean line when isCChart is set to true.

  • onlyLast (optional, default: no limit) defines the number of versions to be displayed, starting from the one that is currently selected.

  • byTime (optional, default: false) defines whether versions are placed on the x-axis according to their analysis date. When activating this mode, you can use the advanced options for the x-axis defined in Time Axis Configuration.

  • breakOnMissingData (optional, default: false) specifies whether the line is interrupted (true) when a value is missing.

  • timeMeasure (optional) is the measure ID (of type DATE) to use as the analysis date for a chart where byTime is true. If not specified, the real analysis date of the version is used.

  • displayDate (optional, default: false) for all charts that display information about several versions. When set to false, the version name is displayed in the chart. When set to true, the version date is displayed instead.

  • datePattern (formerly dateFormat) (optional, default: empty) : the date pattern, used when the displayType is one of DATE, DATETIME or TIME.

    • "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss z" is "2001.07.04 AD at 12:08:56 PDT".

    • "EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z" is "Wed, 4 Jul 2001 12:08:56 -0700".

      If this attribute is set, both dateStyle and timeStyle attributes are ignored. The date is formatted using the supplied pattern. Any format compatible with the Java Simple Date Format can be used. Refer to <> for more information.

  • dateStyle (optional, default: DEFAULT) : the date formatting style, used when the displayType is one of DATE or DATETIME.

    • SHORT is completely numeric, such as 12.13.52 or 3:30pm.

    • MEDIUM is longer, such as Jan 12, 1952.


    • LONG is longer, such as January 12, 1952 or 3:30:32pm.

    • FULL is pretty completely specified, such as Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD or 3:30:42pm PST.

  • timeStyle (optional, default: DEFAULT): the time formatting style, used when the displayType is one of DATETIME or TIME. See above for available styles.

Simple Temporal Evolution Stacked Bar Chart

This chart is supported only in Artefact Dashboards.

This chart represents the evolution of an indicator across the versions. It takes a single indicator as sub element. The values displayed are calculated on the fly. It is therefore sometimes recommended to use an Temporal Optimised Stacked Bar for performance reasons.

CFG simpleTemporalEvoStackedBar nopercent
Temporal Optimised Stacked Bar

The chart for the Temporal Optimised Stacked Bar supports the following attributes:

  • displayEmptyData (optional, default: false) forces the display of artefacts for which there is no corresponding data.

Temporal Optimised Stacked Bar

This chart is supported only in Artefact Dashboards.

This chart represents the evolution of several measures across several versions. It takes a a minimum of two measures as elements.

CFG temporalEvoStackedBar nopercent
Temporal Optimised Stacked Bar
	<measure color="#006893" label="A">A_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#00a38a" label="B">B_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#79c142" label="C">C_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#fec422" label="D">D_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#f6a01b" label="E">E_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#f48026" label="F">F_FILE</measure>
	<measure color="#f25b21" label="G">G_FILE</measure>

The chart for the Temporal Optimised Stacked Bar does not have any specific attributes.

Special Charts

Control Flow Chart

This chart is supported only in Artefact Dashboards.

The Control Flow Chart is a graphical representation of the logical structure of a function using different-coloured shapes reflecting the type of logical break (if, while, switch…​) in the code.

CFG controlGraph
Control Flow Chart

The chart for a Control Flow Chart does not have any specific attributes.

8. Understanding Project Wizards

Wizard Concept

Wizards provide the entry point for Squore users to create and edit projects and meta-projects. A model can have one or more wizards, depending on the options that a Squore administrator decides to display to end-users when they create projects. This is achieved by editing the file Bundle.xml located in the Wizards folder inside a particular model.

Creating or editing a project in Squore involves going through these three steps after selecting a wizard:

  1. Project Attributes Specification

  2. Repository Configuration and Data Provider Selection (or project selection when creating a meta-project)

  3. Project Summary and Confirmation

Note: When editing projects, the Data Provider Selection screen is shown or hidden depending on the ability of each Data Provider selected originally to accept new settings. When nothing can be changed, the step is skipped completely.

The syntax of a Bundle.xml file offering one standard wizard and one meta-project wizard to the user is shown below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<!-- attributes common to every wizard in this bundle -->
		<tag type="numericValue" name="Project Business Value" measureId="BV" suffix = "FP" defaultValue="0" />
	<wizard wizardId="STD_PROJ" versionPattern="V#N1#" autoBaseline="false" users="demo;admin" groups="users" img="wizardicon.png">
		<!-- attributes specific to this wizard -->
			<tag type="numericValue" name="Project Cost" measureId="COST" suffix = "M/M" defaultValue="0" />
		<repositories all="true" hide="false">
			<repository name="FROMPATH" checkedInUi="true">
				<param name="path" value="/media/sources/" />
		<tools all="true">
			<tool name="SQuORE" optional="false">
				<param name="languages" value="cpp:.c,.C,.h,.H;;csharp:.cs;" availableChoices="cpp;java;csharp" />
			<tool name="Antic_auto" optional="true" checkedInUI="true" projectStatusOnFailure="warning" />
	<wizard wizardId="STD_META_PROJECTS" projectsSelection="true" />

In order for a wizard to appear in Squore, you need to define its ID, default version pattern and icon, and it will become available when clicking on the Create Project button. Note that the availability of a wizard can also be restricted to a set of users or groups. The rest of this chapter covers the settings available for each step of the project wizard.

The wizard element accepts the following attributes:

  • wizardId (mandatory) defines the ID of the wizard, used when creating projects from the command line

  • projectsSelection (optional, default: false) defines whether a wizard shows a list of projects so that users can create a meta-project (true) or shows the list of Repository Connectors and Data Providers to create a regular project (false). For more information about meta-projects, see Project Selection in Meta-Projects.

  • versionPattern (optional) is the pattern to apply to define the version number when a new version is created

  • img (mandatory) is the icon used in the web interface to display next to the wizards’s name and description

  • autoBaseline (optional, default: true) defines whether versions created using this wizard are by default baselines (true) or drafts (false). More information about baselines and drafts can be found in the Getting Started Guide.

  • users (optional, no restriction if empty) is a semi-colon-separated list of users which are allowed to see the wizard

  • groups (optional, no restriction if empty) is a semi-colon-separated list of Squore groups whose users are allowed to see the wizard

  • group (optional, default: empty) defines a default display group for new projects. projects that belong to the same group are shown in a common subfolder in the Project Portfolio.

  • hideRulesEdition (optional, default: true) defines whether the Rules Edition step of the wizard is shown (false) or hidden (true) to users. This step allows users to modify the ruleset of the model to deactivate rules or change their default categories. More information about this feature can be found in the Getting Started Guide.

The users and groups attributes are only used to filter the list of wizards in the web interface. This does not prevent users from creating projects using the wizard from the command line.

The versionPattern parameter allows specifying a pattern to create the version name automatically for every analysis. It supports the following syntax:

  • #N#: A number that is automatically incremented

  • #Nn#: A number that is automatically incremented using n digits

  • #Y2#: The current year in 2-digit format

  • #Y4#: The current year in 4-digit format

  • #M#: The current month in two digit format

  • #D#: The current day in two digit format

  • #H#: The current hour in 24 hour format

  • #MN#: The current minute in two digit format

  • #S#: The current second in two digit format

Any character other than # is allowed in the pattern. As an example, if you want to produce versions labelled build-198.2013-07-28_13h07m (where 198 is an auto-incremented number and the date and time are the timestamp of the project creation), you would use the pattern: build-#N3#.#Y4#-#M#-#D#_#H#h#MN#m


Users specify attributes in the first step project creation or edition at project level. These attributes can also be used for other artefact types and can be edited after building a project in the Forms tab of the Explorer. You can define what information can enter when creating a project (or the default values offered to the users) by using the Tags section of the wizard definition file. The attribute values specified by the user are passed just like measures passed by any other Data Provider. The values are imported as base measures as long as the model contains a definition that uses the same measure ID.

<tags textAlign="RIGHT" valueAlign="LEFT">
	<tag type="numericValue" groupId="DECISION" measureId="BV" suffix=" FP" defaultValue="0" />
	<tag type="booleanChoice" groupId="DECISION" measureId="CRIT" defaultValue="false" />
	<tag type="multipleChoice" measureId="STATUS" defaultValue="SNAPSHOT" displayType="radioButton">
		<value key="SNAPSHOT" value="1" />
		<value key="VALIDATION" value="2" />
		<value key="RELEASE" value="3" />
	<tag type="multipleChoice" measureId="DEPART" defaultValue="HR" displayType="comboBox">
		<value key="ACCOUNT" value="1" />
		<value key="HR" value="2" />
		<value key="SALES" value="3" />
		<value key="OTHER" value="4"/>
	<tag type="date" measureId="SPRINT_START" defaultValue="TODAY" />
	<tag type="date" measureId="SPRINT_END" defaultValue="2012/12/31" />

Descriptions for your attribute and attribute groups should be specified in a .properties file included in your description bundle.

TAG.BV.NAME=Project Business Value
TAG_GROUP.DECISION.NAME=Important Decision Criteria
TAG.CRIT.NAME=is Critical
TAG_GROUP.decision.NAME=Important Decision Criteria

The image below shows how attributes defined in the wizard appear to a Squore user when creating a version of a project:

CFG wizardTags
Project Attributes in the project wizard

This other image shows how attributes defined in the wizard appear to a Squore user when in the Forms tab of the explorer:

CFG forms
Project Attributes in the Explorer

The tag element accepts the following attributes:

  • type (mandatory) defines the type of information accepted as value for this attribute. The following values are accepted:

    • text for free text entry

    • numericValue for numbers

    • date for dates

    • booleanChoice for a boolean

    • multipleChoice for offering a selection as a list

    • decoration allows you to display an image followed by some text:

      <tag type="decoration" image="custom-logo.png" style="width:500px">This is the text that will be displayed next to the image.</tag>
  • inverted (optional, if *booleanChoice = true)* allows you to put the text on the other side of the checkbox

  • displayType (optional) allows specifying the display type in the Forms tab and the project wizard. The following values are accepted:

    • comboBox for attributes of type multipleChoice

    • radioButton for attributes of type multipleChoice

    • input for attributes of type text

    • textarea for attributes of type text

    Attributes of type date automatically show a date picker and attributes of type booleanChoice are rendered as a checkbox. These types do not support the use of displayType.

  • name (optional) is the label used to describe the attribute in the UI.

  • measureId (mandatory) is the ID of the measure that the value is passed to.

    By default, the standard translation of the measureId is displayed in the web interface. If you want to have different text displayed for the tag specifically, add a TAG.<measureId>.NAME entry in one of the .properties files of your model.

  • groupId (optional, default: none) is the ID of a group to add this attribute under. In order to translate this ID, add a TAG_GROUP.<measureId>.NAME entry in one of the .properties files of your model.

  • suffix (optional, default: empty) is the label displayed after the value of the metric in the UI

  • defaultValue (optional, default: empty) is the default value of the attribute if not specified by the user. In the case of a date, the value TODAY() can be used to automatically use today’s date as the default value.

  • group (optional) helps grouping various attributes by category visually in the Forms tab of the Explorer.

  • targetArtefactTypes (optional, default: APPLICATION) allows associating the attribute to other types of artefacts (more on this below).

Note: A tag element can appear within a wizard element or at Bundle level. In case two tag elements impacting the same measureId exist at both levels, the definition within the wizard element overrides the one at Bundle-level.

All attributes described above are defined at application level. They are visible and editable when creating a project and in the Form tab of the Explorer if the project is in draft mode. It is possible to associate an attribute to any artefact type by using the targetArtefactTypes attribute, as shown below:

<tag groupId="PROJECT_STATUS" targetArtefactTypes="APPLICATION;SOURCE_CODE;DOCUMENTATION;FOLDER" type="booleanChoice" measureId="TESTED" defaultValue="false" />

Repository Connector Selection

You may specify whether users can use any available Repository Connectors, which is the default one and what the default values are for each Repository Connector using the repositories element in your wizard definition . If you want to allow any Repository Connector in Squore, do not specify any repositories element, which is the equivalent of using:

<repositories all="true" hide="false" />
  • all instructs Squore to show all Repository Connectors.

  • hide allows hiding the Repository Connector selection fields when going through the wizard in the web UI. Note that Squore automatically ignores the value of hide if it detects that at least one of the Data Providers in the project needs sources.

In order to restrict which Repository Connectors are available, use:

<repositories all="false" hide="false">
	<repository name="FROMPATH" checkedInUI="true" >
		<param name="path" value="/media/sources" />
	<repository name="FROMZIP" />
	<repository name="SVN" />

The repository element accepts the following attributes:

  • name (mandatory) is the name of the Repository Connector to be used. It must corresponds to one of the Repository Connectors defined in your configuration (by default under <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/repositoryConnectors/[name]).

  • checkedInUI (optional, true|false, default: false, only one can be set to true) defines whether the Repository Connector is selected by default in the web interface. Note that this parameter has no effect on project creations from the command line.

Note: Each repository element accepts name/value pairs as parameters in which you can override the values defined in the Repository Connector’s default configuration.

The following image illustrates how the configuration above is displayed in Squore:

CFG wizardRCs
Repository Connector Selection Screen

Data Provider Selection

You may specify whether all or some Data Providers are available, and provide their default settings when the project wizard runs.

Data Providers are specified using the tools element. If you simply want to allow users to pick any Data Provider available in Squore, use:

<tools all="true" expandedInUI="true" />
  • all instructs Squore to show all Data Providers.

  • expandedInUI instructs Squore to expand the list of available Data Providers when viewing the wizard from the web UI.

In order to restrict which Data Providers are available, use:

<tools all="false" expandedInUI="true">
	<tool name="SQuORE" optional="false" projectStatusOnFailure="warning" expandedInUI="true" checkedInUI="true" />
	<tool name="CheckStyle" optional="true" projectStatusOnFailure="error" checkedInUI="true" />
	<tool name="Findbugs_auto" optional="true" projectStatusOnFailure="ignore" checkedInUI="false">
		<param name="Findbugs_auto::class_dir" value="/path/to/my/classes" />

The tool element accepts the following attributes:

  • name is the name of the Data Provider to be used. It must corresponds to one of the Data Providers defined in your configuration (by default under <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/tools/[name]).

  • optional (true|false, default: false): When set to false the Data Provider is always included in the analysis, even when not explicitly called from the command line. It also prevents from unchecking it in the web interface. When set to true, the Data Provider is available but not automatically included in an analysis.

  • projectStatusOnWarning and projectStatusOnFailure (ignore|warning|error, default: warning) specify the status to give the analysis if the Data Provider execution finishes in WARN or ERROR/FATAL level.

    • When set to ignore, the the project ends in the Created state.

    • When set to warning, the the project ends in the Warning state, which means that a draft is created (even if you required a baseline version to be created).

    • When set to error, the the project ends in the Error state, which means that no new version is created.

  • checkedInUI (true|false, default: true) defines whether the Data Provider is selected by default in the web interface. Note that this parameter has no effect on project creations from the command line.

  • expandedInUI (true|false, default: false) defines whether the Data Provider’s settings panel is expanded (true) or collapsed (false) by default in the web interface. Note that this parameter has no effect on project creations from the command line.

Each tool element accepts name/value pairs as parameters in which you can override the values defined in the Data Provider’s default configuration. These parameters can be shown or hidden in the web UI, as shown below.

<tool name="Findbugs_auto">
	<param name="java_path" value="/usr/bin/java" hide="true" />

For the param element:

  • value is optional and defaults to an empty string

  • hide is optional and defaults to false

The following image illustrates how the configuration above is displayed in Squore:

CFG wizardDPs
Data Provider Selection Screen

Project Selection in Meta-Projects

When you configure a wizard to create meta-projects, the Data Providers step of the wizard displays a screen that allows you to pick specific versions of existing projects to build a meta project.

CFG wizardMetaProject
The project selection screen for meta-projects

Type the name of a project to add it to your selection, and specify the version to include in your meta-project. There are no other configuration options available, the versions of the selected projects will be grouped in a new project, which will be rated as any other project in this model.

This screen is activated via the projectsSelection attribute in a wizard:

<wizard wizardId="STD_META_PROJECTS" projectsSelection="true" />

Source Code Configuration

If the wizard definition includes the SQuORE Data Provider, users will be able to select the programming languages for the source code to be analysed.

CFG wizardLang
The Squan Sources Data Provider settings

The picture above shows the Data Provider settings for the Squan Sources Data Provider defined by these lines in the wizard’s Bundle.xml:

	<tool name="SQuORE" optional="false">
		<param name="languages" value="cpp:.c,.C,.h,.H;;csharp:.cs;" availableChoices="cpp;java;csharp"" />

The language settings are defined using the following attributes:

  • availableChoices defines the languages available for this wizard. The key must be one of the currently supported languages:

    • supported languages: ABAP, Ada, C, C++, MindC, C#, COBOL, Java, JavaScript, Fortran 77, Fortran 90, Objective-C, PHP, PL/SQL, Python, T-SQL, Visual Basic .NET, XAML, Lustre

    • corresponding keys: abap, ada, c, cpp, mindc, csharp, cobol, java, javascript, fortran77, fortran90, objectivec, php, plsql, python, tsql, vbnet, xaml, lustre

  • value defines the languages checked by default and their extensions when creating a new project, or used by default when not specified explicitly on the command line. One or more languages can be selected, so you can analyse projects containing source code in multiple languages.

You can also specify the list of default extensions for each language by using the language:extension1,extension2; format. Here is an example of a full language specification:

<param name="languages" value="c:.c,.h;cpp:.cpp,.h;java;csharp" availableChoices="cpp;java;csharp" />

Note: You can set the same extension for more than one language, but you will not be able to run an analysis that contains two languages using the same extension. In the example above, see .h is a valid extension for C and C, but you will not be able to select both C and C as part of the same project because of the extension clash.

Project Milestones

Milestones and goals for your project can be configured in the Wizard Bundle. A milestone has a name, a date, and allows you to set a goal for one or more metric in your project. You can configure your wizard to allow users to create milestones and define goals from scratch, or you can define your company milestones and objectives to ensure that they are part of every project created with this wizard.

In order to add support for milestones to your model, configure your wizard to allow users to create milestones and goals:

<Bundle xmlns:xi="">
	<wizard wizardId="ANALYTICS" versionPattern="v#N1#" img="../../Shared/Wizards/squore_logo.png" hideRulesEdition="FALSE">
		<milestones canCreateMilestone="TRUE" canCreateGoal="TRUE">
			<goals displayableFamilies="ANALYTICS_GOALS" />

The milestones element allows users to create milestones in the project wizard (canCreateMilestone="TRUE") and also set goals (canCreateGoal="TRUE"). The goals can be set for metrics of the GOALS family only in this example (displayableFamilies="ANALYTICS_GOALS").

The result in the web UI is the following:

ALL UsingMilestones 07 wizardFreeztyle
A wizard allowing users to create milestones freely during an analysis

When creating a new project, a user decides to create a Sprint 1 milestone with one objective of 500 for the Technical Debt indicator. Other goals can be set, for the other metrics in the project that belong to the ANALYTICS_GOALS family listed in the dropdown list at the bottom of the table.

If you have company-wide milestones and objectives that need to be set for every project created with the wizard, you can specify the goals directly. Milestones can also be marked as mandatory or optional:

<Bundle xmlns:xi="">
	<wizard wizardId="ANALYTICS_WITH_MILESTONES" versionPattern="v#N1#" img="../../Shared/Wizards/squore_logo.png" hideRulesEdition="FALSE">
		<milestones canCreateMilestone="TRUE" canCreateGoal="TRUE">
			<goals displayableFamilies="GOALS">
				<goal measureId="TECH_DEBT" mandatory="TRUE" highestIsBest="FALSE" />
				<goal measureId="ISSUE_BLOCKER" mandatory="TRUE" highestIsBest="TRUE" />
				<goal measureId="ISSUE_CRITICAL" mandatory="TRUE" highestIsBest="TRUE" />
				<goal measureId="ROKR_SUBSET" mandatory="TRUE" highestIsBest="FALSE" />
			<milestone id="REQUIREMENT_FREEZE" mandatory="TRUE">
				<defaultGoal measureId="TECH_DEBT" value="0" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_BLOCKER" value="1" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_CRITICAL" value="30" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ROKR_SUBSET" value="1" />
			<milestone id="INFRASTRUCTURE_FREEZE" mandatory="TRUE">
				<defaultGoal measureId="TECH_DEBT" value="0" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_BLOCKER" value="1" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_CRITICAL" value="50" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ROKR_SUBSET" value="1" />
			<milestone id="CODE_FREEZE" mandatory="TRUE">
				<defaultGoal measureId="TECH_DEBT" value="0" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_BLOCKER" value="1" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_CRITICAL" value="90" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ROKR_SUBSET" value="0.5" />
			<milestone id="BETA_RELEASE" mandatory="FALSE">
				<defaultGoal measureId="TECH_DEBT" value="1" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_BLOCKER" value="1" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_CRITICAL" value="95" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ROKR_SUBSET" value="0.3" />
			<milestone id="RELEASE" mandatory="TRUE">
				<defaultGoal measureId="TECH_DEBT" value="1" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_BLOCKER" value="1" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_CRITICAL" value="100" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ROKR_SUBSET" value="0" />

When creating a new project, the predefined goals are filled in in the web interface, and you can still add a Beta Release milestone (using the default values specified in the wizard bundle) if needed by using the \+ icon:

ALL UsingMilestones 08 predefined
A project wizard with preconfigured milestones and goals

The milestones element accepts the following attributes:

  • canCreateMilestone (optional, default: TRUE) defines if a button is available in the web UI to add new milestones

  • canCreateGoal (optional, default: TRUE) defines if a button is available in the web UI to add new goals for milestones

  • hide (optional, default: FALSE) allows hiding the milestones pane of the wizard in the web interface

  • skipUiValues (optional, default: FALSE) allows to choose the default status of the checkbox "Only use milestones and goals provided by Data Providers" in the user interface. No matter what is set by default, if necessary the user can modify the milestones information in the interface

  • changeableMode (optional, default: TRUE) allows you to grey out the "Only use milestones and goals provided by Data Providers." checkbox in the user interface. Users can no longer modify milestones from the user interface

The goals element acceps the following attribute:

  • displayableFamilies (optional, default: no filter) allows filtering the list of metrics listed in the web interface when adding a goal. The value of the parameter is a family name, and when specified, only metrics of this family will be available as goals from the web interface.

The goal element allows preconfiguring your goals in the project and accepts the following attributes:

  • measureId (mandatory) is the ID of the metric to use as a goal

  • highestIsBest (optional, default: TRUE) specifies whether a higher value for the metric is better or not.

    If this parameter was specified in the metric directly, then default value is the one set at metric-level instead of TRUE.

  • mandatory (optional, default: false) defines whether users can remove a goal from the web interface

The milestone element accepts the following attributes:

  • id (mandatory) is the unique identifier of the milestone in the model

  • defaultDate (optional, default: none) is the date used for the milestone by default.

  • mandatory (optional, default: false) defines whether users can remove a milestone from the web interface.

The defaultGoal element accepts the following attributes:

  • measureId (mandatory) is the unique identifier of the metric to use as goal

  • value (mandatory) is the default value for the goal.

For a complete example of how to use milestones in a Squore project, consult Milestones Tutorial.

9. Configuring Reports

This section will take you through the description of the report format, help you adjust your template to certain roles or artefact types, and define which charts, tables, highlights and other data can be included in a Squore report.

Report Configuration

Report Bundle

Each model in the Squore Configuration can define a set of reports in <SQUORE_HOME>/Configuration/models/MyModel/Reports/Bundle.xml. Availability of these reports can be restricted based on a user’s role in the project.

Here is an example configuration file for one report in Bundle.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Bundle xmlns:xi="">
	<Report id="DR_DASHBOARD_REPORT" templatePath="../../Shared/Reports/templates/template_critical_software.jrxml" onArtefactTypes="APPLICATION">
		<Charts displayComments="false">
			<xi:include href="../../Shared/Analysis/key_performance_indicator_dynamic.xml" />
			<xi:include href="../../software_analytics/Dashboards/technical_debt/stacked_technical_debt_trend.xml" />
			<xi:include href="../../software_analytics/Dashboards/complexity_treemap_function.xml" />
			<xi:include href="../../software_analytics/Dashboards/test_coverage_graph.xml" />
			<xi:include href="../../software_analytics/Dashboards/coverage_treemap.xml" />
			<xi:include href="../../software_analytics/Dashboards/quality_kiviat_model.xml" />
			<xi:include href="../../Shared/Analysis/product_quality/code/complexity/dashboard/artefact_table/complexity_density.xml" />
			<xi:include href="../../software_analytics/Dashboards/complexity_volume_table.xml" />
			<xi:include href="../../software_analytics/Dashboards/test_coverage_threshold_table.xml" />
			<xi:include href="../../software_analytics/Dashboards/test_strategy_threshold_table.xml" />
			<xi:include href="../../Shared/Analysis/product_quality/code/standard_compliance/standard_compliance_table.xml" />
		<Indicators ids="CPXT"/>
		<Measures ids="VG;TESTS;TESTS_FAILED"/>
		<Infos ids="BUILD_DESCRIPTION" />
			<Findings id="VIOLATIONS" />
			<Findings id="IMPROVED" type="IMPROVED_PRACTICE"/>
			<FindingOccurrences id="FINDINGS" relaxationState="RELAXED"/>
			<Artefacts id="ARTEFACT" relaxationState="RELAXED"/>
			<SubArtefacts id="COMPLEX_MODULES" artefactTypes="MODULES" orderByMeasure="VG" inverted="true" >
				<Where measureId="CPXT" dataBounds="[0.5;["/>
					<xi:include href="../../Shared/data_provider/squan_sources/dashboard/control_flow_graph.xml" />
					<xi:include href="../../software_analytics/Dashboards/issues_distribution_pie.xml" />
					<xi:include href="../../software_analytics/Dashboards/quality_kiviat.xml" />
					<xi:include href="../../software_analytics/Dashboards/table_complexity_module.xml" />

A Bundle is composed of one or more Report elements. Each Report is associated to a JasperReports template file (a file with a .jrxml extension) that defines the formatting of the final document. The attributes allowed for the Report element are the following:

  • id is the unique identifier.

  • templatePath is the path to the JasperReports XML template file.

  • onArtefactTypes (optional, default: any) is a semicolon-separated list of artefact types for which it will be available.

  • roles (optional, default: any) is a semicolon-separated list of roles that are allowed to view and use it.

  • groups (optional, default: any) is a semicolon-separated list of Squore groups that are allowed to view and use it.

  • logo (optional, default none) is the path to the logo file.

The parameters in Bundle.xml define the data that is exported and fed to the selected template file. The template used throughout this manual supports all the documented features and is located in <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/models/Shared/Reports/templates/template.jrxml.

You can override the default header image in the report file by adding a logo attribute in Bundle.xml, as shown below:

<Report id="DR_DASHBOARD_REPORT" ... logo="../../Shared/Reports/templates/header_logo.png">

The path to the header logo file is relative to the location of Bundle.xml.

For best results in the default report template, use a header image with a ratio of 408 by 65 points.

Defining Roles and Artefact Types

For each Report element, one or more roles can be defined to specify which users can generate the report using the attribute roles.


Including Charts

The Charts element lists the dashboard charts that will be printed in the report.

The Charts element has one or more chart sub-elements. The charts available for reports are the same as the charts used for dashboards. See The Charts Area for a complete list of available charts. Note that you can choose to include the chart’s comments in the report by setting the displayComments to true.

<Bundle xmlns:xi="">
	<Report ... type="APPLICATION;FILE">
		<Charts displayComments="true">
			<xi:include href="../../Analysis/key_performance_indicator.xml"/>
			<xi:include href="../../Analysis/Code/ISO9126_Maintainability/MaintainabilityKiviat.xml"/>

Including Tables

Tables lists the score card tables that will be included in the report.

The Tables element has one or more table sub-elements. You can use the tables created for the dashboard or create a table that is not included in any dashboard. Refer to Scorecard Tables for a complete reference about tables.

<Bundle xmlns:xi="">
	<Report ... >
			<xi:include href="../Dashboards/tables/line_counting.xml" />
			<xi:include href="../Dashboards/tables/dates.xml" />

Including measures, indicators and textual information

Using the Measures, Indicators and Infos elements in your report definition, you can ouput any metric from your model in your report. Each element takes a ids attribute which contains a semicolon-separated list of IDs for the metrics you want to include. When including an indicator, the measure associated to the indicator is also automatically included.

<Bundle xmlns:xi="">
	<Report ... >
		<Measures ids="VG;TECH_DEBT" />
		<Indicators ids="CPXT" />
		<Infos ids="NAME;BUILD_TIME" />

Using these elements at Report level exports the metrics for the current artefact. You can also extract information for child artefacts by including the Measures, Indicators and Infos in a SubArtefacts section of the report, as described in Including Information from Child Artefacts.

Including Action Items, Findings, Highlights and Artefacts

The report bundle allows inserting other data about the artefact using the Data element to add action items (element: DefectReports), violations and practices (element: Findings), relaxed findings (element: FindingOccurrences), highlights (element: Highlights) and artefacts (element: Artefacts).

<Bundle xmlns:xi="">
	<Report ... >
			<DefectReports id="WORST" />
			<Findings id="VIOLATIONS" />
			<Findings id="PRACTICES" type="ALL_PRACTICE" />
			<FindingOccurrences id="RELAXED_FINDINGS" relaxationState="RELAXED" />
			<Highlights id="TOP_10_WORST_FILE" filterId="TOP_10_WORST_ARTEFACTS" />
			<Artefacts id="RELAXED_ARTEFACTS" relaxationState="RELAXED" />
			<Artefacts id="EXCLUDED_ARTEFACTS" relaxationState="EXCLUDED" />

Action Items and Findings are sorted in the same way as in the user interface, which you can customise for each model by following the procedure described in Sort Order for Action Items and Findings.

Action Items

The attributes allowed for the DefectReports element are the following:

  • id (mandatory) is a unique identifier for the list of action items.

  • withReasons (optional, default: true) defines whether Action Items are reported with their reasons (true) or not (false). Note that including reasons has an impact on performance when generating the report.


The attributes allowed for the Findings element are the following:

  • id (mandatory) is a unique identifier for the list of findings.

  • type (optional, default value: NO_FILTER) is the filter to apply to the findings list. The following values are accepted, so you can generate the same lists as in the web interface:







The attributes allowed for the FindingOccurrences element are the following:

  • id (mandatory) is a unique identifier for the list of relaxed findings occurrences.

  • relaxationState (mandatory) is the filter to apply to the findings occurrences list. The following values are accepted, so you can generate the same lists as in the web interface:





    Findings occurrences are sorted by artefact path.


The attributes allowed for the Highlights element are the following:

  • id (mandatory) is a unique identifier for the highlight category.

  • filterId (mandatory) is the id of the highlight category to include in your report (as defined in the Highlights bundle in your model)


The attributes allowed for the Artefacts element are the following:

  • id (mandatory) is a unique identifier for the list of artefacts.

  • relaxationState (mandatory) defines the relaxation status of the artefacts to include in the list. The following values are accepted:



Including Information from Child Artefacts

You can include charts and tables from child artefacts in reports by adding a SubData node in your report Bundle. This allows you for example to generate a report at project level that includes information about every complex function in your project, as shown below:

<Bundle xmlns:xi="">
  <Report id="SubDataSample" template="..." type="APPLICATION">
      <SubArtefacts id="COMPLEX_MODULES" artefactTypes="MODULES" orderByMeasure="VG" inverted="true">
          <measure id="CPXT" bounds="[0.5;["/>
          <xi:include href="../../Shared/data_provider/squan_sources/dashboard/control_flow_graph.xml" />
          <xi:include href="../Dashboards/issues_distribution_pie.xml" />
          <xi:include href="../Dashboards/quality_kiviat.xml" />
          <xi:include href="../Dashboards/table_complexity_module.xml" />
          <xi:include href="../Dashboards/table_self_descriptiveness_module.xml" />
          <xi:include href="../Dashboards/table_rule_compliance.xml" />
          <xi:include href="../Dashboards/issue_by_severity_table.xml" />
          <xi:include href="../../Shared/Analysis/product_quality/code/line_counting/line_counting_table.xml" />

The SubData element accepts one or more SubArtefacts elements with the following specification:

  <SubArtefacts id="CONTROL_GRAPH"
      artefactTypes="FUNCTION" | [linkType="<linkId>"]
         <measure id="" values|bounds="" [invert="false"] />
         <indicator id="" levels="" [invert="false"] />
         <info id="" values|patterns [invert="false"]>
      <xi:include href="../Dashboards/charts/control_graph.xml" />
      <xi:include href="../Dashboards/tables/table.xml" />
  • id (mandatory) is an ID to identify the list of child artefacts internally in the report

  • artefactTypes or linkType (mandatory) identify the type of target artefacts to include in the report. For more information about links, refer to Artefact Links.

  • onlyDirectChildren (optional, default: false) includes artefacts that are direct children of the current artefact when set to true, or all descendants of the current artefact when set to false.

  • orderByMeasure (optional, alphabetical if omitted) allows sorting the list of artefacts according to the value of the specified measure ID.

  • inverted (optional, default: false) allows reversing the sort order defined by the orderByMeasure attribute.

  • artefactsLimit (optional, default: none) allows limiting the number of child artefacts to include.

The list of sub-artefacts can be further refined with a Where element that specifies a value or bounds for a metric, as illustrated in the two examples below.

Including functions with failing tests:

<SubArtefacts id="WITH_FAILED_TESTS" artefactTypes="FUNCTION">
		<measure id="TEST_FAILURES" bounds="[1;[" />

Including functions no test coverage:

<SubArtefacts id="FULLY_COVERED" artefactTypes="FUNCTION">
		<measure id="TEST_COVERAGE" value="0" />

The full syntax of the where clause is as follows:

	<measure id="" values|bounds="" [invert="false"] />
	<indicator id="" levels="" [invert="false"] />
	<info id="" values|patterns="" [invert="false"]>

For measure, indicator or info:

  • id (mandatory) is the identifier of a metric in the analysis model

  • invert (optional, default: false) allows checking for the invert of a condition when set to true

For indicator:

  • levels (mandatory) is a semicolon-separated list of scale levels to test for the specified metric

For measure:

  • values is a semicolon-separated list of values to test for the specified metric

  • bounds is an interval to test for the specified metric

For info:

  • values is a semicolon-separated list of values to test for the specified metric

  • patterns is a semicolon-separated list of wildcard patterns to test for the specified metric

Modifying The Report Template

It is possible to modify the look and feel of the default report. The report functionality uses a JasperReports template, an XML file with a .jrxml extension that can be edited in Jaspersoft Studio or in a text editor. The main template file (<SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/models/Shared/Reports/templates/template.jrxml) includes most of the other files in the templates folder as subreports and allows the data sent from Squore to be turned into the final report document.

For any help with JasperReports, consult the forums at

The template is split into the following sections:

  • Background

  • Title

  • PageHeader

  • ColumnHeader

  • Details (the body of the report where sub-reports are inserted)

  • ColumnFooter

  • PageFooter

  • LastPageFooter

  • Summary

Squore provides values for the following variables in the template automatically:

  • $P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}: The full contents of the intermediate report file

  • $P{APPNAME}: Squore

  • $P{APPLICATION}: The name of the project

  • $P{ARTEFACTNAME}: The name of the artefact

  • $P{ARTEFACTTYPE}: The type of the artefact

  • $P{AUTHOR}: The name of the user generating the report

  • $P{COMPANYNAME}: squoring


  • $P{LOGO}: The path to the logo to use in the header

  • $P{MODEL}: The analysis model used

  • $P{POWEREDBY}: The path to the powered by Squore logo

  • $P{REPORTDATE}: The date at which the report was generated

  • $P{RESTOREURL}: The a URL to open the project’s dashboard in Squore


  • $P{VERSION}: The name of the version

  • $P{VERSIONDATE}: The analysis date

For each chart from the dashboard that you include in a report, the following parameters are also available:

  • $P{CHART_ID}: a unique identifier for the chart based on the chart’s original ID

  • $P{CHART_URL_0} to $P{CHART_URL_x}: used to resolve the path to chart [0] to [X] (based on the chart’s position in Bundle.xml

  • $P{CHART_NAME_0} to $P{CHART_NAME_x}: used to resolve the name of chart [0] to [X] (based on the chart’s position in Bundle.xml

Up to 16 charts (and their comment threads) can be included without modifying the default template.

Subreports are activated based on the presence of an XML element in the data sent by Squore. The following lines checks for the presence of a highlights category in the exported data with the following dataSourceExpression to activate the highlights.jrxml subreport:


The following is a full sample of the data sent by Squore and fed into the report template. Note that this data is only created in memory and not saved to disk when generating a report in Squore. This sample is provided to help you understand how the JasperReports template locates data to extract and format in the final report document.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ReportModelResources appName="Squore"
                      companyName="Squoring Technologies"
                      reportDate="2018.02.27 17:55:54 CET"
                      versionDate="2017.09.05 01:00:00 CEST">
		<Chart id="INDICATOR"
		       name="Key Performance Indicator"
					<Annotation status="OPEN">
						<Message creationTime="2019.04.26 18:08:08 CEST" poster="demo"><![CDATA[My super message!]]></Message>
		<Chart ... />
			<Line data="10,8 %"
			      name="Ratio of complex modules"/>
			<Line ... />
		<Table ... >
		<Measure evolution="↑"
		         name="Cyclomatic Complexity"
		<Measure ... />
		<Indicator evolution="/path/to/trendImage.svg"
		           level="Level B"
		           name="Complexity Distribution"
		           refLevel="Level A">
			<Measure evolution="↑"
				 name="Complexity Distribution"
		<Indicator ... />
		<Info id="LANGUAGE"
		<Info ... />
		<Findings id="VIOLATIONS"
			<FindingsDefinition CHARACTERISTIC="Maintainability"
			                    SCALE_NATURE="Non Conformity"
			                    <!-- scales and characteristics according to your analysis model -->
			                    desc="Functions shall not called themselves either directly or indirectly (see [MISRA-C:2004]: RULE 16.2)."
			                    justif="My relaxation comment"
			                    name="Recursion are not allowed"
			                    toolName="Squan Sources"/>
			<FindingsDefinition ... />
		<Findings ... >
		<FindingOccurrences id="FINDINGS"
			<Artefact name="main(int,char*[])"
			          type="C Function"
				<Finding count="1"
				         line="Ligne: 95"
				         tool="Squan Sources">
					<Rule externalId="R_COMPOUND"
					      name="Missing compound statement"/>
					<Relaxation date="2018-01-31T10:08:04"
					            status="Derogation (Imported)"
					            user="demo">keeping some conciseness by avoiding using compound {}</Relaxation>
				<Finding ... >
		<DefectReports id="AIS">
			<DefectReportsDefinition SCALE_AI_TYPE="Non Regression"
			                         <!-- scales according to your analysis model -->
			                         desc="The object hi_scores_disp(int) has a higher number of 'Blocker' or 'Critical' rules violated since the previous version."
			                         name="More 'Blocker' or 'Critical' rules violated"
			                         scope="C Function"
				<Reason desc="Code Status reveals that development is in progress (=1).{}#10;"/>
				<Reason ... />
			<DefectReportsDefinition ... />
		<Highlights col0="New Code Stability Index"
		            col1="Line Count"
		            title="Top 10 most changed artefacts">
			<TopArtefact artefactName="print_instructions_fr()"
			             col0="12,5 %"
			<TopArtefact ... />
		<Artefacts id="RELAXED_ARTEFACT"
			<Artefact name="machine.c"
                      relaxationComment="Why I relaxed this..."
                      relaxationDate="2018.02.28 16:11:29 CET"
                      type="C File"/>
			<Artefact ... />
		<SubArtefacts id="COMPLEX_MODULES">
			<SubArtefact name="machine_plays()"
			             type="C Function"
				<!-- Each SubArtefact contains Charts, Tables Measures, Indicators and Infos sections similar to the ones at ReportModelResources level -->
					<Chart ... />
					<Table ... />
					<Measure ... />
					<Indicator ... />
					<Info ... />

${artefacturl} is a direct link to open the specified Explorer tab in Squore for the artefact mentioned in the report.

10. Defining Exports

Each model described in the Squore Configuration may define a set of exports in the models/MODEL/Exports/Bundle.xml bundle file. Exports available in the user interface depend on the role of the currently logged-in user and the selection in the Project Portfolios and the Artefact Tree views.

Here is an example of a bundle file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<Role name="DEFAULT">
		<Export type="MODEL">
			<ExportDef name="highlights_excel" />
			<ExportDef name="highlights_json" />
			<ExportDef name="highlights_xml" />
			<ExportDef name="highlights_csv" />
		<Export type="APPLICATION">
			<ExportDef name="highlights_excel" />
			<ExportDef name="highlights_json" />
			<ExportDef name="highlights_xml" />
			<ExportDef name="highlights_csv" />

Exports defined for the MODEL type are available when clicking on a model name or a group name in the Project Portfolios.

Each export in the bundle can reference a call to an Export Definition, using the ExportDef element to define a list of highlight definitions to apply to the current artefact and export data in the specified format.

Using Export Definitions is the more flexible way to export data, since they allow you to choose one or more highlight definitions to include in your export (including the ones that can be created directly in the web interface by any user), as well as choose your preferred export format.

Using Export Definitions

Squore includes the following Export Definitions by default, that allow you to pick a list of highlights to export data:

  • highlights_excel allows you to export one highlight category per sheet in Excel format

  • highlights_json dumps highlight data into JSON format

  • highlights_xml dumps highlight data into an XML document

  • highlights_csv dumps highlight data into multiple CSV files inside a zip file

You can create a new Export Definition by creating a folder called my_export_definition under configuration/exports and creating a form.xml and a following the syntax described in Creating a form.xml for your own Data Providers, Repository Connectors and Export Definitions. Your new Export Definition can then be made available from the Reports tab of the Explorer by referencing it in your model’s Export bundle using:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<Role name="DEFAULT">
		<Export type="...">
			<ExportDef name="my_export_definition" />

11. Creating Custom Export Format for Action Items

The list of action items raised by Squore according to the triggers configured in your decision model can be exported out of Squore so it is reused and managed in any third-party application you use to track defects or issues. By default, Squore supports exporting in these formats:

  • CSV

  • ClearQuest

  • Mantis

  • XML

This list can be expanded by adding custom export formats to your configuration.

Before making a new export available, you need to understand the information that is available to export. In order to see the full export, export action items from Squore using the XML export to dumps all the information available to an xml file. Creating a new format is as simple as creating a stylesheet to manipulate the contents of the full export to your liking.

Let’s first look at what an export configuration looks like. On Squore Server, go to <SQUORE_HOME>/Configuration/scripts/export. Each export format is specified in its own folder. Each export format is defined by two files: transform.xsl and The file file transform.xsl is a stylesheet to define what information gets exported, and the file defines the extension and charset of the export file.

Note: The file is optional. If omitted, Squore will create a file with a ".xml" extension using the UTF-8_BOM character set, as if using the file below:

charsetName = UTF-8_BOM
extension = .xml

For more information about available charsets, consult

After you to define your stylesheet, create a new folder called MyCustomExport in Squore’s configuration folder and create the two definition files needed by saving your stylesheet as transform.xsl and specifying the desired extension and charset for the report file . The new export format will be available in Squore the next time you refresh your dashboard.

12. Defining Highlights

Understanding Highlights

The Highlights tab in Squore’s Explorer is a flat list of artefacts in predefined categories for a model. These categories are defined in your model by including content in the highlights Bundle.xml file for your model. In this chapter, you will learn to understand the default highlights in the default models and will be able to consult the full reference for formatting a highlights bundle.

The default highlights bundle looks similar to this:

	<TopArtefacts id="TOP_10_MOST_CHANGED_ARTEFACTS" onArtefactTypes="PACKAGES" measureId="SI" order="ASC" resultSize="10">
				<measure id="SI" bounds="[0;1[" />
			<Column measureId="SI" suffix="%" />
			<Column measureId="LC" />
	<TopArtefacts id="TOP_10_WORST_ARTEFACTS" order="DESC" resultSize="10" roles="PROJECT_MANAGER"/>
	<TopDeltaArtefacts id="TOP_10_MOST_DETERIORATED_ARTEFACTS" order="DESC" resultSize="10"/>
	<TopNewArtefacts id="ALL_NEW_ARTEFACTS" order="DESC" resultSize="*"/>

Highlight definitions from the Bundle display in the Highlights tab of the Explorer in Squore:

CFG highlights
The Highlights tab of the Explorer

Highlight definitions can be created directly in the web interface and can be shared between users and projects. You only need to learn about the syntax of the Highlights bundle if you want to customise the list of default highlights or make new ones available by default in your configuration.

Highlights Syntax Reference

The XML Schema for the highlights bundle is described in highlights.xsd.

Highlight Definition Types

The Bundle element accepts the following sub-elements:

  • Role (optional, deprecated) allows grouping several highlight definitions for a particular role. This element should be replaced with a roles attribute in each highligth definition instead.

    Role has a mandatory name attribute where you can specify a role ID.

  • Filters (optional, deprecated) allows grouping several highlight definitions for a particular artefact type. This element should be replaced with a onArtefactTypes attribute in each highlight definition instead.

    Filters has a mandatory type attribute where you can specify an artefact type

  • TopArtefacts is a type of highlight definition used to retrieve artefacts with the biggest value for a given measure.

  • TopDeltaArtefacts is a type of highlight definition used to retrieve artefacts with the biggest variation in the value of a given measure since an earlier version.

  • TopNewArtefacts is a type of highlight definition used retrieve artefacts that are new in the current version, sorted according to the value of a given measure.

Common Attributes

The common attributes for all highlight definitions types are as follows:

  • TopArtefacts allows the following attributes:

    • id (mandatory) is the id of the highlight definition.

    • name (deprecated) is unused.

    • onArtefactTypes (optional, default: any) is a semicolon-separated list of artefact types where this highlight definition appears in the web interface. Note that you can also display a highlight definition in a Model/Group Dashboard by using onArtefactTypes="MODEL". In this case, the highlight displays a list of projects in this model or group.

    • roles (optional, default: any) is a semicolon-separated list of roles that are allowed to view and use this highlight definition

    • groups (optional, default: any) is a semicolon-separated list of user groups that are allowed to view and use this highlight definition

    • artefactTypes (optional, default: any) defines the types of artefacts to filter on.

    • linkType (optional, default: any) Allows following links to other artefacts. Note that only artefacts with direct links to the current artefact are displayed.

    • linkDirection (optional, default: OUT) is one of IN or OUT and allows to specify the direction of the links to follow.

    • excludingTypes (optional, default: none) lists the artefact types for which the metric should not be displayed. This allows refining the types entered in the main filter above.

    • measureId (optional, default: the measureId associated with the root indicator) is the name of the measure Id to filter on.

    • order (optional, default: ASC) is the sort order for the list according to the reference measure ID. Valid values are ASC and DESC.

    • altMeasureId (optional, default: empty) is the second measure ID to use for sorting.

    • altOrder (required if altMeasureId is set, default: empty) is the sort order for the second measure ID. Valid values are ASC and DESC.

    • resultSize (mandatory) is the number of results to include in the list. Use 10 to display 10 artefacts or * to display all artefacts.

    • hidePath (optional, default: false) Allows the user to hide the artefact path.

    • hideRating (optional, default: false) Allows the user to hide the artefact rating.

Output Customisation

All highlight definitions support the following nested elements, to customise the output:

  • where is used to specify extra filtering conditions for the artefacts to return.

  • Column is used to add a column to the list of artefacts returned by the highlight definition.

  • OrderBy is used to specify sorting directives, in addition to the one already specified in the highlight definition.


The where clause allows you to filter out unwanted artefacts by indicator, measure or info.

	<TopArtefacts id="TOP_10_MOST_CHANGED_ARTEFACTS" onArtefactTypes="PACKAGES" measureId="SI" order="ASC" resultSize="10">
				<measure id="SI" bounds="[0;1[" />
	<TopArtefacts id="OPEN_TICKETS_DEV_RECENT" onArtefactTypes="TICKET_FOLDER" measureId="STATUS" order="ASC" resultSize="*">
				<indicator id="STATUS" levels="CLOSED" invert="true" />
				<info id="I_PROJECT" values="Development" />
				<measure id="AGE" vbounds="[0;7]" />

The full syntax of the where clause is as follows:

	<measure id="" values|bounds="" [invert="false"] />
	<indicator id="" levels="" [invert="false"] />
	<info id="" values|patterns="" [invert="false"]>

For measure, indicator or info:

  • id (mandatory) is the identifier of a metric in the analysis model

  • invert (optional, default: false) allows checking for the invert of a condition when set to true

For indicator:

  • levels (mandatory) is a semicolon-separated list of scale levels to test for the specified metric

For measure:

  • values is a semicolon-separated list of values to test for the specified metric

  • bounds is an interval to test for the specified metric

For info:

  • values is a semicolon-separated list of values to test for the specified metric

  • patterns is a semicolon-separated list of wildcard patterns to test for the specified metric


The Column allows the following attributes:

  • measureId or indicatorId or infoId (mandatory) is the ID of the measure, indicator or textual information to display

  • artefactTypes (optional, default: the parent value of artefactTypes) lists the artefact types for which the metric should be displayed. This allows refining the types entered in the main filter above.

  • excludingTypes (optional, default: the parent value of excludingTypes) lists the artefact types for which the metric should not be displayed. This allows refining the types entered in the main filter above.

  • headerDisplayType (optional, default: NAME) is the label to display in the header. The supported values are:

    • NAME for the metric’s name

    • MNEMONIC for the metric’s mnemonic

  • displayType (optional, default: VALUE) sets the value display type. The supported values are:

    • VALUE for the metric’s numeric value

    • RANK for the indicator’s rank

    • ICON for the indicator’s rank icon

    • NAME for the indicator level’s name

    • MNEMONIC for the indicator level’s mnemonic

    • DATE for the metric’s value, displayed as a UTC date

    • DATETIME for the metric’s value, displayed as a UTC date and time

    • TIME for the metric’s value, displayed as a UTC time

    For DATE, DATETIME and TIME, you can specify the required format using the dateStyle, timeStyle and datePattern attributes described below.

  • decimals (optional, default: 2) sets the number of decimals, used when the displayType is VALUE.

  • dateStyle (optional, default: DEFAULT) : the date formatting style, used when the displayType is one of DATE or DATETIME.

    • SHORT is completely numeric, such as 12.13.52 or 3:30pm.

    • MEDIUM is longer, such as Jan 12, 1952.


    • LONG is longer, such as January 12, 1952 or 3:30:32pm.

    • FULL is pretty completely specified, such as Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD or 3:30:42pm PST.

  • timeStyle (optional, default: DEFAULT): the time formatting style, used when the displayType is one of DATETIME or TIME. See above for available styles.

  • datePattern (formerly dateFormat) (optional, default: empty) : the date pattern, used when the displayType is one of DATE, DATETIME or TIME.

    • "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss z" is "2001.07.04 AD at 12:08:56 PDT".

    • "EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z" is "Wed, 4 Jul 2001 12:08:56 -0700".

      If this attribute is set, both dateStyle and timeStyle attributes are ignored. The date is formatted using the supplied pattern. Any format compatible with the Java Simple Date Format can be used. Refer to <> for more information.

  • suffix (optional, default: empty) is the label displayed after the value of the metric in the UI

  • useBackgroundColor(optional, default: false) allows you to use the indicator level as the background colour of the cell. This is only valid when using a column with indicatorId. You can also control the transparency of the background colour with the attribute alpha (optional, default: 100) which accepts a value between 0 (transparent) and 255 (opaque).

Either measureId, infoId or indicatorId is required. Note that all display related tags, except headerDisplayType and displayType are ignored when infoId is used.


OrderBy allows the following attributes:

  • measureId (mandatory) is the ID of the measure

  • order (mandatory) is the sort order for measure. Supported values are:

    • ASC for ascending

    • DESC for descending

13. Building Tutorials

You can build interactive tutorials to help users understand which areas of Squore to focus on, or help them discover and reach new functionality. This chapter teaches you about the concepts behind the design of a tutorial in Squore and highlights how you can expand on the existing framework.

CFG tutorials intro
A tutorial explaining the purpose of the Project Portfolios

Here are the key concepts you should understand about tutorials before reading further:

  • A tutorial is a series of steps that users follow in the web interface. Each step can highlight parts of the user interface, and display help text to make it obvious what to look at and why. Optionally, a step may allow users to interact with the web interface so they can try out the concept that is being explained by themselves before moving on to the next step of the tutorial.

  • Steps can be grouped in phases to make the flow of your tutorial more logical and perform actions before a step is executed.

  • Users launch tutorials from ? > Tutorials, which lists all the available tutorials in two sections: general-purpose tutorials, which apply to the application in general, and model-specific tutorials, which apply to a specific analysis model.

  • Like most other aspects of Squore, tutorials are fully localisable via the use of properties files.

Getting Started

Before you create your first tutorial, you must decide if it addresses general application features or if it is specific to a model. Your choice impacts the location of the Bundle.xml file that will reference your tutorial:

  • Application tutorials should be referenced in MyConfiguration/configuration/tutorials/Bundle.xml and their properties must be located in MyConfiguration/configuration/models/Shared/Description/

  • Model tutorials are referenced in MyConfiguration/configuration/models/MyModel/Tutorials/Bundle.xml and their properties can be located in any .properties file included in the model’s description bundle.

CFG tutorial selection
The tutorial selection popup showing general tutorials and model-specific tutorials

Tutorials use an XML syntax where each help element is a separate tutorial, made of several item elements used to highlight elements of the web interface and define help text to display next to them. In order to control the flow of the tutorial and the display of elements, you can group items in phase elements, and perform pre-requisite actions to carry out before an element is highlighted.

Here is a simple 4-step example in XML, followed by screenshots of each step:

<help id="DASHBOARD_TOUR" icon="dashboard_tour/icon.png" groups="demo">
	<item element="DRILLDOWN" descrId="EXPLAIN_DRILLDOWN" />
	<phase type="PROGRESSIVE" textPosition="RIGHT">
		<item element="PORTFOLIO_TREE" descrId="EXPLAIN_PORTFOLIOS" maskColor="#2AA0D5"/>
		<item element="ARTEFACT_TREE" descrId="EXPLAIN_ARTEFACT_TREE" maskColor="#FF193B" />
		<item element="MEASURE_TREE" descrId="EXPLAIN_INDICATOR_TREE" maskColor="#B2AB09" />
CFG tutorial example1
Step 1: Highlight and explain the drilldown panel
CFG tutorial example2
Step 2: Highlight and explain the Project Portfolios
CFG tutorial example3
Step 3: Highlight and explain the Artefact Tree, keeping the previous element highlighted, since we are in a progressive phase
CFG tutorial example4
Step 4: Highlight and explain the Indicator Tree in the final step of the progressive phase of the tutorial

More information about the XML syntax you can use to create tutorials is explained in Tutorial Syntax Reference.

Tutorial Syntax Reference


Each tutorial in your bundle is bound by a help element. The help element supports the following attributes:

  • id (mandatory) is the internal ID of the tutorial, which you can use in a properties file to translate as needed (using TUTO.<id>.NAME and TUTO.<id>.DESCR) to display in the correct language in the Tutorials popup in the web interface.

  • icon (optional, default: standard tutorial icon) is the path to the icon to display for this tutorial in the tutorial selection popup. The icon is relative to the location of Bundle.xml.

  • opacity (optional, default: 0.4) is the opacity of the mask (the grey element that surrounds the highlighted element) for this tutorial. You can specify a value between 0 and 1 where 0 is transparent and 1 is completely opaque.

  • firstConnectionGroup (optional, default: none) allows launching this tutorial automatically for users of the specified groups the first time that they log into Squore. This attribute accepts a semicolon-separated list of groups.

  • users (optional, default: none) restricts access to the tutorial to the specified users. Use a semicolon to specify a list of several user logins.

  • groups (optional, default: none) restricts access to the tutorial to users from the specified groups. Use a semicolon to specify a list of several groups.

  • profiles (optional, default: none) restricts access to the tutorial to users who have the specified profiles. Use a semicolon to specify a list of several profiles.

  • textPosition (optional, default: EXTERNAL) is the location of the help text relative to the highlighted element. This attribute supports the following values:

    • INTERNAL to display the text inside the item

    • LEFT to display the text to the left of the item

    • RIGHT to display the text to the right of the item

    • EXTERNAL to display the text dynamically to the left or the right of the item, depending on where more space is available

    • TOP to display the text above the item

    • BOTTOM to display the text under the item

    • CENTER (new in 19.0) to display the text at the center of the interface

  • textAlign (optional, default: CENTER) defines the alignment of the text. This attribute supports the following values:

    • CENTER to center the text

    • LEFT to left-align the text

    • RIGHT to right-align the text

  • maskColor (optional, default: transparent) is the colour of the mask to display over the highlighted element. This attribute supports the colour syntax detailed in Working With Colours.

  • maskOpacity (optional, default:0.6) is the opacity of the mask over the highlighted element for this tutorial. You can specify a value between 0 and 1 where 0 is transparent and 1 is completely opaque.


The help element accepts one or more item or phase elements. If you simply want to highlight items one at a time, add item elements directly in the help. Using phase elements is useful if you want to execute specific actions or display several items at the same time.

The phase element accepts the following attributes:

  • element (optional, default: none) is the selector of the item to highlight when this phase starts. You can choose any element from the list of predefined selectors described in Element Selectors.

  • param (optional, default: none) is an optional parameter which you can pass to certain selectors. This parameter is generally used when you specify to highlight a specific chart, metric or artefact as opposed to the first element available. You can read more about the selectors that support parameters in Element Selectors.

  • type (optional, default: SEQUENTIAL) allows specifying the display behaviour of the child items of this phase. The supported values are:

    • SEQUENTIAL to highlight items one at a time

    • PARALLEL to highlight all items in this phase at the same time

    • PROGRESSIVE to highlight items in succession, retaining the previous highlight at each click

    • FREE to allow users to perform actions inside the highlighted item

  • optional (optional, default: false) allows to skip the phase automatically if the items or elements it uses are not available for the current user. You can for example create a tutorial that includes information about the Capitalisation Base that will only be shown to users who can actually use the Capitalisation Base.


The item element accepts the following attributes:

  • element (mandatory) is the selector of the item to highlight. You can choose any element from the list of predefined selectors described in Element Selectors.

  • param (optional, default: none) is an optional parameter which you can pass to certain selectors. This parameter is generally used when you specify to highlight a specific chart, metric or artefact as opposed to the first element available. You can read more about the selectors that support parameters in Element Selectors.

  • descrId (mandatory) is the ID of the help text to display for the highlighted element. Use this ID is used in your properties file to localise the tutorial.

  • linkId (optional, default: none) allows creating a link to another tutorial. The value must be the name of another tutorial defined in the same bundle. You can specify several links by separating them with a /.

You can also use the textPosition, maskColor, maskOpacity, textSize and textColor attributes for each item in your tutorials to override the default value you set in the top help element


You can use a preAction element in a phase if you want to carry out an action before highlighting a specific item. The preAction element supports the following attributes:

  • action (mandatory) is the action to perform. The supported actions are:

    • EXPAND_PORTFOLIO_TREE expands the Project Portfolios down to project level. This action accepts a project name as a parameter, otherwise it uses the first project available.

    • COLLAPSE_PORTFOLIO_TREE collapses the entire Project Portfolios

    • SELECT_MODEL selects a model in the Project Portfolios. This action accepts a model name as a parameter, otherwise it uses the first model available.

    • SELECT_PROJECT expands a project node in the Project Portfolios to show its list of versions and select the most recent one. This action accepts a project name and version as a parameter (e.g.: Earth/V6), otherwise it uses the first project available.

    • EXPAND_ARTEFACT_TREE expands the Artefact Tree. This action accepts the path to an artefact as a parameter (e.g.: Earth/apps/machine.c), otherwise it uses the first artefact available.

    • COLLAPSE_ARTEFACT_TREE collapses the entire Artefact Tree.

    • SELECT_ARTEFACT clicks an artefact in the Artefact Tree to show its dashboard

    • SELECT_ARTEFACT_LEAF clicks the first lowest-level artefact leaf in the Artefact Tree.

    • EXPAND_MEASURE_TREE expands the Indicator Tree. This action accepts the path to a metric as a parameter (e.g.: Maintainability/Analysability/Function Analysability), otherwise it uses the first available measure in the tree.

    • COLLAPSE_MEASURE_TREE collapses the entire Indicator Tree.

    • SELECT_WIZARD picks a wizard from the list of wizards available in the first step of the project wizard. This action requires a wizardId (e.g.: RISK) as a parameter.

    • RUN_PROJECT_CREATION clicks the Run button on the summary screen of the project wizard.

  • param (optional, default: none) is an optional parameter you can pass to an action if it supports it.

  • clickIndicator (optional, default: varies according to the action) allows showing or hiding the click indicator when the action is performed. This attribute supports the values TRUE and FALSE.

It is generally not necessary to specify any preAction, since each element selector automatically places the web interface in the right context to highlight the specified item. For example, if you specify that a tutorial should highlight the Findings tab, the tutorial will open the Explorer and switch to the Findings tab automatically for the first project available. It is only necessary to use a preAction if you want a specific project or model to be selected before showing the Findings tab.

Element Selectors

The table below lists the selectors that you can use in the item or phase elements of your tutorials. when a parameter is allowed, it is specified. If no parameter is specified, the first available item is usually highlighted.

Available element selectors for tutorials in Squore
element param Highlighted Element


The JQuery selector of the element of the Squore UI you want to highlight




the part of the window containing the Squore UI



the entire window



the breadcrumbs bar



the menu bar



the Home button in the menu bar



the Explorer button in the menu bar



the Projects button in the menu bar



the Favourites button in the menu bar



the Capitalisation button in the menu bar



the <username> in the menu bar



the Models button in the menu bar



the Administration button in the menu bar



the ? in the menu bar



the Home page



the welcome text on the Home page



the user details section of the Home page



the list of tasks available to users on the Home page



the help section of the Home page



the list of pinned artefacts on the Home page



the list of recently visited projects on the Home page



the link to the Explorer on the Home page



the link to Projects on the Home page



the link to the Capitalisation on the Home page



the entire Models menu


a row ID

the specified option in the Models menu



the first option in the Models menu



the entire Administration menu


a row ID

the specified option in the Administration menu



the first option in the Administration menu



the entire Help menu


a row ID

the specified option in the Help menu



the first option available in the Help menu



the tutorial selection popup


a model ID

the tutorials for the specified model in the tutorial selection popup



the first model-specific tutorial available in the tutorial selection popup


a tutorial’s id

the specified tutorial



the name of the first available tutorial in the tutorial selection popup


a tutorial’s id

the description of the specified tutorial



the description of the first available tutorial in the tutorial selection popup



the Explorer



the drilldown pane of the Explorer



the right-hand panel of the Explorer



the Project Portfolios



the Artefact Tree



the Indicator Tree



the Explorer tabs



the Project Portfolios tabs



the search box in the Artefact Tree



the filter button in the Artefact Tree



the Review Set


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

a project and its list of versions in the Project Portfolios



the first project in the Project Portfolios and its versions


a model ID

the dashboard for the specified model


a model ID

the charts section of the dashboard for specified model


a model ID

the first chart in the dashboard of the specified model


a model ID

the table section of the dashboard for the specified model


a model ID

the first table row in the dashboard of the specified model


a chart ID

the specified chart in the dashboard for the specified model


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the specified project in the dashboard for the specified model


a chart ID

the Chart Viewer with the specified model-level chart


a chart ID

The chart in the Chart Viewer


a chart ID

the previous arrow in the Chart Viewer


a chart ID

the next arrow in the Chart Viewer


a chart ID

the carousel in the Chart Viewer


a chart ID

the right-hand panel of the Chart Viewer


a chart ID

the tabs in the right hand panel of the Chart Viewer


a chart ID

the description panel of the Chart Viewer


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the filter popup


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the levels section of the filter popup


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the types section fo the filter popup


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the evolution section of the filter popup


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the status section of the filter popup


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

a lowest-level artefact of a project int he artefact_tree;


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

a lowest-level metric in the Indicator Tree


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the dashboard for a project


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the scorecard


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the KPI chart in the scorecard


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the charts section of the dashboard


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the tables in the scorecard


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the first chart in the dashboard


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

a line in a table


a chart ID

the specified chart



the first chart in the dashboard


a table ID

a table in the scorecard



the first table in the scorecard


a measure, indicator or info ID

the information popup for a metric


a measure, indicator or info ID

the contents of the information popup for the metric


a measure, indicator or info ID

the scale for the metric in the information popup


a measure, indicator or info ID

the first row in the information popup


a row ID in the information popup

the specified row in the information popup


a chart ID

the Chart Viewer


a chart ID

the chart in the Chart Viewer


a chart ID

the compare mode button


a chart ID

the previous arrow in the Chart Viewer


a chart ID

the next arrow in the Chart Viewer


a chart ID

the carousel in the Chart Viewer


a chart ID

the right-hand panel of the Chart Viewer


a chart ID

the tabs in the right hand panel of the Chart Viewer


a chart ID

the description panel of the Chart Viewer


a chart ID

the comments panel of the thart viewer


a chart ID

the favourites panel of the Chart Viewer


a version name

the older version of the chart in the chat viewer in compare mode


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Action Items tab of the Explorer


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Action Items table


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Action Items table header


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Action Items Select All checkbox


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Action Items Add to review set button


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Action Items export formats


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Action Items export button


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Action Items filtering options


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

a single action item


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

a detailed action item


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Action Items advanced filtering options


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Action Items advanced filtering options with a selection applied


The name of a list of the advanced search

the Action Items with the specified selection applied


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Highlights tab of the Explorer


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Highlights table


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Highlights table header


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Highlights table Select All checkbox


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Highlights options


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Highlights categories list


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Highlights artefact type list


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Highlights export button


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Highlights Add to review set button


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the first row of Highlights in the table


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Findings tab of the Explorer


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Findings table


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Findings table header


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Findings filtering controls


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Findings table


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

artefacts in the Findings table


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the first row in the Findings table


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

advanced filtering options in the Findings table


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

a selection in the advanced filtering options in the Findings table


The name of a list of the advanced search

a selection in the advanced filtering options in the Findings table


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Reports tab of the Explorer


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Reports section


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Reports options


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the available report templates


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the available report formats


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the synthetic report option


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Generate button button


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Exports section


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Exports options


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Exports Create button


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Forms tab of the Explorer


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

a form attribute name


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

a form attribujte value


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

a form attribute justification


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

a form value history


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

a form block


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Indicators tab of the Explorer


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Indicators table


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Indicators table header


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

a row in the Indicators table


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Measures tab of the Explorer


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Measures table


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Measures table header


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

a row in the Measures table


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Comments tab of the Explorer


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Comments table


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

the Comments table header


a project name (Earth) or name and version (Earth/V3)

a row in the Comments header



the Create Project button on the Projects page



the list of wizards in the project creation wizard


a wizard ID

a wizard in the list of wizards in wizards in the project creation wizard



the first wizard in the list of wizards in the project creation wizard



the Next button on the first page of the project creation wizard



the General Information section of the project creation wizard



the Project Identification section of the project creation wizard



the General Information section of the project creation wizard



a row in the General Information section of the project creation wizard



the Next button on the second page of the project creation wizard



the Data Provider panel in the project creation wizard



the Data Provider panel block in the project creation wizard



a row in the Data Provider panel block in the project creation wizard



the next button on the Data Provider page of the project creation wizard



the summary page of the project creation wizard



the summary of parameters specified on the summary page of the project creation wizard



the project parameters in command line form



the Run button on the summary page of the project creation wizard

If you do not find the selector for the element you want to highlight, you can use CUSTOM with your own JQuery selector as a parameter. You can use your browser’s developer tools to inspect the web interface and extract the XPath of the element.

Advanced users can also expand on the list of available selectors, by overriding the default list of selectors available in <SQUORE_HOME>/configuration/tutorials/aliasTuto.xml: Copy the file and place it in the same relative location in your own configuration folder. You cannot create new actions, but if an action exists for what you want to do, you can add your selector following the syntax:

<alias name="SELECTOR_ID" path="[JQuery selector with escaped ':' and '.']"/>

14. UI Configuration Options

Some configuration options are also available to tweak the Squore user interface. These options need to be specified in a file called properties.xml located at the root of your Configuration folder, or in various other Bundle.xml files. This chapter describes these options and their effect on the user interface.

You can find the XML schema for properties.xml in properties-1.2.xsd.

Explorer Tabs Settings

By default, the Explorer shows the following tabs for all users:

CFG explorerTabs
The default set of tabs in the Explorer. The tab displayed by default is the Dashboard tab.

Users can change the displayed tabs by clicking the Tab Manager icon right of the last tab. You can also define the available tabs and their default state (shown, hidden, default) by editing properties.xml as shown below:

<!-- Active tabs -->
	<tab name="dashboard" default="true"/>
	<tab name="action-items" mandatory="true"/>
	<tab name="highlights"/>
	<tab name="findings"/>
	<tab name="reports" rendered="false"/>
	<tab name="attributes"/>
	<tab name="indicators" rendered="false"/>
	<tab name="measures" rendered="false"/>
	<tab name="annotations"/>

Each tab element accepts the following parameters:

  • name (mandatory) identifies the tab of the Explorer by name. The supported values are:

    • dashboard

    • action-items

    • highlights

    • findings

    • reports

    • attributes

    • indicators

    • measures

    • annotations

  • mandatory (optional, default: false) removes the option to hide the tab from the web UI for all users.

  • default (optional, default: false) makes the tab the default tab in Squore. Every link to a project or artefact that does not specifically request a target tab will open the Explorer with this tab active by default. Note that when set to true, the tab is automatically mandatory as well.

  • rendered (optional, default: true) specifies whether the tab is shown (true) or hidden (false) by default. Hidden tabs can be shown by checking a box in the Tab Manager. Note that the value of this attribute is ignored if either default or mandatory is set to true.

Customising the Help Menu

You can use the help option to add links that will appear in the Help menu in Squore (? in the main toolbar), as shown below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
	<!-- Customise the help links that appear in the right menu -->
	<help label="OWASP 25" url="" />
	<help label="JBoss Wiki" url="" profiles="ADMINISTRATOR;" />

The help element accepts the following attributes:

  • label (mandatory) is the label for the link in the help menu

  • url (mandatory) is the URL to link to

  • profiles (optional) is a list of profiles that are allowed to see the link. If not specified, then the link is displayed for all logged in users.

CFG customHelp
A customised Help menu for a user with the ADMINISTRATOR profile

Hiding Certain Models From Squore

If you wish to hide some of the models available in Squore, you can use the hideModel option to prevent some folders under the models folder in the configuration from being read by Squore, as shown below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
	<!-- Hidden models -->
	<hideModel name="ISO9126_Maintainability_Xaml" />

The hideModel element accepts only one attribute:

  • name (mandatory) is the name of the folder to exclude from the configuration.

Ignoring Obsolescence

By default, Squore displays all versions of a project created with an earlier version of your model in orange. The hideObsoleteModels option allows disabling this behaviour, so that there is no warning displayed for versions analysed with a different model.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
	<!-- Ignore model obsolescence
	(do not highlight versions analysed with an obsolete model) default=false -->
	<hideObsoleteModels value="true" />

The hideObsoleteModels element accepts only one attribute:

  • value (mandatory, default false) defines whether to hide the warning about obsolete versions of a project.

Hiding Specific Measures

If it does not makes sense to display a specific measure in the Indicator Tree or the Model Viewer, you can hide it by editing the Properties bundle of a model. This is useful to remove confusion about how a measure is computed.

In order to hide a measure:

  1. Edit the model’s Properties/Bundle.xml.

  2. Add a <hideMeasure targetArtefactTypes="" path="" > element.

  3. Fill in the artefact types for which this measure is hidden (this is optional).

  4. Specify the complete path of the measure to be hidden.

Below is an example of two hidden paths. The first one is only hidden at application level. The second one is always hidden.

	<!-- Hidden measures -->

Note that you should always use the precise notation path elements, with the I., B. or D. to avoid ambiguities.

Tweaking the Analysis Model Editor Screen

Using the Properties bundle, you can define the list of categories available for edition in the Analysis Model Editor. By default, all categories can be edited, but the rulesEdition element allows you to explicitly limit the list to specific categories.


The rulesEdition element takes a scale attribute that acceps a semicolon-separated list of scales to display for each rule in the Analysis Model Editor for this model.

Sort Order for Action Items and Findings

You can define for each model the order that is used to sort items in the Action Items and Findings pages. This is done by defining one or more scales and adding them to the Properties/Bundle.xml file using the findingsTab and actionItemsTab options, as shown below:

	<!-- sort order for columns -->
	<findingsTab orderBy="SCALE_PRIORITY;SCALE_SEVERITY" />

Hide columns in Action Items and Findings

You can define for each model the columns that should be hidden in the Action Items and Findings pages. This is done by defining one or more scales and adding them to the Properties/Bundle.xml file using the findingsTab and actionItemsTab options, as shown below:

	<!-- sort order for columns -->
	<findingsTab hideColumns="SCALE_PRIORITY;SCALE_SEVERITY" />
	<actionItemsTab hideColumns="SCALE_REMEDIATION;SCALE_SEVERITY" />

On the Findings tab, you can also hide the Characteristics column with the hideCharacteristicsFilter attribute:

	<!-- hide characteristics column (list of families) -->
	<findingsTab hideCharacteristicsFilter="true" />

External Tools

Squore uses a menus folder in its configuration so you can add functionality that will be available in the user interface to run external tools. These external scripts are launched in Squore Server’s context, and can therefore benefit from Squore’s authentication and permission mechanism. They are launched from the web interface via a Tools menu visible to the users whose profile grants access to the Use External Tools feature.

Each external tool is defined within its own sub-folder in menus and appears as a link in the main Squore toolbar, as shown below:

CFG customMenu
A Tools menu containing an external tool to create a demo environment, and the associated page to configure and launch the script.

The menu in the image above was added using a form.xml and files. Clicking the Execute button passes the user selections to a script called execute.tcl.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tags baseName="Generic" multiUsers="true" users="demo" groups="demo" image="earth.png">
	<tag type="multipleChoice" key="demo" displayType="comboBox" defaultValue="ANALYTICS">
		<value key="ANALYTICS" />
		<value key="ANALYTICS_C" />
		<value key="ANALYTICS_MILESTONES" />
		<value key="ANALYTICS_JAVA" />
	<tag type="multipleChoice" key="useAccountCredentials" displayType="radioButton"
			defaultValue="USE_ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS" credentialType="USE_ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS" hide="true">
		<value key="NO_CREDENTIALS" />
		<value key="PERSONAL_CREDENTIALS" />
	<tag type="text" key="username" credentialType="LOGIN" hide="true"/>
	<tag type="password" key="password" credentialType="PASSWORD" hide="true"/>
FORM.GENERAL.NAME=Build demo projects
FORM.GENERAL.DESCR=Menu to create sample projects for demo purposes.

OPT.ANALYTICS.NAME=Software Analytics - All samples
OPT.ANALYTICS_C.NAME=Software Analytics - C samples
OPT.ANALYTICS_MILESTONES.NAME=Software Analytics - Milestones demo
OPT.ANALYTICS_JAVA.NAME=Software Analytics - Java samples
set demo [set ${::toolName}::demo]
set csv [file join [file dirname [info script]] csv]
set today [clock seconds]

proc clock_add {num} {
	set days [expr \{3600 * 24\}]
	return [clock format [expr {$::today + ($num * $days)}] -format {%Y-%m-%d}]

if {[string equal $demo ANALYTICS] || [string equal $demo ANALYTICS_C]} {
	# Earth
	create_project --group "C" --teamUser=$user,PROJECT_MANAGER{backslash};$user,QUALITY_ENGINEER{backslash};$user,TESTER{backslash};$user,DEVELOPER --name=Earth --version=V1 "--versionDate=[clock_add -228]T01:00:00" --wizardId=ANALYTICS --color=rgb(130,196,240) -d type=CPPCheck,xml=$squore_home/samples/c/Earth/V1/cppcheck.xml -r type=FROMPATH,path=$squore_home/samples/c/Earth/V1
	# ...

if {[string equal $demo ANALYTICS] || [string equal $demo ANALYTICS_C] || [string equal $demo ANALYTICS_MILESTONES]} {

	# Test Milestone
	set project_name Sun
	create_project --group "C" --name=$project_name --version=V1 "--versionDate=[clock_add -148]T01:00:00" --teamUser=$user,PROJECT_MANAGER{backslash};$user,QUALITY_ENGINEER{backslash};$user,TESTER{backslash};$user,DEVELOPER {backslash}
	-M "id=SPRINT1,date=[clock_add -148]T02:00:00,D.TECH_DEBT=1000.0,D.ROKR_SUBSET=50%,D.ISSUE_BLOCKER=10,D.ISSUE_CRITICAL=15,D.ISSUE_MAJOR=20,D.SDESCR=0%"
	--wizardId=ANALYTICS --color=rgb(130,196,240) -d type=CPPCheck,xml=$squore_home/samples/c/Earth/V6/cppcheck.xml -r type=FROMPATH,path=$squore_home/samples/c/Earth/V6
	# ...

if {[string equal $demo ANALYTICS] || [string equal $demo ANALYTICS_JAVA]} {
	create_project --group "Java" --teamUser=$user,PROJECT_MANAGER{backslash};$user,QUALITY_ENGINEER{backslash};$user,TESTER{backslash};$user,DEVELOPER --name=Freemind 		--version=0.9.0 	"--versionDate=[clock_add -47]T01:00:00" 	--wizardId=ANALYTICS --color=rgb(130,196,240) 	-d type=CheckStyle,xml=$squore_home/samples/java/Freemind/0.9.0/checkstyle.xml 		-d type=PMD,xml=$squore_home/samples/java/Freemind/0.9.0/pmd.xml 	-r type=FROMPATH,path=$squore_home/samples/java/Freemind/0.9.0
	# ...

The forms element accepts the following attributes:

  • baseName (mandatory) is the name of folder in Squore’s addons folder that contains the executable tcl script. Set the value to Generic in order to extend the generic framework that allows you to simply create users and projects.

  • formatLog (optional, default: true) provides the options to turn off console log colourisation

  • task (optional, default: false) displays a link to this tool on the Home page in the Tasks section when set to true

  • multiUsers (optional, default: false) defines whether only one running instance of the tool is allowed per user (true) or whether only one running instance at a time is allowed for the entire Squore Server (false).

  • users (optional, default: empty): a semicolon-separated list of user logins. If specified, this attribute limits the availability of the menu to the users explicitly listed.

  • groups (optional, default: empty): a semicolon-separated list of user groups. If specified, this attribute limits the availability of the menu to users belonging to the groups explicitly listed.

  • image (optional, default: empty) takes the path to an icon that is displayed next to the tool’s name in the web interface

You can then add a series of tag elements that follow the same specification as the one described in Attributes to use as parameters on your custom page, plus some additional attributes:

<tag type="file" changeable="true" name="Upload this file: " key="file" defaultValue="" acceptedTypes="xls,xlsx"/>
  • type (mandatory):

    • file: allows choosing a file to upload to the server. The file is immediately uploaded on the server, and the TCL variable matching the specified key ($file in the example above) is set to the absolute path of the uploaded file.

      Consider the security implications of letting users upload arbitrary files to the server running Squore before using the file upload functionality.

  • key (mandatory): is the option’s key that will be passed to the script.

  • acceptedTypes (mandatory): are the accepted file types.

  • changeable (optional, default: true): allows making a parameter configurable only when creating the project but read-only for following analyses when set to true.

  • defaultValue (optional, default: empty): is the value used for the parameter when not specified.

  • required (optional, default: false) allows showing a red asterisk next to the field in the web UI to make it visibly required.

The required attribute is also valid in the form.xml files you create for your custom Data Providers and Repository Connectors.

The following variables are injected in the script execute.tcl before execution:

  • outputDir: The directory associated with the menu.

  • tmpDir: The temporary directory associated with the menu

  • toolName: The name of the directory of the menu

  • toolBaseName: The name of the directory of the addons part of the menu

  • toolDir: The directory where the addons part of the menu can be found

  • toolkitDir: The directory where the Squore toolkit tcl scripts can be found

  • logFile: The name of the log file to use for displaying information

External Tools allow using several functions like create_project, which are covered in more details in External Tools Reference.

In models that integrate requirements, test cases or change requests as artefacts, it may be necessary to provide a link to view an artefact in the context of the application where it was created. This can be done in Squore by configuring the View Source link in the Dashboard to open links in an external applications. This section shows how you can configure external links using Jira as the target application.

Our model collects Jira issues and shows a minimal dashboard or the issue’s status, assignee, priority, summary and description, as shown below:

CFG external links
The dashboard of a Jira issue in the Jenkins project

The Jira issue shown above is an artefact of type NEW_FEATURE. In order to make the View Source link open the Jira issue in a browser, you simply need to create a properties file in the sources folder of your configuration, whose name is the artefact type in lower case.


The syntax of this properties file is as follows:

  • type is the type of link to create. Only url is currently supported.

  • pattern is the URL pattern used to generate a link for the View Source link in the Dashboard. You are free to insert parameters in the URL as needed, as long as you declare them in the properties file.

  • pattern.findings is the URL pattern used to generate a link for artefacts on the Findings tab. This pattern also supports parameters.

  • p0, p1…​ pn are parameters that accept a computation that will return a string for the artefact. In the example above, ISSUE_ID and ASSIGNEE are two text metrics that exist for the NEW_FEATURE artefact type.

    You can use the following computations:

    • INFO(measureId) to retrieve textual information from the current artefact

    • ARTEFACT_LOCATION() to retrieve the current artefact path

    • FINDING_LOCATION() to retrieve the precise location of the finding in the current artefact

Model/Group Rating In Project Portfolios

It is possible to display the models and groups of project rating in the Project Portfolios:

CFG model rating
Models and groups rating in Project Portfolios

To do so, just add the following line in the "Properties/Bundle.xml" file of your model:

<bundle xmlns:xi="" >
    <scoreGroups indicatorId="LEVEL" aggregationType="AVG" />

The scoreGroups element accepts the following attributes :

  • indicatorId (optional, default: LEVEL) is the indicator to use to rate the project group.

  • aggregationType (optional, default: AVG) is the aggregation method used to compute the indicator level. The supported values allowed are:

    • MIN

    • MAX

    • OCC

    • AVG

    • DEV

    • SUM

    • MED

    • MOD

When rating models/groups is disabled, you can use a group icon instead by defining it in the properties.

Appendix A: Data Provider Frameworks

Current Frameworks

The following Data Provider frameworks support importing all kinds of data into Squore. Whether you choose one or the other depends on the ability of your script or executable to produce CSV or XML data. Note that these frameworks are recommended over the legacy frameworks described in Legacy Frameworks, which are deprecated as of Squore 18.0.

csv_import Reference

= csv_import =

The csv_import framework allows you to create Data Providers that produce CSV files that the framework will translate into XML files that can be imported in your analysts results. This framework is useful if writing XML files directly from your script is not practical.

Using csv_import, you can import metrics, findings (including relaxed findings), textual information, and links between artefacts (including to and from source code artefacts).
This framework replaces all the legacy frameworks that wrote CSV files in previous versions.

Note that this framework can be called by your Data Provider simply by creating an exec-tool phase that calls the part of the framework located in the configuration folder:
<exec-tool name="csv_import">
	<param key="csv" value="${getOutputFile(output.csv)}" />
	<param key="separator" value=";" />
	<param key="delimiter" value="&quot;" />

For a full description of all the parameters that can be used, consult the section called "CSV Import" in the "Data Providers" chapter of this manual.

= CSV format expected by the data provider =

- Line to define an artefact (like a parent artefact for instance):

- Line to add n metrics to an artefact:

- Line to add n infos to an artefact:

- Line to add a key to an artefact:

- Line to add a finding to an artefact:

- Line to add a relaxed finding to an artefact:

- Line to add a link between artefacts:

- MetricId is the id of the metric as declared in the Analysis Model
- InfoId is the id of the information to import
- Value is the value of the metric or the information or the key to import (a key is a UUID used to reference an artefact)
- RuleId is the id of the rule violated as declared in the Analysis Model
- Message is the message of the finding, which is displayed after the rule description
- Location is the location of the finding (a line number for findings attached source code artefacts, a url for findings attached to any other kind of artefact)
- RelaxStatus is one of DEROGATION, FALSE_POSITIVE or LEGACY and defines the relaxation stat of the imported finding
- RelaxMessage is the justification message for the relaxation state of the finding
- LinkId is the id of the link to create between artefacts, as declared in the Analysis Model

= Manipulating Artefacts =

The following functions are available to locate and manipulate source code artefacts in the project:
- ${artefact(type,path)} ==> Identify an artefact by its type and full path
- ${artefact(type,path,uid)} ==> Identify an artefact by its type and full path and assign it the unique identifier uid
- ${uid(value)} ==> Identify an artefact by its unique identifier (value)
- ${file(path)} ==> Tries to find a source code file matching the "path" in the project
- ${function(fpath,line)} ==> Tries to find a source code function at line "line" in file matching the "fpath" in the project
- ${function(fpath,name)} ==> Tries to find a source code function whose name matches "name" in the file matching the "fpath" in the project
- ${class(fpath,line)} ==> Tries to find a source code class at line "line" in the file matching the "fpath" in the project
- ${class(fpath,name)} ==> Tries to find a source code class whose name matches "name" in the file matching the "fpath" in the project

= Input Files =

The data provider accepts the following files:
Metrics file accepts:
    Artefact definition line
    Metrics line

Findings file accepts:
    Artefact definition line
	Findings line

Keys file accepts:
	Artefact definition line
	Keys line

Information file accepts:
	Artefact definition line
	Information line

Links file accepts:
	Artefact definition line
	Links line

It is also possible to mix every kind of line in a single csv file, as long as each line is prefixed with the kind of data it contains.
In this case, the first column must contain one of:
DEFINE (or D): when the line is used to define an artefact
METRIC (or M): to add a metric
INFO (or I): to add an information
KEY (or K): to add a key
FINDING (or F): to add a finding, relaxed or not
LINK (or L): to add link between artefacts

The following is an example of a csv file containing mixed lines:
I;${uid(1010)};NBI;Bad weather
I;${artefact(CR,/CRsCl/cr2727,2727)};NBI;Nice Weather
I;${uid(2727)};NBI_EXT;Another Info
F;${uid(2727)};BAD_EXT1;Badlyformed1;;FALSE_POSITIVE;Everything is in the title]]>
F;${function(machine.c,41)};R_GOTO;"No goto; neither togo;";41
F;${function(machine.c,42)};R_GOTO;No Goto;42;LEGACY;Was done a long time ago

xml Reference

= xml =

The xml framework is an implementation of a data provider that allows to import an xml file, potentially after an xsl transformation. The transformed XML file is expected to follow the syntax expected by other data providers (see input-data.xml specification).

This framework can be extended like the other frameworks, by creating a folder for your data provider in your configuration/tools folder and creating a form.xml. Following are three examples of the possible uses of this framework.

Example 1 - User enters an xml path and an xsl path, the xml is transformed using the xsl and then imported
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tags baseName="xml">
  <tag type="text" key="xml" />
    <tag type="text" key="xslt" />

    <exec-phase id="add-data">
      <exec name="java" failOnError="true" failOnStdErr="true">
        <arg value="${javaClasspath(groovy,xml-resolver-1.2.jar)}"/>
        <arg value="groovy.lang.GroovyShell" />
        <arg value="xml.groovy" />
        <arg value="${outputDirectory}" />
        <arg tag="xml"/>
        <arg tag="xsl" />

Example 2 - The user enter an xml path, the xsl file is predefined (input-data.xsl) and present in the same directory as form.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tags baseName="xml">
  <tag type="text" key="xml" />

  <exec-phase id="add-data">
    <exec name="java" failOnError="true" failOnStdErr="true">
      <arg value="${javaClasspath(groovy,xml-resolver-1.2.jar)}"/>
      <arg value="groovy.lang.GroovyShell" />
      <arg value="xml.groovy" />
      <arg value="${outputDirectory}" />
      <arg tag="xml" />
      <arg value="${getToolConfigDir(input-data.xsl)}" />

Example 3 - The user enter an xml path of a file already in the expected format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tags baseName="xml">
  <tag type="text" key="xml" />

  <exec-phase id="add-data">
    <exec name="java" failOnError="true" failOnStdErr="true">
      <arg value="${javaClasspath(groovy,xml-resolver-1.2.jar)}"/>
      <arg value="groovy.lang.GroovyShell" />
      <arg value="xml.groovy" />
      <arg value="${outputDirectory}" />
      <arg tag="xml" />

Legacy Frameworks

ALL DP framework capabilities
Legacy Data Provider frameworks and their capabilities
  1. Csv

    The Csv framework is used to import metrics or textual information and attach them to artefacts of type Application or File. While parsing one or more input CSV files, if it finds the same metric for the same artefact several times, it will only use the last occurrence of the metric and ignore the previous ones. Note that the type of artefacts you can attach metrics to is limited to Application and File artefacts. If you are working with File artefacts, you can let the Data Provider create the artefacts by itself if they do not exist already. Refer to the full Csv Reference for more information.

  2. csv_findings

    The csv_findings framework is used to import findings in a project and attach them to artefacts of type Application, File or Function. It takes a single CSV file as input and is the only framework that allows you to import relaxed findings directly. Refer to the full csv_findings Reference for more information.

  3. CsvPerl

    The CsvPerl framework offers the same functionality as Csv, but instead of dealing with the raw input files directly, it allows you to run a perl script to modify them and produce a CSV file with the expected input format for the Csv framework. Refer to the full CsvPerl Reference for more information.

  4. FindingsPerl

    The FindingsPerl framework is used to import findings and attach them to existing artefacts. Optionally, if an artefact cannot be found in your project, the finding can be attached to the root node of the project instead. When launching a Data Provider based on the FindingsPerl framework, a perl script is run first. This perl script is used to generate a CSV file with the expected format which will then be parsed by the framework. Refer to the full FindingsPerl Reference for more information.

  5. Generic

    The Generic framework is the most flexible Data Provider framework, since it allows attaching metrics, findings, textual information and links to artefacts. If the artefacts do not exist in your project, they will be created automatically. It takes one or more CSV files as input (one per type of information you want to import) and works with any type of artefact. Refer to the full Generic Reference for more information.

  6. GenericPerl

    The GenericPerl framework is an extension of the Generic framework that starts by running a perl script in order to generate the metrics, findings, information and links files. It is useful if you have an input file whose format needs to be converted to match the one expected by the Generic framework, or if you need to retrieve and modify information exported from a web service on your network. Refer to the full GenericPerl Reference for more information.

  7. ExcelMetrics

    The ExcelMetrics framework is used to extract information from one or more Microsoft Excel files (.xls or .xslx). A detailed configuration file allows defining how the Excel document should be read and what information should be extracted. This framework allows importing metrics, findings and textual information to existing artefacts or artefacts that will be created by the Data Provider. Refer to the full ExcelMetrics Reference for more information.

After you choose the framework to extend, you should follow these steps to make your custom Data Provider known to Squore:

  1. Create a new configuration tools folder to save your work in your custom configuration folder: MyConfiguration/configuration/tools.

  2. Create a new folder for your data provider inside the new tools folder: CustomDP. This folder needs to contain the following files:

    • form.xml defines the input parameters for the Data Provider, and the base framework to use, as described in Defining Data Provider Parameters

    • contains the strings displayed in the web interface for this Data Provider, as described in Localising your Data Provider

    • config.tcl contains the parameters for your custom Data Provider that are specific to the selected framework

    • is the perl script that is executed automatically if your custom Data Provider uses one of the *Perl frameworks.

  3. Edit Squore Server’s configuration file to register your new configuration path, as described in the Installation and Administration Guide.

  4. Log into the web interface as a Squore administrator and reload the configuration.

Your new Data Provider is now known to Squore and can be triggered in analyses. Note that you may have to modify your Squore configuration to make your wizard aware of the new Data Provider and your model aware of the new metrics it provides. Refer to the relevant sections of the Configuration Guide for more information.

Csv Reference

= Csv =

The Csv framework is used to import metrics or textual information and attach them to artefacts of type Application, File or Function. While parsing one or more input CSV files, if it finds the same metric for the same artefact several times, it will only use the last occurrence of the metric and ignore the previous ones. Note that the type of artefacts you can attach metrics to is limited to Application, File and Function artefacts. If you are working with File artefacts, you can let the Data Provider create the artefacts by itself if they do not exist already.

= form.xml =

You can customise form.xml to either:
- specify the path to a single CSV file to import
- specify a pattern to import all csv files matching this pattern in a directory

In order to import a single CSV file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tags baseName="Csv" needSources="true">
	<tag type="text" key="csv" defaultValue="/path/to/mydata.csv" />

- The csv key is mandatory.
- Since Csv-based data providers commonly rely on artefacts created by Squan Sources, you can set the needSources attribute to force users to specify at least one repository connector when creating a project.

In order to import all files matching a pattern in a folder:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tags baseName="Csv" needSources="true">
	<!-- Root directory containing Csv files to import-->
	<tag type="text" key="dir" defaultValue="/path/to/mydata" />
	<!-- Pattern that needs to be matched by a file name in order to import it-->
	<tag type="text" key="ext" defaultValue="*.csv" />
	<!-- search for files in sub-folders -->
	<tag type="booleanChoice" defaultValue="true" key="sub" />

- The dir and ext keys are mandatory
- The sub key is optional (and its value set to false if not specified)

= config.tcl =

Sample config.tcl file:
# The separator used in the input CSV file
# Usually \t or ;
set Separator "\t"

# The delimiter used in the input CSV file
# This is normally left empty, except when you know that some of the values in the CSV file
# contain the separator itself, for example:
# "A text containing ; the separator";no problem;end
# In this case, you need to set the delimiter to \" in order for the data provider to find 3 values instead of 4.
# To include the delimiter itself in a value, you need to escape it by duplicating it, for example:
# "A text containing "" the delimiter";no problemo;end
# Default: none
set Delimiter \"

# ArtefactLevel is one of:
#      Application: to import data at application level
#      File: to import data at file level. In this case ArtefactKey has to be set
#             to the value of the header (key) of the column containing the file path
#			  in the input CSV file.
#      Function : to import data at function level, in this case:
#                 ArtefactKey has to be set to the value of the header (key) of the column containing the path of the file
#                 FunctionKey has to be set to the value of the header (key) of the column containing the name and signature of the function
# Note that the values are case-sensitive.
set ArtefactLevel File
set ArtefactKey File

# Should the File paths be case-insensitive?
# true or false (default)
# This is used when searching for a matching artefact in already-existing artefacts.
set PathsAreCaseInsensitive "false"

# Should file artefacts declared in the input CSV file be created automatically?
# true (default) or false
set CreateMissingFile "true"

# FileOrganisation defines the layout of the input CSV file and is one of:
#     header::column: values are referenced from the column header
#     header::line: NOT AVAILABLE
#     alternate::line: lines are a sequence of {Key Value}
#     alternate::column: columns are a sequence of {Key Value}
# There are more examples of possible CSV layouts later in this document
set FileOrganisation header::column

# Metric2Key contains a case-sensitive list of paired metric IDs:
#     {MeasureID KeyName [Format]}
# where:
#   - MeasureID is the id of the measure as defined in your analysis model
#   - KeyName, depending on the FileOrganisation, is either the name of the column or the name
#      in the cell preceding the value to import as found in the input CSV file
#   - Format is the optional format of the data, the only accepted format
#      is "text" to attach textual information to an artefact, for normal metrics omit this field
set Metric2Key {
	{BRANCHES Branchs}
	{VERSIONS Versions}
	{CREATED Created}
	{IDENTICAL Identical}
	{ADDED Added}
	{REMOV Removed}
	{MODIF Modified}
	{COMMENT Comment text}

= Sample CSV Input Files =

Example 1:
 FileOrganisation : header::column
 ArtefactLevel : File
 ArtefactKey   : Path

Path	Branchs	Versions
./foo.c	15		105
./bar.c	12		58

Example 2:
 FileOrganisation : alternate::line
 ArtefactLevel : File
 ArtefactKey   : Path

Path	./foo.c	Branchs	15	Versions	105
Path	./bar.c	Branchs	12	Versions	58

Example 3:
 FileOrganisation : header::column
 ArtefactLevel : Application

ChangeRequest	Corrected	Open
27				15			11

Example 4:
 FileOrganisation : alternate::column
 ArtefactLevel : Application

ChangeRequest	15
Corrected		11

Example 5:
 FileOrganisation : alternate::column
 ArtefactLevel : File
 ArtefactKey   : Path

Path	./foo.c
Branchs	15
Versions	105
Path	./bar.c
Branchs	12
Versions	58

Example 6:
 FileOrganisation : header::column
 ArtefactLevel : Function
 ArtefactKey   : Path
 FunctionKey   : Name

Path	Name	Decisions Tested
./foo.c	end_game(int*,int*)	15		3
./bar.c	bar(char)	12		6

Working With Paths:

- Path seperators are unified: you do not need to worry about handling differences between Windows and Linux
- With the option PathsAreCaseInsensitive, case is ignored when searching for files in the Squore internal data
- Paths known by Squore are relative paths starting at the root of what was specified in the repository connector durign the analysis. This relative path is the one used to match with a path in a csv file.

Here is a valid example of file matching:
  1. You provide C:\A\B\C\D as the root folder in a repository connector
  2. C:\A\B\C\D contains E\e.c then Squore will know E/e.c as a file

  3. You provide a csv file produced on linux and containing
    /tmp/X/Y/E/e.c as path, then Squore will be able to match it with the known file.

Squore uses the longest possible match.
In case of conflict, no file is found and a message is sent to the log.

csv_findings Reference

= csv_findings =

The csv_findings data provider is used to import findings (rule violations) and attach them to artefacts of type Application, File or Function.
The format of the csv file given as parameter has to be:


FILE : is the full path of the file where the finding is located
FUNCTION : is the name of the function where the finding is located
RULE_ID : is the Squore ID of the rule which is violated
MESSAGE : is the specific message of the violation
LINE: is the line number where the violation occurs
COL: (optional, leave empty if not provided) is the column number where the violation occurs
STATUS: (optional, leave empty if not provided) is the staus of the relaxation if the violation has to be relaxed (DEROGATION, FALSE_POSITIVE, LEGACY)
STATUS_MSG: (optional, leave empty if not provided) is the message for the relaxation when relaxed
TOOL: is the tool providing the violation

The header line is read and ignored (it has to be there)
The separator (semicolon by default) can be changed in the config.tcl file (see below)
The delimiter (no delimiter by default) can be changed in the config.tcl (see below)

= config.tcl =

Sample config.tcl file:
# The separator used in the input CSV file
# Usually ; or \t
set Separator \;

# The delimiter used in the CSV input file
# This is normally left empty, except when you know that some of the values in the CSV file
# contain the separator itself, for example:
# "A text containing ; the separator";no problem;end
# In this case, you need to set the delimiter to \" in order for the data provider to find 3 values instead of 4.
# To include the delimiter itself in a value, you need to escape it by duplicating it, for example:
# "A text containing "" the delimiter";no problemo;end
# Default: none
set Delimiter \"

# You can add some patterns to avoid new findings when some strings in the finding message changes
# i.e. Unreachable code Default switch clause is unreachable. switch-expression at line 608 (column 12).
# In this case we do not want the line number to be part of the signagture of the finding,
# to achieve this user will add a pattern as shown below (patterns are TCL regex patterns):
lappend InconstantFindingsPatterns {at line [0-9]+}

CsvPerl Reference

= CsvPerl =

The CsvPerl framework offers the same functionality as Csv, but instead of dealing with the raw input files directly, it allows you to run a perl script to modify them and produce a CSV file with the expected input format for the Csv framework.

= form.xml =

In your form.xml, specify the input parameters you need for your Data Provider.
Our example will use two parameters: a path to a CSV file and another text parameter:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tags baseName="CsvPerl" needSources="true">
	<tag type="text" key="csv" defaultValue="/path/to/csv" />
	<tag type="text" key="param" defaultValue="MyValue" />

- Since Csv-based data providers commonly rely on artefacts created by Squan Sources, you can set the needSources attribute to force users to specify at least one repository connector when creating a project.

= config.tcl =

Refer to the description of config.tcl for the Csv framework.

For CsvPerl one more option is possible:

# The variable NeedSources is used to request the perl script to be executed once for each
# repository node of the project. In that case an additional parameter is sent to the
# perl script (see below for its position)
#set ::NeedSources 1

= Sample CSV Input Files =

Refer to the examples for the Csv framework.

= Perl Script =

The perl scipt will receive as arguments:
 - all parameters defined in form.xml (as -${key} $value)
 - the input directory to process (only if ::NeedSources is set to 1 in the config.tcl file)
 - the location of the output directory where temporary files can be generated
 - the full path of the csv file to be generated

For the form.xml we created earlier in this document, the command line will be:
 perl <configuration_folder>/tools/CustomDP/ -csv /path/to/csv -param MyValue <output_folder> <output_folder>/CustomDP.csv

Example of perl script:
use strict;
use warnings;
$|=1 ;

($csvKey, $csvValue, $paramKey, $paramValue, $output_folder, $output_csv) = @ARGV;

	# Parse input CSV file
	# ...

	# Write results to CSV
	open(CSVFILE, ">" . ${output_csv}) || die "perl: can not write: $!\n";
	binmode(CSVFILE, ":utf8");
	print CSVFILE  "ChangeRequest;15";
	close CSVFILE;

exit 0;

Generic Reference

= Generic =

The Generic framework is the most flexible Data Provider framework, since it allows attaching metrics, findings, textual information and links to artefacts. If the artefacts do not exist in your project, they will be created automatically. It takes one or more CSV files as input (one per type of information you want to import) and works with any type of artefact.

= form.xml =

In form.xml, allow users to specify the path to a CSV file for each type of data you want to import.
You can set needSources to true or false, depending on whether or not you want to require the use of a repository connector when your custom Data Provider is used.

Example of form.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tags baseName="Generic" needSources="false">
	<!-- Path to CSV file containing Metrics data -->
	<tag type="text" key="csv" defaultValue="mydata.csv" />
	<!-- Path to CSV file containing Findings data: -->
	<tag type="text" key="fdg" defaultValue="mydata_fdg.csv" />
	<!-- Path to CSV file containing Information data: -->
	<tag type="text" key="inf" defaultValue="mydata_inf.csv" />
	<!-- Path to CSV file containing Links data: -->
	<tag type="text" key="lnk" defaultValue="mydata_lnk.csv" />

Note: All tags are optional. You only need to specify the tag element for the type of data you want to import with your custom Data Provider.

= config.tcl =

Sample config.tcl file:
# The separator used in the input csv files
# Usually \t or ; or ,
# In our example below, a space is used.
set Separator " "

# The delimiter used in the input CSV file
# This is normally left empty, except when you know that some of the values in the CSV file
# contain the separator itself, for example:
# "A text containing ; the separator";no problem;end
# In this case, you need to set the delimiter to \" in order for the data provider to find 3 values instead of 4.
# To include the delimiter itself in a value, you need to escape it by duplicating it, for example:
# "A text containing "" the delimiter";no problemo;end
# Default: none
set Delimiter \"

# The path separator in an artefact's path
# in the input CSV file.
# Note that artefact is spellt with an "i"
# and not an "e" in this option.
set ArtifactPathSeparator "/"

# If the data provider needs to specify a different toolName (optional)
set SpecifyToolName 1

# Metric2Key contains a case-sensitive list of paired metric IDs:
#     {MeasureID KeyName [Format]}
# where:
#   - MeasureID is the id of the measure as defined in your analysis model
#   - KeyName is the name in the cell preceding the value to import as found in the input CSV file
#   - Format is the optional format of the data, the only accepted format
#      is "text" to attach textual information to an artefact. Note that the same result can also
#       be achieved with Info2Key (see below). For normal metrics omit this field.
set Metric2Key {
	{CHANGES Changed}

# Finding2Key contains a case-sensitive list of paired rule IDs:
#     {FindingID KeyName}
# where:
#   - FindingID is the id of the rule as defined in your analysis model
#   - KeyName is the name in the finding name in the input CSV file
set Finding2Key {
	{R_NOTLINKED NotLinked}

# Info2Key contains a case-sensitive list of paired info IDs:
#     {InfoID KeyName}
# where:
#   - InfoID is the id of the textual information as defiend in your analysis model
#   - KeyName is the name of the information name in the input CSV file
set Info2Key

# Ignore findings for artefacts that are not part of the project (orphan findings)
# When set to 1, the findings are ignored
# When set to 0, the findings are imported and attached to the APPLICATION node
# (default: 1)
set IgnoreIfArtefactNotFound 1

# If data in csv concerns source code artefacts (File, Class or Function), the way to
# match file paths can be case-insensitive
# true or false (default)
# This is used when searching for a matching artefact in already-existing artefacts.
set PathsAreCaseInsensitive "false"

# For findings of a type that is not in your ruleset, set a default rule ID.
# The value for this parameter must be a valid rule ID from your analysys model.
# (default: empty)
set UnknownRuleId UNKNOWN_RULE

# Save the total count of orphan findings as a metric at application level
# Specify the ID of the metric to use in your analysys model
# to store the information
# (default: empty)
set OrphanArteCountId NB_ORPHANS

# Save the total count of unknown rules as a metric at application level
# Specify the ID of the metric to use in your analysys model
# to store the information
# (default: empty)
set OrphanRulesCountId NB_UNKNOWN_RULES

# Save the list of unknown rule IDs as textual information at application level
# Specify the ID of the metric to use in your analysys model
# to store the information
# (default: empty)
set OrphanRulesListId UNKNOWN_RULES_INFO

=  CSV File Format =

All the examples listed below assume the use of the following config.tcl:

set Separator ","
set ArtifactPathSeparator "/"
set Metric2Key {
	{CHANGES Changed}
set Finding2Key {
	{R_NOTLINKED NotLinked}
set Info2Key

How to reference an artefact:
 ==> artefact_type artefact_path

 References the following artefact
      Requirements (type: REQ_MODULES)
			Module (type: REQ_MODULE)
				My_Req	(type: REQUIREMENT)

Note: For source code artefacts there are 3 special artefact kinds:
 ==> FILE file_path
 ==> CLASS file_path (Name|Line)
 ==> FUNCTION file_path (Name|Line)

 FUNCTION src/file.c 23
 references the function which contains line 23 in the source file src/file.c, if no
 function found the line whole line of the csv file is ignored.

 FUNCTION src/file.c foo()
 references a function named foo in source file src/file.c. If more than one function foo
 is defined in this file, then the signature of the function (which is optional) is used
 to find the best match.

Layout for Metrics File:
 ==> artefact_type artefact_path (Key Value)*

 When the parent artefact type is not given it defaults to <artefact_type>_FOLDER.

 will produce the following artefact tree:
      Requirements (type: REQ_MODULE_FOLDER)
          Module (type: REQ_MODULE)
              My_Req : (type: REQUIREMENT) with 1 metric CHANGES = 1

Note: the key "Changed" is mapped to the metric "CHANGES", as specified by the Metric2Key parameter, so that it matches what is expected by the model.

Layout for Findings File:
 ==> artefact_type artefact_path key message

 When the parent artefact type is not given it defaults to <artefact_type>_FOLDER.
 REQUIREMENT,Requirements/Module/My_Req,NotLinked,A Requiremement should always been linked

 will produce the following artefact tree:
      Requirements (type: REQ_MODULE_FOLDER)
          Module (type: REQ_MODULE)
              My_Req (type: REQUIREMENT) with 1 finding R_NOTLINKED whose description is "A Requiremement should always been linked"

Note: the key "NotLinked" is mapped to the finding "R_NOTLINKED", as specified by the Finding2Key parameter, so that it matches what is expected by the model.

Layout for Textual Information File:
 ==> artefact_type artefact_path label value

 When the parent artefact type is not given it defaults to <artefact_type>_FOLDER.
 REQUIREMENT,Requirements/Module/My_Req,Label,This is the label of the req

 will produce the following artefact tree:
      Requirements (type: REQ_MODULE_FOLDER)
          Module (type: REQ_MODULE)
              My_Req (type: REQUIREMENT) with 1 information of type SPECIAL_LABEL whose content is "This is the label of the req"

Note: the label "Label" is mapped to the finding "SPECIAL_LABEL", as specified by the Info2Key parameter, so that it matches what is expected by the model.

Layout for Links File:
 ==> artefact_type artefact_path dest_artefact_type dest_artefact_path link_type

 When the parent artefact type is not given it defaults to <artefact_type>_FOLDER
 REQ_MODULE Requirements/Module
 TEST_MODULE Tests/Module
 REQUIREMENT Requirements/Module/My_Req TEST Tests/Module/My_test TESTED_BY

 will produce the following artefact tree:
	Requirements (type: REQ_MODULE_FOLDER)
		Module (type: REQ_MODULE)
			My_Req (type: REQUIREMENT) ------>
	Tests (type: TEST_MODULE_FOLDER)           |
		Module (type: TEST_MODULE)             |
			My_Test (type: TEST) <------------+ link (type: TESTED_BY)

The TESTED_BY relationship is created with My_Req as source of the link and My_test as the destination

CSV file organisation when SpecifyToolName is set to 1
When the variable SpecifyToolName is set to 1 (or true) a column has to be added
at the beginning of each line in each csv file. This column can be empty or filled with a different toolName.

 MyReqChecker,REQUIREMENT,Requirements/Module/My_Req Label,This is the label of the req

The finding of type Label will be set as reported by the tool "MyReqChecker".

GenericPerl Reference

= GenericPerl =

The GenericPerl framework is an extension of the Generic framework that starts by running a perl script in order to generate the metrics, findings, information and links files. It is useful if you have an input file whose format needs to be converted to match the one expected by the Generic framework, or if you need to retrieve and modify information exported from a web service on your network.

= form.xml =

In your form.xml, specify the input parameters you need for your Data Provider.
Our example will use two parameters: a path to a CSV file and another text parameter:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tags baseName="CsvPerl" needSources="false">
	<tag type="text" key="csv" defaultValue="/path/to/csv" />
	<tag type="text" key="param" defaultValue="MyValue" />

= config.tcl =

Refer to the description of config.tcl for the Generic framework for the basic options.
Additionally, the following options are available for the GenericPerl framework, in order to know which type of information your custom Data Provider should try to import.

# If the data provider needs to specify a different toolName (optional)
#set SpecifyToolName 1

# Set to 1 to import metrics csv file, 0 otherwise

# ImportMetrics
# When set to 1, your custom Data Provider (CustomDP) will try to import
# metrics from a file called that your perl script
# should generate according to the expected format described in the
# documentation of the Generic framework.
set ImportMetrics 1

# ImportInfos
# When set to 1, your custom Data Provider (CustomDP) will try to import
# textual information from a file called CustomDP.inf.csv that your perl script
# should generate according to the expected format described in the
# documentation of the Generic framework.
set ImportInfos 0

# ImportFindings
# When set to 1, your custom Data Provider (CustomDP) will try to import
# findings from a file called CustomDP.fdg.csv that your perl script
# should generate according to the expected format described in the
# documentation of the Generic framework.
set ImportFindings 1

# ImportLinks
# When set to 1, your custom Data Provider (CustomDP) will try to import
# artefact links from a file called CustomDP.lnk.csv that your perl script
# should generate according to the expected format described in the
# documentation of the Generic framework.
set ImportLinks 0

# Ignore findings for artefacts that are not part of the project (orphan findings)
# When set to 1, the findings are ignored
# When set to 0, the findings are imported and attached to the APPLICATION node
# (default: 1)
set IgnoreIfArtefactNotFound 1

# For findings of a type that is not in your ruleset, set a default rule ID.
# The value for this parameter must be a valid rule ID from your analysys model.
# (default: empty)
set UnknownRuleId UNKNOWN_RULE

# Save the total count of orphan findings as a metric at application level
# Specify the ID of the metric to use in your analysys model
# to store the information
# (default: empty)
set OrphanArteCountId NB_ORPHANS

# Save the total count of unknown rules as a metric at application level
# Specify the ID of the metric to use in your analysys model
# to store the information
# (default: empty)
set OrphanRulesCountId NB_UNKNOWN_RULES

# Save the list of unknown rule IDs as textual information at application level
# Specify the ID of the metric to use in your analysys model
# to store the information
# (default: empty)
set OrphanRulesListId UNKNOWN_RULES_INFO

=  CSV File Format =

Refer to the examples in the Generic framework.

= Perl Script =

The perl scipt will receive as arguments:
- all parameters defined in form.xml (as -${key} $value)
- the location of the output directory where temporary files can be generated
- the full path of the metric csv file to be generated (if ImportMetrics is set to 1 in config.tcl)
- the full path of the findings csv file to be generated (if ImportFindings is set to 1 in config.tcl)
- the full path of the textual information csv file to be generated (if ImportInfos is set to 1 in config.tcl)
- the full path of the links csv file to be generated (if ImportLinks is set to 1 in config.tcl)
- the full path to the output directory used by this data provider in the previous analysis

For the form.xml and config.tcl we created earlier in this document, the command line will be:
 perl <configuration_folder>/tools/CustomDP/ -csv /path/to/csv -param MyValue <output_folder> <output_folder>/ <output_folder>/CustomDP.fdg.csv <previous_output_folder>

The following perl functions are made available in the perl environment so you can use them in your script:
- get_tag_value(key) (returns the value for $key parameter from your form.xml)
- get_output_metric()
- get_output_finding()
- get_output_info()
- get_output_link()
- get_output_dir()
- get_input_dir() (returns the folder containing sources if needSources is set to 1)
- get_previous_dir()

Example of perl script:
use strict;
use warnings;
$|=1 ;

	# Parse input CSV file
	my $csvFile = get_tag_value("csv");
	my $param = get_tag_value("param");
	# ...

	# Write metrics to CSV
	open(METRICS_FILE, ">" . get_output_metric()) || die "perl: can not write: $!\n";
	binmode(METRICS_FILE, ":utf8");
	print METRICS_FILE  "REQUIREMENTS;Requirements/All_Requirements;NB_REQ;15";

	# Write findings to CSV
	open(FINDINGS_FILE, ">" . get_output_findings()) || die "perl: can not write: $!\n";
	binmode(FINDINGS_FILE, ":utf8");
	print FINDINGS_FILE  "REQUIREMENTS;Requirements/All_Requirements;R_LOW_REQS;\"The minimum number of requirement should be at least 25.\"";

exit 0;

FindingsPerl Reference

= FindingsPerl =

The FindingsPerl framework is used to import findings and attach them to existing artefacts. Optionally, if an artefact cannot be found in your project, the finding can be attached to the root node of the project instead. When launching a Data Provider based on the FindingsPerl framework, a perl script is run first. This perl script is used to generate a CSV file with the expected format which will then be parsed by the framework.

= form.xml =

In your form.xml, specify the input parameters you need for your Data Provider.
Our example will use two parameters: a path to a CSV file and another text parameter:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tags baseName="CsvPerl" needSources="true">
	<tag type="text" key="csv" defaultValue="/path/to/csv" />
	<tag type="text" key="param" defaultValue="MyValue" />

- Since FindingsPerl-based data providers commonly rely on artefacts created by Squan Sources, you can set the needSources attribute to force users to specify at least one repository connector when creating a project.

= config.tcl =

Sample config.tcl file:
# The separator to be used in the generated CSV file
# Usually \t or ;
set Separator ";"

# The delimiter used in the input CSV file
# This is normally left empty, except when you know that some of the values in the CSV file
# contain the separator itself, for example:
# "A text containing ; the separator";no problem;end
# In this case, you need to set the delimiter to \" in order for the data provider to find 3 values instead of 4.
# To include the delimiter itself in a value, you need to escape it by duplicating it, for example:
# "A text containing "" the delimiter";no problemo;end
# Default: none
set Delimiter \"

# Should the perl script execcuted once for each repository node of the project ?
# 1 or 0 (default)
# If true an additional parameter is sent to the
# perl script (see below for its position)
set ::NeedSources 0

# Should the violated rules definitions be generated?
# true or false (default)
# This creates a ruleset file with rules that are not already
# part of your analysis model so you can review it and add
# the rules manually if needed.
set generateRulesDefinitions false

# Should the File paths be case-insensitive?
# true or false (default)
# This is used when searching for a matching artefact in already-existing artefacts.
set PathsAreCaseInsensitive false

# Should file artefacts declared in the input CSV file be created automatically?
# true (default) or false
set CreateMissingFile true

# Ignore findings for artefacts that are not part of the project (orphan findings)
# When set to 0, the findings are imported and attached to the APPLICATION node instead of the real artefact
# When set to 1, the findings are not imported at all
# (default: 0)
set IgnoreIfArtefactNotFound 0

# For findings of a type that is not in your ruleset, set a default rule ID.
# The value for this parameter must be a valid rule ID from your analysis model.
# (default: empty)
set UnknownRuleId UNKNOWN_RULE

# Save the total count of orphan findings as a metric at application level
# Specify the ID of the metric to use in your analysys model
# to store the information
# (default: empty)
set OrphanArteCountId NB_ORPHANS

# Save the total count of unknown rules as a metric at application level
# Specify the ID of the metric to use in your analysys model
# to store the information
# (default: empty)
set OrphanRulesCountId NB_UNKNOWN_RULES

# Save the list of unknown rule IDs as textual information at application level
# Specify the ID of the metric to use in your analysys model
# to store the information
# (default: empty)
set OrphanRulesListId UNKNOWN_RULES_INFO

# The tool version to specify in the generated rules definitions
# The default value is ""
# Note that the toolName is the name of the folder you created
# for your custom Data Provider
set ToolVersion ""

# FileOrganisation defines the layout of the CSV file that is produced by your perl script:
#     header::column: values are referenced from the column header
#     header::line: NOT AVAILABLE
#     alternate::line: NOT AVAILABLE
#     alternate::column: NOT AVAILABLE
set FileOrganisation header::column

# In order to attach a finding to an artefact of type FILE:
#   - Tool (optional) if present it overrides the name of the tool providing the finding
#   - Path has to be the path of the file
#   - Type has to be set to FILE
#   - Line can be either empty or the line in the file where the finding is located
#   Rule is the rule identifier, can be used as is or translated using Rule2Key
#   Descr is the description message, which can be empty
# In order to attach a finding to an artefact of type FUNCTION:
#   - Tool (optional) if present it overrides the name of the tool providing the finding
#   - Path has to be the path of the file containing the function
#   - Type has to be FUNCTION
#   - If line is an integer, the system will try to find an artefact function
#		at the given line of the file
#   - If no Line or Line is not an integer, Name is used to find an artefact in
# 		the given file having name and signature as found in this column.
# (Line and Name are optional columns)

# Rule2Key contains a case-sensitive list of paired rule IDs:
#     {RuleID KeyName}
# where:
#   - RuleID is the id of the rule as defined in your analysis model
#   - KeyName is the rule ID as written by your perl script in the produced CSV file
# Note: Rules that are not mapped keep their original name. The list of unmapped rules is in the log file generated by your Data Provider.
set Rule2Key {
	{	ExtractedRuleID_1	MappedRuleId_1	 }
	{	ExtractedRuleID_2	MappedRuleId_2	 }

=  CSV File Format =

According to the options defined earlier in config.tcl, a valid csv file would be:

/src/project/module1/f1.c;FILE;12;;R1;Rule R1 is violated because variable v1
/src/project/module1/f1.c;FUNCTION;202;;R4;Rule R4 is violated because function f1
/src/project/module2/f2.c;FUNCTION;42;;R1;Rule R1 is violated because variable v2
/src/project/module2/f2.c;FUNCTION;;skip_line(int);R1;Rule R1 is violated because variable v2

Working With Paths:

- Path seperators are unified: you do not need to worry about handling differences between Windows and Linux
- With the option PathsAreCaseInsensitive, case is ignored when searching for files in the Squore internal data
- Paths known by Squore are relative paths starting at the root of what was specified in the repository connector durign the analysis. This relative path is the one used to match with a path in a csv file.

Here is a valid example of file matching:
  1. You provide C:\A\B\C\D as the root folder in a repository connector
  2. C:\A\B\C\D contains E\e.c then Squore will know E/e.c as a file

  3. You provide a csv file produced on linux and containing
    /tmp/X/Y/E/e.c as path, then Squore will be able to match it with the known file.

Squore uses the longest possible match.
In case of conflict, no file is found and a message is sent to the log.

= Perl Script =

The perl scipt will receive as arguments:
	- all parameters defined in form.xml (as -${key} $value)
	- the input directory to process (only if ::NeedSources is set to 1)
	- the location of the output directory where temporary files can be generated
	- the full path of the findings csv file to be generated

For the form.xml and config.tcl we created earlier in this document, the command line will be:
 perl <configuration_folder>/tools/CustomDP/ -csv /path/to/csv -param MyValue <output_folder> <output_folder>/CustomDP.fdg.csv <output_folder>/CustomDP.fdg.csv

Example of perl script:
use strict;
use warnings;
$|=1 ;

($csvKey, $csvValue, $paramKey, $paramValue, $output_folder, $output_csv) = @ARGV;

	# Parse input CSV file
	# ...

	# Write results to CSV
	open(CSVFILE, ">" . ${output_csv}) || die "perl: can not write: $!\n";
	binmode(CSVFILE, ":utf8");
	print CSVFILE "Path;Type;Line;Name;Rule;Descr";
	print CSVFILE "/src/project/module1/f1.c;FILE;12;;R1;Rule R1 is violated because variable v1";
	close CSVFILE;

exit 0;

ExcelMetrics Reference

= ExcelMetrics =

The ExcelMetrics framework is used to extract information from one or more Microsoft Excel files (.xls or .xslx). A detailed configuration file allows defining how the Excel document should be read and what information should be extracted. This framework allows importing metrics, findings and textual information to existing artefacts or artefacts that will be created by the Data Provider.

= form.xml =

You can customise form.xml to either:
- specify the path to a single Excel file to import
- specify a pattern to import all Excel files matching this pattern in a directory

In order to import a single Excel file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tags baseName="ExcelMetrics" needSources="false">
	<tag type="text" key="excel" defaultValue="/path/to/mydata.xslx" />

- The excel key is mandatory.

In order to import all files matching a patter in a folder:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tags baseName="ExcelMetrics" needSources="false">
	<!-- Root directory containing Excel files to import-->
	<tag type="text" key="dir" defaultValue="/path/to/mydata" />
	<!-- Pattern that needs to be matched by a file name in order to import it-->
	<tag type="text" key="ext" defaultValue="*.xlsx" />
	<!-- search for files in sub-folders -->
	<tag type="booleanChoice" defaultValue="true" key="sub" />

- The dir and ext keys are mandatory
- The sub key is optional (and its value set to false if not specified)

= config.tcl =

Sample config.tcl file:
# The separator to be used in the generated csv file
# Usually \t or ; or ,
set Separator  ";"

# The delimiter used in the input CSV file
# This is normally left empty, except when you know that some of the values in the CSV file
# contain the separator itself, for example:
# "A text containing ; the separator";no problem;end
# In this case, you need to set the delimiter to \" in order for the data provider to find 3 values instead of 4.
# To include the delimiter itself in a value, you need to escape it by duplicating it, for example:
# "A text containing "" the delimiter";no problemo;end
# Default: none
set Delimiter \"

# The path separator in an artefact's path
# in the generated CSV file.
set ArtefactPathSeparator "/"

# Ignore findings for artefacts that are not part of the project (orphan findings)
# When set to 1, the findings are ignored
# When set to 0, the findings are imported and attached to the APPLICATION node
# (default: 1)
set IgnoreIfArtefactNotFound 1

# For findings of a type that is not in your ruleset, set a default rule ID.
# The value for this parameter must be a valid rule ID from your analysys model.
# (default: empty)
set UnknownRuleId UNKNOWN_RULE

# Save the total count of orphan findings as a metric at application level
# Specify the ID of the metric to use in your analysys model
# to store the information
# (default: empty)
set OrphanArteCountId NB_ORPHANS

# Save the total count of unknown rules as a metric at application level
# Specify the ID of the metric to use in your analysys model
# to store the information
# (default: empty)
set OrphanRulesCountId NB_UNKNOWN_RULES

# Save the list of unknown rule IDs as textual information at application level
# Specify the ID of the metric to use in your analysys model
# to store the information
# (default: empty)
set OrphanRulesListId UNKNOWN_RULES_INFO

# The list of the Excel sheets to read, each sheet has the number of the first line to read
# A Perl regexp pattern can be used instead of the name of the sheet (the first sheet matching
# the pattern will be considered)
set Sheets {{Baselines 5} {ChangeNotes 5}}

# ######################
# ######################
# - <value> is a list of column specifications whose values will be concatened. When no column name is present, the
#         text is taken as it appears. Optional sheet name can be added (with ! char to separate from the column name)
#		Examples:
#            - {C:} the value will be the value in column C on the current row
#            - {C: B:} the value will be the concatenation of values found in column C and B of the current row
#            - {Deliveries} the value will be Deliveries
#            - {BJ: " - " BL:} the value will be the concatenation of value found in column BJ,
#            	 string " - " and the value found in column BL fo the current row
#            - {OtherSheet!C:} the value will be the value in column C from the sheet OtherSheet on the current row
#  - <condition> is a list of conditions. An empty condition is always true. A condition is a column name followed by colon,
#              optionally followed by a perl regexp. Optional sheet name can be added (with ! char to separate from the column name)
#		Examples:
#       - {B:} the value in column B must be empty on the current row
#       - {B:.+} the value in column B can not be empty on the current row
#       - {B:R_.+} the value in column B is a word starting by R_ on the current row
#       - {A: B:.+ C:R_.+} the value in column A must be empty and the value in column B must contain something and
#       	the column C contains a word starting with R_  on the current row
#       - {OtherSheet!B:.+} the value in column B from sheet OtherSheet on the current row can not be empty.

# #############
# #############
# The variable is a list of artefact hierarchy specification:
# {ArtefactHierarchySpec1 ArtefactHierarchySpec2 ... ArtefactHierarchySpecN}
# where each ArtefactHierarchySpecx is a list of ArtefactSpec
# An ArtefactSpec is a list of items, each item being:
# {<(sheetName!)?artefactType> <conditions> <name> <parentType>? <parentName>?}
# where:
#    - <(sheetName!)?artefactType>: allows specifying the type. Optional sheetName can be added (with ! char to separate from the type) to limit
#                                  the artefact search in one specific sheet. When Sheets are given with regexp, the same regexp has to be used
#                                  for the sheetName.
#                                  If the type is followed by a question mark (?), this level of artefact is optional.
#                                  If the type is followed by a plus char (+), this level is repeatable on the next row
#    - <condition>: see COMMON DEFINITIONS
#    - <value>: the name of the artefact to build, see COMMON DEFINITIONS
#   - <parentType>: This element is optional. When present, it means that the current element will be attached to a parent having this type
#   - <parentValue>: This is a list like <value> to build the name of the artefact of type <parentType>. If such artefact is not found,
#                  the current artefact does not match
# Note: to add metrics at application level, specify an APPLICATION artefact which will match only one line:
#       e.g. {APPLICATION {A:.+} {}} will recognize as application the line having column A not empty.
set ArtefactsSpecs {
		{DELIVERY {} {Deliveries}}
		{RELEASE {E:.+} {E:}}
		{SPRINT {O:SW_Software} {Q:}}
		{DELIVERY {} {Deliveries}}
		{RELEASE {O:SY_System} {Q:}}
		{WP {BL:.+ AF:.+} {BJ: " - " BL:} SPRINT {AF:}}
		{ChangeNotes!TASK {D:(added|changed|unchanged) T:imes} {W: AD:}}
		{WP {} {{Unplanned imes}} SPRINT {AF:}}
		{TASK {BL: D:(added|changed|unchanged) T:imes W:.+} {W: AD:}}

# ###########
# ###########
# Specification of metrics to be retreived
# This is a list where each element is:
#  {<artefactTypeList> <metricId> <condition> <value> <format>}
# Where:
#     - <artefactTypeList>: the list of artefact types for which the metric has to be used
#                       each element of the list is (sheetName!)?artefactType where sheetName is used
#                       to restrict search to only one sheet. sheetName is optional.
#     - <metricId>: the name of the MeasureId to be injected into Squore, as defined in your analysis model
#     - <confition>: see COMMON DEFINITIONS above. This is the condition for the metric to be generated.
#     - <value> : see COMMON DEFINITIONS above. This is the value for the metric (can be built from multi column)
#     - <format> : optional, defaults to NUMBER
#                Possible format are:
#							* DATE_FR, DATE_EN for date stored as string
#							* DATE for cell formatted as date
#                           * NUMBER_FR, NUMBER_EN for number stored as string
#							* NUMBER for cell formatted as number
#                           * LINES for counting the number of text lines in a cell
#     - <formatPattern> : optional
#                Only used by the LINES format.
# 				 This is a pattern (can contain perl regexp) used to filter lines to count
set MetricsSpecs {
	{{WP} WP_STATUS {} {BO:}}
	{{ChangeNotes!TASK} IS_UNPLAN {} {BL:}}
	{{TASK} TASK_TYPE {} {AB:}}

# ############
# ############
# This is a list where each element is:
#  {<artefactTypeList> <findingId> <condition> <value> <localisation>}
# Where:
#     - <artefactTypeList>: the list of artefact type for which the metric has to be used
#                       each element of the list is (sheetName!)?artefactType where sheetName is used
#                       to restrict search to only one sheet. sheetName is optional.
#     - <findingId>: the name of the FindingId to be injected into Squore, as defined in your analysis model
#     - <confition>: see COMMON DEFINITIONS above. This is the condition for the finding to be triggered.
#     - <value>: see COMMON DEFINITIONS above. This is the value for the message of the finding (can be built from multi column)
#     - <localisation>: this a <value> representing the localisation of the finding (free text)
set FindingsSpecs {
	{{WP} {BAD_WP} {BL:.+ AF:.+} {{This WP is not in a correct state } AF:.+} {A:}}

# #######################
# #######################
# This is a list where each element is:
#  {<artefactTypeList> <infoId> <condition> <value>}
# Where:
#     - <artefactTypeList> the list of artefact types for which the info has to be used
#                       each element of the list is (sheetName!)?artefactType where sheetName is used
#                       to restrict search to only one sheet. sheetName is optional.
#     - <infoId> : is the name of the Information to be attached to the artefact, as defined in your analysis model
#     - <confition> : see COMMON DEFINITIONS above. This is the condition for the info to be generated.
#     - <value> : see COMMON DEFINITIONS above. This is the value for the info (can be built from multi column)
set InfosSpecs {
	{{TASK} ASSIGN_TO {} {XB:}}

# ########################
# ########################
# This is a list value specification for MeasureId or InfoId:
#    <MeasureId|InfoId> { {<LABEL1> <value1>} ... {<LABELn> <valuen>}}
# Where:
#    - <MeasureId|InfoId> : is either a MeasureId, an InfoId, or * if it is available for every measureid/infoid
#    - <LABELx> : is the label to macth (can contain perl regexp)
#    - <valuex> : is the value to replace the label by, it has to match the correct format for the metrics (no format for infoid)
# Note: only metrics which are labels in the excel file or information which need to be rewriten, need to be described here.
set Label2ValueSpec {
			{OPENED 0}
			{CLOSED 2}
			{.* -1}
		* {
			{FATAL 0}
			{ERROR 1}
			{WARNING 2}
			{{LEVEL:\s*0} 1}
			{{LEVEL:\s*1} 2}
			{{LEVEL:\s*[2-9]+} 3}

Note that a sample Excel file with its associated config.tcl is available in $SQUORE_HOME/addons/tools/ExcelMetrics in order to further explain available configuration options.

Appendix B: Squore XML Schemas


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified">

  <xs:simpleType name="id">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:pattern value="[A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]+" />

  <xs:simpleType name="relax-status">
	<xs:restriction base="id">
		<xs:enumeration value="RELAXED_DEROGATION"/>
		<xs:enumeration value="RELAXED_LEGACY"/>
		<xs:enumeration value="RELAXED_FALSE_POSITIVE"/>

  <xs:element name="bundle">
      <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:element ref="artifact"/>
        <xs:element ref="finding"/>
        <xs:element ref="info"/>
        <xs:element ref="link"/>
        <xs:element ref="metric"/>
      <xs:attribute name="version" use="required" type="xs:integer" fixed="2"/>

  <xs:element name="artifact">
        <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:element ref="artifact"/>
		  <xs:element ref="finding"/>
          <xs:element ref="metric"/>
          <xs:element ref="key"/>
		  <xs:element ref="info"/>
		  <xs:element ref="link"/>
		  <xs:element ref="milestone"/>
      <xs:attribute name="alias"/>
      <xs:attribute name="art-location"/>
      <xs:attribute name="id"/>
      <xs:attribute name="local-art-location"/>
      <xs:attribute name="local-key"/>
      <xs:attribute name="local-parent"/>
      <xs:attribute name="location"/>
      <xs:attribute name="name"/>
      <xs:attribute name="parent"/>
      <xs:attribute name="path"/>
      <xs:attribute name="type" use="required" type="id"/>
      <xs:attribute name="view-path"/>

  <xs:element name="info">
      <xs:attribute name="local-ref"/>
      <xs:attribute name="name" use="required" type="id"/>
      <xs:attribute name="ref"/>
      <xs:attribute name="tool"/>
      <xs:attribute name="value" use="required"/>

  <xs:element name="key">
      <xs:attribute name="value" use="required"/>

  <xs:element name="metric">
      <xs:attribute name="local-ref"/>
      <xs:attribute name="name" use="required" type="id"/>
      <xs:attribute name="ref"/>
      <xs:attribute name="tool"/>
      <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:decimal" use="required"/>

  <xs:element name="link">
      <xs:attribute name="dst"/>
      <xs:attribute name="local-dst" type="xs:integer"/>
      <xs:attribute name="local-src" type="xs:integer"/>
      <xs:attribute name="name" use="required" type="id"/>
      <xs:attribute name="src"/>

  <xs:element name="finding">
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			<xs:enumeration value="FINDINGS_SEARCH" />
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			<xs:enumeration value="REPORTS_OPTIONS" />
			<xs:enumeration value="REPORTS_OPTION_TEMPLATE" />
			<xs:enumeration value="REPORTS_OPTION_FORMAT" />
			<xs:enumeration value="REPORTS_OPTION_SYNTHETIC_VIEW" />
			<xs:enumeration value="REPORTS_CREATE" />
			<xs:enumeration value="EXPORT_REGION" />
			<xs:enumeration value="EXPORT_OPTIONS" />
			<xs:enumeration value="EXPORT_CREATE" />
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			<xs:enumeration value="WIZARD_ROW_FIRST" />
			<xs:enumeration value="WIZARD_NEXT_BUTTON" />
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			<xs:enumeration value="GENERAL_INFO_BLOCK" />
			<xs:enumeration value="GENERAL_INFO_ROW" />
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			<xs:enumeration value="DP_PANEL" />
			<xs:enumeration value="DP_PANEL_BLOCK" />
			<xs:enumeration value="DP_PANEL_ROW" />
			<xs:enumeration value="DP_PANEL_NEXT_BUTTON" />
			<xs:enumeration value="CONFIRMATION_PANEL" />
			<xs:enumeration value="SUMMARY" />
			<xs:enumeration value="CONFIRMATION_PANEL_PARAMETERS" />
			<xs:enumeration value="RUN_NEW_PROJECT_BUTTON" />

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					<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="preAction" />
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	<xs:element name="help">
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			<xs:attribute name="icon" use="optional" type="xs:string" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified">

	<xs:simpleType name="id">
		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
			<xs:pattern value='[A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]+' />

	<xs:simpleType name="list-id">
		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
			<xs:pattern value='[A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]+(;[A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]+)*' />

	<xs:simpleType name="alignment">
		<xs:restriction base="id">
			<xs:enumeration value="LEFT"/>
			<xs:enumeration value="RIGHT"/>

	<xs:simpleType name="project-status">
		<xs:restriction base="id">
			<xs:enumeration value="IGNORE"/>
			<xs:enumeration value="WARNING"/>
			<xs:enumeration value="ERROR"/>

	<xs:element name="Bundle">
				<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<xs:element ref="tags"/>
					<xs:element ref="wizard"/>

	<xs:element name="tags">
				<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="tag"/>
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			<xs:attribute name="valueAlign" type="alignment"/>

	<xs:element name="tag">
				<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="value"/>
			<xs:attribute name="defaultValue"/>
			<xs:attribute name="displayType"/> <!-- Not display-type because it is case insensitive -->
			<xs:attribute name="group"/>
			<xs:attribute name="groupId" type="id"/>
			<xs:attribute name="measureId" use="required" type="id"/>
			<xs:attribute name="name"/>
			<xs:attribute name="placeholder"/>
			<xs:attribute name="required" type="xs:boolean"/>
			<xs:attribute name="review" type="xs:boolean"/>
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			<xs:attribute name="targetArtefactTypes" type="list-id"/>
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			<xs:attribute name="type" use="required"/> <!-- Not tag-type because it is case insensitive -->
			<xs:attribute name="valueAlign" type="alignment"/>

	<xs:element name="value">
			<xs:attribute name="key" use="required"/>
			<xs:attribute name="value" use="required" type="xs:decimal"/>

	<xs:element name="wizard">
				<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<xs:element ref="tags"/>
					<xs:element ref="milestones"/>
					<xs:element ref="repositories"/>
					<xs:element ref="tools"/>
			<xs:attribute name="autoBaseline" type="xs:boolean"/>
			<xs:attribute name="group"/>
			<xs:attribute name="groups"/>
			<xs:attribute name="hideRulesEdition" type="xs:boolean"/>
			<xs:attribute name="img"/>
			<xs:attribute name="users"/>
			<xs:attribute name="versionPattern"/>
			<xs:attribute name="wizardId" use="required" type="id"/>
			<xs:attribute name="projectsSelection" type="xs:boolean"/>
			<xs:attribute name="name"/>

	<xs:element name="milestones">
			<xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
				<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="goals"/>
				<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="milestone"/>
			<xs:attribute name="canCreateMilestone" type="xs:boolean"/>
			<xs:attribute name="canCreateGoal" type="xs:boolean"/>
			<xs:attribute name="hide" type="xs:boolean"/>
			<xs:attribute name="skipUiValues" type="xs:boolean"/>
			<xs:attribute name="changeableMode" type="xs:boolean"/>

	<xs:element name="goals">
			<xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
				<xs:element ref="goal"/>
			<xs:attribute name="displayableFamilies" use="required" type="list-id"/>

	<xs:element name="goal">
			<xs:attribute name="mandatory" use="required" type="xs:boolean"/>
			<xs:attribute name="measureId" use="required" type="id"/>

	<xs:element name="milestone">
				<xs:element ref="defaultGoal"/>
			<xs:attribute name="id" use="required" type="id"/>
			<xs:attribute name="mandatory" type="xs:boolean"/>

	<xs:element name="defaultGoal">
			<xs:attribute name="measureId" use="required" type="id"/>
			<xs:attribute name="value" use="required" type="xs:integer"/>

	<xs:element name="repositories">
				<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="repository"/>
			<xs:attribute name="all" use="required" type="xs:boolean"/>
			<xs:attribute name="hide" use="required" type="xs:boolean"/>

	<xs:element name="repository">
				<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="param"/>
			<xs:attribute name="checkedInUI" type="xs:boolean"/>
			<xs:attribute name="name" use="required"/>

	<xs:element name="tools">
				<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="tool"/>
			<xs:attribute name="all" type="xs:boolean"/>
			<xs:attribute name="expandedInUI" type="xs:boolean"/>

	<xs:element name="tool">
				<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="param"/>
			<xs:attribute name="checkedInUI" type="xs:boolean"/>
			<xs:attribute name="expandedInUI" type="xs:boolean"/>
			<xs:attribute name="name" use="required"/>
			<xs:attribute name="optional" type="xs:boolean"/>
			<xs:attribute name="projectStatusOnFailure" type="project-status"/>
			<xs:attribute name="projectStatusOnWarning" type="project-status"/>

	<xs:element name="param">
			<xs:attribute name="availableChoices"/>
			<xs:attribute name="name" use="required"/>
			<xs:attribute name="value"/>
			<xs:attribute name="hide" type="xs:boolean"/>

Appendix C: Data Exchange Formats

Highlights to JSON

This reference describes the JSON returned by Squore when exporting data from highlights.

 		"artefact": {     Not available at model level
 			"name": string,
 			"path": string,
 			"id": int,
 			"type": {
 				"name": string,
 				"externalId": string,
 				"id": int
 			"url": string,
 			"version": {
 				"name": string,
 				"id": int
 			"project": {
 				"name": string,
 				"id": int
 		"model": {
 			"name": string,
 			"externalId": string,
 			"id": int
 	"highlights": [
 			"name": string,
 			"columns": [
 					"name": string,
 					"description": string,
 					"suffix": string,
 					"format": number|percent|man_days|man_hours|man_minutes|man_seconds|man_milliseconds|days|hours|minutes|seconds|milliseconds|integer|date|time|datetime,
 					"kind": metric|information|indicator,
 			"artefacts": [
 					"name": string,
 					"path": string,
 					"id": int,
 					"type": {
 						"name": string,
 						"externalId": string,
 						"id": int
 					"url": string,
 							"value": string,
 							"formatted": string,
 							"bgColor": [int, int, int, int],  0-255

Appendix D: External Tools Reference

For more information about External Tools, consult External Tools.


= Generic External Tool =

This default external tool provides a basic framework for creating users, groups, roles, profiles and projects.

In order to create an external tool based on this Generic tool, you need to create 4 files:

- config.tcl (optional) allows to override default options
- form.xml, with a baseName="Generic" attribute
-, where you externalise the strings displayed in the user interface (and optionally a file where you translate those strings)
- execute.tcl, where you get the variables defined in form.xml and config.tcl and run your script

= config.tcl =
The contents of this file overrides default values, for the variable jar, commands and url:

set jar "$squore_home/lib/squore-engine.jar"
set commands "DELEGATE_CREATION"
set url "http://[server]:[port]/SQuORE_Server" #dynamically obtained from the server installation

If the above default values are OK, you do not need a config.tcl file.

= form.xml =
This file is like any other form.xml, but will have to contain the credential part if the create_project pro is called.

= execute.tcl =

This file is normal tcl file. The following proc are predefined:

* read_err msg: sends a message to the log flagged as an error
* read_out msg: sends a message to the log flagged as an info
* create_project args: creates a project.
	The following arguments are automatically set and should not be passed to create_projet:
	The proc returns 1 in case of success and 0 otherwise.
* create_group name ?profiles?
* create_user [-name user_name] [-mail email] [-locale locale] login password ?groups? ?profiles?
* create_profile name
* create_role name
* add_permission name target action

= Example Script =

# set "demo" as password
set pwd {ieSV55Qc+eQOaYDRSha/AjzNTJE=}

create_user -name {Augustus Hill} -mail -locale en augustus $pwd [list admin users]



create_project --name=Earth --wizardId=RISK -r type=FROMPATH,path=$squore_home/samples/c/Earth/V1 --teamUser=augustus,HEAD_OF_DEPARTMENT

Appendix E: Milestones Tutorial


With the introduction milestones in your project, Squore offers new ways to measure your objectives and detect deviations from your goals early. Milestones are a series of goals for specific metrics at certain dates in the life of your project and add the following to your process management:

  • You are alerted early if your current performance shows that you will not meet your goals and can react before it is too late

  • You keep track of your various goals and communicate any change to the rest of your team

  • You can reflect on a project’s history and learn from it

This example focuses on a project that is slipping, and shows how the team reacts along the course of the development process. Our team is tracking several objectives around issue management, technical debt and self-descriptiveness over the lifetime of the project, which includes milestones for 5 sprints labelled SPRINT1 to SPRINT5.

Here is where they stand in the fourth sprint and try to assess whether they will meet their Technical Debt objective for the release date at the end of Sprint 5:

ALL UsingMilestones 01 overview

The chart shows the following information:

  • Vertical dotted lines (markers) on the x-axis for each milestone in the project at the predefined date

  • A solid dark-blue line showing the technical debt value for each version of the project so far

  • A dotted dark-blue line showing estimations for technical debt for future versions absed on the progress so far

  • A dotted red line showing the goals set at the beginning of the project for each sprint for the technical debt metric

  • A solid green line showing the goals as they were revised as time went on (the date for Sprint 4 was moved back).

  • A turquoise area highlighting the acceptable range for the tehnical debt for each sprint, making it clear that the technical debt has never been under control so far, but that projections show that the goal should be met by the end of Sprint 3

In order to understand why changes were made to the goals, let’s go back to V4 and look at the Technical Debt Objective Plan again. The end of Sprint4 still has its original date, and projections aready show that technical debt will not be under control by the end of the sprint.

Our chart is configured to show the projected value for the next 5 analyses (based on the rate of previous analyses), and the firth projection meeting the expectations for SPRINT4 appear well after the original date for SPRINT4.

ALL UsingMilestones 02 underperforming

The team knew this at the time: a Objective alert for Technical Debt action item was opened on as early as V3 to inform them that the current performance could cause problems for their objective set 50 days later.

ALL UsingMilestones 03 actionitemCritical

After a team meeting, it is decided that the best course of action is to keep the goal for the SPRINT4 milestone, but move its date back by one month. The next analysis confirms this on the Technical Debt Objective plan chart, where you see the first deviation between the planned goal (red) and the actual goal (green). The progress objective will be now met:

ALL UsingMilestones 04 dateChange

How it works

In order to add support for milestones to your model, configure your wizard to allow users to create milestones and goals:

<Bundle xmlns:xi="">
	<wizard wizardId="ANALYTICS" versionPattern="v#N1#" img="../../Shared/Wizards/squore_logo.png" hideRulesEdition="FALSE">
		<milestones canCreateMilestone="TRUE" canCreateGoal="TRUE">
			<goals displayableFamilies="ANALYTICS_GOALS" />

The milestones element allows users to create milestones in the project wizard (canCreateMilestone="TRUE") and also set goals (canCreateGoal="TRUE"). The goals can be set for metrics of the GOALS family only in this example (displayableFamilies="ANALYTICS_GOALS").

The result in the web UI is the following:

ALL UsingMilestones 07 wizardFreeztyle
A wizard allowing users to create milestones freely during an analysis

When creating a new project, a user decides to create a Sprint 1 milestone with one objective of 500 for the Technical Debt indicator. Other goals can be set, for the other metrics in the project that belong to the ANALYTICS_GOALS family listed in the dropdown list at the bottom of the table.

If you have company-wide milestones and objectives that need to be set for every project created with the wizard, you can specify the goals directly. Milestones can also be marked as mandatory or optional:

<Bundle xmlns:xi="">
	<wizard wizardId="ANALYTICS_WITH_MILESTONES" versionPattern="v#N1#" img="../../Shared/Wizards/squore_logo.png" hideRulesEdition="FALSE">
		<milestones canCreateMilestone="TRUE" canCreateGoal="TRUE">
			<goals displayableFamilies="GOALS">
				<goal measureId="TECH_DEBT" mandatory="TRUE" highestIsBest="FALSE" />
				<goal measureId="ISSUE_BLOCKER" mandatory="TRUE" highestIsBest="TRUE" />
				<goal measureId="ISSUE_CRITICAL" mandatory="TRUE" highestIsBest="TRUE" />
				<goal measureId="ROKR_SUBSET" mandatory="TRUE" highestIsBest="FALSE" />
			<milestone id="REQUIREMENT_FREEZE" mandatory="TRUE">
				<defaultGoal measureId="TECH_DEBT" value="0" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_BLOCKER" value="1" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_CRITICAL" value="30" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ROKR_SUBSET" value="1" />
			<milestone id="INFRASTRUCTURE_FREEZE" mandatory="TRUE">
				<defaultGoal measureId="TECH_DEBT" value="0" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_BLOCKER" value="1" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_CRITICAL" value="50" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ROKR_SUBSET" value="1" />
			<milestone id="CODE_FREEZE" mandatory="TRUE">
				<defaultGoal measureId="TECH_DEBT" value="0" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_BLOCKER" value="1" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_CRITICAL" value="90" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ROKR_SUBSET" value="0.5" />
			<milestone id="BETA_RELEASE" mandatory="FALSE">
				<defaultGoal measureId="TECH_DEBT" value="1" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_BLOCKER" value="1" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_CRITICAL" value="95" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ROKR_SUBSET" value="0.3" />
			<milestone id="RELEASE" mandatory="TRUE">
				<defaultGoal measureId="TECH_DEBT" value="1" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_BLOCKER" value="1" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ISSUE_CRITICAL" value="100" />
				<defaultGoal measureId="ROKR_SUBSET" value="0" />

When creating a new project, the predefined goals are filled in in the web interface, and you can still add a Beta Release milestone (using the default values specified in the wizard bundle) if needed by using the \+ icon:

ALL UsingMilestones 08 predefined
A project wizard with preconfigured milestones and goals

Command Line

If you create projects using the command line interface, you can specify settings for your milestones with the -M parameter:

-M "id=BETA_RELEASE,date=2017/05/31,ISSUE_CRITICAL=95"

or with a project config file:

			<Milestone id="BETA_RELEASE" date="2017-05-31">
				<Goal id="ISSUE_CRITICAL" value="95" />

Milestone Function

In your analysis model, new functions are available to work with milestones and projections:

  • HAS_MILESTONE([milestoneId or keyword] [, date])

    Checks if a milestone with the specified milestoneId exists in the project. The function returns 0 if no milestone is found, 1 if a milestone is found.

    Find if we are at the last milestone of the project:
  • DATE_MILESTONE([milestoneId or keyword] [, date])

    Returns the date associated to a milestone.

    Find if the date for the milestone BETA_RELEASE has been modified between June 2015 and now:
    Compute the date difference between the previous and next milestones:
    Find the date slip for the next milestone between now and the previous anlaysis:
    Find the amount of time left until the next milestone:
  • GOAL(measureId [, milestoneId or keyword] [, date])

    Returns the goal for a metric at the specified milestone.

    Find the goal for requirement stability set for the milestone PROTOTYPE as of June 2016:
    Find the delta between the goal for TEST between the previous and next milestones:
    Find the delta between the goal for TEST for the next milestone set for the previous analysis and now:
    Find the delta between the current value of TEST and the goal for TEST at the next milestone:

You can use keywords instead of using a milestone ID. You can retrieve information about the next, previous, first or last milestones in the project by using:

  • NEXT

  • NEXT+STEP where STEP is a number indicating how many milestones to jump ahead


  • PREVIOUS-STEP where STEP is a number indicating how many milestones to jump backward


  • LAST

Consut the Configuration Guide for more details.

Milestones in Charts

On your charts, you are now able to:

  • Display the goals defined for each milestone in your project

  • Display the changes made to the goals defined for each milestone

  • Display the date changes for your milestones

  • Show markers for milestone dates and goals

You can also compute metrics with functions like LEAST_SQUARE_FIT(), which lets you calculate projections. This is how the Task Completion chart used in this example was created. You can find its full definition below:

<chart id="OBJECTIVE_TECH_DEBT" type="TE" byTime="true" dateFormat="MM/yy" yMin="0" displayOnlyIf="HAD_GOAL_TECH_DEBT">
	<dataset renderer="LINE">
		<measure dataBounds="[0;[" color="#0B3861" stroke="SOLID" shape="CIRCLE" alpha="200" label="Actual">TECH_DEBT</measure>
		<measure color="#0B3861" stroke="DOTTED" shape="CIRCLE" alpha="200" label="Projected">TECH_DEBT
				<estimatedVersion timeValue="CUR_BUILD_DATE+1*DELTA_MEAN"/>
				<estimatedVersion timeValue="CUR_BUILD_DATE+2*DELTA_MEAN"/>
				<estimatedVersion timeValue="CUR_BUILD_DATE+3*DELTA_MEAN"/>
				<estimatedVersion timeValue="CUR_BUILD_DATE+4*DELTA_MEAN"/>
				<estimatedVersion timeValue="CUR_BUILD_DATE+5*DELTA_MEAN"/>

	<dataset renderer="AREA_STEP">
		<goal dataBounds="[0;[" color="88,250,130" stroke="SOLID" shape="DIAMOND" alpha="150" label="Objective Zone">TECH_DEBT</goal>

	<dataset renderer="STEP">
		<goal dataBounds="[0;[" color="#31B404" stroke="SOLID" shape="DIAMOND" alpha="255" label="Revised">TECH_DEBT</goal>
		<goal dataBounds="[0;[" color="#FE2E2E" stroke="DOTTED" shape="CIRCLE" alpha="255" label="Planned" versionDate="FIRST_BUILD_DATE">TECH_DEBT</goal>

		<marker alpha="150" color="189,189,189" isVertical="false" endValue="0"/>
		<marker fromMilestones="true" alpha="150" isVertical="true" stroke="DOTTED" />

The action items monitoring the project’s progress also make use of the new GOAL() function and were defined as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
					<Test expr="GOAL_TECH_DEBT" bounds="[1;1]" descrId="GOAL_IS_ACTIVATED" p0="#{MEASURE.GOAL_ESTIMATED_TECH_DEBT}" />
					<Test expr="DAY_TO_ESTIMATION" bounds="];[" descrId="DAY_TO_ESTIMATION" p0="#{MEASURE.DAY_TO_ESTIMATION}" />

Find out More

Check out the Getting Started Guide and the Configuration Guide to learn everything about milestones in Squore.



**** Index of Charts
* Supported only in Artefact Dashboards
Artefact Time Series
Cell Artefact Table
Control Flow Chart
Key Performance Indicator
Optimised Bar
Optimised Pie
Simple Temporal Evolution Stacked Bar Chart
Temporal Optimised Stacked Bar
** Supported in Model/Group Dashboards and Artefact Dashboards
Artefact Pie
Artefact Scrumboard
Artefact Series
Artefact Table
Distribution Table
Pivot Table
SQALE Pyramid
Simple Bar
Simple Pie
Stacked Bar Chart
Temporal Evolution
Text Values
Artefact Pie
Artefact Pie
Artefact Scrumboard
Artefact Scrumboard
Artefact Series
Artefact Series
Artefact Table
Artefact Table
Artefact Time Series
Artefact Time Series
Cell Artefact Table
Cell Artefact Table
Control Flow
Control Flow Chart
Distribution Table
Distribution Table
Key Performance Indicator
Key Performance Indicator
Optimised Bar
Optimised Bar
Optimised Pie
Optimised Pie
Pivot Table
Pivot Table
SQALE Pyramid
SQALE Pyramid
Simple Bar
Simple Bar
Simple Pie
Simple Pie
Simple Temporal Evolution Stacked Bar Chart
Simple Temporal Evolution Stacked Bar Chart
Stacked Bar Chart
Stacked Bar Chart
Temporal Evolution
Temporal Evolution
Temporal Optimised Stacked Bar
Temporal Optimised Stacked Bar
Text Values
Text Values
**** Index of Functions
* Functions supported in Charts
Conditional and Level-Related Functions, Conditional and Level-Related Functions
Date Functions, Date Functions
Mathematical Functions, Mathematical Functions
String Matching Functions, String Matching Functions
Mathematical Functions
Temporal Functions
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
String Matching Functions
Mathematical Functions
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
Mathematical Functions
Mathematical Functions
String Matching Functions
Date Functions
Milestone Functions
Date Functions
Temporal Functions
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
Date Functions
String Matching Functions
String Matching Functions
Mathematical Functions
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
Mathematical Functions
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
Temporal Functions
Mathematical Functions
Mathematical Functions
Mathematical Functions
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
Mathematical Functions
Milestone Functions
Milestone Functions
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
String Matching Functions
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
Temporal Functions
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
Mathematical Functions
Mathematical Functions
String Matching Functions
Mathematical Functions
Mathematical Functions
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
Date Functions
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
Mathematical Functions
Temporal Functions
Temporal Functions
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
Mathematical Functions
Mathematical Functions
String Matching Functions
Date Functions
Date Functions
Date Functions
Date Functions
where clause
Filtering Artefacts in Distributed Charts using a where clause


Action Item
Understanding the Squore Configuration
Working with Goals
Artefact Types
Analysis Model
Understanding Analysis Models
Analysis Model Editor
Customise Category Selection
Tweaking the Analysis Model Editor Screen
Wizard Concept
Artefact Links
Artefact Links
Scorecard Tables
Artefact Types
Artefact Types


Base Measure
Understanding the Squore Configuration
Burn Down Chart
Working with Goals


Defining Exports
Working With Colours
Expression Syntax
Computed Links
Artefact Links


Global formatting and data bounds
Artefact Types
Understanding the Squore Configuration
Data Exchange Format
Highlights to JSON
Highlights to JSON
Data Provider
Understanding the Squore Configuration
Data Providers
Csv Reference
CsvPerl Reference
ExcelMetrics Reference
Creating a form.xml for your own Data Providers, Repository Connectors and Export Definitions
FindingsPerl Reference
Creating a form.xml for your own Data Providers, Repository Connectors and Export Definitions
Generic Reference
Creating a form.xml for your own Data Providers, Repository Connectors and Export Definitions
GenericPerl Reference
Creating a form.xml for your own Data Providers, Repository Connectors and Export Definitions
csv_findings Reference
csv_import Reference
Creating a form.xml for your own Data Providers, Repository Connectors and Export Definitions
xml Reference
Working With Colours
Decision Criteria
Understanding the Squore Configuration
Decision Model
Decision Models
Dynamic Action Plans
Dynamic Action Plans
Default Language
Available language
Derived Measure
Understanding the Squore Configuration
Use HTML in chart descriptions


Defining Exports
Creating Custom Export Format for Action Items
Export Definitions
Creating a form.xml for your own Data Providers, Repository Connectors and Export Definitions
Using Export Definitions
Defining Exports
External Links
Links to External Resources
External Tools
External Tools Reference
Generic External Tool


Manual Findings
Displaying Planned Versions


Working with Goals


Understanding Highlights


Indicator shorthand definition


Defining Exports
Links to External Resources


Key Performance Indicator
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)


Basic Links
Artefact Links
Displaying link targets on charts
Artefact Series


Discarding temporary derived measures after an analysis
Manual Artefact
Artefact Types
Artefact Types
Conditional and Level-Related Functions
Project Selection in Meta-Projects
Displaying Data From Milestones
Using Markers
Milestone Functions
Project Milestones


Operators Precedence
Operator Precedence


Pivot Table supports additional columns to count and aggregate data
Pivot Table
Properties files


Mathematical Queries
Mathematical Queries
Mathematical Queries
Mathematical Queries
Mathematical Queries
Expression Syntax


Configure your model to allow relaxing artefacts
Datasets and Renderers
Datasets and Renderers
Datasets and Renderers
STACKED_ prefix
Datasets and Renderers
Datasets and Renderers
Working With Colours
Action Items
Including Action Items, Findings, Highlights and Artefacts
Including Action Items, Findings, Highlights and Artefacts
Defining Your Own Logo
Understanding the Squore Configuration
Repository Connectors
Creating a form.xml for your own Data Providers, Repository Connectors and Export Definitions
Required Parameters
External Tools
Rules Edition
Wizard Concept
Ruleset Templates
Conditional and Level-Related Functions


Displaying an alternate scale
Dynamic Scales
Dynamic Scales
Managing the UNKNOWN scale level
Scale Macros
Target Artefact


External Links
Scorecard Tables
Rounding Mode
Model/Group Dashboards
Scorecard Tables
Building Tutorials


Wizard Concept


Wizard Concept


Defining Exports
XML Format Reference
Running your Data Provider
XML Schema

1. See for more information about unique identifiers.
2. Many Data Providers provide rule compliance measures: CheckstyleCheckstyle, CheckerChecker, FindBugsFindBugs, etc.