Ticket Data Import


Ticket Data Import provides a generic import mechanism for tickets from a CSV, Excel or JSON file. Additionnally, it generates findings when the imported tickets have an unknown status or type.


This Data Provider is new in Squore 18.0

This Data Provider provides fields so you can map all your tickets as Enhancements and defects and spread them over the following statuses: Open, In Implementation, In Verification, Closed. Overlapping statuses and types will cause an error, but if a ticket's type or status is not declared in the definition, the ticket will still be imported, and a finding will be created.


Ticket Data Import has the following options:

  • Root Node ( root_node , default: Tickets) Specify the name of the node to attach tickets to.​

  • Data File ( input_file ) Specify the path to the CSV, Excel or JSON file containing tickets. ​

  • Excel Sheet Name ( xls_sheetname ) Specify the sheet name that contains the ticket list if your import file is in Excel format.​

  • Ticket ID ( artefact_id ) Specify the header name of the column which contains the ticket ID.​

  • Ticket Name ( artefact_name ) Specify the pattern used to build the name of the ticket. The name can use any information collected from the CSV file as a parameter. Example: ${ID} : ${Summary}​

  • Ticket UID ( artefact_uid ) Specify the pattern used to build the ticket Unique ID. The UID can use any information collected from the CSV file as a parameter. Example: TK#${ID}​

  • Grouping Structure ( artefact_groups ) Specify the headers for Grouping Structure, separated by ";". For example: "column_name_1=regex1;column_name_2=regex2;​

  • Filtering ( artefact_filters ) Specify the list of Header for filtering For example: "column_name_1=regex1;column_name_2=regex2;​

  • Open Ticket Pattern ( definition_open ) Specify the pattern applied to define tickets as open. This field accepts a regular expression to match one or more column headers with a list of possible values. Example: Status=[Open|New]​

  • In Development Ticket Pattern ( definition_rd_progress ) Specify the pattern applied to define tickets as in development. This field accepts a regular expression to match one or more column headers with a list of possible values. Example: Status=Implementing​

  • Fixed Ticket Pattern ( definition_vv_progress ) Specify the pattern applied to define tickets as fixed. This field accepts a regular expression to match one or more column headers with a list of possible values. Example: Status=Verifying;Resolution=[fixed;removed]​

  • Closed Ticket Pattern ( definition_close ) Specify the pattern applied to define tickets as closed. This field accepts a regular expression to match one or more column headers with a list of possible values. Example: Status=Closed​

  • Defect Pattern ( definition_defect ) Specify the pattern applied to define tickets as defects. This field accepts a regular expression to match one or more column headers with a list of possible values. Example: Type=Bug​

  • Enhancement Pattern ( definition_enhancement ) Specify the pattern applied to define tickets as enhancements. This field accepts a regular expression to match one or more column headers with a list of possible values. Example: Type=Enhancement​

  • TODO Pattern ( in_todo_list ) Specify the pattern applied to include tickets in the TODO list. This field accepts a regular expression to match one or more column headers with a list of possible values. Example: Sprint=2018-23​

  • Creation Date Column ( creation_date ) Enter the name of the column containing the creation date of the ticket. For example: column_name{format="dd/mm/yyyy"}). If format is not specified, the following is used by default: dd/mm/yyyy.​

  • Due Date Column ( due_date ) Enter the name of the column containing the due date of the ticket. For example: column_name{format="dd/mm/yyyy"}). If format is not specified, the following is used by default: dd/mm/yyyy. ​

  • Last Updated Date Column ( last_updated_date ) Enter the name of the column containing the last updated date of the ticket. For example: column_name{format="dd/mm/yyyy"}). If format is not specified, the following is used by default: dd/mm/yyyy.​

  • Closure Date Column ( closure_date ) Enter the name of the column containing the closure date of the ticket. For example: column_name{format="dd/mm/yyyy"}). If format is not specified, the following is used by default: dd/mm/yyyy.​

  • URL ( url ) Specify the pattern used to build the ticket URL. The URL can use any information collected from the CSV file as a parameter. Example: https://example.com/bugs/${ID}​

  • Description Column ( description ) Specify the header of the column containing the description of the ticket.​

  • Reporter Column ( reporter ) Specify the header of the column containing the reporter of the ticket.​

  • Handler Column ( handler ) Specify the header of the column containing the handler of the ticket.​

  • Priority Column ( priority ) Specify the header of the column containing priority data.​

  • Severity Column ( severity ) Specify the header of the column containing severity data.​

  • CSV Separator ( csv_separator ) Specify the character used in the CSV file to separate columns.​

  • Information Fields ( informations ) Specify the list of extra textual information to import from the CSV file. This parameter expects a list of headers separated by ";" characters. For example: Company;Country;Resolution​

  • Save Output ( createOutput )

The full command line syntax for Ticket Data Import is:

-d "type=import_ticket,root_node=[text],input_file=[text],xls_sheetname=[text],artefact_id=[text],artefact_name=[text],artefact_uid=[text],artefact_groups=[text],artefact_filters=[text],definition_open=[text],definition_rd_progress=[text],definition_vv_progress=[text],definition_close=[text],definition_defect=[text],definition_enhancement=[text],in_todo_list=[text],creation_date=[text],due_date=[text],last_updated_date=[text],closure_date=[text],url=[text],description=[text],reporter=[text],handler=[text],priority=[text],severity=[text],csv_separator=[text],informations=[text],createOutput=[booleanChoice]"