Cppcheck (plugin)


Cppcheck is a static analysis tool for C/C++ applications. The tool provides an XML output which can be imported to generate findings.

For more details, refer to http://cppcheck.sourceforge.net/.


On Windows, this data provider requires an extra download to extract the Cppcheck binary in <SQUORE_HOME>/addons/tools/CPPCheck_auto/ and the MS Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package available from Microsoft. On Linux, you can install the cppcheck application anywhere you want. The path to the Cppcheck binary for Linux can be configured in config.tcl. For more information, refer to the Installation and Administration Guide's Third-Party Plugins and Applications section.


Cppcheck (plugin) has the following options:

  • Source code folder ( dir ) Specify the folder containing the source files to analyse. If you want to analyse all of source repositories specified for the project, leave this field empty.​

  • Ignore List ( ignores ) Specify a semi-colon-separated list of source files or source file directories to exclude from the check. For example: "lib/;folder2/". Leave this field empty to deactivate this option and analyse all files with no exception.​

The full command line syntax for Cppcheck (plugin) is:

-d "type=CPPCheck_auto,dir=[text],ignores=[text]"