CheckStyle (plugin)


CheckStyle is an open source tool that verifies that Java applications adhere to certain coding standards. It produces an XML file which can be imported to generate findings.

For more details, refer to


This data provider requires an extra download to extract the CheckStyle binary in <SQUORE_HOME>/addons/tools/CheckStyle_auto/. For more information, refer to the Installation and Administration Guide's Third-Party Plugins and Applications section.


CheckStyle (plugin) has the following options:

  • Configuration file ( configFile ) A Checkstyle configuration specifies which modules to plug in and apply to Java source files. Modules are structured in a tree whose root is the Checker module. Specify the name of the configuration file only, and the data provider will try to find it in the CheckStyle_auto folder of your custom configuration. If no custom configuration file is found, a default configuration will be used.​

  • Xmx ( xmx , default: 1024m) Maximum amount of memory allocated to the java process launching Checkstyle.​

  • Excluded directory pattern ( excludedDirectoryPattern ) Java regular expression of directories to exclude from CheckStyle, for example: ^test|generated-sources|.*-report$ or ou ^lib$​

The full command line syntax for CheckStyle (plugin) is:

-d "type=CheckStyle_auto,configFile=[text],xmx=[text],excludedDirectoryPattern=[text]"