Getting to Know the Installation Folder

During the installation process, the Squore Installation Wizard creates several folders and files in the Squore installation directory <SQUORE_HOME> :

<SQUORE_HOME>/addons contains the Data Providers and Repository Connectors available in Squore

<SQUORE_HOME>/bin contains the main commands available to administer Squore. Most of these commands are also available from the Start menu in the Squoring/Squore program group on Windows.

<SQUORE_HOME>/client contains the libraries used by Squore CLI.

<SQUORE_HOME>/configuration contains folders and files that provide the default analysis and decision models, as well as the default dashboards for these models. For more details on how to understand and use these configuration files, refer to the Squore Configuration Guide.

<SQUORE_HOME>/database contains PostgreSQL tools to administer the database.

<SQUORE_HOME>/docs contains licences for third party libraries included in Squore.

<SQUORE_HOME>/lib contains libraries used by Squore Server for installation and maintenance tasks.

<SQUORE_HOME>/samples contains some sample source code in various programming languages that can be used as examples when getting to know Squore. This folder can safely be deleted if you do not need it.

<SQUORE_HOME>/server contains the Squore application server. See the section called “The Squore Application Server” for more information.

<SQUORE_HOME>/share contains some custom perl modules.

<SQUORE_HOME>/tools contains the deployed instances of perl, tclsh and PostgreSQL on Windows.

<SQUORE_HOME>/config.xml is used to specify the location of some configuration folders. See the section called “Understanding config.xml for more information.