
install — Squore install script


install [ options ...] data_dir

install -C [ options ...] data_dir

install -U inst_dir [ options ...]


Installs and configures Squore.

The most useful options when installing Squore are -b to open Squore to the network (accesses are restricted to localhost by default, specify to open the server to connections from all clients on the network), and -k to deploy a licence file.

Alternatively, when upgrading an existing installation, use -U to specify the directory to upgrade.

Squore data is stored in the data_dir directory.



Configure files only, does not create any database schema. This option may be used to reconfigure Squore after installation.

-U inst_dir

Upgrade the installation pointed to by inst_dir.


Increase verbosity level.


Use remote PostgreSQL server. This option may be used to point on an existing server (no cluster is created).

-P pg_dir

Location of PostgreSQL executables.

-D cluster_dir

PostgreSQL cluster directory to create (default: data_dir/cluster).

-s size

PostgreSQL shared buffers size, in MB. Defaults to 25% of the memory available on the server.

-r dbms

Supported DBMS vendor (default: postgresql).

Valid values: postgresql, oracle.

-h db_host

Database server's host name (default: localhost).

-p db_port

Database server's port number (default: DMBS dependent, 4561 for postgresql).

-A db_admin

Database administrator name (default: DMBS dependent, postgres for postgresql).

-d db_name

Squore database name (default: squore).

-u db_user

Squore database user (default: squore).


Pick existing user and database (recommended for Oracle Database).

-J java_home

Specify the Java home to use. Defaults to JAVA_HOME, and, if this variable is not set, to an OS specific value.

-x size

Java memory allocation pool, in MB (Xmx option). Defaults to 25% of the memory available on the server, with a minimum of 512 MB.

-b bind_address

WildFly bind address (default: localhost). If you plan to use Squore from your local network, use for the bind address. Otherwise access is restricted to connections from localhost only.

-o binding_offset

WildFly binding port offset (default: 100). This number is added to the default (8080 for http) to calculate the set of ports used for Squore Server. An offset of 100 means that Squore is accessible via http://localhost:8180/SQuORE_Server

-g PhantomJS port

PhantomJS port (default: 3003). The port to use for the embedded installation of PhantomJS.

-T tmp_dir

Squore temporary directory (default: /tmp/squore)

-k squore-license.p7s

Squore licensing key.



The Squore data directory, where Squore data is stored. That is, the database cluster (when managed by Squore), projects related files, and backups.