Folder Path


The simplest method to analyse source code in Squore is to provide a path to a folder contining your code.


Remember that the path supplied for the analysis is a path local to the machine running the analysis, which may be different from your local machine. If you analyse source code on your local machine and then send results to the server, you will not be able to view the source code directly in Squore, since it will not have access to the source code on the other machine. A common workaround to this problem is to use UNC paths (\\Server\Share, smb://server/share...) or a mapped server drive in Windows.


Folder Path has the following options:

  • Datapath (path, mandatory) Specify the absolute path to the folder containing the files you want to include in the analysis. The path specified must be accessible from the server.

The full command line syntax for Folder Path is:

-r "type=FROMPATH,path=[text]"