

The Perforce server manages a central database and a master repository of file versions. Perforce supports both Git clients and clients that use Perforce's own protocol.

For more details, refer to


The Perforce repository connector assumes that the specified depot exists on the specified Perforce server, that Squore can access this depot and that the Perforce user defined has the right to access it. The host where the analysis takes place must have a Perforce command-line client (p4) installed and fully functional. The P4PORT environment variable is not read by Squore. You have to set it in the form. The path to the p4 command can be configured in the perforce_conf.tcl file located in the configuration/repositoryConnectors/Perforce folder. The following is a list of commands used by the Perforce Repository Connector to retrieve sources:

  • p4 -p $p4port [-u username] [-P password] client -i <$tmpFolder/p4conf.txt
  • p4 -p $p4port [-u username] [-P password] -c $clientName sync "$depot/...@$label"
  • p4 -p $p4port [-u username] [-P password] client -d $clientName
  • p4 -p $p4port [-u username] [-P password] print -q -o $outputFile $artefactPath

The format of the p4conf.txt file is:

Client: $clientName
Root: $tmpFolder
Options: noallwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked nomodtime normdir
SubmitOptions: submitunchanged
  $depot/... //$clientName/...


Perforce has the following options:

  • P4PORT ( p4port , mandatory) Specify the value of P4PORT using the format [protocol:]host:port (the protocol is optional). This parameter is necessary even if you have specified an environment variable on the machine where the analysis is running.​

  • Depot ( depot , mandatory) Specify the name of the depot (and optionnally subforders) containing the sources to be analysed.​

  • Revision ( label ) Specify a label, changelist or date to retrieve the corresponding revision of the sources. Leave this field empty to analyse the most recent revision fo the sources.​

  • Authentication ( useAccountCredentials , default: NO_CREDENTIALS)

  • Username ( username )

  • Password ( password )

The full command line syntax for Perforce is:

-r "type=Perforce,p4port=[text],depot=[text],label=[text],useAccountCredentials=[multipleChoice],username=[text],password=[password]"