What Does This Measure Mean Exactly?

If you have doubts about the measures computed by Squore and their meaning, they can usually be solved by looking at the Measures tab of the Explorer. The content of the measures tab is also always refreshed to reflect the data for the current artefact, and is organised in a table displaying the measure's mnemonic, full name, description and value for the current selection, as shown in the picture below.

The table of measures for the DB5_backup.c

Measures can be sorted by mnemonic, name, description or value, and the sorting value is remembered when selecting another artefact in the tree so you can easily compare values.

The table also tells you which Data Provider reported the metric and its status in the latest analysis, so you can determine if a metric was computed or has its default value from the analysis model. The possible status values are:


In all error statuses above, the metric is assigned the default value defined in the analysis model.