Oracle PLSQL compiler Warning checker


This data provider reads an Oracle compiler log file and imports the warnings as findings. Findings extracted from the log file are filtered using a prefix parameter.

For more details, refer to


Oracle PLSQL compiler Warning checker has the following options:

  • Compiler log file ( log )

  • Prefixes ( prefix ) Prefixes and their replacements are specified as pairs using the syntax [prefix1|node1;prefix2|node2]. Leave this field empty to disable filtering. The parsing algorithm looks for lines fitting this pattern: [PATH;SCHEMA;ARTE_ID;ARTE_TYPE;LINE;COL;SEVERITY_TYPE;WARNING_ID;SEVERITY_ID;DESCR] and keeps lines where [PATH] begins with one of the input prefixes. In each kept [PATH], [prefix] is replaced by [node]. If [node] is empty, [prefix] is removed from [PATH], but not replaced. Some valid syntaxes for prefix: One prefix to remove: svn://aaaa:12345/valid/path/from/svn One prefix to replace: svn://aaaa:12345/valid/path/from/svn|node1 Two prefixes to remove: svn://aaaa:12345/valid/path/from/svn|;svn://bbbb:12345/valid/path/from/other_svn| Two prefixes to remove: svn://aaaa:12345/valid/path/from/svn;svn://bbbb:12345/valid/path/from/other_svn Two prefixes to replace: svn://aaaa:12345/valid/path/from/svn|node1;svn://bbbb:12345/valid/path/from/other_svn|node2 ​

The full command line syntax for Oracle PLSQL compiler Warning checker is:

-d "type=Oracle_PLSQLCompiler,log=[text],prefix=[text]"