FindBugs (plugin)


Findbugs is an open source tool that looks for bugs in Java code. It produces an XML result file which can be imported to generate findings. Note that the data provider requires an extra download to extract the Findbugs binary in [INSTALLDIR]/addons/tools/Findbugs_auto/. You are free to use FindBugs 3.0 or FindBugs 2.0 depending on what your standard is. For more information, refer to the Installation and Administration Manual's "Third-Party Plugins and Applications" section.

For more details, refer to


This data provider requires an extra download to extract the Findbugs binary in <SQUORE_HOME>/addons/tools/Findbugs_auto/. For more information, refer to the Installation and Administration Guide's Third-Party Plugins and Applications section.


FindBugs (plugin) has the following options:

  • Classes ( class_dir , mandatory) Specify the folders and/or jar files for your project in classpath format, or point to a text file that contains one folder or jar file per line.​

  • Auxiliary Class path ( auxiliarypath ) Specify a list of folders and/or jars in classpath format, or specify the path to a text file that contains one folder or jar per line. This information will be passed to FindBugs via the -auxclasspath parameter.​

  • Memory Allocation ( xmx , default: 1024m) Maximum amount of memory allocated to the java process launching FindBugs.​

The full command line syntax for FindBugs (plugin) is:

-d "type=Findbugs_auto,class_dir=[text],auxiliarypath=[text],xmx=[text]"