Source Code Configuration

If the wizard definition includes the SQuORE Data Provider, users will be able to select the programming languages for the source code to be analysed.

The Squan Sources Data Provider settings

The picture above shows the Data Provider settings for the Squan Sources Data Provider defined by these lines in the wizard's Bundle.xml:

	<tool name="SQuORE" optional="false">
		<param name="languages" value="cpp:.c,.C,.h,.H;;csharp:.cs;" availableChoices="cpp;java;csharp"" />

The language settings are defined using the following attributes:


You can also specify the list of default extensions for each language by using the language:extension1,extension2; format. Here is an example of a full language specification:

<param name="languages" value="c:.c,.h;cpp:.cpp,.h;java;csharp" availableChoices="cpp;java;csharp" />

Note: You can set the same extension for more than one language, but you will not be able to run an analysis that contains two languages using the same extension. In the example above, see .h is a valid extension for C and C++, but you will not be able to select both C and C++ as part of the same project because of the extension clash.