Understanding Dashboards

All dashboards available in Squore can be easily configured. Dashboards are specific to a model, and depend on the role of the user in the current project.

Each model defined in the Squore Configuration defines its own set of dashboards in the model's bundle file, located in Squore_HOME/Configuration/models/MyModel/Dashboards/Bundle.xml . The bundle uses a lot of XML inclusion for convenience, but some elements can be easily recognised:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<roles xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
	<role name="DEFAULT">
		<dashboard type="MODEL" nbColumns="2" factor="3">
				<xi:include href="rule_compliance_vs_complexity__size_quadrant.xml" />
				<xi:include href="CodeCloning/size_vs_code_cloning_quadrant.xml" />
			<xi:include href="SQuORE_RiskIndex/project_summary_table.xml" />
		<dashboard type="APPLICATION" nbColumns="3" minSizeForLegend="2x1" template="1:3x1;2:2x2;3:1x2">
				<xi:include href="../../Shared/Analysis/key_performance_indicator.xml" />
					<xi:include href="MaintenancePerformance/maintenance_performance_table.xml" />
					<xi:include href="ArtefactRating/artefact_table_oo.xml" />
					<xi:include href="TechnicalDebt/exploded_technical_debt_table.xml" />
				<xi:include href="ControlFlowAnalysis/CyclomaticComplexity/complexity_trend.xml" />
				<xi:include href="StabilityIndex/StabilityCChart.xml" />
				<xi:include href="ArtefactRating/StatementStackedBar.xml" />
				<xi:include href="LineCounting/LineCountHisto.xml" />

There are two types of dashboards:

  1. The Analysis Model Dashboard: a view that is activated when clicking the name of a model or a sub group in the Project Portfolios. This dashboard contains one or more charts and a table that displays information about all the projects in the Explorer for this model. This is described in the section called “Analysis Model Dashboards”.

  2. The Artefact Dashboard: a view that is displayed when clicking an artefact in the Artefact Tree. This dashboard contains two sections: a score card and a charts area. This dashboard is described in the section called “Artefact Type Dashboards”.