Getting Started

Before you create your first tutorial, you must decide if it addresses general application features or if it is specific to a model. Your choice impacts the location of the Bundle.xml file that will reference your tutorial:

The tutorial selection popup showing general tutorials and model-specific tutorials.

Tutorials use an XML syntax where each help element is a separate tutorial, made of several item elements used to highlight elements of the web interface and define help text to display next to them. In order to control the flow of the tutorial and the display of elements, you can group items in phase elements, and perform pre-requisite actions to carry out before an element is highlighted.

Here is a simple 4-step example in XML, followed by screenshots of each step:

<help id="DASHBOARD_TOUR" icon="dashboard_tour/icon.png">
	<item element="DRILLDOWN" descrId="EXPLAIN_DRILLDOWN" />
	<phase type="PROGRESSIVE" textPosition="RIGHT">
		<item element="PORTFOLIO_TREE" descrId="EXPLAIN_PORTFOLIOS" maskColor="#2AA0D5"/>
		<item element="ARTEFACT_TREE" descrId="EXPLAIN_ARTEFACT_TREE" maskColor="#FF193B" />
		<item element="MEASURE_TREE" descrId="EXPLAIN_INDICATOR_TREE" maskColor="#B2AB09" />

Step 1: Highlight and explain the drilldown panel

Step 2: Highlight and explain the Project Portfolios

Step 3: Highlight and explain the Artefact Tree, keeping the previous element highlighted, since we are in a progressive phase

Step 4: Highlight and explain the Indicator Tree in the final step of the progressive phase of the tutorial

More information about the XML syntax you can use to create tutorials is explained in the section called “Tutorial Syntax Reference”.