Advanced Finding Filtering

The Findings tab can be customised to provide extra filters based on indicators in your model. You can see the difference in the filters available on the Findings tab in the images below:

The default filters on the Findings tab

The Findings tab with advanced filters on the number of methods, test coverage and code stability index indicators

In order to configure the indicators that are used in the advanced filters, customise the Properties bundle for your model, as shown below:

	<!-- Advanced Filtering -->
	<findingsTab artefactFilters="I.NOM;I.TEST_COVERAGE;I.SI" />


There are some limitations to what can be used for filtering:

  • The indicator used for filtering must use the same scale for all target artefact types.

  • Using an indicator that uses different measures for different artefact types can degrade performances.

  • If the indicator is not available for a type, all artefacts are filtered-out for this type.

  • If a finding involves multiple artefacts in different locations (e.g: cloning), both artefacts will always be shown if one of them matches the filter.