

* What's New in Squore 17.0?
Embed fully interactive charts in Confluence, Adding Dashboard Elements
Find your Squore version from the command line, Find out your Squore Version
New suggested http to https redirect method avoids having to patch and redeploy ear file, Redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS
PhantomJS advanced configuration to work around issues downloading charts from Microsoft Edge, Advanced PhantomJS Settings
PhantomJS advanced configuration to work around network issues, Advanced PhantomJS Settings
RestoreContext supports passing only a versionId parameter to load a project's dashboard, Linking to Projects
Squore Server includes a distribution of PhantomJS that is started and stopped at the same time as the main server and is used to generate reports., The Squore Ecosystem


Architecture, The Squore Ecosystem


Certificates, Key and Certificate Management
client, Giving Each User Their Own Temporary Folder
code, Using the LDAP Authentication Module
Allow users to contact project owners to gain access to a project, Managing Project Visibility
Command Line Interface, Squore CLI
Concurrent Analyses, Number of Concurrent Analyses
Concurrent Deletions, Number of Concurrent Delete Tasks
Confluence, Integrating Squore on Your Network
connector, Accessing Squore via HTTPS
Continuous Integration, Squore CLI, Using Squore in Continuous Integration


ejb-security-realm, Connecting to a Remote Licence Server
E-mail Notification, Notifying Users by E-Mail
E-Mail Notifications, Configuring E-Mail Notifications
Embedding Squore charts into other applications, Embedding Dashboard Elements
End Users, The Squore Web Interface


XML Schema
analysis.xsd, analysis.xsd
config-1.2.xsd, config-1.2.xsd
decision.xsd, decision.xsd
description.xsd, description.xsd
exports.xsd, exports.xsd
highlights.xsd, highlights.xsd
input-data-2.xsd, input-data-2.xsd
properties.xsd, properties.xsd
properties-1.2.xsd, properties-1.2.xsd
tutorials.xsd, tutorials.xsd
wizards.xsd, wizards.xsd