
Individual or organisation that uses the system to perform a specific function. [ ISO/IEC 12207, ISO/IEC 15939 ]

Other Definitions

User [ ISO/IEC 9126 ]: An individual that uses the software product to perform a specific function.

User [ ISO/IEC 26514 ]: Person who performs one or more tasks with software; a member of a specific audience.

User [ ISO/IEC 25062 ]: Person who interacts with the product.

User [ IEEE 1362 ]: Individual or organization who uses a software-intensive system in daily work activities or recreational pursuits.

User [ ISO/IEC 15288, ISO/IEC 15939 ]: Individual or group that benefits from a system during its utilization.

User [ ISO/IEC 14143, ISO/IEC 29881 ]: Any person or thing that communicates or interacts with the software at any time.


See also

