Changing Squore Database Port Number

You can change the port used by the Squore Database by editing PostgreSQL's configuration file and modifying Squore Server's <SQUORE_HOME>/server/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml to point to the new port. The procedure involves modifying some configuration files in a text editor and restarting the server.

  1. Shutdown Squore Server and stop the database

  2. Open <CLUSTER_DIR>/postgresql.conf in a text editor and search for the line where the port option is defined:

    port = 4561     # (change requires restart)
  3. Change the port value to the desired one for your system

  4. Open <SQUORE_HOME>/server/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml in a text editor and search for the database connection URL:

  5. Change the port value to match the change you made in <CLUSTER_DIR>/postgresql.conf.

  6. Start Squore Server.


If you do not know where <CLUSTER_DIR> is located on your server, you can find its location by reading the value of the cluster setting in <SQUORE_HOME>/config.xml.