Can I Create a Project Via the Command Line?

Instead of creating a project from the Squore web interface, you can create a project directly from the command line using Squore CLI. Squore CLI is a client for Squore that enables you to create and analyse projects locally and send the results to Squore Server. Alternatively, you can use Squore CLI to instruct Squore Server to carry out the analysis.

If you have installed Squore CLI on your computer, you can call it using Java, passing the parameters you would have passed in the web interface to create projects. The following is an example of the command line you can use to create a project using Squore CLI on Windows:

@echo off
java -Dsquore.home.dir="%SQUORE_HOME%" ^
-jar %SQUORE_HOME%\lib\squore-engine.jar ^
--url=http://localhost:8180/SQuORE_Server ^
--name=Mars2 ^
--repository "type=FROMPATH,path=\\server\share\samples\c\Mars2\V3.2.6" ^
--color=rgb(103,25,237) ^
--tag BV=30 ^
--tag COST=50 ^
--version=1.0 ^
--login=demo ^
--password=demo ^
--wizardId="ISO9126" ^
--dp "type=SQuORE,genAs=true,clAlg=true,languages=c:.c,.h;" 
echo done

The example above shows how to specify commands, parameters and project options to Squore CLI. This would create a project named Mars2 in version 1.0, analysing source code located in \\server\share\samples\c\Mars2\V3.2.6 with the Data Provider SQuORE (the internal name for Squan Sources).

You can find more information about using Squore CLI in the Command Line Interface manual, which explains how to install the client and create projects.