Data Provider Selection

You may specify whether all or some Data Providers are available, and provide their default settings when the project wizard runs.

Data Providers are specified using the tools element. If you simply want to allow users to pick any Data Provider available in Squore, use:

<tools all="true" expandedInUI="true" />

In order to restrict which Data Providers are available, use:

<tools all="false" expandedInUI="true">
	<tool name="SQuORE" optional="false" projectStatusOnFailure="warning" expandedInUI="true" checkedInUI="true" />
	<tool name="CheckStyle" optional="true" projectStatusOnFailure="error" checkedInUI="true" />
	<tool name="Findbugs_auto" optional="true" projectStatusOnFailure="ignore" checkedInUI="false">
		<param name="Findbugs_auto::class_dir" 
		      value="/path/to/my/classes" />	

The tool element accepts the following attributes:


Each tool element accepts name/value pairs as parameters in which you can override the values defined in the Data Provider's default configuration. These parameters can be shown or hidden in the web UI, as shown below.

<tool name="Findbugs_auto">
  <param name="java_path" 
    value="/usr/bin/java" />	
    hide="true" />	

For the param element:

  • value is optional and defaults to an empty string

  • hide is optional and defaults to false

The following image illustrates how the configuration above is displayed in Squore:

Data Provider Selection Screen