Using Tooltips

Charts display tooltips that can be customised using properties files for some charts.


If you are not familiar with how Squore uses properties files, refer to the section called “Descriptions” for more details.

The available parameters for the tooltips are:

The default tooltip definition looks like this for most charts:

C.<CHART_ID>.TOOLTIP=({0}, {1}) = {2} ({4})

The charts that support tooltip customisation and their default tooltip values are as follows:

In order to specify extra parameters for a chart, add a parameters with an attribute describing what each parameter is, for example:

  <parameters p5="MEASURE.SLOC" p6="MEASURE.LC"/>

You can also override these parameters for each measure on an Optimised Bar chart by redefining each parameter as part of the measure :

<chart type="OptimizedBar>
  <measure color="0,81,0" label="A" p5="MEASURE.CLOC">A_FILE</measure>
  <measure color="3,127,3" label="B" p5="INDICATOR.LEVEL">B_FILE</measure>

In both cases, your tooltip definition can be for example:

C.<CHART_ID>.TOOLTIP=({0}, {1}) = {2} ({4}) - with my extra param={5}