Using Multiple Nodes

Squore allows using multiple repositories in the same analysis. If your project consists of some code that is spread over two distinct servers or SVN repositories, you can set up your project so that it includes both locations in the project analysis. This is done by labelling each source code node before specifying parameters, as shown below

-r "type=FROMPATH,alias=Node1,path=/home/projects/client-code"
-r "type=FROMPATH,alias=Node2,path=/home/projects/common/lib"

Note that only alpha-numeric characters are allowed to be used as labels. In the artefact tree, each node will appear as a separate top-level folder with the label provided at project creation.

Using multiple nodes, you can also analyse sources using different Repository Connectors in the same analysis:

-r "type=FROMPATH,alias=Node1,path=/home/projects/common-config"
-r "type=SVN,alias=Node2,url=svn+ssh://,rev=HEAD"