

* What's New in Squore 16.3?
Manage the permissions assigned to project owners, User Roles


Dashboard, The Dashboards
Analysis Model Dashboard, Reviewing Multiple Projects
Score Card, The Dashboards
Dashboard Editor, Dashboard Editor
Data Mining, Can I Perform Advanced Data Mining?
Data Provider
AntiC, AntiC
Automotive Coverage Import, Automotive Coverage Import
Automotive Tag Import, Automotive Tag Import
BullseyeCoverage Code Coverage Analyzer, BullseyeCoverage Code Coverage Analyzer
Cantata, Cantata
CheckStyle, CheckStyle
CheckStyle (plugin), CheckStyle (plugin)
CheckStyle for SQALE (plugin), CheckStyle for SQALE (plugin)
Cobertura, Cobertura
CodeSonar, CodeSonar
Compiler, Compiler
Configuration Checker, Configuration Checker
Coverity, Coverity
CPD (plugin), CPD (plugin)
Cppcheck, Cppcheck
Cppcheck (plugin), Cppcheck (plugin)
CPPTest, CPPTest
Csv Coverage Import, Csv Coverage Import
CSV Findings, CSV Findings
Csv Tag Import, Csv Tag Import
Csv Test Results Import, Csv Test Results Import
FindBugs, FindBugs
FindBugs (plugin), FindBugs (plugin)
Function Relaxer, Function Relaxer
FxCop, FxCop
GCov, GCov
GNATcheck, GNATcheck
GNATCompiler, GNATCompiler
JaCoCo, JaCoCo
JUnit, JUnit
Klocwork, Klocwork
MemUsage, MemUsage
MISRA Rule Checking using PC-lint, MISRA Rule Checking using PC-lint
MISRA Rule Checking with QAC, MISRA Rule Checking with QAC
NCover, NCover
Oracle PLSQL compiler Warning checker, Oracle PLSQL compiler Warning checker
pep8, pep8
pep8 (plugin), pep8 (plugin)
PMD (plugin), PMD (plugin)
Polyspace, Polyspace
Polyspace (plugin), Polyspace (plugin)
Polyspace MISRA, Polyspace MISRA
pylint, pylint
pylint (plugin), pylint (plugin)
Qac_8_2, Qac_8_2
Rational Logiscope, Rational Logiscope
ReqIF, ReqIF
SQL Code Guard, SQL Code Guard
Squan Sources, Squan Sources
Squore Import, Squore Import
Squore Virtual Project, Squore Virtual Project
StyleCop, StyleCop
StyleCop (plugin), StyleCop (plugin)
Tessy, Tessy
Unit Test Code Coverage from Rational Test RealTime, Unit Test Code Coverage from Rational Test RealTime
VectorCAST 6.3, VectorCAST 6.3
Data Providers, How Do I Create a Project in Squore?
Csv, Creating your own Data Providers, Csv Reference
csv_findings, Creating your own Data Providers, csv_findings Reference
CsvPerl, Creating your own Data Providers, CsvPerl Reference
ExcelMetrics, Creating your own Data Providers, ExcelMetrics Reference
FindingsPerl, Creating your own Data Providers, FindingsPerl Reference
Frameworks, Creating your own Data Providers
Generic, Creating your own Data Providers, Generic Reference
GenericPerl, Creating your own Data Providers, GenericPerl Reference
defaultValue, Data Provider Parameters
Diff, How do I understand and Improve My Ratings?
displayType, Data Provider Parameters
Distribution, Can I Perform Advanced Data Mining?
Draft Version, Drafts vs. Baseline: The Basic Concepts
Drill-down, The Tree Pane, Managing Your To-Do List With Squore


User Interface Language, User Interface Language
Login Page, How Do I log into Squore?
Logout, How Do I log out of Squore?


Maintenance, What About Server Maintenance?
Measures, What Does This Measure Mean Exactly?
Milestones, Focus on Your Milestones
Mnemonic, Viewer
Multi-Level Pie, Viewer
multipleChoice, Data Provider Parameters


Online Help Visibility, User Profiles
option, Data Provider Parameters