
Connecting to an SVN server is supported using svn over ssh, or by using a username and password.

For more details, refer to


The following is a list of commands used by the SVN to retrieve sources (you can edit the common command base or the path to the executable in /repositoryConnectors/SVN/svn_conf.tcl if needed):

  • svn info --xml --non-interactive --trust-server-cert --no-auth-cache [--username $username] [--password $password] [-r $revision] $url
  • svn export --force --non-interactive --trust-server-cert --no-auth-cache [--username $username] [--password $password] [-r $revision] $url


SVN has the following options:

  • URL (url, mandatory) Specify the URL of the SVN repository to export and analyse. The following protocols are supported: svn://, svn+ssh://, http://, https://.

  • Revision (rev) Specify a revision number in this field, or leave it blank to analyse files at the HEAD revision.

  • Authentication (useAccountCredentials, default: NO_CREDENTIALS)

  • Username (username)

  • Password (password)

The full command line syntax for SVN is:

-r "type=SVN,url=[text],rev=[text],useAccountCredentials=[multipleChoice],username=[text],password=[password]"