Polyspace (plugin)


Polyspace is a static analysis tool which includes a MISRA checker. It produces an binary output format which can be imported to generate findings. Polyspace Verifier detects RTE (RunTime Error) such as Division by zero, Illegal Deferencement Pointer, Out of bound array index... Such information is turned into statistical measures at function level. Number of Red (justified/non-justified), Number of Grey (justified/non-justified), Number of Orange (justified/non-justified), Number of Green. Note that this data provider requires an extra download to extract the Polyspace Export binary in [INSTALLDIR]/addons/tools/Polyspace_RTE/. For more information, refer to the Installation and Administration Manual's "Third-Party Plugins and Applications" section.

For more details, refer to http://www.mathworks.com/products/polyspace/index.html.


This data provider requires an extra download to extract the Polyspace Export binary in <SQUORE_HOME>/addons/tools/Polyspace_RTE.


Polyspace (plugin) has the following options:

  • Results folder (resultDir) Specify the folder containing the Polyspace results. The data provider will run the polyspace-export binary on all sub-folders to export results to XML and aggregate them.

  • Unit by Unit (unitByUnit, default: true) Check this box if the Polyspace verification was run unit by unit.

The full command line syntax for Polyspace (plugin) is:

-d "type=Polyspace_RTE,resultDir=[text],unitByUnit=[booleanChoice]"