
Users specify attributes in the first step project creation or edition at project level. These attributes can also be used for other artefact types and can be edited after building a project in the Forms tab of the Explorer. You can define what information can enter when creating a project (or the default values offered to the users) by using the Tags section of the wizard definition file. The attribute values specified by the user are passed just like measures passed by any other Data Provider. The values are imported as base measures as long as the model contains a definition that uses the same measure ID.

<tags textAlign="RIGHT" valueAlign="LEFT">
  <tag type="numericValue" name="Project Business Value" 
   group="Important Decision Criteria"
   measureId="BV" suffix = "FP"
   defaultValue="0" />
  <tag type="booleanChoice" name="is Critical" 
    group="Important Decision Criteria" measureId="CRIT"  
   defaultValue="false"  />
  <tag type="multipleChoice" name="Status: " measureId="STATUS" 
   defaultValue="SNAPSHOT" displayType="radioButton">
    <value key="SNAPSHOT" value="1" /> 
    <value key="VALIDATION" value="2" />
    <value key="RELEASE" value="3" />    
  <tag type="multipleChoice" name="Department: " 
   measureId="DEPART" defaultValue="HR" displayType="comboBox">
    <value key="ACCOUNT" value="1" /> 
    <value key="HR" value="2" />
    <value key="SALES" value="3" />
    <value key="OTHER" value="4"/>
  <tag type="date" name="Sprint Start: " measureId="SPRINT_START" 
    defaultValue="TODAY" />
  <tag type="date" name="Sprint End: " measureId="SPRINT_END" 
    defaultValue="2012/12/31" />

The image below shows how attributes defined in the wizard appear to a Squore user when creating a version of a project:

Project Attributes in the Project Creation Wizard

This other image shows how attributes defined in the wizard appear to a Squore user when in the Forms tab of the explorer:

Project Attributes in the Explorer

The tags element is used to group several tag sub-elements and accepts the following attributes:

The tag element accepts the following attributes:

Note: A tag element can appear within a wizard element or at Bundle level. In case two tag elements impacting the same measureId exist at both levels, the definition within the wizard element overrides the one at Bundle-level.

All attributes described above are defined at application level. They are visible and editable when creating a project and in the Form tab of the Explorer if the project is in draft mode. It is possible to associate an attribute to any artefact type by using the targetArtefactTypes attribute, as shown below:

<tag group="Project Status" 
  type="booleanChoice" name="is tested?" measureId="TESTED"
  defaultValue="false" />